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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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Those are meant to be rare. But I've had Nitro put 2 Vaults side by side. But on a 10k or 12k, I think we had maybe 2-3 UFOs total. So it could be possible to get none, or a few more I'd imagine.


What size maps are you making? Smaller ones probably make it more likely that those POIs don't get used. I'm hoping either a20 RWG or KingGen will make this easier as far as making sure there is at least one of each. I think KG may already be doing this, but haven't had a chance to test it much yet. Might try giving it a whirl instead of Nitro and see if it works better for you.

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At q1, the power armor should be on the higher end of the steel armor. Basically the worst power armor is a little worse than the best steel. Has a bit better elemental resistance and a fair bit better buff resistances, such as sprains and cuts.

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hey Bdub! so, couple of things. first off, the bandits are no longer shooting on my server... they just... run up to us and walk into us. its realy odd. 


and second, power armour, when i first checked it in creative mode it didnt put any model over our character models, is that still the case? part of the charm of power armour is to look stylin



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28 minutes ago, Colin248 said:

hey Bdub! so, couple of things. first off, the bandits are no longer shooting on my server... they just... run up to us and walk into us. its realy odd. 



I had that same problem with bandits and soldiers

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They are a bit moody it seems. Sometimes they shoot, sometimes they don't. Hopefully that'll change in A20. 


The power armor is only visible in third person. So others will see yours, but you won't see it on your character screen. I believe it wasn't possible to show it there for some reason.  

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18 hours ago, bdubyah said:

They are a bit moody it seems. Sometimes they shoot, sometimes they don't. Hopefully that'll change in A20. 


The power armor is only visible in third person. So others will see yours, but you won't see it on your character screen. I believe it wasn't possible to show it there for some reason.  

bah, shame the bandits aint gona be fixed. that sucks man. 😧


but hey! good to hear about the power armour situation :D looking forward to being styling infront of my mates. 😛 

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They will be, but probably not in A19.


And another thing with the armor is I'm pretty sure in first person the rotations and everything were completely different, so it was just left out as it would've been a ton of work to make it look good, if at all.

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1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

They will be, but probably not in A19.


And another thing with the armor is I'm pretty sure in first person the rotations and everything were completely different, so it was just left out as it would've been a ton of work to make it look good, if at all.

about the bandits, it seams that there range is reduced to 0. as in, they only fire when a entity is inside them. or when they are in a door. is this not something that can be tweeked in one of the configs or something? perhaps you put a 0 in there where it was suppose to be a 5 or something. XD 

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I have some things I want to test but I'm not sure it'll help. 


The radar works the same as the helmet light. So you have to toggle it on. I didn't want it to be on all the time as it can clog up your compass. 


You should be able to look at the traders.xml and figure out how to add the armor. I'm not at my pc to give you an example right now though. 

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Ok thx for answer. About traders xml i add for example all A1 parts and i get full of errors. What item from items.xml i must add for for example helmet, powerArmorMaster1, powerArmorHelmet_Base1 or powerArmorHelmet_Model_A1?



It worked, I added a power armor to the trader :)

Edited by Szynsz (see edit history)
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So been going hard at your mod bud! figured would give some feedback. 


first of all, the implimentation of your POI's and features aint half bad! finding a bandit infested school or household is quite a sight, sneaking inside before a few of them get drawn on us. they are tanky but, more so in the begining game, as they should be i suppose. 


so far we have discoverd a few POI's that are infested with super mutants and behemoths, these tend to work fine. walk in, make any sort of noise and the five or six supers are aggrod onto us immediatly. and unlike the bandits, they tend to be far more aggressive. i also like the style of these POI's, you seam to know what your doing with story telling via building, much like TFP do with the vanilla ones. (at least the ones i assume you created, that are not just vanilla POI's filled with said foes.) the nuka cola factory is a great retelling of the one in fallout 3, realy appreciate the detail on that one. have yet to find a vault! but one day we will get there. im assumeing its a T5 quest location? 


the weapons all feel nice and theres a good verity. its honestly nice to have some spice to the gameplay that isnt the tierd system. bloody hate that and cant stand the dam thing. so its always welcome to see new weapons and such to spice things up. on that vain, love how you have done power armour. what with each peice allowing one exclusive module attached to it, meaning there is some choice to have. i wana take the jump boost, but currently i need my encumbrance slots. gives me something to work towards. 


now for some negatives. firstly, the bandit AI. i realise this isnt much in your ball park, unfortunatly. and not much you can do. however, would tweeking them all to be melee only be viable? temporarily remove the ranged ones since they are completely fubar. also they should be either hyper sensative, or simply more aggressive. picking them off as they sleep in corners with a unmuffled 44 magnum seams kinda cheap. human/super mutant hideouts should be forced fights i feel. like the cave POI for the super mutants. me and my buds look forward to assaulting that place cos it actuly gets realy hairy despite how open it is. what with the birds swarming whilst the mutants try to close the gap. would be neat to go through the nuka factory, and each section you go into has them spawn in and immediatly home on you, breaking down doors and what not to try and find there way to your location. 


the laser shotguns wierd ammo economy. is there no other way to go about useing a spread fire weapon? it sucks up alot of ammo, and is why i assume your pleantifull with the stuff. however, the AE prototype rifle doesnt have that luxury. i @%$#ed away alot of early game energy rounds with that thing since it wasnt going single shot like i assumed it would. 


you have a few power armour designs in game but, i take it dyeing them is out of the question for now eh? not realy a negative, just a observation. 


my only other gripe is how modable certain weapons are, but i belive i expressed this issue in the past so i wont mention it again. honestly tho, this mixes up gameplay in all the right ways so far. made the game far more enjoyable. im looking forward to finding tier 6 rare items, something to truely make my way towards. i also love how your super mutants and ghouls mix in with the horde. having a radiation hazard next to the base thats poisoning us and giving us something else to focus on? 10/10. love it. 


i suppose the only question i have is, whats next for the mod? what you working on? or you pauseing for now till alpha 20 is out. 

