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I'm glad I can still play A16


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Generally each version feels like one step forward but one step backwards . I think the devs should now stop focusing on adding more content on the game but focus on fixing the completely unrealistic parts of the game.


You might feel it is good enough to stop but they still have content they want to see in the game such as bandits and other things. Others fill they should of stopped with content in A16. It is alpha and until they add all what they want to see in game we will keep getting more content and more balancing done. It is just part of alpha or at least alpha with this type. What I mean by that is some other games that do alpha call them alpha but are more like beta if you ask me. They already released with almost a full game compared to how this game started alpha. If that makes sense.

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Holy crap, dude.... every single post you've made has been a shot at the game. Why are you even playing it, since you so clearly dislike it?


Again, this is what happens with this game = Complaints about the game, that's still in development, are met with basically bullying.


If I've "taken any shots", they're at changes made in A17 and A18.


Seriously = If my very mild opinions here seem like a lot for you, you're going to have a bad time on the rest of the internet. All I've said is I still cherish many mechanics from A16 - nothing for you to get too concerned about if you do not share the same opinion.


Just scroll on.

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Again, this is what happens with this game = Complaints about the game, that's still in development, are met with basically bullying.


If I've "taken any shots", they're at changes made in A17 and A18.


Seriously = If my very mild opinions here seem like a lot for you, you're going to have a bad time on the rest of the internet. All I've said is I still cherish many mechanics from A16 - nothing for you to get too concerned about if you do not share the same opinion.


Just scroll on.


You think I'm bullying you?? Wow, ok. I'll leave you to your mild opinions.


Scrolling on

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A16's LBD, wellness system, zombie loot, and workbench combining was all very rewarding and addictive for me. Realistically stupid zombies and an FOV slider were basic, necessary things that have been removed from the game, and the worst part of A17+.


For me the absolute perfect version would be A16.4 base, but:


- with A15's lack of scaling the zombies according to player level. Instead I would have the difficulty scale by area (very dangerous yet rewarding hub cities). Also A15's sheer number of roaming zombies (I don't care for sleepers).


- with A17 and 18's graphics improvements, ability to retrieve arrows, bug fixes (like mini bike that kept dissapearing), and QoL changes like being able to see the map while on the minibike.

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A16's LBD, wellness system, zombie loot, and workbench combining was all very rewarding and addictive for me. Realistically stupid zombies and an FOV slider were basic, necessary things that have been removed from the game, and the worst part of A17+.


For me the absolute perfect version would be A16.4 base, but:


- with A15's lack of scaling the zombies according to player level. Instead I would have the difficulty scale by area (very dangerous yet rewarding hub cities). Also A15's sheer number of roaming zombies (I don't care for sleepers).


- with A17 and 18's graphics improvements, ability to retrieve arrows, bug fixes (like mini bike that kept dissapearing), and QoL changes like being able to see the map while on the minibike.


Nice = I never got to spend too much time in A15, I didn't quite understand it. More roaming zombies in cities, at times, could be cool.


I like only a few things from A17 = The borked stamina made playing the game harder than it needed to be. Also, the Arrows = They spent a great deal of dev-time and resources on pin-cusion zombies and the physics needed for the whole thing to work. I wish that was spent on other things. I just think the net gains form the "being able to pull arrows out" was ultimately fail-tastic and just not what we needed.


Like, how things like RWG were fouled up between 16 and 17...but we got retrievable arrows. I lost 3 mini-bikes in the sky while playing A17.....but we have those arrows, haha. See what I mean?


Have you ever messed with XML files in A16, pooner?

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Have you ever messed with XML files in A16, pooner?


No I haven't. I've always played vanilla, apart from Red Eagle's hud mod (to add back the food and water indicators to the hud which they used to have in vanilla long ago).


Once it goes gold, if the zombies are still broken (i.e. structural engineers with xray vision), then I'll look at Darkness Falls. From what I hear, that mod has a lot of things that appeal to me, and others who preferred the game pre A17.

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A16 was both level gating and LBD, and LBD was good on some skills, and worthless on others:



The 4 main skills for the game were what made it the most fun to progress. Tools, Weapons, Armor, and Guns. These were not LBD, you bought them with skill points and what determined crafting quality. This was done right. It felt good to purchase that last level to finally craft the highest tier and was timed right in the gamestage.


Also, there were the 'working' skills that were LBD: Construction, Looting, each melee, and each gun type. These went up with experience and detremined certain game points like Steel. You could choose to use skill points and get them faster.


the BAD:

There were alot of skills that were LBD that were downright worthless. You would have to have been a red-headed stepchild who died three times a day to fully max up the armor skill. I never saw the medical skill reach higher than 30 out of 100. And thier benefits were insignificant.


But, the good parts of A16 progression along with the randomness of finding the schematics and parts for game-changing items like the Auger and minibike made each play through exciting.


A17 squashed all of that.


A18 so far is bringing back a lot of that fun. While you do not have to do particular tasks to earn 'free' skill points, you still play the same as you would in A16. Kill zeds and loot during the day, and mine XP all night. And the fact that you can either skill point earn schematics or get lucky and find them brings back the randomness.


But to me, and only my humble opinion for my gameplay style, A16 with survival mod was leaps and bounds the best. There are still parts of that mod that exceed all of the good portions of every alpha put together. The only reason I dont just continue to play that always is the fact that A16 really needed to be optimized so that the od didnt bring it down to nearly 1 FPS on 2000+ gamestage hordes.

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Same here.


Alpha 17 (+) ..was disappointment for me purely because the game would no longer run at any acceptable speed/FPS, and ate alot more memory compared to a16 ..which already had my system running at 95% physical memory used.. but I could at least still play..


I have tried to play alpha 17 and 18 on each new experimental or otherwise build release, but it just doesn't suffice, I'm playing alpha 16.4 in SP and still having a blast. Id like to play the new releases but instead I watch Youtube to keep up w it.

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A16's LBD, wellness system, zombie loot, and workbench combining was all very rewarding and addictive for me. Realistically stupid zombies and an FOV slider were basic, necessary things that have been removed from the game, and the worst part of A17+.


For me the absolute perfect version would be A16.4 base, but:


- with A15's lack of scaling the zombies according to player level. Instead I would have the difficulty scale by area (very dangerous yet rewarding hub cities). Also A15's sheer number of roaming zombies (I don't care for sleepers).


- with A17 and 18's graphics improvements, ability to retrieve arrows, bug fixes (like mini bike that kept dissapearing), and QoL changes like being able to see the map while on the minibike.


100% Agree!

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