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White River - Tools of Citizenship Quests 1.2 & Multiple Languages


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19.2 just went stable. I'll release the new version of this modpack later tonight. I would encourage those of you starting a new game under 19.2 to please either remove the existing pack or to wait until after the new release is published tonight. The 19.2 release of this mod pack is NOT compatible with the previous release. So any game that is started with 19.1 of this modpack will not support later installing the 19.2 release being published later tonight. To say it another way, when you install the release of this modpack being published later tonight, you will need to install this onto a game that has NOT had the current/existing release run with it.

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Just now, ShoudenKalferas said:

19.2 just went stable. I'll release the new version of this modpack later tonight. I would encourage those of you starting a new game under 19.2 to please either remove the existing pack or to wait until after the new release is published tonight. The 19.2 release of this mod pack is NOT compatible with the previous release. So any game that is started with 19.1 of this modpack will not support later installing the 19.2 release being published later tonight. To say it another way, when you install the release of this modpack being published later tonight, you will need to install this onto a game that has NOT had the current/existing release run with it.


Thanks ShoudenKalferas

I have been using a version of this mod since A17 (the author or the one who modified it is another), I have only modified it to work in this alpha 19 and it works for me.
I will wait for you to release this new version and I will translate it into Latin Spanish (with your permission), it caught my attention that it has more missions and that pleases me, it gives more life to the game.

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I've got the new release published and updated on the first post. Sadly, Amelia's Gyrocopter didn't make it into this release. I decided there was too much work left on this one and it is more important to publish the release to get this into everyone's hands. As a reminder, this release A19.2_1.0 must be installed onto a NEW FRESH game or a game that has never had this mod pack installed on it before. All of the items, blocks, quests, etc, have been renamed to work with Localization support. I did do the best I could do run through the entire pack of quests to test each one.


As usual, please let me know if you run into any issues.


Also, I've added to the first post the mods that are upcoming next..


@Gouki Please feel free to go ahead with the translation and then just private message me with the updated Localization.txt files. Thanks for your offer!

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the rounds per minute of "Rick Dangers improved auger "

<passive_effect name="RoundsPerMinute" operation="perc_add" value="-.05,10"/> <!-- random APM -->


the 10 is a typo or? it is ultra fast (till ~5000 hits per minute) xD.

"-.05,1" would be balanced and still great.

Edited by Slawa (see edit history)
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@Slawa I think I managed to get some bad values in there from a dev fork of this I was testing on. That very clearly is a bad/incorrect value and wasn't meant to make it to the final release. I'll go back through and double check both augers to make sure they are not over-powered and are only marginal steps up from vanilla. I ran through this improved auger on my test server tonight and was able to make it down to bedrock in something like a minute. Lol Wayyyy OP.


@Gouki Sounds good, thank you!

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Started messin with it last night. Me and the GF went a little overboard. We're both working on collecting stuff for Kuvas armor now, we both got the black barts tools and bunyans, and I got the machete.

First: I love the mod, just that little bit of extra content to break things up is great, we're really enjoying it and look forward to future updates. 

A couple of take aways. The Machete and FireAxe don't accept the burning shaft mod. I was a little disappointed by that. Also, the Machete doesn't get the normal knife sneak bonus damage. Not a huge deal but it was something I noticed. 

The requirements for the Kuvas armor are... well, one particular component is just frustrating unless you've gotten lucky finding the schematic for it. I dont' think it needs to be changed or anything, just being whiney I guess ;)

Kuva's Armor doesn't unlock when you learn the bits you get (tryin to not post spoilers). It also didn't unlock when I took Light Armor perk and unlocked leather armor crafting. I had to find the Leather Armor schematic. The "requirements" when you look at it are a little misleading in that regard. 

Is the Revolver supposed to unload all 6 bullets in like 0.5 seconds? Also, I have no idea how to unlock the ammo for it. If that's intentional and it's supposed to be a random find/secret, that's cool, but if it's supposed to have some breadcrumbs, it might be missing them. 


