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Everything posted by arramus

  1. @Sunbursts A small update to the quests.xml to bring it up to date with current quest reward groups and developer comments. To keep with Snufkin's original wish for the Juggernaut completion rewards, the order has been left the same with only one edit for compatibility. https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-CustomZombies-A19-Stable-2020Oct28 Thank you to Sunbursts for noticing this. You often share issues on the mods/tools you run and it keeps them working well and functional. Thank you to BubbaJoe for further testing. If this hasn't fixed it, I don't know what will.
  2. Sunbursts. The Juggernaut quest is still the original and has not changed at all since the very first release. This is the first issue we've heard about it and I don't think the quest is given/completed so often and not the most popular part of the mod. My tests so far: I went into debug mode 'dm' and used 'givequest killjuggernaut' to activate the quest. 1. I tested the quest 20 times in SP as a level 1 player with no quest reward skills. I was offered 2 rewards each time with no problems and accepted 1. 2. I tested the quest 10 times on a dedicated server with level 300 and 5 quest reward skills. I received the same warning as you 1 time but also 9 successful completions. This tells me there is a conflict with a random item that is rarely given as a reward. I checked the code to look for the conflict. This message is in the quests.xml file in the default game at the top of the file. Prepared quest loot groups: groupQuestAmmo (*) random but higher ammo quantity than in general loot groupQuestArmor all armor excluding cloth/scrap groupQuestMedical (*) migher quality/quantity medical items and drugs groupQuestWeapons all weapons groupQuestSchematics (*) schematics like the sham secret recipe groupQuestTools tools, not stone groupQuestMods (*) all available mods (*) not scaled for item quality but can scale for probability, like more drugs at higher gamestage The original Snufkin mod which is the same as now has the following for rewards: <reward type="Exp" value="500"/> <reward type="Item" id="casinoCoin" value="10000"/> <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestTools" ischosen="true" isfixed="true" value="6"/> <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestArmor,groupQuestMedical" ischosen="true" isfixed="true" value="6"/> <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestAmmo" ischosen="true" value="6"/> <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestMelee,groupQuestRanged" ischosen="true" value="6"/> <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestSchematics" ischosen="true" value="6"/> <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestMods" ischosen="true" value="6"/> I believe the mod is requesting groupQuestMelee,groupQuestRanged as rewards but these are not in the Prepared quest loot groups. I think it is a conflict as these do not appear in any of the default game rewards at all. Maybe they used to in A18. Can you change one line in your Snufkin quests.xml file please? Change: <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestMelee,groupQuestRanged" ischosen="true" value="6"/> to: <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestWeapons" ischosen="true" value="6"/> This will make the rewards for the Juggernaut the same as any other quest and match the format. I can join you in testing this if you give me your server IP address. I believe it will work because it is the standard format but it is good to test it first. After that we can release an update. I shall await your feedback.
  3. Thank you Sunbursts. Looks like completion of the Juggernaut quest. I have yet to receive the Juggernaut quest from the trader and appreciate the feedback to check on the reward settings.
  4. I had done a full purge and reinstall recently to switch from HDD to SDD in an attempt to reduce imposter prefabs (which saw a 95% improvement) and deleted all logs. My first issue probably began on Oct 23 for your timezone so any where prior to that should be just fine. Thank you.
  5. I saw the dilemma you faced/are still facing with NIC's and other routing issues so just for when you have peace with that. My character in Zed Rising appears to have corrupted again as the null reference has reappeared. I wonder if there is a player back up of a previous save available.
  6. Let's check what's happening here. Using the <entitygroup name="ZombiesScouts"> in the same format as the lower section possibly attempts to commit the request as a totally new group as it's not getting @ tagged to an existing group. But then again, I have not moved away from the original variables and am interested to see how it will effect the original ZombieScouts group; such as overwriting it or appending it. There are typically multiple ways to perform the same action with some working better than others. It'll either add, replace, or be ignored. I am interested to see. Death by Campfire.... I shall be looking out for it as a public release. These new zombies are certainly a much more powerful stock than the usual ones... Has your GPU wattage increased just in an ambient setting, when you see 1 Snukin Zombie, or when facing a Blood Moon, or all of these? Each zombie has additional models attached to their bodies and the demand on processing has quite possibly intensified. Especially if they are throwing around fireballs, and such. All you can really do is turn off or down some more of the graphics features to reduce demand and see what the impact is. Unfortunately, this is the first report I recall in this thread of such an occurrence and your own tweaking of your graphics settings will be a learning experience for us all.
