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mstdv inc

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Posts posted by mstdv inc

  1. 3 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    They want to make bandits in 2 parts - usually there is 2 - 3 alpha per year --> so probably A21 will be in november in this year and A22 in may in 2023 so.... november sounds good because.... hallowen

    It seems to me that I know the dates of all future alphas:
    A21 - Done When It's Done
    Beta - Done When It's Done
    Gold - 202... Done When It's Done! :)

  2. 5 hours ago, kdthehun said:

    In some ways you are right but in some I do not agree with you.
    Yes I can select ALMOST any version of the game and go back to that I'm not an idiot.
    But if I make a mod for say A12 who on earth would download it and play it?
    Where is the fun in playing mods that I make just by myself?
    You see it really feels like as a Mod maker/content creator that Fun Pimps are now trying to stop people from making mods by messing things up in every new update.

    Fine, they change stuff, but then let the modding community know what they changed! But they don't! The changelog they publish hardly tells you anything as a Mod maker.
    Take A20.3 for example.

    This doesn't say ANYTHING as to what they fixed. It broke 2 of my modlets I had running on my public server that used some buffs from Twitch buffs. It resulted in a world wipe. Players were not happy. I wasn't happy.

    So please when making dumb comments, see what I was replying to, and what that person was replying to and don't take things out of context and try to be smart ass.

    You look at the situation very one-sidedly.
    First, if you are the owner or administrator of the server, you should make regular backups.
    Secondly, before installing the update on the main server, the update is tested on the backup server to check the compatibility of user mods and find and fix possible problems.
    These are the foundations of the foundations, the responsibility for which lies with you.
    Thirdly, the game is in alpha version and this means that you agree with all the changes if you launched the game before the official release. Otherwise, as you were told above, you can install one of the previous stable versions and stay on it. The question is "who will play on this version? not for developers, but for you.
    Developers don't have to report to you every line of code they change.
    If you do not understand some of the changes and have problems, you can ask a question in the appropriate forum threads or submit a bug report.

  3. Quote
    • Mods are now loaded from <UserDataFolder>/Mods (i.e. the folder that also stores saves, e.g. on Windows %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/Mods) in addition to <game folder>/Mods. In a future build this will change to only load from that new location so no data is written/changed in the program folder at any time.

    What is the reason for this decision? It is very controversial. It is a bad idea to fill the system disk with user data.
    Mods can take 10 or more gigabytes.
    Unlike "Documents", "Music", "Videos" and other user folders, the "User Name" folder cannot be transferred to another drive.
    Maybe it makes sense to move 7 DTD files from Appdata to "Documents"?

  4. 43 minutes ago, jorbascrumps said:


    I understand what you're asking for but remember that inventory management is intentionally a very important part of the game. If there were hundreds of items to deal with then I could maybe see the value.


    Perhaps instead of hitting take all on every container you open without looking at its contents you could take a moment to parse what's there and only take what you want?

    But don't we have a hundred different items in the loot?
    It's about saving those seconds, which then become minutes and hours. Simplifying the routine will not affect the balance in any way, but will improve the experience gained from the game.
    Yes, now, due to the fact that there is no loot filter, you have to transfer the necessary things separately or also throw them away separately after take all.
    On the scale of one or a dozen boxes, there are no problems, on the scale of a thousand, it all turns into a bore.
    Especially if vanilla is a platform for modding, then it would be very good to have such a function for global mods, where there are many more types of loot.
    The time it takes to sort loot is one of the most boring in this game.
    In any case, if you do not need it, you could simply not enable this feature.
    And I don't claim to add it here and now, this point was in a post about thoughts and ideas.
    "It wouldn't be bad to see someday"
    I don't see any strong arguments against adding extra comfort to the game. The only question is how long it will take to develop this feature.

  5. 2 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

    I guess I know that you mean, but I can't see thats an improvement in qol...now you collect it and then discard stuff you don't want afterwards. Then you decide and filter what you don't want to collect before.

    So it's "klick to drop" against "klick to not pick up". Same effort if you ask me.



    After we took all the items from the  lootbox, I need to find, select the cell with the cloth and press D
    Instead, if the filter were on, I would just pick up everything except cloth. Saving a second in the moment, saving hours of play on a 1500 hour scale.
    This would greatly facilitate the sorting of inventory.
    For example, when I dig the ground, I do not need fibers. I have to throw them out every time.
    When you search coffee makers, I would exclude the selection of beans, only coffee.
    Through the filter, I would exclude the selection of cans, lead, sand, clay and other resources, which are now in small quantities and simply occupy a cell and each time take time to throw them out.
    Maybe you do not understand what kind of filter we are talking about.
    The first thing that comes to mind is Grim Dawn, where you mark groups of items that will be displayed and picked up by the character.
    For example, at later stages, it was possible to exclude the selection of items of tier 0-2 or pick up only 5 and 6 quality.
    There are a lot of examples where a loot filter could be needed.




