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Everything posted by Rotor

  1. I hope not........but I fear such is the trend of games that start sandboxy and then the masses demand "content". ...or be lead into content. As long as some of this stuff doesnt become hard code that you cant get out of it via mods. Maybe this year I will have more time to learn and actually get on with my own vision.
  2. I had not visited the MODs forum in a while, and missed this. I am glad it was referenced in the General section :). I will try it out, but it may be a couple of weeks before I can really roll with it. Thank you for the effort and will advise.
  3. NP, for a second I thought I missed an Alpha :).
  4. Not my experience, but maybe is just the RnGeezus who hates me. I also play no quest, no buy from traders, but I do sell to traders and buy from vending machines. Because I have been forced to by the change. I usually do this prior to BM, so as not to use any Jars I may have found during the day. In my case the change forces me to a PoI every day. I like PoIs and exploring, is why dont quest. But I like to do it on my own terms, like it used to be. I can give 2 poops about the water jars. Unless you remove the rivers and lakes from the game world and make all water radioactive then I should be able to carry my pot over yonder, for as long as I want/am able to walk and fill'er up. I play 100% loot no respawn, 60 min days. It irks me, but I play /shrugs.
  5. I run bottom 25% most of the time LOL, unless I am going into a "situation"...or BM. Otherwise, just caps of water no bottles :).
  6. On games where I can load mod sounds, I always fall back to ole "I have come to chew bubble gum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubble gum."
  7. Dire wolves are bad arse, but I usually have enough arrows. Dire bears....argh! If I can find a high spot before I die, I hopefully have enough arrows. Otherwise I way him out ..if I can. There is a dire/feral Zombie at one of the motels that has the semi trailer shipping container. That one is always there even on first day...........although cant remember if I've visited it in A21.
  8. Heh, I think is one of those things when there is a start with an idea, then start typing and rant mode is triggered before the initial thought is typed out. Is almost an in-game "rage quit" but on the forums. Quite entertaining at times.
  9. One of these days I will get to a tier 5 PoI. My goal is not to accomplish them, but to carve a trench around it am dynamite it to oblivion. If that is possible.
  10. Might need a thicker needle but i think there is still use for them?
  11. When I gotta get up and go, I just go, I dont get up but what I can carry. Or if I have it, whatever the bike can carry :). That is why I call it a soft reset.
  12. I look at that as "soft" game reset.
  13. It is the way I play, except I do allow myself to visit to sell. And I add dead is dead, even before it was an option. I do agree that is a totally a different game, and it does feel lonely, and progression is slow. IMO it is the better game . Congrats on giving it a whirl. I do use the mod to craft water filter. Although initially I played without it, it became too heavy loot centrist for my taste.
  14. I believe there is MOD that has a sleep mechanic.
  15. If Depends are being used on the person then there is no need for the toilet.
  16. HP Victus under 1000 about 700 plays the game for me. Without a hitch. med settings ofcourse. Best deal out there IMO. Model 15-fb1xxx AMD Ryzen5 Nvidia GForce RTX 2050 16gb. Since you have more cash, try to get the one with 3050 and 32gb.
  17. I do believe is a bug, or a hole in the zombie model. Happens way to often.
  18. I have pondered this for a bit because it reminded me of the mid stages of Star Wars Galaxies a year after launch. It was very sandboxy early early on. Then it switched, because there are players that dont like/understand the context and need/want to be lead into the content. At that time the PC vs Console Players was the perceived divide. They are different play styles. However, the problem...on a personal level...becomes when in order to steer a segment, the other segment starts to be disenfranchised. There is plenty of other stuff that is still Sandboxy, but beware of the ides...err the slippery slope.
  19. Something about Ignoratio Elenchi; I aint that smart, so I looked it up, as it is a common tactic in Forum Word Warrior.
  20. Water jars filled high Reflecting sunlight's bright rays Cool, refreshing drink
  21. Ah, so if you loot POIs with open doors that where they hid the jars.
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