  7. @SylenThunder Just checking if the servers are down for maintenance as I'm getting a time out for Zed Rising.
  8. I just visited a pretty new server running a variety of server side mods which included Snufkin Zombies. The Admin, 'Catman' gave permission to share the details if you are ever wanting a place to play. My ping was 250+ and I know that was pretty true due to my location but it felt very stable in there. Search ZombieShack PVE in the server name or drop in directly to which should stay the same as it's a rented server. I hadn't even reached the first trader and came across this challenge, which I ultimately ran away from as the Scorcher just brushed off anything I could throw at it. If any other server hosts want to share their own servers running Snufkin Zombies, it will give clients options. If we get enough, we can collate them into a list.
  9. You tried, and now we know. Thank you. It is either hardcoded to be that way or missing something fundamental either at the same level or connected to a level up the hierarchical chain where they may separate. As a temporary workaround, maybe also adding the screamer to the regular Blood Moon feralHordeStage can add the illusion of anybody's screams bringing extra hordes. Maybe dropping the regular Blood Moon amount by 1 that can be alive at any time and adding her to the Snufkin Zombies blood moon group would offer a twist. There would potentially be periods of mellower play followed by periods of out and out mayhem as screamer hordes joined the array. A moment to breathe before the next onslaught. That is if there aren't any hardcoding conflicts.
  10. I see. A very interesting concept such as through this easy method of adding her directly to the default entitygroups.xml via Snufkin entitygroups.xml as a last entry so she joins her cousin: <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesScouts']"> <entity name="zombieBanshee"/> </append> And seeing if her scream will have the same impact as the zombieScreamer since the banshee already shares multiple properties of hers, including scream, and they may be connected. Go for it! We await your feedback as this can take BM or even regular day roaming to another level should it already be integrated without needing further appendages. And if it doesn't work, there can always be further tweaks.
  11. arramus

    Highope's Modlets

    @Highope Hi Highope. I read through all of the threads and see that the Alpha 19 update probably means a LOT of work to catch up with updating all of your mods. I also saw that some mods came via requests and hope you can consider one for the future based on your existing All Types of Trees Respawn mod once time and energy permits. I love the concept of respawning trees. It just works well. My xml understanding is basic but after downloading the A18.4 mod I could made a few changes to remove features that do not seem to be compatible with A19. In particular the airstage feature. This stripped about half of the code though and probably removed some lovely features. In addition, I changed all of the planted seedlings as downgrade block to the full sized original cut down tree so that it doesn't get replaced by a default pine and keeps more tree variety in the vicinity. In essence I am hoping to maintain the variety of trees so it doesn't become an industrial Pine Tree/Oak forest: I wonder if you would consider releasing a All Types of Trees Respawn as Themselves mod with the following stages: Cut down a tree > have the sapling as a placement marker as seems to be a similar feature for vehicle respawns > respawn after a set time period with exactly the same tree to maintain tree variety. The edits I have now works as a good temporary workaround. It is exploitable with instant respawn but these trees only keep their original 300/600/900 type values and this helps lessen that. They also give honey as per learning and seeds as per your own balance. Trees don't fall but a small branch/leaf falling animation occurs after each tree is chopped which also adds to the effect. However, I hope you can give it some thought when time allows.
