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  1. my fav mod but we need updates dude. I want a specific video played on loop for a specific Tvplayer. I need to seperate the vids somehow, you know? all 12 in loop doesnt cut it. I need some vids just for my adult cinema, i need some hollywood movies for my car cinema, and some vids for my anime cinema. We need a way to categrize or seperate them, PLEASE!!!!
  2. I would love a Bus Mod, which drives through the streets and stops on several locations to make the city more lively, could also contain a trader. ALso sometimes zombies come out of it.
  3. jendroid doesnt work, when i try to place her, only a block is being placed.
  4. will you make a full tutorial video with all features? thx
  5. can we at least change the radius of the sound? make it smaller so the volume gets lower after 10 blocks?
  6. and another question would be: the small TVs have lower volume than the billboards or theather. So there must be a way to lower the volume from the core, yes? can you help me with that? the default volume settings is just way too high.
  7. thx for the response. i would like to ask more questions if you dont mind cause i really love ur mods and play with them 24/7. they really are very immersive. so is there a way to add more videos than just 3? why makes it limit to 3 only? Your radio has 16 mp4s which is very cool. can i change the type of the tv to "poweredlight" in the xml to make it work with a connected powerswitch? thx
  8. I love your mods but not being able to lower the video volume or the radio volume kills all the fun. any lines I can add to change that? And another question is, I would love to activate the billboards, TVs, radios etc via a switch from far away. any chance you can show me how? cheers.
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