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Posts posted by Doomofman

  1. 14 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

    no you most likely will not see a difference as the water appearance itself was not changed. most work is to affect performance.


    i have a screen shot from both alphas and the difference you see is environmental lighting and shader tweaks/adjustments.


    also... water is still WIP and no there are no fish, no large sea monsters or crocodiles.


    nothing revealing in the a21 screen shot so no need to dissect it :)





    A more thorough answer than I could have expected. Appreciate the effort Joe

  2. Maybe this was answered before and I missed it but...


    With the rework of water blocks into voxels and whatever other stuff occurred around that. Do bodies of water still look the same? As in, if you had a screenshot of a lake from A20 and A21 side by side could you tell the difference? Or is it just a purely coding change?

  3. 9 hours ago, Roland said:


    Other than tantalizing you with the existence of two new quests, I need to wait to add any details or experiences of my own until a developer decides to spill the beans. I will say that they are distinct and not just variations of existing quests although they do involve mixing it up with zombies so in that regard they are similar to what we have. Speculate away and I'll poke Prime to see if after the weekend he'll come on and dish a bit or perhaps do a tell-all in his next stream. I'll bet he'll like that and then we can update the thread here and talk more about it. :)


    For some WILD speculation that I don't think would likely be the case but is fun all the same...


    First guess is, now that (hopefully) all the zombies are rigged with the new decapitation system, you've made zombie heads an item you can pick up off the ground and you have to bring say 10 zombie heads to the trader


    And for the second one, I'll guess something like Secure Trader so when you complete a mission tier you have to go to the new trader location, clear out zombies and then retrieve a bunch of supplies to fix the place up before that trader becomes available to you

  4. 6 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    In my biased opinion, they might finish the main armour sets by end of spring 2023, which might be close to the a21 release.


    The longer it takes, the better for us. I believe coding for the new armour system is well underway (it was already on the works when a20 stable was released!).


    Still it would not only be a nice surprise for us, but a logical move to release a basic armour system with the first human npcs, if only to start balancing the huge array of bonuses that the new sets will give.  


    That seems a fairly negative date estimation for A21 even for Fun Pimps standards


    I'd almost be amazed if it wasn't basically a year after A20 (so December or so) as there was around a year between a19 and a20 (and I think it was the same for A18 to a19 too)

  5. 7 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    I believe that was intentional as TFP didn't like the fact that a T6 tool was useless as soon as you found a T1 of the next tier up.

    Should be better than a 4 or 5 though IMO.


    Pretty sure Joel said earlier in this thread that this is no longer a thing with the new system, that T1 Iron Axe will always be a bit better or close to equal (before mods) to a T6 Stone Axe

  6. 2 hours ago, schwanz9000 said:

    I have filled some gaps where they were either needed by level design or as you say that were "logically" missing.

    I do not recall which ones specifically since as of today, I've added 230+ new shapes to A21. 

    Sounds like it's shaping up nicely

  7. 5 minutes ago, POCKET951 said:

    so what will happen to the skill tree ? how will this new system change skills like physician, advanced engineering and grease monkey?


    These skills in A20 are almost entirely based on unlocking crafting recipes and crafting 


    Hopefully @madmole can answer for definite but I'd guess that those perks will be removed and whatever non-crafting bonuses they had would get redistributed to the remaining perks


    2 minutes ago, madmole said:

    Yes you move through the pipe shotgun skill pretty quickly. Each tier takes more magazines to move through.
    We're removing any overlap. There is still the concept that a purple stone axe has 4 mod slots so it would arguably be better in that regard.




    So is this what that Sharp Sticks artwork was all about?

  9. So would I be reading those screens right in saying that once you hit level 3 in Shotgun crafting you'll then be able to make a Quality 2 Pipe Shotgun and then when you hit level 11 you'll be able to make a Quality 1 Double Barrel?


    Also, related to this. Will there still be the overlap in Weapon Tier vs Quality. Where a quality 6 stone axe could be better than a quality 1 iron axe?


    Edit: Also... Nice build....

  10. 2 hours ago, Victor.19 said:

    Will A21 bring us any better stability in performance compared to A20? The game is improving a lot over time but optimization is still a downside.


    In a weird way I think I'd almost miss the terrible performance if it ever gets fixed

  11. 36 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Because the TRUE April fools joke was to post something on the day that was really truly real and have people think it was just a joke. And you fell for it hook line and sinker. 😂


    There is nothing in the gallery that isn’t in the game which goes for the police car as well. It’s in there too but it isn’t driveable. 😄

    Madmole is busy working on one of the next big A21 reveals (may God have mercy on our souls)…


    Just to temper expectations, I'd imagine that Sharp Sticks thing could just be a book cover on a bookshelf rather than anything like a book series that effects gameplay etc

  12. Outside of the stuff already mentioned by others (bandits, water etc) I'd love to see a bit of love given to making the world outside of the tiled towns/cities feel more real to match the level of detail we see in cities now.


    Particularly the the transition between tiled sections and the RWG biomes is quite jarring (the difference in the roads is a good example) and, aside from the current wilderness POIs, the biome stuff outside of towns is very empty/repetitive.


    Maybe some sort of sub-biomes are needed like sections of pine forest with less trees or something similar to the old plains for the desert and so on

  13. Don't have much to suggest in a way of fix, just wanted to add that I have experienced this (was suggested to me that maybe it's a frame drop that's quick enough to not register on the FPS counter) and I've also seen a couple of streamers/content creators run into it as well. Haven't found a way to recreate it either, it's not like certain POIs or certain numbers of zombies cause it

  14. 16 minutes ago, Snowydeath said:

    The experimentals usually release around noon Central Time give or take a few hours. I highly doubt there's a delay

    Yeah I think someone panicked about a discord post saying it'll likely be 2-4 hours after CST so they considered that a delay

  15. 21 minutes ago, nielm269 said:

    So I seen in the patch notes a thing on zombie dismemberment, well welcome to the show party girl I'm coming to find you.


    I will be listening to David Bowie & Mick Jagger Dancing In The Street while I perform my "Tests".

    I think it's only Steve (yellow shirt) and Tom Clarke (the artist formally known as Spider Zombie) that have the new dismemberment tech enabled. So your "tests" will have to wait

  16. 1 minute ago, BFT2020 said:


    Would be a bad guess.


    faatal mentioned that they have a meeting today around 12:00 pm CST to discuss which build to release after the Streamer weekend.  Roland suggested that the release time might be around 2 - 4 pm CST.


    So UK time we're talking between 8-10pm

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