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Posts posted by Darklegend222

  1. https://pastebin.com/G1MhwMUL Game log

    https://pastebin.com/8aX5NX0w Map Info




    Game Version: A20 (B238)

    Platform: PC

    OS/Version: Windows 10

    CPU Model: i9-10850k

    System Memory: 32GB

    GPU Model and VRAM: Radeon RX 6700XT, 12-16GB

    Screen Resolution: 2560x1440

    Video Settings: See attached screenshot.

    Game mode: SP


    Did you wipe old saves? Yes

    Did you start a new game? Yes

    Did you validate your files? Yes

    Are you using any mods? No

    EAC on or off? Off


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description: Game crashes when generating an RWG world.


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:


    1) Generate a world

    2) See if it crashes


    Actual result: I assume the Random Gen Previewer which lets you explore the map through the box is causing the issue. After a full reinstall of the game (deleting everything and verifying files), I noticed that the moment the previewer becomes active the game has a hard stall of not responding. It either fixes itself, or it crashes and I need to reinstall to prevent further file corruption.


    Expected result: The Random Gen Previewer to be a toggle feature, or for RWG worlds to not have potential to crash upon world creation in the generator.







  2. 8 hours ago, Laz Man said:


    Yep, I am not surprised about the reactions so far to the changes to the crack a book HQ.  If my memory is correct, the old one was so OP you could loot one and get bags full of books and schematics and be set.

    If I may, the Crack-A-Book Skyscraper has a lot less bookshelves than the Crack-A-Book store with the car through the wall. Now that you mention it, I haven't seen the old one from A19.6.


    I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a Tier IV quest POI to have a lot more loot than the rest. Doesn't Dishong tower have a LOT more bookshelves to loot from? (Could be wrong)


    With that said, the Crack-A-Book Skyscraper has more piles than shelves, and as another user pointed out. The shelves have a much higher chance of outputting a schematic or perk book, than that of a Crack-A-Book shelf or book pile.


    It's actually better to loot houses which have book shelves, than the Skyscraper, or even the store as houses are much more abundant. Don't get me wrong, I've definitely gotten useful stuff from the store. I have yet to receive anything anything from the Tier V quest in a form of schematic perk book. I've done the skyscraper twice and I'm at the point of declining it each time it pops up.


  3. I like the tower defense like pathing. The only issue is we don't have enough traps, and a lot of relies on steel. Spikes don't do literally anything. The dart traps are OKAY if you don't mind setting off demolishers. As for turrets, see the part on the demolishers. Blade traps paired with electric fence traps are the ONLY way to survive and successfully kill all of a horde without grinding for 6000+ nitrate and coal every single night after bloodmoon.


    I like the way it feels and plays, but the balancing seems poor. Demolishers make it infinitely worse, there's no reason i should be seeing 12-18 every blood moon, sometimes a lot more. You really have no choice but to use the blade traps and fence traps unless you don't mind setting them off with darts/turrets or wasting tons of explosives to kill them. It's just not enjoyable to survive since your immediately gonna go right back to mining for 3+ days in-game then back to crafting.



  4. 4 hours ago, eXSe said:


    Or you blow them away with shotguns and/or other firearms... it's not like ammo is scarce 😁


    As for bonuses you get, I still feel that they are far too short to be of any kind of use... except in niche cases.


    Food (quality one) should be a slow burning buff to your character that builds up over time and not this candy like crap. Also, candies are ridiculous to me, but that's another story... eat a candy and yeet yourself off a building not to be collected at the bottom with a mop and a bucket?



    What if I enjoy using melee over guns? Eff me I guess.


    No one's forcing you to eat the best foods or eat candy. The candy of which you specify has a purpose which is to allow easy access off a tier 5 poi like Dishong or Higashi, or the broken down construction site. The others are purely just buffs that don't break the game and just help a little bit. I've never had Eye Kandy force end-game loot, it just helps you along and brings better luck.

  5. 19 hours ago, Viktoriusiii said:


    TFPs have said again and again since the very early types they don't care about balancing (okay to be fair focusing on developing the game rather than focusing on balancing on features that might not be around in the end is usually a good thing... just not if this short period goes on for over 8 years 😕 )


    So since this is a balancing issue and different people say different things (like my previous poster saying that clubs are best, when on high difficulties I play on the machete is without a doubt the 1st place. Not even close. And the stun baton closely behind (moving up there once you knock every Z down with the mod)




    But since we are on the topic, I will give my opinion on what needs to change:

    Perkrequirements. Good lord I hate level gating, but this is a close second. It is the epitomy of "we don't want you to have this too soon, but we didn't know how to make it happen, so go out there and level". In an RPG (which this is NOT, but won't open that can of worms again) this can work. In a sandbox, it just feels cheap.