You'd mentioned that people were having issues finding the books for the revolver so you upped them a little bit. I'm not sure how loot tables and weighting work, but I did intentionally go to every crackabook location I'd marked on the map and raid it to get those. It took a couple of hours of dedicated riding and clearing I think 3 small crackabook stripmall style locations and 4 of the larger locations. I also found, I think one of the books in an air drop? last night's a little fuzzy 😛


Dont' take any of the above as criticism, I absolutely love what you're doing here and really can't wait to see how it develops over time. Even if nothing changed, I'd probably be running this in every game I play for the foreseeable future. Good work, and thanks for your efforts! 



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@SteamM0nkey I value your feedback and appreciate you taking the time to provide such detailed information for me. Please feel free to keep the feedback coming in! :)


I did just publish a release that I believe should address some of these concerns. Please know that I just realized as I'm typing this I missed testing the burning shaft mod on FireAxe and machete. It should work, but its possible the animation might be wrong and need adjusting. I'll take a look at that tomorrow to test this detail specifically. I did want to point out with regards to Kuva's armor that due to the difficulty obtaining the ingredients for it, you really wouldn't want to craft this armor set until you have maxed out the light armor perk so you craft the highest quality. It is on purpose that the ingredients are not easy to come by. Deschain's revolver is supposed to shoot extremely fast. Think hair trigger. Roland Deschain was a near-godly fast gunslinger.


In this A19.2_1.0a release is the following:

  • Added new quest: Bear Grylls's (Flaming) Claws
  • Adjusted (slightly lowered) drop chance for books related to Deschain's quest. Also fixed some localization typos.
  • (Massively) Adjusted all weapon statistics in Bambi's, Daryl's, and Leon's quests. Added code to apply the perk modifications. Big thanks to SteamM0nkey for helping me work through these.
  • Added burning shaft mod capability to Bunyan's and Jason's quest items. (UNTESTED)
  • Adjusted Remington Steel ammo damage quantities to be greater than vanilla AP ammo. Thanks to SteamM0nkey for helping point out this was needed.
  • Adjusted Rick Danger Auger stats to be more modest and in-line with a small bump/improvement over vanilla.
  • Fixed Elite Random Quest wording. Thanks to SteamM0nkey for pointing out this flaw in design.
  • Adjusted the Juggernaut in Spirit of Vengeance as I received report that he was taken down in under a minute. Added resistance, and added a small horde of zombies to spawn with him. Also increased overall HP and regen values. This should be a tough battle now.
Edited by ShoudenKalferas (see edit history)
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Just published a bugfix/patch release 19.2_1.0b:

* Fixed burning shaft mod animation on Jasons's Machete & Bunyan's FireAxe
* Adjusted the quest text for Bear Grylls Claws
* Adjusted Bear Grylls quest to give schematic that lets the player craft the claws themselves.
* Added missed backwards compatibility code to Deschain's Revolver for the renamed ammo & hat


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Just now, ShoudenKalferas said:

Just published a bugfix/patch release 19.2_1.0b:

* Fixed burning shaft mod animation on Jasons's Machete & Bunyan's FireAxe
* Adjusted the quest text for Bear Grylls Claws
* Adjusted Bear Grylls quest to give schematic that lets the player craft the claws themselves.
* Added missed backwards compatibility code to Deschain's Revolver for the renamed ammo & hat



Thank you ShoudenKalferas

Do you have to delete and reinstall the mod? Or you just have to go through everything and it gets updated, because the Bear Gryll Claws quest already translated it and I don't know how much has changed.

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No need to delete and reinstall the mod. Typically speaking, nearly all releases can just be deployed right on top of a previous release.


The Bear Grylls quest had its requirements changed. So there are multiple lines within its Localization file that had to be adjusted to match. My apologies for this extra work translating. :( I rushed this one to release sooner than I should have and should have properly tested it first.

