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  1. Wait, you guys just renamed A22 to 1.0? Also, basically every update coming to 1.0 and beyond is ... art or graphics? 🤨 I'm grateful for the game being maintained for so long, but can't help feel a bit of a sour taste in my mouth how it ended. Cheers anyway, good luck for whatever comes next.
  2. Firstly, thanks for the update, team. I'm certainly a critic of the time frames between releases (and have frequently stated I'd further support the team with paid DLC if it were an option to help speed up release + future TFP games), but always appreciate the effort put in. Update is solid and moving in the right direction. I don't really read the forums but went back a couple of pages to get a sense of what others are talking about, and have a couple of thoughts: I think some people are taking this "play however you want" thing way too literally. Sure, you can spend more of your time doing x, but you also need to do y if you want a, b, or c. Be careful not to romanticise the A16 "learn by doing" too much. I can recall going AFK in my bedrock base to craft hundreds of things just to advance a skill, and it definitely forced choices on you to skill up in other areas. None of the options are perfect, and TFP most certainly won't please everyone no matter what they do. Something that I think might be missing in this update (but apologies if it's just me) is a description of what the skulls mean? Like, there's red and other tones but also 1 or more skulls. I had a quick look through the tips tab and couldn't see it. Maybe like a general description of what to expect? It kind of intuitive, but I'm just inferring from like... life experience? Also, I realise this isn't the place for desired features, but just made my way to trader Jen and those hydroponic gardens look great! If they're already in game - cool! If not ... well... Cheers
  3. You don't find it at all a coincidence that you apparently consistently get perceived as attacking people? "How sad". Seriously, spare us the indignant 'back in my day' stuff too please. It was a very dismissive response from your own singular experience against someone who was trying to consider the wider player base and not just themselves. Edit: I "thumbs downed" your reply and now I'm getting spoken down to about not knowing the "history of the forums" lol. Carry on... FWIW and back on topic I agree with you Khalager. Never understood the lack of consultation or any development framework / end-game coherent direction with updates, which end up being redesigned 2 patches later because 'ah crap, that didn't work'. I really love that TFP have committed to this game for so long, but at this stage it's just round and round in circles and stompin on old ground.
  4. Thanks for updating this btw but I'm having an issue - the 'footprint' of the blocks seems to be greater than 1x1 in certain locations, preventing it from being deployed in some areas near walls or in single width spaces such as along bedrock where I'm trying to build a wall alongside rock. I haven't tested every map height but I don't seem to have any issues building above ground. I have looked over the original block properties in the original block config files and find nothing obvious which would be causing the issue
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