    Since they dislike LBD, maybe they can do it by setting requirements that are independent of levels:
    "kill 500 zombies with a club" for "pummel Pete 4" 

    "knock down 100 zombies with turrets" to unlock the scrap turrets

    or or or.

    Make it INTERESTING and not dependent on levels. This means you need to chose what path to go.

    And not having a motorbike because you want to get a farm going... feels bad.

    While TECHNICIALLY it doesn't matter if you are farming xp or doing a "challenge", you are working towards a specific goal and need to do various things.

    While XP is so general... it feels ike it comes out of nothing. And you still need to grind the xp... you can just chose to build 5000 wooden blocks to get better at fighting.


    And now that I write this I realize that I could have saved my breath because this is probably just seen as "LBD-light", so no point.

    I just dislike that it is not a perk tree. Just a random assortment of buffs basically. Either completely broken, or borderline useless (or early useful late useless or other way round)

    I've reached the point where if I need to level up I just start building a new horde base design or rebuilding previous ones. Need that perk to make better food and I'm not in the mood for a horde base? Here's concrete 11x11x5 block.. ooh 4 perk points.


    A LBD system where you have to get a requirement of kills as you said would be absolutely perfect for weapons. I'm not sure how to go about farming, maybe harvesting 100-150 plants? This is just a general discussion and the devs more than likely won't listen to it, but I think a modder would take up the challenge.


    We should have the option of being able to take the perk before reaching the free perk requirement in case we don't mind wasting a skill point for an instant buff.


    The biggest issue is that everything is so heavily perk reliant, you can't do a lot without perks unless you manage to get lucky and find schematics of everything you require. Otherwise its perking into many, many different trees.

  6. 9 hours ago, eXSe said:

    Been pleading the food case since A17, but to no avail, because food had so much impact with the wellness system and now it's almost meaningless with its fleeting bonuses 😔


    When I watch people play 99% of them don't even bother investing points into cooking or farming. I mean, why would they? Waste points and effort on making a farm and learn cooking for some temporary buffs, or invest those points more wisely and live off of boiled/grilled meat? It's really a no brainer unless you're role-playing.



    It is absolutely crucial to have the best foods in the game for higher difficulties. At some point your steel sledgehammer is just a stamina drain. Having that extra stamina buff in a place like Dishong Tower or any tier IV to V POI is very crucial if you don't want to throw a block in front of every single door.


    Plus you eat so much less. We have a dedicated farmer and a dedicated cook/miner, it goes very well. We've never once ran out of food, meat, or animal fat. It's only useless if you look at it from a perspective of how others play.


    I personally don't invest points into master chef unless I'm absolutely tired of looting, and I haven't found food related schematics. Go from eating 10-15 grilled meat a day to 1-2 meat stew a day, it's really game changing. Eat less, gain more health, get a max stamina buff, and not have to worry about hunger for days at a time, and not needing to cook everyday? Count me in!

  7. 14 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    For me it's all about the base stats. That's really all I care about. I'm not overly concerned with looks. They're a nice novelty item, but that is about the extent of it.

    Personally, it would be more interesting if they were mods. Maybe if they went into the Dye slot just to change the appearance.


    Great, now I want to write a mod for that, and don't have the time.  It should be pretty easy though....

    I'll go a step further, make all the melee items have the candy cane tint, or make a candy cane version of every melee weapon. I personally can't do it because I don't have the means of using a 3D editing tool or the artistic ability.

  8. 17 hours ago, ElCabong said:

    I have my crossbow, SMG, desert eagle, club, bone knife.


    I feel like I should cut down and free up the inventory slots being used by ammo. Yet I keep finding myself in situations where one is better than the other. 


    Seems like there's too many.

    Sledge and an AK. No reason for much more than that. One for close range and one for needing fast damage.

  9. 45 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    Back in the days, we had big open bases. 

    Nobody really built a horde base. Because it wasn't just one small corridor. 
    You needed a perimeter defense. 
    Sure they were too dumb to know what a support pillar was, so you could simply let them run in circles below you, but that was an exploit and could have been fixed.

    Nowadays you basically NEED a horde base, because your real base is too big, doesn't#t have a small corridor and if a demolisher shows up, you might lose all your stuff.

