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Everything posted by saminal

  1. Craft a Wooden Storage / Furniture block, go into the shapes menu: Pick that bad boy, bung it on the floor or stick it to a wall, grab your paintbrush and bingo bango:
  2. Sam's Storage Stuff - Updated to include metal desks, lockers, cupboards and cabinets, and gun/armor racks! Cupboards are a variant helper, so you can craft one block and then choose from the 10 options All the storage units are lockable, and have 72 inventory spots. Most of the blocks show as "open" if the lock is broken:
  3. Updated! Added: Lockers (three varieties) Cupboards - using a block variant helper (shape menu) so you can craft 10 of one item and then figure out what looks good. Old and new style both in the one block, including sinks! Gun and Armor racks Metal desk Redownload from the link in the original post and slide it in. No issues adding this to an existing game.
  4. Watch this space, I'll work on them soon!
  5. Lockers definitely.. which ammo / weapons boxes do you mean? The racks from Shotgun Messiah?
  6. Oh yes please don't get me wrong. 1) I love how flexible the game is and 2) although realism is nice it's still a game, it shouldn't actually turn into a job If I did decide I wanted 6 different smelters I'd mod it (and nobody would run it)
  7. Sounds like we need individual smelters for each processed resource - one each for Forged Iron, Forged Steel (iron + coal), Forged Brass, Forged Lead, Cement, and Silica - and once you start processing a raw mineral into it, you can't retool it until you empty it. Not needlessly complicated at all
  8. New! Sam's Karmah Remains Thanks to @Tehkarma for the idea; players now leave behind a corpse block on death. Great for multiplayer servers, especially PvP, but also just for people who die a lot. Download for A20
  9. The confusing HP / resources changes are just a smokescreen to distract us from the REAL ISSUE: TFP make another game-breaking decision; now I can't pick up those sleeping bags at the trader any more? That was an integral part of my gameplay, I'm going to be unable to enjoy the game now, they've ruined it for good.
  10. Thanks for the report, I've found the problem and fixed it. Please download the mod again and update on your computer - you'll need to read the schematic again but it'll unlock the oven this time. No need to start a new game
  11. Glad you got it sorted It might be because it needs to be done at the workbench maybe?
  12. Now that I've got everything updated for Alpha 20 I figured I should consolidate into one post rather than having 15+ forum posts hanging around. All of my modlets are XML only and server-side friendly. Any requests for additions, please post below! Sam's Working Stuff Working versions of POI lights in one craftable shape-menu block. Includes a wireless wire relay to avoid problems with wires connecting to the middle of the block. Working Oven, Gas Grill and Charcoal Grill - to use instead of the campfire. Working taps / faucets - Fill glass jars with murky water. Download for A20 Sam's Building Stuff Adds Wood Bars back in, outside the shape menu. These bars upgrade to Iron, and Iron Bars upgrade to Steel. The versions in the shape menu still follow the standard wood > cobble > concrete > steel path if you prefer that. Adds Steel versions of the Wood / Iron Spikes Trap - higher durability. Adds recipes for house windows and doors. Download for A20 Sam's Storage Stuff Lockable, full-size storage furniture - adds fridges, desks, cabinets, bookcases, pill cases and a few other items that can be used just like storage crates with lock and code functionality. All blocks have 8x9 slots. Download for A20 Sam's Deco Stuff Craftable variant shape-menu blocks for various decorative items otherwise unavailable or only available from traders. More will be added soon; request below! Download for A20 Sam's Council Stuff 0W power streetlights and wire relays to allow an area on a dedicated server to be lit from a single battery bank without needing any maintenance. Download for A20 Sam's Sustainable Forestry All trees respawn instead of needing replanting. Very small chance to drop "Sapling" seeds, which will randomly grow to an original RWG tree rather than always growing to the same model. No more ugly tree farms! Download for A20 Sam's Car Respawner Cars, trucks and busses respawn after harvesting. Cars respawn to a random cars, trucks respawn to a random truck, and busses respawn to a random bus. Download for A20 Sam's Special Ammo Shock Arrows and Bolts, unlocked by completing the Ranger book series. Shock and Concussion grenades, unlocked by schematic or by Demolitions Expert skill. Heavy Snowball - a throwable snowball that can do actual damage. Download for A20 Sam's Auto Shotgun Unnerfing Increases the fire rate of the Auto Shotgun to actually feel like an automatic weapon. Increases recoil to balance it. Use with the Full Auto Mod for best effect! Download for A20 Sam's Steel Electric Fence Adds a steel version of the standard electric fence post with higher durability. Download for A20 Sam's Long Loot Bags Increases the length of time zombie loot bags stay in the world Download for A20 Sam's Realistic Salvage Tweaks the Ratchet and Impact Driver - Ratchet has a higher fire rate than the Wrench, Impact Driver has reduced stamina cost as it's powered. Download for A20 Sam's Tactical Nuke You'll want to stand back when you throw this one. Download for A20 Additions already on the to-do list: Deco Stuff: Corpse / gore blocks, hospital beds, notebook computers. Working Stuff: projectors? Storage Stuff: iron desk, more cabinets
  13. Are you holding an empty jar and right-clicking on the tap? Are empty jars working with river water? Do you have any other mods that affect the way water / jars work?
  14. Updated for A20 - nothing actually needed changing, which was nice, but version numbers updated and moved to my A20 repository for troubleshooting and safekeeping.
  15. Updated for Alpha 20 - nothing new right now, but everything still works the way it used to. Download link in the first post.
  16. Same as one of the Storage Crates (e.g. Writable Storage) - 8 x 9.
  17. They do have some storage but it's not lockable. You might want to check out my other mod, Storage Stuff, which has lockable fridge, desk, bookcase etc
  18. This was one I worked on for A19 but didn't make a post about it, so now I've updated it for A20 here you go. A bunch of lockable furniture to make a base a little more like home. Bookcases, pillcases, cupboards, fridges and desks all now store a full "Storage Crate" worth of loot, and can be locked and coded. For the Fridges and Desks, if you damage the container to unlock it it will appear opened. I have plans to add more storage options once I've finished the rest of my A20 compatibility blitz. Download here - the file at this link will be updated as the mod receives updates.
  19. Updated for A20 compatibility - a couple of blocks were removed, and now all the destroyed wood / destroyed concrete blocks are available in the wonderful shapes menu in vanilla. Added: Fireplace Embers, Fireplace Wood Wood Burning Stove To-do, by request - add corpse blocks and hospital gurneys.
  20. I always forget to specify that - all my mods are server-side
  21. I decided with the extra options for vehicles in the game I'd like a respawner mod that would be more randomised. This mod will allow cars, army trucks, service trucks, ambulances and buses to respawn to a similar vehicle after a few hours. Cars will respawn to a random car (with a random stage of damage) Army trucks (open or closed) will respawn to a randomly open or closed army truck Service trucks and ambulances are grouped together to respawn each other Big buses will respawn big buses, the short school bus will respawn itself - to avoid respawning through parts of buildings. Download here - file will be updated automatically as the mod is updated.
  22. It should definitely work in single player, and it's odd that some of it works but not other parts. Do you have any other mods loaded? Do you just not see the oven when you search the crafting menu?
  23. Thank you for your offer to talk to Sascha, we really appreciate it.
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