  12. Yes, you are correct with your assumption on the Cowhead without his weapon and headdress. I have seen that as well. As I approached closer they reappeared again. In this case you are really close and the mayhem is clearly competing for processing priority. I have seen some really high specification servers/client rigs have exactly the same issue and believe it's a game code/software setup thing as much as a hardware thing. Here is what I've seen with such issues for various visual/updating problems: For clients - The current game caching and optimising system plus a slower HDD = Issues with Prefabs showing imposter walls, etc and issues with updating Snufkin zombies. For servers - The current game caching and optimising system plus a slower HDD = Issues with synchronisation with can exacerbate the clients issues if they are on a HDD. A double cascade. Ensuring virtual paging is turned on for the OS drive or additional drives depending on setup has brought good results for both client and server. A recent post about a 32 player Slovakian server confirmed paging impacts stability even with 128gb RAM. The 30th player was often getting booted even though there was so much redundant RAM. Paging was turned off as it was considered so much redundant RAM would suffice. It was clear that certain processes were very dependent on software paging in the background. And having an SSD for client or server certainly makes a difference with the extra read/write redundancy. I was getting a huge amount of the imposter walls showing up around Prefabs and had my game on an HDD with the OS on SDD because of size restrictions. Bringing the game over to the SDD solved 95% of the issues instantly with only periodic imposter issues on trader doors and stairs from time to time. I hope it holds up. It looks to be connected with an Editor feature with 'stability glue' and has been reported. Oh the big sighs of relief we'll hear once the game reaches serious optimisation stage.
  13. @Snufkin Hi Snufkin. Now that A19 has gone stable again and we could extensively test the mod in it, and since feedback has shown Snufkins Custom Zombies feels very server stable in all respects, the mod has moved from test phase and been updated to A19 - Stable as well. I was just looking for the link on the first page to visit the MischiefMaker. Maybe this is still in the process of being set up? The timing is great anyway now that the A19 Stable is released. (I had one more small request, may I bundle a new vehicle ('Whirligig' gyro/helicopter hybrid) into Snufkins Custom Vehicle's and release that as a stable A19 mod as well? I have tested it for a good 2 weeks in a dedicated server without issue. There is one small WIP issue with the Army Truck that I have put in the official bug thread to see if the collision box can be updated in the future. It's an inherent game issue and nothing introduced by the mod)
  14. Here is a link for Snufkin Custom Zombies A19 - Stable https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-CustomZombies-A19-Stable-2020Oct22 After decent feedback from regular server administrators @BubbaJoe and @Dre who are actually putting the mod through its paces with their own customised settings, and also golden support from @Slawa, @h0tr0d, @Robeloto, and @ShoudenKalferas for their eagle eyes and timely modding suggestions, Snufkin's Custom Zombies moves out of A19 testing to stable. There have been no major issues reported from server admin and the thread has been focussed on tweaks rather than fixes for the past week or so. One small update has been made to the Bomber as I totally missed his Explosion Particle 4 (car debris) and it caused some issues on a play test. His existing property has been commented out with the new property placed below. Value 6 is for a detonation which is in context with his action. <!--property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="4"/--> <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="6"/> There are certainly other contributors in this thread, as well as within the larger community for hosting. Salutations to all. I met the Juggernaut for the first time in BM yesterday at day 65 with days set to 80 minutes and dawn for 3am but it didn't last long enough to get a screenshot. Neither did my gaming bud on this occasion who existed momentarily for a breather. I could get a screenshot of the damage though. A layer of steel cladding and a steel column were melted like butter. The iron bars were used as toothpicks while the torment continued. And those ones can keep their distance as a melee swarm with Geist, and Archon with its more responsive melee, can be testy. Moving on from here, there have been some requests from server admin and client hosts on how to tweak the spawns and settings to their own specifications. I hope regular server admin can possibly uploaded their own settings so we can demonstrate a range; such as low spawn rate with high return, and vice versa or proportional XP for higher/lower HP to maintain balance. This can be both instantly usable and educational which is what Snufkin's Custom Zombies has been all about for a lot of us. 👍
  15. Darkness Falls is a complete overhaul of the existing default game files and the potential for conflicting errors is very high. This is because Snufkin's Custom Zombies are sophisticated enhancements to the existing xml code. Darkness Falls makes some fundamental changes to that code and the zombies will not be able to find their assets and this will bring up errors. It is certainly possible to port them over using the Darkness Falls assets and it may well be worth while to ask in the Darkness Falls thread.
