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What influences the type of spwaned zombies in PreFabs?


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Hey there,


ive read the A17 Patchnotes but i can't find (may ive read over the important data) a proven information about the zombie spawn. What influences the type of zombie? The level of a player nearby or the server age, the server population? Who has a link with the needed information?



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Works a little different while in a party. Increasing your gamestage even more.


This and pois have additional Groups of zombies that generate gamestage dependent the mix you get


you can read through the xml´s of all prefabs to see what kinds can spawn there

example from stripclub

  <property name="SleeperVolumeGroup" value="S_-_Group_Biker_Bar,5,6" />

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Every PreFab has sleeper spawn blocks that spawn zombies when a player enters a sleeper volume. The types of zombies that spawn are set by a combination of the sleeper spawn block settings and the sleeper volume settings. The sleeper spawn block can be a regular zombie, a crawler, a vulture, a snake, a bear, a boar etc. The sleeper volume can be set to spawn zombies at those spawn locations from a selected spawn group. Spawn groups can include any zombie type and the probability of one zombie type spawning may or may not be linked by gamestage... it all depends on how that particular spawn group was defined. If however, the spawner block within a volume was set to crawler for example, this will override the zombies defined in the sleeper volume spawn group to ensure that crawlers spawn.

I do not have a link to this information. This is just what I have learned by building prefabs.

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gameStage = ( playerLevel + daysSurvived ) * gameDifficultyMultiplier


Works a little different while in a party. Increasing your gamestage even more.


Although I too thought this was the formula for GS, it quite plainly is not. In my current play-through, I am level 120. My friend is level 117. I have not died since the first week of the game, while he has died during our current day (day 46). So my days alive stat is currently 40, his is 0 or 1. However there are only 4 points difference between our current GS (280 vs 276).

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Although I too thought this was the formula for GS, it quite plainly is not. In my current play-through, I am level 120. My friend is level 117. I have not died since the first week of the game, while he has died during our current day (day 46). So my days alive stat is currently 40, his is 0 or 1. However there are only 4 points difference between our current GS (280 vs 276).


daysSurvived here is a misleading name for this variable. Actually it's not the days since your last death but the days you played in total.

With each death two days are subtracted so that the gamestage falls something again.

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