  6. Different ideas and thoughts about the game

    1. Loot filter
    For example, I collected a lot of fabric at a military base, dismantling all the tents and now I don’t need it. If I could turn on the loot filter and remove the fabric from there, then when dismantling the cars, the fabric would either not be displayed or not be selected.
    This refers to a lot of loot that we do not need at the moment or in general for one reason or another.
    Have the developers thought about it or maybe it is in the plans?

    2. Resource reserves
    After reading certain books, we have the opportunity to stock up on basic resources such as wood, stone, iron and others.
    Maybe it makes sense either through a perk or through books to add the ability to stockpile any resources at all?
    Questions of realism disappear, because we can carry a car and a ton of concrete in our pocket.
    But it's unlikely that the balance will be upset if I can carry 25 bandages in the form of 5 stocks of bandages in one slot. Still, I won't be able to use them until I unpack the stock.
    Some stacks in the game seem too small.
    On the contrary, other stacks could be reduced, but at the same time given the opportunity to combine them into reserves.

    3. Special types of tools and weapons only in loot with a very low drop rate


    1. Special fire ax with increased attack speed / collection of tree seeds / the ability to cut down a tree with one hit
    2. A special shovel, increasing the chance to find precious metals / collect some brass from the ground (some kind of brass garbage)
    3. Wrench, allowing with some chance to remove the solar cell from the solar battery
    4. Machete, allowing you to collect with an increased chance to chop off zombie heads.
    5. Pistol with double shot chance
    6. SMG with a chance to pierce armor every X shot
    7. Automatic weapons with increased multipliers in the body / limbs

    4. Give the drone GLADOS voice ?
    He will fly and offer a cake!
    Joke. Or not?

    5. The transport has too little fuel consumption, and with modifications there are no problems with gasoline at all.

    6. Collectibles?

    Zombie figurines, merchants, faction symbols?
    They are of course made of brass and are expensive :)

    7. Traps quality levels

    Junk meat grinder
    Meat grinder from iron ingots
    Meat grinder made of steel ingots
    Different damage, durability and required resources

    8. New candy tiers, more expensive, with stronger boosts and duration.

    9. Bleeding lasts longer, but takes less HP. Forced activation of feral sense during bleeding

  7. Potato PC test comming ( 4C 4T 3.2Ghz,8gb RAM,RX550 4gb,SSD,15gb SWAP file)

    b213 exp was just unplayable for me, low fps and terrible frametime graph.
    b218 - b238 I found settings for myself that allowed me to get more or less comfortable FPS and a frametime graph comparable to A19. I had to give up vertical sync and shadows.
    I ran tests the other day and found a combination of different settings that allowed me to raise the average fps and almost flatten the frametime graph.

    Let's take a few situations.
    Forest biome.
    Outside the city, my base is in the forest.
    Small town with T1-T3 buildings

    My previous settings:

    Full HD
    Dynamic resolution off
    Vertical sync off
    1/4 texture
    All off or lowest
    Occlusion enabled

    At my base, I had 55-72 fps (lock at 72 through RTTS) and not always an even frametime schedule
    In the woods outside the city 60-72, the frame time schedule is slightly better
    In the city on foot during a search of buildings 45-62 fps slightly ragged frametime graph
    Driving through town turned the frametime schedule into a battlefield, with FPS dropping from 45 to 32-35, accompanied by friezes.

    After changing four settings, two of which were out of the game, I got the following results:

    At its base: 65-72 fps flat frametime schedule
    In the forest outside the city: no changes in FPS, smoother frametime schedule
    Walking in town while searching buildings: 48-72 fps smoother frametime schedule
    Driving through the city: fps keeps within 50-62!

    What have I done?
    First, I often noticed that occlusion leads to friezes when the camera is rotated, always. I turned it off.
    I found the tree draw range setting and lowered it.
    I found the texture streaming setting and turned it off (It was in A18 in the video settings, am I not mistaken? And as far as I remember, I always turned it off)
    And the most interesting thing is that I changed the texture size from 1/4 to Full and was very surprised.
    Ever since the days of A18, I noticed that when switching from full textures to 1/2 or 1/4, I got a very ragged frametime graph.

    In the A20, it all came together.
    By reducing the range of the trees and the grid to 500, I got a higher fps.
    Turning off occlusion and streaming fps, returning the full texture, I got a constant 72 fps inside buildings and small drawdowns outside.

