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Block type - house interior trim? Paint


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I have started making the most progress I have in this game. I'm on day 73 or 74 and I decided to start making the house I took over look nicer. However, it looks like some of these have trim (the blocks below the window) on them, and others do not.


Interior view showing the difference. And then I added an exterior view showing that some of them are wood blocks I've added. Is there a specific house block I should be using?





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Sorry about that - attaching new ones.


If that doesn't work, here are some links:






Some of the blocks are wood blocks I added. But some are part of the house - wood and some siding.


On the inside view, it looks like there are a few different types of border types above the wainscoting. Just trying to make it look consistent (I realize that is pretty picky, right?)

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  • 2 months later...

That interior texture is a custom layer of paint we can't seem to access using paint tools ingame. Best solution, remove blocks that have it, and paint the waynescoating back in place after replacing block. Also have noticed both window trims and wood crown have issues of unpaintable areas that will hopefully be addressed at some point, makes using those blocks kinda useless when we can't paint them correctly.

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