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So far this happened twice now, my BASE in a POI has 50% reset


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This happened twice, and i heard of another issue on console of POI's resetting on day 50? Due to torches and lights?


Regardless, I have had to restore my dedicated server twice now to get my base back. But it was only HALF of the POI, so I still had base blocks and then half of it was original POI blocks.


Anyone else experience this issue as of A17 for PC?



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Known issue with the X-Box due to Microshaft skimping on the file system format. Has been reported in the PC Bug Reports section for a17.


You are currently in the console section.


So, apparently the crappy way Microshaft skimped on the x-box file system on the xbox as well as the xbox one and the xbox one x can cause computers running a completely different version of the game to have the same problem. Seriously Sylen, accept the fact that the MD-5 terrain rewrite error is just that, an MD-5 algorithm crash resulting in an error that causes the game to recover by rewriting the effected data to the original unmodified state. It has nothing to do with any limits Microsoft put on the xbox, it has everything to do with the data verification subroutine used by TFP, a checksum algorithm that has long been known to be susceptible to crashes. If this was not an MD-5 crash, why call it that. The fact is, md5 is a core part of the game system written by TFP not by Iron Galaxy. TFP screwed up, as is becoming more obvious as the game progresses. Until such a time as TFP admits they screwed the pooch and create a fix, the terrain rewrite will remain a part of this game.



The OP only verifies what I have experienced, and not just on xbox. I have had this happen on a brand new pc that I had built spec'd for this game. The very fact that this is a known issue on PC as well as console makes your response invalid. I have hopes for this game, and this group of developers, but if they can't admit they f'd up, and if a fix isn't possible, admit it, then their integrity splatters against the BS wall and their reputation as developers will suffer.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So "MD5" bug terrain rewrites are not exclusive to XB1 even with the latest PC updates. That's disappointing. This is a bug that has existed for years and years. Clearly a fundamental code issue then. So probably not easily fixable.


Since the base XB1 has lower system specs than the PS4 or most PCs, I can understand why it may have manifested on the XB1 first. Some sort of memory drain or allocation causing crashes that then reset the map to defaults. Higher spec PS4 and/or PCs have just taken longer to have the same issue. Perhaps not even a real frequent problem until the latest PC release that is demanding more and more resources than before. So now those players are experiencing it too.

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So "MD5" bug terrain rewrites are not exclusive to XB1 even with the latest PC updates. That's disappointing. This is a bug that has existed for years and years. Clearly a fundamental code issue then. So probably not easily fixable.


Since the base XB1 has lower system specs than the PS4 or most PCs, I can understand why it may have manifested on the XB1 first. Some sort of memory drain or allocation causing crashes that then reset the map to defaults. Higher spec PS4 and/or PCs have just taken longer to have the same issue. Perhaps not even a real frequent problem until the latest PC release that is demanding more and more resources than before. So now those players are experiencing it too.


nice theory but MD5 came from the PC version and was well known at the time of release on console.

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