    I also tested all this near and within Dishong in downtown of the largest city in the wasteland.
    The result is the same, I get higher fps and a smoother frametime graph.


    My new settings:

    Full HD
    Dynamic resolution off
    Vertical sync off
    Full textures
    occlusion off
    all off or lowest

    Two additional settings in the registry:
    OptionsGfxStreamMipmaps change from 1 to 0
    OptionsGfxTreeDistance change from 5 to 2

    It seems to me that both of these settings should be inside the game and applied for low and very low presets.

    What my ride looked like before the settings were changed



    Screenshots after applying new settings




  8. 51 minutes ago, LastTugBoat243 said:

    There is nothing wrong with pouring cement solution in the form of pillars slabs and whole blocks because that is logical and normal. What doesn't make sense is pouring cement solution into things like Frames , Ladders Catwalks and Railings. Those Items should have a different upgrade path one that makes sense. Those blocks should be separate from the "Everything Block" and have separate crating recipes in the inventory like the ladder.

    Doesn't make sense just because? Is there a reason?Are you against the convenience of construction?

  9. 2 hours ago, Burrfly said:

    Thank you for addressing this. I think The Fun Pimps are making some mistakes regarding simplification. The old build path was perfect, and now it feels meh. Also because it doesn't make sense for some blocks to be a wood or cobblestone variant. In the past there were wood, iron and steel ladders and wood and iron catwalks and now we can have cobblestone ladders, cobblestone planks, or cobblestone railings. It was perfect before. Only thing I would have changed with the old building was the ADDING of new materials, not removing.


    Also fear this will be the case indeed for the simplification of the clothing system for a21. Currently I'm playing with friends and everyone of us has a different outfit, which is a lot of fun to make ourselves. I'm pretty sure that will change to people wearing the same outfits (less variety etc) when the simplification hits, with maybe the exception of some dyes, but that's it.


    @madmole, yes, 99% of us love the new RWG and the new POI's as well as for example feral sense, but on the other hand we are losing great mechanics.


    I'm sure most of us also like the new building shapes, but I personally think that these should specifically be BUILDING shapes, not for example ladders or catwalks. Catwalks and ladders should be a seperate 'block', like it was before, with a seperate upgrade path.


    I just hope that some old features will come back (for example concrete drying, etc) and there won't be any more simplification, because it makes things more boring 😕 Sorry for maybe this negativity but it's how I feel. Thank you very much for reading.

    I see that you consider railings, stairs and other blocks special, but do not say why?
    Do you have an answer to the question “why should they NOT be like all other blocks?” Just because you are so used to it?
    TFP have an answer. They brought all the blocks to a single standard, not classifying any of them as special.
    What's the problem with pouring a cement solution into the form and making a concrete pillar, slab or a whole block? Nothing.
    What then prevents from pouring the solution into the shape of the railing or stairs and making concrete railings or stairs? Nothing.
    Ditto for cobblestone. If you draw parallels with real life, then you can start by crafting hundreds of perfectly straight frames in a minute in your pocket without a saw, nails and any measuring tools.
    I am interested in the logic of people who classify certain blocks as special.
    In my opinion, all blocks are equally valuable and useful.

  10. 1 hour ago, Tmodloader said:

    True, the increase in poi variety is great, I am still trying to decide whether to use feral sense or not. I don't want sneaking around to be useless but when I fire an unsilenced gun, I want it to be intense and all zombies around hear and start going for me if I fail to hide myself well enough. The problem is I am not sure if feral sense basically removes the ability to hide altogether.

    I chose the compromise option; Wild Sense is only on at night.
    By day I am the master, by night zombies and animals. I believe that everything is fair :)
    If you want to clean the POI without haste, you go to it during the day, if you are bored and you want adventure - do it at night.

  11. 2 hours ago, Mechanimal said:

    I think an option to turn off quest repeats in options menu would be awesome... for my play style anyway. I prefer to see the world around me change throughout a playthrough, and stay that way. I turn loot respawn off entirely nowadays. If I looted a building and then got a quest there I would be fine with that happening once, only. After that I'd prefer to move out to other towns for fresh loot, POIs and quests. It also solves another issue I had when quests were first introduced: making certain POIs off limits for base building, something that never mattered before suddenly does. But if an option for non-repeat quests was on then I'd know which buildings became available once I did a quest there. I'd also likely stick to playthroughs longer, lately I tend to get bored around midgame and start a new map because the world feels more and more fake over time as the POIs around me magically regenerate.

