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Callum123456789 last won the day on December 28 2023

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About Callum123456789

  • Birthday 09/29/2004

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  • Biography
    hello my name is callum I play 7dtd a lot and have a passionate feel for 7dtd as one of the best games I have played for the decade of gaming I have experienced, it also has provided me with countless hours of excellent gameplay, survival elements, tower defence and many more awesome aspects of stuff i just love how it all blends together to create a seemingly never before unique experience. no need to keep looking here survivor navezgane awaits!
  • Location
    slaying zombies in Navezgane
  • Interests
    likes to spend too many hours testing how different game mechanics in 7 days to die works.

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  1. yeah i like the other options but the menu navigation feels like a severe downgrade.
  2. yeah, hopefully they do since when you're getting beginner level zombies at around level 70 it gets old seeing them with their non feral/rad counterparts.
  3. does anyone know from the streamer weekend if wondering hordes have been made a bigger threat? for a long time now they've been capped out at around gamestage 52 so when you surpass this level, you will only find zombie cops, big mamas and fat hawaiians as your worst threat and no ferals/rads and i just hope they get some love at some point since they were made to have a higher chance of loot drops incentivising the player to fight them but you quickly lose the feeling too when you're more powerful due to them just all being basic zombies
  4. just to immediately point out, its nice that the pine forest doesnt sound as drab as it used to, i preferred the SFX used around alpha 11 so its nice to hear more varied sounds in the wilderness glad to see some love there.
  5. seeing waywardeko's vid on the trader balance pass as well as not finding tier 6 items in loot gives me a lot of hope that we wont be beating the game as early as before, i wont lie before hand in alpha 21 yeah its nice to get a tier 6 m60 from a quest reward but it was a tier 5 and basically skipping ahead so many levels of progression absolutely ruined the progression for me, im happy to see there has been a lot of thought into how we as a player are going to progress i know some may not like having to go to higher tier biomes and craft a lot of their gear but i think this is personally the best route to go, what would you guys prefer beating the game by day 20 by spamming quests or beating it by day 60 working your way through the game crafting stuff as you go? i think i know what i'd like.
  6. curious.....wonder if its a sort of remix of the base 7dtd soundtrack or maybe just maybe.....one of the older themes.
  7. The question of dlcs is a fascinating one for me I and others or course believe the main kind of dlc this game will likely ever get is cosmetic but it begs the question, once 1.0 is complete and the game is fully complete by the rough date estimated on the timeline around late 2025 how about new dlcs that could incorporate new items or specialised biomes in a set of alternate maps that can only be specifically used on those maps or different set of game rules for a dlc or something like that I've been playing with the concept in my head and it seems like a good way to give the choice of extra impactful content at something like a $15 price tag.
  8. After so long, it feels strange to see our player models actually look human like lmao the UMA play doughey models have been around since basically forever I kinds got used to them but alas I'm very happy that we're getting these great new high res ones at last.
  9. correct me if im wrong but im fairly certain none of the electrical banks make any heat, i agree with riamus as it stands solar cells need to be changed to make them worth using the price and rarity of solar cells make them a laughing stock compared to the generator in terms of effort to use/obtain.
  10. lets not get realism mixed up with gameplay too, ive seen this argument made before where its realistic but sometimes realism harms gameplay and creates a negative experiences. edit: also yeah sometimes block hitboxes can be messy ive had this before too.
  11. from the above clip i know very well myself that when you are reloading you cannot jump properly, that is the cause of whats happening there, putting points into run n gun will alleviate that from happening. edit: i though this would be more well known but i guess not? im used to it so i never jump while reloading as it will not help you.
  12. with seeing the new animations for the mountain lion, hopefully theres also some new animation for zombies crawling in the works the current one is quite janky and glitchy (zombies falling into the floor crawling and getting stuck or they do these ninja ducks within a blink of the eye and get a free hit off on you)
  13. tbf all im gonna say is who cares about the real world arizona's enviornment? more environments is probs for the better with 7 days im in agreeance with goldenfox
  14. yeah with the new pois coming you would think having those cut zombies would make sense to have a reappearance i.e im not too sure why the frigid hunter or the frozen female lumberjack were removed and just the ordinary lumberjack is the main wilderness spawn, as stated above the farmer zombie being removed as there are plenty of farm related pois now theres more schools and what not so it'd make sense to have those spawns around there and the cowboys in the old west which were also removed.
  15. heres my $0.02 onto this too, we all know that the 4 main biomes (technically 5) work well for what they do but i feel with you that having more biomes is more eye candy to look at and more diverse environments to explore with unique features and challenges is something that would complete the rwg experience imo, finding the plains biome back in the older alphas was nice as like i said earlier even though it wasnt everyones favourite biome it had unique features to it even if they are small, you also had biome specific pois which also made the biomes feel more unique like you went to the burnt biome and saw a bunch of burnt homes which makes sense in the burnt forest, i also know adding biomes would be a decent amount of work but the more the merrier would probably be what a large portion of people would love, i of course dont have a lot of ideas for biomes but i know there are many possibilities for more biomes and features that define them to create a compelling gameplay/visual experience.
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