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Posts posted by Doomofman

  1. 18 minutes ago, Gronal said:

    ooooh I like that idea, it doesn't seem too far a stretch from danger meter to geiger counter.

    I hope we get more fresh minds in here though because I now can't unsee dane jar meat err. What if it's not that?

    Well then we demand that the devs add in a dane jar meat err to alert the player of nearby dogs and/or drinks I guess

  2. 27 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Here is a real one:





    Scooby doo/dog + door ajar - a = something jar? dogjar (as in dodger)?


    (t bone) steak/meat + error - ore = steaker? Meater (as in meter)?


    Yeah I'm struggling on this one... I don't think a 'Dodger meter' is a thing haha

  3. 49 minutes ago, faatal said:

    Bonus Info: I've been helping out on RWG, doing optimizations, and it is running about 4x faster.


    Oh that's a nice QoL improvement for sure.


    I'll be interested to see what there is in the way of changes what RWG spits out (if there are any at all)


  4. 40 minutes ago, Diragor said:

    Will there be any UI changes/extentions? I would love to have some kind of Icon that tells me my armor parts needs to be repaired. Or will that be added with the armor changes? I hope so. If not, please consider it.


    The UI is getting redone, not for A21 I don't think though. It was mentioned in the interview Rick and Joel did recently

  5. 9 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    So, madmole showed us a bit of a21 in his Twitter. Castle Madmole is usually the first hint of an alpha release, and it happens roughly 2-3 months before release. So it's probably not Christmas for Experimental ,but certainly after Avatar 2 either way. Will Starfield drop before a21 stable? , I wonder.


    I don't think previous timelines apply this go around. If they're aiming for the Steam Winter Sale they must be feeling relatively confident in how it's going, especially with bandits out of the equation now.


    On a side note, new paint brush model in those shots Joel showed on Twitter?

  6. I don't think the change in approach from TFP in terms of showing off the next alpha has helped in terms of people's impatience


    A19 and A20 had half a dozen dev streams and a few play through videos each before they released and I feel like (though maybe I'm misremembering) that we saw much more of A19 and A20 on the forums than this time around, the pretty anemic (in terms of major changes) first post is a good example of this


    While the cryptic clues and such were fun, I think there was an expectation set with the last two alphas on the amount of information we'd see about the next alpha that has been turned on it's head somewhat with this more closed off approach


    I'm not saying the A19/A20 approach was better than the current approach or vice versa, but I can't help but feel A21 has been a regression in terms of openness with the dedicated players who frequent these forums which is bound to lead to some negative feelings from some

  7. 10 hours ago, Roland said:

    But at the same time a hefty shot in the arm to crafting. I craft so much more in A21.


    As for the perk trees and skills, you can expect some






    Is that changes necessitated by the Learn by Looting change or are we getting some other changes too? Like making the Strength tree not so OP perhaps

  8. 13 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    The removal of the secret stash is one interpretation of the riddle, but it has not yet been confirmed.


    The consequences of a possible removal of the secret stash are also not clear. It could be, for example, that the contents of the secret stash will simply be merged with the other categories.


    I think it's already been mentioned that one consequence of the removal of the secret stash is that you'll know longer get top tier loot too early, which both gives us a consequence and all but confirms the solution to the riddle

  9. 43 minutes ago, Roland said:

    We have been under attack by a very aggressive spammer and so we changed the post approval process so that we have to approve any posts with links. I’m not sure why your post stayed hidden. I couldn’t unhide it and it wasn’t in the approval queue. I retyped it into your follow up post which was the only way to make it appear. Very strange. 


    I put a Youtube video of the Barbie in it initially, guess that's what caused it, but even after removing the video it was still hidden.

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