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7 hours ago, ShoudenKalferas said:

No need to delete and reinstall the mod. Typically speaking, nearly all releases can just be deployed right on top of a previous release.


The Bear Grylls quest had its requirements changed. So there are multiple lines within its Localization file that had to be adjusted to match. My apologies for this extra work translating. :( I rushed this one to release sooner than I should have and should have properly tested it first.


There is no problem my friend.
I already corrected it, it was just adding 4 more lines and deleting text that does not appear.
I'm doing the translation slowly but surely, when I have free time.
In my new game I already have Jason's machete, bunnyan ax, mug ax, and the dundee crocodile knife.
By the way, Dundee's knife marks 0% stealth damage, I don't know if it's intentional or needs to be fixed, it doesn't bother me because I can correct it, but it works for people who don't know much.

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Server updated to 19.2, running 19.1 of the Mod, get random errors, on Auger Quest and steel ammo, can clear them out and continue, based on the notes, can't install the new MOD? anyway to fix?


Enjoying the MOD alot, we are 130 days into custom game so don't want to restart to fix errors.



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@DCPoker The 19.2 release of this mod pack is NOT compatible with the previous release. Installing the 19.2 version of this mod pack onto a game that had 19.1 would result in a lot of NullReference errors for your players due to items that no longer would exist. Every item name in the mod pack was renamed and switched to Localization support. Sorry, its such a large mod pack trying to back-port all the changes back to 19.1 is just too much work. :(

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On 10/19/2020 at 9:14 AM, ShoudenKalferas said:

Just a quick update.. I've completed all the conversion of each quest to full use of localization. This will allow the entire mod pack to be translated to other languages. Anyone interested in helping with this language translation effort, please send me a private message. I'm also working on a few new quests for the pack:


Spirit of Vengeance - Take on a demon Juggernaut and obtain a super-fast vehicle. A player using this vehicle is a sure-sign of their elite status. Big thanks to Snufkin's Server-Side Zombies & Snufkins's Server-Side Vehicles for a big part of the base code for the vehicle and zombie. Tested for compatibility with Snufkin's mods, so you can run both at the same time if you want!


Kept running into a conflict and took a little while to track down. It seems the loot.xml file in the Spirit of Vengeance quest has the same loot id 950-952 as found in the snufkin's vehicle mod. I just changed them to be +3 higher and now at id=953-955 there's no longer a red error when loading both snufkin's custom vehicles and this mod. 

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@magejosh Geesh :( These lootcontainers are a plague :) I'll adjust this quest's lootcontainer ids again. Thanks for reporting this. I'll make sure this is fixed in the next release.

@XRedx-xDragonX That image is very hard to see and a bit blurry. Please make sure to scroll up and look for any other errors that might be in front of this. Also, if you could provide a zoomed in image of the error that might help me see exactly what is causing this for you. It looks like a problem with loot.xml, which could be the same problem @magejosh mentioned above. I can also be found on the Official 7DTD Discord server if it helps to chat in a more live fashion.



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38 minutes ago, XRedx-xDragonX said:


Here is a zoomed in screen shot. 


Hi XRedx-xDragonX

In items.xml, there is questitem_toc_citizencard_name and in recipes there is, the recipe where it asks you for questitem_toc_citizencard_name, I don't know why you get an error, what version of the mod do you have?
I am using the latest version (White River - Tools of Citizenship A19.2_1.0b) and it has not given me any problem.


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13 minutes ago, Gouki said:

Hi XRedx-xDragonX

In items.xml, there is questitem_toc_citizencard_name and in recipes there is, the recipe where it asks you for questitem_toc_citizencard_name, I don't know why you get an error, what version of the mod do you have?
I am using the latest version (White River - Tools of Citizenship A19.2_1.0b) and it has not given me any problem.


I'm using the same version. Could it be I'm using Vortex that is causing the issue?

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