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Tallman Brad

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Everything posted by Tallman Brad

  1. Live streamed Nomad Vs Wanderers tonight and had a great time with chat. Check it out here:
  2. Which link? If the link to Kinggen at the start of this thread no longer works it may have been removed or has expired(?). The link to cp47 will no longer work as that has been removed so that nobody tries to get it working with a20. I'm afraid I can't supply links to either myself as I can't maintain them and I respect the decision to remove cp47. Someone else may be able to provide links but personally I'd recommend waiting for Teragon and cp48. Sorry I can't help much more. I hope you understand.
  3. I'm afraid not. It's a new city building system in a20 that kinggen never got to learn about. No tiles means no new roads, sewers or random parts in cities.
  4. Getting into some serious trouble in a huge 'Mall' poi (by stallionsden) in muliplayer Undead Legacy. Dawn Of The Dead 😉
  5. Did you follow the instructions in the video "fixing kinggen for a20"? Also cp 47 does not work with a20 now. You can still use kinggen and cp47 to make a19 maps. You can also stillnuse kinggen to make a20 maps following the fix video, but not using cp47. Try downloading zztongs a20 poi collection. It's really good and will add some variety to a20. Honestly though, I see no reason now to use kinggen unless you are specifically wanting to use your own height map, or you are only playing a19 7dtd. I hope this makes some sense and is of a little help. Best wishes to you.
  6. Episode 12 of the Nomad series and this week I'm messing about with the dirt bike Evel Knievel style and going Rambo on some Zed asses. Yeah.... and why the fudge not!
  7. Part 11 of the adventures with no blood moon but increased wanderers and increased spawns.
  8. I like the idea of restricting the palette in GIMP. I'm afraid I don't know where the files are that you need. Sorry.
  9. You should know where they are to be able to tell it to use them? Eliminate the broken zone/whatever by removing them one by one. Could be a colour you're using isn't an exact match?
  10. The fix in the video (which I did link to ages ago) will get it working again but that's as far as kinggen is going by the looks of things. Just to repeat for anyone else reading this: You only need to create maps in kinggen if you are wanting to use your own heightmaps. Vanilla rwg does a great job and includes all the nice new tile features. Use the mod linked above to create larger cities if you find rwg a bit lacking. As a side note kinggen is still useful for creating nicer biomes or snow on mountains etc. Also videos linked earlier for those.
  11. Have you used the poi fix trick where you create a new poi list based on the new a20 naming convention? Your issues sound like they come from not using that. That's a good starting point. I posted a video on 'fixing kinggen' a while back. There is a half-block height discrepancy in the last version of kinggen that was going to be fixed in v14. Which isn't likely to happen now. If you really need to use your own heightmaps for your world then persue kinggen a little while longer at least until Teragon arrives. If you're not bothered about using your own heightmap then just use the funpimps built in rwg and enjoy the new tiles/roads/parts features. This mod will give you bigger cities if that's also what you need: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/1921?tab=posts
  12. Oops, forgot to share this one last week! Next episode of Nomad Vs Wanderers and I stumble across possibly my favorite funpimps poi new to a20.
  13. A quick video messing with Telric's Fishing Mod and Ragsy2145's Boating Mod:
  14. You're missing out on the 'tile system' which includes the new roads, junctions, culverts, sewers and also the 'parts' that are included with some poi's and are also very nice features in towns and cities. You're missing quite a lot to be honest. But if you particularly want to use your own hand drawn heightmap it's the only option at the moment. At least until Teragon is released. And that's assuming the first release supports heightmaps. There are other fixes for a20 vanilla RWG depending on what you're looking for in your custom map. Redrawing biomes, adding additional poi's or increasing city sizes for example.
  15. New POI spotlight out now featuring a new POI from CP48. Zeebark's Mile End Prison, based loosely on the Movie The Green Mile.
  16. Next episode of Nomad Vs Wanderers available. In this series I'm playing Nomad style with increased zombie spawns, increased wandering hordes, no blood moon and a few qol mods that I explain how to install (at the start of the video) each time I add one.
  17. Thanks Jugom. As far as I know it's only got discussions going on in the compopack and captain Krunch discords.
  18. Haha! Join the queue! Hopefully he'll be ready to let it go out to testing soon. Thanks for letting me know you enjoy the videos. I really appreciate the feedback.
  19. With @Pille's permission I'm sharing screenshots, some new, and lightly edited video of the software in action. I also highlight a few big changes in Teragon compared to a20rwg and KG. Plus we have an estimated release date! I'm sure a few of you will have already seen the stuff contained in the video but I bet there's a 'horde' of people out there that haven't so here we go:
  20. Next episode of Nomad Vs Wanderers. Adding the 'pin recipes' mod this week. It's a refreshing change. I'm really enjoying it. Let me know how you get on when you try it.
  21. Next episode of Nomad Vs Wanderers. This one's all about Bdub's Dirt Bike and trying to get it made as a Nomad with no workbench or forge. There's a lot of forged iron and steel to collect!
  22. I'm sure Mike will edit his post but here you go: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/1947/
  23. It does of you use the trick in the video at the bottom of this post. However you're going to miss out on the new tiles /roads. But if that's not a worry for you there's plenty of fun still to be had with it. Just a heads-up; There is another piece map making software currently in development that's looking really good, but it's a way off public testing yet. I'm sure you'll hear about that soon. Here's the video should you want to try kinggen in a20:
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