    For now I just quit a quest when I get to a repeat and recognize it, even though that wastes even more time overall, I personally find it a mild nuisance and worthy compromise. So in the meantime/alpha days these things can be managed by player behavior, "fine, I'll do it myself". I do hope such a thing is in by Gold though. I also think, and it's only an opinion, that both loot respawn & repeat questing should be off by default, mainly because it dramatically promotes adventuring out and makes longer games feel far more real. But that's me, and obv not the best idea for MP games, mainly SP and maybe small/private MP games, just spitballing on the topic.

    I've always played with the loot respawn disabled. I always play through a full city cleanup and relocation with the construction of a new base near a new city. Usually it is 70-80 days and 3 bases.
    And for this reason I do not communicate with traders. I do not need an excuse to clear the POI, I will clear them all anyway.
    Then he sends me to the next, closest trader, but I want to choose the place for the base myself and the city that I will clear next.
    Therefore, I understand you. I also do not like the wonderful revival of loot in POI and the carefully packed backpack after death. I play with the complete removal of everything from both the hot bar and the backpack.
    I found a way for myself to prolong the pleasure so as not to get bored by 70-80 days.
    I am not using the power and intelligence tree in my new survival and I play with 25 experience multiplier and 50 loot multiplier. Lots of killed zombies, infections, broken legs and arms, 45 days and only 90 stage of the game. All the fun is yet to come!
    I plan to survive for at least 200 days and clear the city in the desert, winter biome and in the wastelands in turn)
    The game for me was revealed in a new way.
    The A20 + is not the usual settings for my survival, this is the secret of my new cocktail of emotions. And damn it, I really like it!

  12. 2 hours ago, Victor.19 said:

    A gtx 980ti with i7 3770 and 16gb ddr3 ram. In large cities the fps reaches 20, even in the medium, all this at 720p while in the other biomes is at about 45-50 which for me is great. Seeing the percentage of resource use none reaches at least 50%. That is, low hardware usage and low fps.

    This sudden drop occurs only in large cities, the denser and within the POI so much that in the other biomes is a very acceptable fps.

    The most interesting thing is that I have Phenom II x4 925, RX 550 4GB and 8GB ddr 2 ram and I have 25-35 FPS in full HD in the downtown near Dishong and 45-72 FPS in medium-sized, small towns and outside cities.
    Overall, I haven't seen 95% of the problems people write about.
    @faatal Perhaps this is an insane assumption, but in more than a year I have met quite a few people who have severe performance problems with ddr 3 ram.
    There may be some connection.
    If it can somehow help, I could ask any additional data from these people?

  13. 14 hours ago, Tmodloader said:

    Thanks, I do like that they attack in a generic sense and aren't super smart but still it feels like there's some sort of thrill missing from horde night. I was on a small water tower type structure with support beams under me, I was planning an escape route for the inevitable collapse but instead the horde went for the building next to it all night which was odd.

    I am of the exact opposite opinion, traders give too good rewards already where it almost seems wasteful to go into a poi without a mission for me these days.

    During the time until one person gets to the trader, takes the quest, gets to the POI, completes the quest, gets back to the trader and finishes the quest, I will clear several houses and get more profit not in money, but in total.
    I prefer to just loot all the buildings in a row, instead of completing quests.
    As time has shown, I get the items I need faster, I also don’t have to purposefully dig for iron at the initial stages, and by the time the production of cartridges begins, I get a large number of radiators from the POI and I don’t need to purposefully search for brass.
    80% of the cobblestones that I find in buildings, I disassemble into stones, add all the cement. By the time the concrete production started, I already had 7800 cement and 1.5 stacks of stones.
    Despite the trader's rewards, the loss of time does not pay off for me.
    Perhaps because I do not use perks for additional rewards and do not use profitable barter.
    It already depends on the style of play.
    And there are too many cool POIs in A20 to be missing. I want to clean them all. I want to take a bath with new POIs and bathe in them. I am very happy about the variety of POIs. 😄

  14. 5 minutes ago, Callum123456789 said:

    speaking of the rewards don't match up i seem to get higher quality weapon's and tools from tier 4 quests than 5 which is really odd and so far i have done easily over 30 of each tier 4 and 5 quests

    I hope that all traders will get even more love in A21 :)

  15. @faatal @madmole and everyone involved in the quests

    Reflections and suggestions for quests. 

