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Cooking Not Working


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At the moment I managed to get some eggs and some bear meat. I have a cooking pot and some bottled water. The meat doesn't seem to be cooking and I've waited longer than 1 minutes and 12 seconds and then I tried the eggs that takes 12 seconds and the same thing. Nothing is cooking. At the top of my screen is a red cross saying Cooking Pot Required and my cooking pot is showing under Tools with the bottled water. I have the correct things and nothing is cooking. All I'm doing is wasting wood and time. I thought my cooked food will show either under Output or in one of those four squares under the list of different foods to cook. What is going wrong? Thanks.

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You really might want to watch some gameplay videos to cover these basic things.


You have to put the cooking pot in the slot where it says cooking pot required. Then, with the ingredients in your inventory, put some wood or other fuel material into the campfire and your available recipes will light up. Select one of the lit recipes, select how many you want to cook, make sure the cook time is equal to or less thant he fuel time, and press cook. If you need to add extra fuel while cooking use one of the slots on the right.


Also, you'll only be able to cook recipes that you've found or perked into. If you haven't found any recipes, you'll need Master Chef perk.

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Cooking pot goes to the slot on top right.

Fuel - it sounds like you figured out - but it goes to the slot below the pot.

Turn on (clicking "craft" on a recipe should automatically turn the fire on)


Select the meat, so you see it's description and "actions"

-> Click "Recipes" (hotkey 'w' if I'm not mistaken of the defaults)


Now on the crafting list to the left you should see (among other things):

Charred meat as white text (as long as you have at least 5 pieces of meat in your inventory)

Grilled meat with a lock icon (you probably haven't unlocked it, the lock icon is telling that)

Boiled meat similar to the grilled meat if you also have bottled water in your inventory


You can select any of the "white" recipes and click "Craft" to cook some of it. Charred meat is always unlocked, others will need either found recipes, or skill points spent.


When successfully crafting, an icon for the food shows up at bottom left with a timer while being cooked.

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You really might want to watch some gameplay videos to cover these basic things.


You have to put the cooking pot in the slot where it says cooking pot required. Then, with the ingredients in your inventory, put some wood or other fuel material into the campfire and your available recipes will light up. Select one of the lit recipes, select how many you want to cook, make sure the cook time is equal to or less thant he fuel time, and press cook. If you need to add extra fuel while cooking use one of the slots on the right.


Also, you'll only be able to cook recipes that you've found or perked into. If you haven't found any recipes, you'll need Master Chef perk.


Thanks. I didn't know I had to place the pot in the top section, I thought it would do that itself.


Something else. I need more bottled water. I looked under crafting to make more bottled water and it says I need a snowball and the picture is a pyramid-looking thing. Then I found out I need snow to craft that. How am I supposed to find snow in a desert? I wonder why I can't craft bottles with the forge and get the water from the river. I wonder how does snow become needed to bottle water. I actually saw under crafting bottled water, snowball as part of what is needed.

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Thanks. I didn't know I had to place the pot in the top section, I thought it would do that itself.


Something else. I need more bottled water. I looked under crafting to make more bottled water and it says I need a snowball and the picture is a pyramid-looking thing. Then I found out I need snow to craft that. How am I supposed to find snow in a desert? I wonder why I can't craft bottles with the forge and get the water from the river. I wonder how does snow become needed to bottle water. I actually saw under crafting bottled water, snowball as part of what is needed.


You can craft jars in the forge and fill with water etc.

Just assume the 'crafting' is shoving snow in the glass jar.

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Now there are really problems with crafting.

When you have all the ingredients and tools, there is fuel, ignite the fire and, if the button is not activated - exit and go back to the workstation. Then the button is activated.

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