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Reth last won the day on June 30 2017

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  1. I'm a buider/crafter/quester. I play SP with *mostly* vanilla settings. I use some QoL mods to help with building. I enjoy A21. It finally solved some issues I had with 7D2D for a long time. Having said that, I have to agree with the OP. I have crates upon crates of various components that I would love to use to make something, but I have no real reason to craft. T6 infestation PoIs have better loot than I can make and a lot of it. A single run can yield a dozen or more purple quality objects of various types, something I cannot make at all. And that doesn't include quest rewards. Of all the parts I looted, I only used steel tool parts early in the game, as everything else was either looted or given as a quest reward. I would love to see crafting expanded. I will, of course, add some recipes myself through modding, but I strongly believe that the base game should have better recipes as well, especially mid to end game stuff.
  2. The solar cell probability to appear is set to a really low value - like 0.2 or something. Frankly, I upped mine to 1 and set quality to 6 only I really think they should be more frequent.
  3. Both forge and workstation give you very little advantage early in A21. I built both as soon as I could only to discover that whatever I could make I had already looted or received as a quest reward. Forge used to grant you iron/steel tools, but this is no longer the case.
  4. A21 plays differently in the beginning compared to prior alphas. It's easy to get infected or wounded, so you really need to be more careful and better prepared. Antibiotics are quite rare during early stages, so your best bet is to go to easy forest areas and chop stumps for honey. Doing that *before* getting infected will save you a lot of headaches.
  5. They do prioritize doors over much weaker points. I had a fully upgraded door (20K) in a concrete wall (2x 5K), and they would beat up that poor door non-stop, given a chance.
  6. I would welcome a way to use my large collection of various parts, but I'd rather not carry them with me on missions. Both armor and weapons get used heavily up during T5 quests and space is at premium as it is. Right now all we need a stack of repair kits. I do not want to replace it with three of four different piles.
  7. I was OK with the new farming mechanic for a while, but now that I've reached the end game, I am very much against it. My biggest issue - it doesn't evolve at all. I expect the food procurement to become easier and food to become more beneficial as the game stage progresses. As it stands right now, even with all the perks, it is easier for me to simply kill the animals and boil the meat than to grow corn/potatoes and make stews. The benefits of even the high level food are negligible. We have the same infinite resource as we did before, just with much more mindless clicking. If TFP wanted to make farming more difficult, they should have made farm plots *much* more expensive and/or gated with something rare, like acid. Adding more clicks is not the right way to do it.
  8. I played numerous T5 missions on nomad difficulty in a wasteland. I did die a couple of times, but I learned a few lessons there. First of all, use a suppressed or a silent weapon whenever possible. Unsuppressed auto creates too much heat. Get parkour - well timed jumps will save you. Have some decent, well modded light armor. You will get hit a plenty, you'll need that protection. Get a skill that lets you reload while sprinting (forgot the name). In taller PoIs - Book/Towers - you can cut off access to the upper levels once you get there to make them safe from the roamers. Basically, don't go there until you are well prepared. T4 quests give very good rewards for the difficulty. Can't help you with the frame rate though.
  9. It's been that way for a very long time. If you run out of mobs on horde night, you restart the game and get them back.
  10. I use auger for strip mining, as it is faster than a steel pickaxe. There is one catch though - you can only mine for so long before the screamers start showing up non-stop and you end up fighting more than mining. Sound can be quite annoying, too, but it's manageable.
  11. I agree with the OP. As I suspected based on the release notes, the reduction would go too far. I did a quick comparison of loot.xml 20.0 vs 20.1 and it shows more than 50% reduction. I had a few yellow bag drops today and it was just sad. To folks talking about saving ammo by using melee and crossbow - of course, but that only works on single-ish targets. When you are hit with an endless screamer horde at night in wasteland PoI, you need tons and tons of 7.62 ammo. The most common 9mm ammo is only marginally useful there. Radiated zombies don't readily die to 9mm headshots, even with the maxed SMG/perks. Same goes for the horde nights. If you just want to outlast it - sure, not much ammo needed. But if you want to kill as many as possible, ammo is your best bet. On the bright side, Acid now drops all over the place. I expect it to be adjusted the other way in 20.2.
  12. I have very few screamers in my base compared to A17 (my only point of reference). I'm on day 78 and have multiple forges running. I also noticed that using power tools and machine guns will bring more screamers and faster than used to. For example, when doing strip mining, I have to stop after a while and leave the mine as screamers start to show up non-stop.
  13. If you want an interesting horde night, you have to make it interesting. There are any number of designs that break AI pathing and make it boring. Try slowing them down instead and killing as many as possible - that makes for fun horde nights. Eats a lot of ammo though.
  14. If it was just 30%, I wouldn't worry about it too much. There are, however, lines 2 and 3 in that change list, that seem to be *in addition* to the count change. Overall, it sounds like a ~50% to ~60% *overall* reduction.
  15. From the 20.1 EXP patch notes: Reduced ammo loot counts by ~15 to 30% Reduced amount of ammo found in yellow zombie loot bags from large to medium group Reduced amount of ammo found in blue zombie loot bags from 2 large rolls to 1 We certainly do have an abundance of ammo right now, but I think these changes goo way too far. Doing lvl 5 quests in wasteland PoIs requires a lot of ammo, especially at night with endless screamer hordes. The changes above will make those quests cost prohibitive.
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