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Ninja Loot Nerf in 18.1 ??


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Ive restarted a number of times now on random maps (I play perma-death) and have noticed that early loot is much worse than in 18.0 or previous versions, particularly an absolute scarcity of ammo. The amount of loot seems unchanged however its quality is terrible with most containers now just having empty cans or empty bottles. It makes doing anything difficult when you only have sticks and clubs to fight with!

Have others noticed a loot tweak?

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Ive restarted a number of times now on random maps (I play perma-death) and have noticed that early loot is much worse than in 18.0 or previous versions, particularly an absolute scarcity of ammo. The amount of loot seems unchanged however its quality is terrible with most containers now just having empty cans or empty bottles. It makes doing anything difficult when you only have sticks and clubs to fight with!

Have others noticed a loot tweak?


A loot nerf was already announced to make crafting more viable. However, I assumed so far that the quality of what you find will be low so it will be worthwhile to make tools and weapons yourself instead of relying on finding them. I wasn't assuming you'd find less weapons and tools.

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Ive restarted a number of times now on random maps (I play perma-death) and have noticed that early loot is much worse than in 18.0 or previous versions, particularly an absolute scarcity of ammo. The amount of loot seems unchanged however its quality is terrible with most containers now just having empty cans or empty bottles. It makes doing anything difficult when you only have sticks and clubs to fight with!

Have others noticed a loot tweak?


Started a new game yesterday in the experimental, Day 1 I had 39 7.62 rounds, and 143 9mm rounds and some shotgun shells. It was from a graveyard but still. Ammo seems ok atleast. Low quality weapons but they should be on day 1.


Backpacks dont drop good stuff anymore I dont think. No guns or goodies. Canned food, jars, seeds, ect. Like trash.

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Everyone complained about too much loot, don't be surprised if we suddenly see the other extreme.


I dont think I would mind a big ole loot nerf. I am sure many people wouldnt like it tho.


I think it would add to the survival feeling, choices matter concept, and make looting/ crafting good stuff eventually feel that much better.

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Started a new game yesterday in the experimental, Day 1 I had 39 7.62 rounds, and 143 9mm rounds and some shotgun shells. It was from a graveyard but still. Ammo seems ok atleast. Low quality weapons but they should be on day 1.


Backpacks dont drop good stuff anymore I dont think. No guns or goodies. Canned food, jars, seeds, ect. Like trash.


Well into Day 3 and my ammo stock is a grand total of 6 shotgun shells. I do however have 5 hammers. Something is definitely not right.

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Well into Day 3 and my ammo stock is a grand total of 6 shotgun shells. I do however have 5 hammers. Something is definitely not right.


Hit up coffins (lots of ammo) and T1 type ez POI's, find the end loot (gun bag, reinforced boxes, etc.) Most POI's have at least 1 ammo pile too. Not sure how u aint gettin ammo.

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Yeah the tier 1 POIs usually have some good loot in them. Do the tier 1 trader fetch or clear missions and you'l be swimming in ammo and weapons.


I'll usually do them twice. Go to the marker and clear it then reset the POI and do it again. By day 7 I had over 400 9mm , and 200 of Shotgun and 7.62mm.

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