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Better HUB mod for a18?


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I'm looking for a mod that will show better information on me.


Body temp, outdoor temp, food and thirst level, etc. Any good mod for that compatible with a18?


Also, quick question. What does the drop mean as a status? When I started a game earlier I had a drop above my health with a coat too. I didn't play much in a17 and I'm confused :p They should put a text or something next to the status.


Thanks xx

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water drop, need to drink something/have drunk something and is fixing your water level...depends on its color


Coat means you have elemental protection until you level up enough (heat and cold don't affect you as much, protection level lowers as you grow, until you have no protection beyond your clothes)

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I'm looking for a mod that will show better information on me.


Body temp, outdoor temp, food and thirst level, etc. Any good mod for that compatible with a18?


Also, quick question. What does the drop mean as a status? When I started a game earlier I had a drop above my health with a coat too. I didn't play much in a17 and I'm confused :p They should put a text or something next to the status.


Thanks xx


Google SMX UI mod or find it in the mods page here on the forums. Its what I use and a good one.

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water drop, need to drink something/have drunk something and is fixing your water level...depends on its color


Coat means you have elemental protection until you level up enough (heat and cold don't affect you as much, protection level lowers as you grow, until you have no protection beyond your clothes)


Oh so I start the game thirsty, nice LOL


Thanks for the mod suggestion. I didn't notice the mod forum, my bad.


If someone else stumble upon this post:





I LOVE THEM! they should be built-in! <3


Happy surviving!

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