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Junk Turret Specifics

General Lee

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I was just thinking about a few things regarding Junk Turrets while thinking about Demolishers and their detonators. When junk turrets fire, what do they aim at specifically? Is there a cone of fire, an element of inaccuracy, or do they always target the same spot on a zombie? Do junk turrets trigger the detonator on Demolishers, and if so, would placing the turrets up on a block or higher decrease the chance of trigger Demolishers' detonators?


Just wondering if the devs, or anyone who has done a lot of testing, would know any of that.

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I've read that they have been made to be not as accurate as they use to be on initial launch (never missed). Therefore, I assume their is a chance they can trigger a demolisher.


One strategy to help minimize trigger a demolisher is to position them in a way that they fire into their backs instead of their fronts.

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Doing some INT this playthrough in the most recent experimental. Just got my first perk in Junk Turrets, and I gotta say I cant wait to get higher in that perk. The ROF is very noticeable and also being able to move further away is pretty sic.


They do miss alot, I can sit there and watch it miss 5 times in a row it seems like sometimes. Either that or there is no visual indication sometimes. Usually you can see some blood or a stun or something. Maybe those arent all misses, but even being really inaccurate, they are still pretty devastating. I cant wait to see that perk maxed just to see what the limit is of what they can do.


TBF I am still using a brown one, but with decent stats. I havent actually crafted one or found a good one yet.



Oh and the turret ammo stacks to 1000 now in that version, I dont remember if that is new or it is the same in the stable but that is nice. (My turret loads 104 ammo I think with 1 perk and mag extender)

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Currently I play pure int build and at max perk level for turrets. They hold around 150+ junk ammo inside, shoot almost as fast as M60, accuracy is a bit spread out. But once you have some decent mods inside ( I use extender, rad remover and foregrip ) it becomes pretty deadly once placed down.

Their accuracy is lacking when held in hand, but with some practice you get better at it. I just wish you could aim with them or decrease the aim spread with higher perks.

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I think Perks tuning the accuracy would be pretty sweet. I’d like to see self-crafted ones be more accurate, but that would make the “looting” crowd cry foul...so a Perk based increase seems reasonable. Though the rate of fire increase does increase DPS while still keeping the “ammo waste” mechanic intact.

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I noticed that the Junk Turrets do miss targets at least sometimes, because I've seen them damage walls or blocks near or behind a target instead of a hit, even when Turret Syndrome is maxed out. Using two high-level turrets at the same time can do a good bit of damage, hold off multiple zombies at once. Used with barbed wire fencing which slows zombies down, they are great at area denial. I'm pretty sure one set off a Demolisher's explosive charge during one horde night I was using them.

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Starting a new save again with the exp, so idk if I am gonna go turrets. Man by the time the real stable gets here I am gonna be ready for super long term playthough.. I have restarted with each possible update.


I havent restarted since the 2nd exp update. 😂 will probably start over after I get a taste of my 1st demolisher horde...😂

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