    1. The quest for the same building may appear twice or even three times. The preview of the POI to which the trader wants to send us might have solved this problem. Or removing the quest mark from this POI for this world.
    2. The building in which the quest was completed is not marked in any way. Perhaps a slight highlighting of the tiles with this POI on the map would solve the problem. Put manual marks = clog the compass and the mark menu.
    3. Distance. I understand that if there is no Tier 4 and Tier 5 POI in the nearest city and the trader will send me for 7 km to the other end of the map, by this time I will already have a 4x4 or a helicopter, but at the initial stages it is too much to receive tasks of more than 1.5 km. time consuming.
    4. Rewards do not match the experience multiplier setting. I received a response from the madmole about this. This will be fixed in A21 with the addition of a traderstage
    5. Variety of quests.
    I'm happy about the new energy recovery quests, but it's still not enough.
    The game supports two timer modes:
    The quest is completed when the timer reaches the specified time. Can be used for quests where you need to hold out for a while.
    The quest is completed if other conditions are met and the countdown has not reached zero.
    Will this be used in the future?
    There are also conditions for killing a certain number of zombies, any or specific.
    All this can be mixed with a timer.
    Random daily (or only night?) Time challenges with increased difficulty and reward.
    Tier 4 and Tier 5 quests Buried Supplies? Do you need auger and build a temporary base, because when you get the box, a whole horde will come after you, and maybe even bandits will want to intercept your cargo on the way to the trader?
    Perhaps whole chains of quests, such as setting up a new base for peaceful NPCs that we found in the world. Search / Buy / Craft certain types of tools / armor / weapons / traps / vehicles for them.
    Quests to restore specific POI tier 1-5? Only for this you will need to have two types of one quest POI: destroyed and whole, to which the player must restore it.

  16. 30 minutes ago, Callum123456789 said:

    well about that....im pretty sure that sleepers now have trigger points meaning if one gets killed they all wake up and if the player goes to a certain location no matter how detected or undetected they are they will wake up stealth is mostly pointless for poi's now if you ask me well atleast some of the tier 3's have use for it but most up don't

    Do not speak "for the majority", speak only for yourself. YOU do not use secrecy.
    A few pages ago, the developers wrote that now there is a new detection system in the game and it is still being finalized.
    Conclusions about its work can be made after correcting all errors.

  17. Hey @madmole

    I have been waiting for A20 all this time not in order to arrange a speedrun for the game, as many do, but in order to enjoy the game and stay at every stage of development as long as possible.
    At 25% exp, I ran into a problem when a merchant offers me a forge, a chemical laboratory and a workbench even before the first horde. Of course, I did not buy them so as not to spoil my game, although I already had money for them by that time.
    Have the developers thought about adding a traderstage in the future by analogy with a lootstage?
    So that the trader's assortment and even his rewards correspond to the percentage of experience that the player has put.
    Also, setting the percentage of experience could affect the parameter "quest per tier",increasing it from 7 to 10 or up to 14 if the player chooses less than 100% of experience.

  18. 1 hour ago, Kosmos said:

    - Steam achievements dont count
    - Mechanic weapons in coop game often falls through textures (and for one player it looks like not, but for another - it fell down), not sure but i guess it happens if you place near another player/zombie close

    - Using splint or plaster clast at another player (via right click) will not have effect at his fracture, but you will lost item (as it didnt work at A19)

    - Looks like quest-tiers don't has minimum threshold of gamestage, so you can do tier-5 quests without any radiactive zombies or without decent count of feral zombies, but reward was rebalanced and you can be already in steal-tier armor and weapons (?)

    - Tier 3/4-quests look like broken and have less count of zombies than Tier2-quests in Coop (?), have no idea why some zombies should spawn only if you open door with button, it makes hard to find which room you skipped

    - Picklock break chance looks too high, one time we spent 21 keys to open quest chest

    - Game can eat from 4gb to 10gb RAM at medium settings, have no idea how to lower it and why difference is too high and at what depends

    Sometimes game uses all RAM and close with steam without any error message

    use at least 15GB of swap file
    the game uses it as actively as RAM

  19. 9 hours ago, bachgaman said:

    I completely agree with everything you wrote. Just curious if anyone has ever died from infection in this game.

    It's easier to die from a wild boar than from an infection. 😁

    I would reduce the duration of the infection from 7 to 2 in-game days, so that the treatment of the infection becomes the first priority.
    Even in A20 on day 11 I have 4 herbal antibiotics, 3 cans of honey and 1 regular antibiotics. The infection is no longer scary.

  20. Hey guys!
    I managed to generate a 10240x10240 map with the maximum number of cities, wildness poi and not crash the game :) on my very, very, very potato PC
    It took 28 minutes to generate the map, but that's ok for my PC!
    So what do we need to generate such a map?
    At least 40GB of swap file, I'm not kidding)



    @Blake_ you have a good computer compared to mine :)

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