  16. I took a more detailed look at how spawning works and what it means in real play. There is most certainly a dynamic system in place that links to the default system. This won't impact Snufkin zombies HP and XP as they don't progress in class from base to feral to radiated but it will increase their probability to appear more frequently. The current Snufkin entitygroups.xml are as follows: Adds to the default entitygroups.xml: ZombiesNight (Bansee/Geist/Parasite/Bomber/Siren) ZombiesAll (Parasite/Bomber) ZombiesBurntForest (Cowhead/Scorcher) SnowZombies (Wendigo) The ZombiesNight group has a chance to spawn in the Pine Forest, Burnt Forest, Desert, and Snow biomes with just 1 zombie being called at a time. Just a single roamer to keep the biome active. In addition, ZombiesNight are also configured to be brought into play on what looks to be a specific day from Day 1 to Day 49 within two further parent groups. This allows the challenge to increase and provide a more dynamic and random feel. In fact, there are days where the zombies are given a 'clamp' command which means the zombies WILL find you. This is not specifically progressive and will create waves of intensity. The devs got this balance just right to keep new players on edge. It's eclectic and dynamic but with that overall long term weighting based on your current level. ZombiesAll has similar features with set days. Breaks between days introduces the chance to see more Zombie dogs and Vultures and that explains why they can suddenly appear out of nowhere as they are rigged to spawn on set days. Groups at the end of each day stage set are given an astrerix value which probably dictates any day from then on. At this stage the player is probably ready to face the greater challenges. On top of this are other groups such as for the screamer which are based on how many times she screams. These include our Snufkin zombies as well. Creates new Snufkin groups within the Mod entitygroups.xml: ZombiesWastelandNightHard (6 default/Undertaker) ZombiesPineForest (19 default/Cowhead/Mantis) ZombiesPineForestNight (7 default feral/Mantis/Psycho) ZombiesDesertNight (9 default/Undertaker) The four Snufkin zombies not in any of these default or new groups are Juggernaut (BM+Quest)/Archon(BM)/Scarecrow(BM)/Wrestler(Not applied). These groups are Biome specific and will add just a very little extra challenge on top of the default challenges. This is because they only add 1 extra zombie at a time. Day 1 to 21 for ZombiesAll progressively increases the total permitted zombies allowed to be alive at the same time from 1 to 8. The one extra in the new groups will not upset things too much unless both groups spawn a Snufkin zombie which is low probability unless server hosts make changes to the probability of both groups. In summary, Snufkin mentioned that he began testing the mod at about day 200 in the server he tested on and what he did so far is a momentous achievement. The foresight to carefully balance the default groups by adding a greater volume of Snufkin zombies which will be weighted to the day makes it player level friendly. Snufkin set the probability for Snufkin zombies to spawn very conservatively for non Blood Moon periods meaning they are the exception rather than the rule. As such, the best way to enhance how well they are integrated into the default weighted setup is simply to raise the probability of them spawning. On my own setup, I have changed the probability for non Blood Moon spawning a liberal 50 fold from prob="0.01" to prob="0.5". This is because I want them to be the rule rather than the exception. Even with this much higher probability, they are competing with other zombies to be selected to spawn and in a long list of zombies with no reduced probability their chances to appear are still pretty low in the early days. As such, if you don't mind trying and giving feedback, a few things you can do to test a more weighted game style is: 1. Increase probability for each individual Snufkin zombie to spawn. 2. Decrease their base health and XP gain to make it more balanced. They can spawn more often but be eliminated quicker with a basic return proportional to their HP. 3. Know that Snufkin already carefully considered how they will link to the dynamic default file groups and see how your lower level gaming group players respond.
  17. I believe @xyth has already achieved this as a standalone and quite possibly integrated it into the Creature Packs. I watched footage of a 'trader bandit' and I'm sure I also saw footage of a wandering trader. It was in a regular building so I can't be certain if he could wander outside or was specific to this location. The Creature Packs are truly superb and I've hardly scratched the surface. It is well worth a visit. Yes. In fact Snufkin was sampling a variety of customised weapons in Snufkin's Server Side Weapons which Slawa and oakraven have kindly supported with updates. It's still a work in progress to bring it back to what it was but it's getting there. No harm in asking for an expansion to the collection. Good to hear this mod is working out for your server environment. A quiet thread on that front is a good sign.