    We actually built spikepits and gun towers in all directions because they would just straight up run towards you, no matter the cost.

    Exactly like a horde SHOULD act.
    Now they are all magically attracted to the door.
    This is great for complex mazes like underground bunkers, because they will find their way downstairs, but awful for above ground defenses.


      Reveal hidden contents

    The more I talk about it... the more I miss A16... might install that when I come home.
    I doubt I will have fun, because the rest (visual and feature stuff) was improved A LOT since then... but I think LBD... real horde nights... sneaking :'D
    The more they improve, the more they move away from my ideal zombie game I guess... 😕

    Well at least there are awesome A16 mods still out there... hope I'll get them to work ^^


    Or it is a bias of "everything was better when I was younger" ^^ we'll see


    It is a tower defense game, build a tower/base and defend it. There is very little construction needed for a very nice early horde base. Build a 15x8 square, then dig a moat around it that goes 4 blocks deep with ramps going up the side so they're forced to path to your doorway which you'll defend.


    Put traps in your area of defense, i like a good 4x6 being open so they have a ton of space to pile for a good explosive or perhaps a shooting range, i may create the walls to have dart traps that are activated by switches.


    I will say the pathing makes for great design trials and many different ways to defend, but with the passive traps being so nerfed its really not worth it to build an unpathed base of some kind unless you dont mind turrets constantly shooting ammo in all directions.

  10. 2 hours ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    Cheese (for me):

    knowing exactly what the Z's will do and building your horde accordingly, maxing out the effectiveness.

    So yes funneling is cheese, because there are no Z's that go against the grain. 

    I can optimize my defenses to a point where those zombies might as well Bloons, because I know exactly what path they will take.

    Yes it is a tower defense game (supposedly), but it feels gamey. And what you DON'T want in a horror survival game, is for it to feel gamey.

    Imagine dark souls introducing a slot machine at campfires.

    It feels out of place. Just because they add "casino-sim" in the tags doesn't mean it feels right. Even if that was the plan from the start.

    YES this is hyperbole. Obviously it is not that big of a genre breaker.
    But those stupid dangerous zombies just suddenly become pathfinding masters that always follow a set path (in 99% towards a door) 


    So basically every base that uses this knowledge is cheese for me.

    And yes I cheese them too. Because they are way too strong to not cheese. Also it is not possible to do a 360° defense anymore, so I have to cheese it.



    Basicially: It won't kill me, but I'm not a friend of these horde A.I. zombies and even if <A16 A.I. had issues (running in circles and stuff) but at least I never knew what these mindless hordes would do next. They would be stupid, but still dangerous (if you didn't exploit certain bugs in the A.I., which is different from cheesing the intended A.I.)


    If funneling is cheese, then don't bother playing a zombie game. Don't even build walls, it's stuff for them to path around. In fact, remove everything between you and them. What's your first instinct in the apoclypse? To barricade entrances and make sure enemies can only enter from one place as you still need to get out.


    Also, as an avid Dark Souls player, a slot machine? Really? How does that even compare, what purpose or role would it serve other than you coming up with a truly dumb, out of the way analogy which doesn't make sense.


    I will agree with you that the hordes are much more about pathing than they used to be, and a major part of that is spikes being nerfed to a point of uselessness. In A16.4 and below, one wood spike trap could kill 7-10 zombies. Now you need 3-4 to kill one.


    I don't even bother with the passive traps anymore, pipe bombs or guns are the way to go now. Up until you get a crucible then you need to build a cheese box with 8 blade traps, 4 electric fence posts and all the forged iron, steel, mechanical and electrical parts you can carry for repairing. That way they never reach you and you don't waste 2-3 in game days just mining and repairing endlessly.

  11. 17 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

    Yes. Because the spawns for the horde are based entirely on what your gamestage is. The only effect the day count has on it is when then event occurs.


    Not sure how I never caught onto that. I'm curious then, if you have 3 people on a server who are not in a party with varying gamestages at different locations, everyone should get a horde respective to themselves? And those who are in a party with varying gamestages will get an average based everyones gamestage?

  12. 13 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    Just be aware that by doing so, you have likely ruined the save.  Probably would have been safer to nuke the main.ttp files, but neither is a good choice.  Day count hasn't meant anything for several years now. If people are daunted by the count, they might want to spend some time doing research on why it doesn't matter.

    So if I'm at a gamestage of 20 on day 5, and day 100 in the same biome. Then I should have the exact same horde?

