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Urban Blackbear

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Posts posted by Urban Blackbear

  1. 5 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    Generally there may be buildings in the wrong category, but since T5 is the highest category, just consider it to be open-end.


    Just like I noticed that T1 seems to have a few really trivial buildings that are harmless even for T1



    Those are great. Quantity not quality. As in I can do 4-5 of those a day.

  2. The Pipe Baton is new this Alpha. It didn't exist before this. It's balanced aroudn the other pipe weapons which are all crafted with those ingredients too. It's in line with other starter weapons as well, see leather handwraps.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Boidster said:


    Yeah, that is exactly the test I did. A fresh character displays 27, which is the number of unlocked/non-encumbrance backpack slots.




    As you unlock slots (using mods or Pack Mule), the number starts going up and exactly matches the number of 'unlocked' backpack slots. But it will keep adding to the "Carrying Capacity" stat even for unused 'unlocked' slots - those above and beyond 45. And if you get Nightstalker Vol 4, which unlocks all 45 slots at night, then all of your mods get added on top of the 45.


    It doesn't count toolbar and it doesn't count the paper doll slots.

    So basically bugged to show more slots than possible?

  4. @Boidster I'll retest it sometime but the mods just unlock backpack slots AFAIK. Should be easy, just roll a fresh character and see what it displays right off the bat. 27 base slots + 10 toolbelt + 5 armor slots+ 5 clothing slots. So a fresh character would display 47. Of course there's always room for me to be dead wrong. lol


    Edit: Ok, I can't count without it in front of me. Honestly the number it displays is weird.

  5. 29 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Well this is good way to force players to play "safe"

    AFK grinding  in my opinion can't in valheim because  : leveling is slow + to make your dmg visible bigger you have to mining stuff



    37 minutes ago, Gazz said:


    Skill atrophy is the only thing that makes LBD viable in Valheim. Without it everyone could simply AFK-grind the weapon skills to max and be done with them for the entire game.



    They actually patched grinding your weapon skills out of Valheim. You can't attack rocks anymore and raise your weapon skills. Everything is now solid work to grind out. I don't mind a penalty for dying but when its 5% off 5 random skills it gets to be discouraging. If you have skills at 100 you can potentially lose 5 points off of them. It takes hours upon hours to get that back. Especially from a game that actively tries to kill you at times. I once had my base attacked 6 times in a row in one play session by trolls.

  6. 12 hours ago, PoloPoPo said:

    Here are my current player stats. I see that not all are affected by clothing / armor.


    - What does mobility 76 % mean? Movement speed? Jump height? Something else? Best is 100 % I guess? With a new game and being nearly naked we have 100 %?

    Mobility is how fast your base movement speed is. I don't know the m/s that is and it's a little hard without that. Basically the lower it is the slower you move Here you have enough mobility penalties to lower it to 76. I've gotten to 109 or better with Light Armor.

    - What does jump strength 22 % mean? And how is that calculated? What is the best value here? 

    Same with Mobility; lower is worse, higher is better.

    - What does carrying capacity 72 mean? My backpack does not have 72 slots.

    You have your backpack plus your toolbelt plus your armor and clothing slots. Should all add up to whats displayed here.

    - Damage 77? 

    This is the damage to entities that the tool or weapon you're currently holding does.

    - Block damage 83?

    This is the damage to blocks that the tool or weapon you're currently holding does.

    - Rounds and attacks per minute?

    How many rounds the weapon you're holding fires. The other is how many attacks per minute you can do in one minute with regular attacks.

    I wear 5x steel armor with noise increase +20 % each. Does that mean I make twice as much noise (+100 %) as normal? More noise regarding movement or weapon usage or everything?

    Yep, you make 200% noise or twice as much as without it for everything


    Screenshot 2022-01-09 104915.JPG


    I've bolded some answers into your post I quoted above. Hopefully it helps a bit. I'm sorry I don't know more about Jump and Mobility beyond the causal relationship between the numbers.

  7. 43 minutes ago, TheKraken said:

    The app would be free, without limitations, with advertising. From my POV it isn't much difference to how gameplays work; the assets in the app would still be used on behalf of the game, the app doesn't use them for itself. But I'm not a lawyer, so I don't really know.


    I thought someone from TFP would be kind enough to answer on the forum. If not then I'll just write to them directly. Thanks for the advice.


    You're wanting to publish an app that draws ad revenue. That is a standard form of monetization. They're not going to give anyone permission over a forum for that. It's a business request and you've been given the means to make it.

  8. 22 minutes ago, JoeDaFrogman said:

    I like the "Agree not to agree" approach, if everyone did this societies would be quite a bit more civilized.   As Obi-wan said to Anakin "only Sith deal in absolutes"(though to be fair, many of the Jedi philosophies were quite rigidly absolutist as well!)


    That's why the Sith pretty much came into existence in the first place (the ideology not the race). The Force became unbalanced through the Jedi, who turned away from their emotions. It took the Chosen One (Anakin) to bring balance back.

  9. I like that POI. We already had a bear cage. Chickens was only a matter of time. The only thing missing is their natural aggression in-game. It would be hilarious to take eggs from a nest and get attacked by a chicken for it. I admit I have a problem with wildlife running into my weapons all the time too.

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