  18. Good questions. 1. For regular days, the Snufkin Zombies do not use a difficulty scaling system. Their XP and HP remain the same. 2. The default game has a scaling system whereby days/games stages do not change XP and HP but introduce more feral, radiated, probability chance, and new types of zombies. The Blood Moon for the Snufkin Zombies also has this feature to some extent in that it introduces new zombies and also increasing their probability to spawn. Based on the default system of introducing new zombies with scaling, here is an example of 'SnowZombies': <entitygroup name="SnowZombies"><entity name="zombieSnow" prob="1"/></entitygroup> <entitygroup name="zombieSnowGroupGS1"><entity name="zombieSnow" prob="1"/><entity name="zombieSnowFeral" prob="0"/></entitygroup> <entitygroup name="zombieSnowGroupGS50"><entity name="zombieSnow" prob="0.85"/><entity name="zombieSnowFeral" prob="0.1"/></entitygroup> <entitygroup name="zombieSnowGroupGS100"><entity name="zombieSnow" prob="0.7"/><entity name="zombieSnowFeral" prob="0.2"/></entitygroup> <entitygroup name="zombieSnowGroupGS200"><entity name="zombieSnow" prob="0.55"/><entity name="zombieSnowFeral" prob="0.3"/></entitygroup> <entitygroup name="zombieSnowGroupGS400"><entity name="zombieSnow" prob="0.4"/><entity name="zombieSnowFeral" prob="0.4"/></entitygroup> <entitygroup name="zombieSnowGroupGS800"><entity name="zombieSnow" prob="0.25"/><entity name="zombieSnowFeral" prob="0.5"/></entitygroup> This can be found in the default 7 Days To Die\Data\Config folder in the entitygroups.xml file. The format used in this scenario is similar in other groups and is typically tagged in other files as well. 1. The group 'SnowZombies' has been constructed to use a scaling system based on player or party game stage totals. 2. prob="1" tells us they will spawn with 100% certainty. 3. In the first instance after the SnowZombies entity group has been initiated, the sub groups are displayed for spawning. For a very new player at game stage 1, zombieSnowGroupGS1 will spawn a 'zombieSnow' with 100% certainly but NOT spawn a 'zombieSnowFeral' with the same 100% certainty. No ferals at this stage. However after getting some levels and attaining game stage 100, or maybe teaming up in a party and reaching game stage 100, zombieSnowGroupGS100 will become active. There is a 70% chance of a 'zombieSnow' and 20% chance of a 'zombieSnowFeral'. A slight increase in challenge weighted to increases player capability. This can become further 'complicated' in the spawning.xml file whereby groups can be set for day/night/total alive at any one time/spawn delay, etc. Based on this, it could take some time to append the existing files or create unique ones linked to game stage. However, it can get as sophisticated as calling in a horde of a select group of only Snufkin's Zombies with or without default zombies the screamers (scout?) shrill cries bring in her buddies. The easiest way to implement such a feature would just be to add selective Snufkin Zombies to existing Game Stage groups; e.g. entitygroups.xml FROM: <entitygroup name="scoutHordeStageGS8"><entity name="zombieBusinessMan"/><entity name="zombieSteve"/><entity name="zombieYo"/><entity name="zombieJoe"/><entity name="zombieMoe"/><entity name="zombieBoe"/><entity name="zombieNurse"/><entity name="zombieCheerleader"/><entity name="zombieSkateboarder"/><entity name="zombieArlene"/><entity name="zombieMarlene"/></entitygroup> TO: <entitygroup name="scoutHordeStageGS8"><entity name="zombieBusinessMan"/><entity name="zombieSteve"/><entity name="zombieYo"/><entity name="zombieJoe"/><entity name="zombieMoe"/><entity name="zombieBoe"/><entity name="zombieNurse"/><entity name="zombieCheerleader"/><entity name="zombieSkateboarder"/><entity name="zombieArlene"/><entity name="zombieMarlene"/><entity name="zombieScarecrow"/></entitygroup> This can be done via a Mod which could add the Scarecrow zombie to the list, or manually via the game default files. This is Stage 8 and could be weighted with more challenging Snufkin zombies in combination as game stage increases. In summary, the feature to change HP or XP does not currently appear to be implemented for zombies and balance was brought through modifying probability and spawn dynamics instead. Saying that, there is a scaling feature for the amount of XP received when looting so the code for such a feature exists. It would be nice if modders more experienced in this domain could further expand where possible as this was a good question I'm sure the devs toyed with before reaching the current system.