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I'm gonna give the AI a look, just to see if there is anything I can do. No promises though. I've considered removing the ranged ones for now, but we'll see. I might just dilute the entity group so there's way more melee ones.


 The Vault is a T5 quest, as is the behemoth POI.


The laser shotgun/AEP: There just isn't a better way to do this right now, without code. It's basically setup like a bow that fires 8 arrows at once. There is a way where I can make it a normal shotgun that emits the laser particles when fired, but I feel like that wouldn't feel right, or look that good. And I want their ammo to a bit hard to get early, so that's fine.


I haven't tried using dye on power armor. Does it not work?


Weapon mods...we already discussed this. Lol.


As for the future? Hmm. I have a few protectrons I've been slowly getting ready to add to the game. Also have a nightstalker type creature, and a rad scorpion of sorts. And I have plenty of POI ideas, like the Super Duper Mart and others from Fallout. But those are a major time sink for me as I may have a bit of OCD so I always spend a lot of time on them. Haha. And there's always more items and stuff I plan to add. Some of the drugs from Fallout, and new foods. Maybe some notes to give small quests that lead to legendary stuff. Maybe a legendary set of power armor?


I've been on a bit of a break lately, mostly just playing some ARK. I've added a few more vehicles to the Wasteland, and tweaked some stuff in my AIO mod. I plan to push those updates at some point soonish. After that, I may hold any new stuff till a20. Definitely won't be doing any more POIs till then, from scratch or vanilla ones.


Hope that answers your questions and glad you enjoy the mod. :)

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7 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Weapon mods...we already discussed this. Lol.

I know but, cant help but still bring up what i consider to be criticism. :3 but il let it die. 


7 hours ago, bdubyah said:

I've been on a bit of a break lately, mostly just playing some ARK.

oh @%$# same! honestly i jump from ark to 7 days. you doing a solo game or playing with buds? 😮 not to take the subject off topic or anything, just curious. XD 


il be eagerly watching and seeing how this mod turns out. it realy does help spice things up with the base game in such a way thats super pleaseing. 

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2 hours ago, bdubyah said:

I have a second pc I'm running a little cluster on. Just me and a few buddies. I alternate between ARK and Rocket League, but haven't played it as much lately. 

oh nice. i run it all from my main pc. only have single worlds running at a time, but i can have 3 up if i so desire. wish i had buds to play with. X3

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Bdub, found our first Majour Gripe with your mod. now, the radiated ghoul is a nasty foe, turns up and doses us in radation but, doesnt kill us straight away. @%$#s our vision and in general causes problems unless we take care of him. 


the Iradiated, radiated ghoul however, is just too strong. we cant even get moderately close to him without anyone who isnt wareing power armour with a rad remover, or a full hazard suit. if it was simply a larger AOE with a doubled effect of radiation poisioning chance? would be much better then a guy who pretty much is a AOE unavoidable constant nuke. 


i realise your intent is to make players use anti rad systems and such, but its too much of a railroad move. the guys way too potent. 

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That's the point. I will be expanding on it in the future. I'd rather just be able to easily make certain POIs radiated, but this was the easiest way to do it right now. I made his AOE big enough to cover most every POI he is in so once you see the rad effect you know you'd better turn around. He should spawn as soon as you enter the POI boundary so you'll know with time to turn around. You aren't meant to be able to handle him without having the proper equipment. 

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again, i do realize that's your intent. to be prepared when going exploreing. however, it sevearly limits how players can go through a POI. one of my team members was getting increasing @%$#ed that every time he enterd a POI there could be one of these massive AOE rad @%$#ers in it that pretty much insta kill him if hes so much as a toe in zone around him. no way to pick him off either, and in the nuka cola factory spawned in that hardened room you got after the submerged section. 


hey thinking about it... you put that spawn there on purpose or was that luck? because makes sense to what your saying. to radiate the whole POI so you need a radation suit or something to enter it. a neat idea... with terrible execution because of how limited your tools are. 


 it honestly sucks you couldent find a different way to have the green mist surround a T5 POI or something. because tieing it to a enemy honestly sucks. i can forsee this being frustraiting, annoying and @%$#ty when they appear in the 7 day hordes. because not all of us have rad suits. or power armour, with that specific mod. half our team is gona be spawn camped whilst the only other two people who have rad ressistance try to nail the @%$#er.


we can deal with challenging mechanics. but this one is poorly thought out mate. i would seriously advise cutting back the lethality of his rad zone. by all means make the radation zone big. hell, make it inflict radiation poisoning quicker. but dont have it insta gib the players. at least untill you can put that lethal radation into your POI's manualy. somehow. i duno how but... somehow. XD 

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