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Everything posted by dmustanger

  1. can use the customchatcommands for that
  2. i can make it so that it will output it to a log, which will allow you to catch it with a phraser. is this what you are looking for? or would you rather it go to console?
  3. i have not implemented to delay between uses yet for custom commands yet. should be done in the next release
  4. i can add permission levels to the custom commands, what do you mean by location option?
  5. set infoticker to true in "ServerToolsConfig.xml" <Tool Name="InfoTicker" Enable="true" DelayBetweenMessages="5" /> it will create a config called "InfoTicker.xml" add your messages here
  6. will be fixed in the next release https://github.com/dmustanger/7dtd-ServerTools/commit/d6e66bb5ae452cf9ad8c83eca923fdc6c617a6ec
  7. updated to v3.7 CHANGE LOG v3.7 Added Reserved Slot console command Usage: reservedslot add/remove/list <steamID> <playerName> <days to expire> Fixed /sethome no longer spawns player at the highest point Fixed /home still not saving players positions after server reboots Changed Reserved slots will now observe expired date/time in reservedslots.xml Changed Removed chat command /delhome, players can now just set a new home Changed Moved Gimme, Killme, Clan and Sethome data to a binary file Changed Added a usage response for /clan commands if no params were given
  8. if you use the console command i made stopserver <mins> would this not be the same?
  9. Would it be possible to make so that we could?
  10. i have removed most of the trader items, i guess i missed the gaspump, i still have to go through the recipes list and remove the new items added since a15. For the time being just remove the said lines from your xml. i will try to get an updated list out soon.
  11. the config file will be in the game save folder. if you left it as default in the config they will be in the %appdata% folder
  12. how is it not correct?
  13. updated to v3.6 Added console command stopserver. Will stop the game server with a chat warning countdown every minute. Usage: stopserver <minutes> Added console command entityremove. Will remove a entity from the game. Usage: entityremove <entityId> Added console command resetplayer. Will reset a players profile. If player is connected it will auto kick the player first. Usage: rp <steamId> or resetplayer <steamId> Fixed if a player uses /sethome and then the server gets rebooted before the player uses their /home, that home data is ignored since it doesn't have a last used time stamp
  14. could just disable it when you want to hide
  15. updated to v3.5 Added admin prefixes and name coloring Changed /day7 If the day is the 7th day it will respond that today is the 7th day instead of 7 days from that day Fixed /clancommands not working still Fixed default gimme item goldenrod not dropping goldenrodPlant Fixed Motd adding player name when {PlayerName} was not used Fixed reserved slots not working proper Updated invalid items list
  16. i have been testing a new version of it. once im done testing i will release it
  17. the reserved slots has to keep at least one slot open
  18. i could make an option
  19. in the ServerToolsConfig.xml, if you dont see it delete that file while the server is running
  20. that is why it is changing. Will be fixed in the next release.
  21. does someone have the name "the hated Crew" ingame?
  22. v3.4 Fixed /clancommands not showing the clan commands Fixed ServerToolsPhrases.xml not creating on fresh installs
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