  19. Most certainly. It'll be on the check list of release tasks.
  20. The scarecrow death animation is superb and causes no server hiccups at all. He can also squeeze through the smaller round upright columns and look like a rotary fan should his animation occur at the right time when eliminated. Snufkin, for the record, you always have my permission for any choices you wish to make with Snufkin's Server Side Zombies regardless of anything I could assist with in restoring it for A19. I simply appreciated the chance to learn a lot more about xml coding hands on, and also bring it back to the servers to enhance game play.
  21. @SylenThunder I popped in Zed Rising for some mellower gameplay and could enjoy the setup. I received a NullReferenceException on the second attempt to join. Is this something I should attempt to resolve on my client version?
  22. There is a Blood Moon Horde generator linked to in the official xml files but the link is dead. Possibly when the forum changed over to a new format. This looks to be the new location though and may help automate the process. It is an archived thread for earlier versions (A16-A17) but may still apply. https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/4137-gamestage-blood-moon-horde-generator/
  23. Yes, you will get it working eventually and I think it will be great to post it for everyone to enjoy.
  24. The github top top link is for the latest October A19 compatible build. This is just the Custom Zombies 'base mod' without the camera addon. https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-CustomZombies-A19.2-b3-2020Oct10 Snufkin's original base mod is here on dropbox and again it is only the Custom Zombies but it isn't the updated version and works on older builds on the game. (April/May 2020) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3jr3t4shjxyg3lr/AACyUpKQQqFv4h-Y2DlHqBR4a?dl=0 The research camera addon was built for Snufkin's original base mod for April/May 2020 and is here. I haven't tested it on the A19 update from github and if you try it pleeeeeeeeeease share your feedback so we can see how it gets on. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6rzg5q1kmf180j7/AABfe5T0a8cN24ekggVjt8Wea?dl=0
  25. GS I believe Snufkin did a combination of copying over the default from the game and editing it to the mod as it does share the same patterns. Either way, it can be a long and arduous process and I certainly appreciate the base one provided. You will get a boss even if your GS is not exactly the same as the one in the list. You will get the boss from the GS number that comes just below your personal GS. An example: 1. GS 22 - Scarecrow (only the Scarecrow from GS 22 to gs 27 but he will appear for 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27) 2. GS 28 - Scarecrow / Archon (both the Scarecrow and Archon from GS28 to 32) 3. GS 33 - Archon (only Archon from GS 33 to 38 as the Scarecrow takes a tea/coffee break) 4. GS 39 - Scarecrow / Archon / Undertaker (from GS 39 onwards until the next listing is this trio) However, if a friend suddenly joins you and you battle together as a party, you will see a combined GS group. It is calculated on a few factors and will not just be a combination of your two current GS values added together. It also rounds things down. More on this can be found in the explanation added to the '7 Days To Die\Data\Config\gamesstages.xml' in your default game folder. Regardless of how this works, it makes things more of a challenge to accommodate both players but still keeps a balance. SPAWNING Any group you make in the spawning.xml file will require a partner group list in the entitygroups.xml to match conformity. And yes, this entitygroups.xml list will require a complete list of all the Bosses you want to introduce. The tag for the bosses is exactly the same for all other groups in the list with the boss name applied. Example from Snufkin to show the match: spawning.xml and its associated entitygroups.xml code for a totally new group made by Snufkin just built for this mod. <append xpath="/spawning/biome[@name='wasteland']"> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandNightHard" /> </append> <append xpath="/entitygroups"> <entitygroup name="ZombiesWastelandNightHard"> <entity name="zombieFarmer" prob="0.3"/> <entity name="zombieStripper" prob="0.3"/> <entity name="zombieUtilityWorker" prob="0.3"/> <entity name="zombieNurse" prob="0.3"/> <entity name="zombieSteveCrawler"/> <entity name="zombieFatHawaiian" prob="0.3"/> <entity name="ZombieUndertaker" prob="0.01" /> </entitygroup> </append> Based on my experience, respawndelay is the amount of time it takes in seconds for a new zombie to appear after the last one is eliminated. If you set maxcount="2" respawndelay="2.9" then it should follow that 2 bosses/character will always be present and they will respawn every 2.9 seconds to fill the maxcount gap when one is eliminated.
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