  13. Perks towards crafting is not nearly as useless as you think. I've made everyone in my group their own level 5 tools, armor, and motorcycles. Your point on crafting being pointless couldn't be less true, especially your title.


    I don't like how we can't craft parts either, I've made a mod to assign them recipes so that they are craftable. It sucks relying on RNG, but it is a fair challenge since you can still get around. Just not as great as if you had them.


    The playstyles have definitely gotten a lot more linear in terms of A16. I'd advise that instead of focusing on the crafting, you focus on questing. It'll also level you up and have higher chances of getting you the parts you need from weapon bags.


    Do your best to have fun with it and take it as a challenge. I don't forsee the dev team that controls loot or recipes making any modifications to the way parts currently work.

  14. 3 hours ago, theFlu said:

    While I agree more with you on you guys's current argument, you've mentioned this bit twice now; Wasn't the change an added chance for a crop, not a seed? Quite a bit of difference, the chance for an extra crop isn't really worth mentioning, nevermind the implementation time spent.. :)

    Is it actually a crop and not a seed? I could be mistaken on that, I'm not the farmer in the group. He actually likes the new implementation because it gives him more of a reason to keep 3 perks into it instead of growing 400 of every crop and then removing his perks from the skill just to save 3 perks.

  15. 46 minutes ago, v101 said:

    No they are not, they "lost the plot", and seeing comments like yours and the other above confirms me that you should never post in the forum or dev should never listen to you.
    Changing core game systems at every release only shows how lost they are. In a dev cycle changing so much only makes the code messier and messier to a point there is no more control and everything crumbles into a messy code/game. Of course sometimes you have to change things even drastically if they dont work, but why wasting time into creating an annoying as hell drone, instead of adding a randomizer for zombies types.

    And on another side, please dev decide if you want to go for a ton crap of stupid zombies with some "special" zombie mixed in, or if u want to go for less but harder ones.

    As i said pipe weaps could have been a nice addition for early stage if handled correctly, and that is not the case.
    New farming is so bad that is even a pain talking about it, should be reverted back to A19 and kept like that.
    The new drone adds absolutely nothing.
    The new loot system and RNG is terrible like finding the same item or recipe over and over, and not getting what you should need. Not even at the traders.

    On the positive side, vehicles addons are good, and the new building blocks is good.
    We need to see fixed the structural integrity as it's quite bugged for what i tested atm.

    So as i said multiple times, the few good things of this new release are just destroyed by the bad additions.


    1 In addition dev should fix the fact that a bone knife level 4 is better than an hunting knife level 2.
    A level higer tier weapon should be better that an level 6 inferior tier weap. The only difference should be boosted by installed mods.

    2 The repair kit should be ereased and weapons / armors should need "parts" for fixing and beeing repaired. 1 forged iron and 1 duct tape and u can fix an entire car or machingun ... that is BS u should need parts for doing that. And repair kit maybe for minor fixes .... i'd like to see something like that in game. And maybe the ability to craft such parts. Not only to get them from "scrapping".


    You do understand that the people who do drones, weapons, RWG, loot balancing, and all the other stuff are all different people right? The gun team certainly isn't balancing loot, and the art team certainly isn't going to handle the balancing and damage of pipe weapons.


    Based on you saying the devs haven't taken it in the right direction, you must not have been here during A18 back when we didn't have food/water bars, our food WAS the stamina bar. So yes, they are certainly getting their act together on making the game work.


    You also understand they added a 50% of an extra seed with LotL 2 correct? You bought a game in early access and here you are complaining about it. Having concerns and voicing them is one thing, but going out of your way to make such statenents that "THIS GAME NEEDS TO WORK MY WAY" and not doing anything to mod or make it your way is just annoying.


    And they did add a new zombie type, have you been to the wasteland biome yet? As for your pipe weapon argument, stop being so @%$#ty with them. The rifle is for hunting, the shotgun is for close-range "im in trouble", the machine gun is good for groups, and the pipe pistol is good all around. Get better with them and use them accordingly. They're made of pipes dude, these aren't end-game weapons.


    As for the code, what makes you think it gets "messier and messier" you obviously have no idea of what you're talking about. You do understand they DELETE unused code (bloat), stuff that doesn't need to be there, and work on optimizations right?


    Go back to A15 and compare it to now, they've done a great job despite having some poor choices along the way which got changed. It's early access, they're testing, balancing, adding, and changing everything. That's how it works.



  16. The point is to be able to delete "The Fun Pimps" registry for when you are clearing all the game files or editing game settings without opening it. Everything in that registry entry it takes you to is directly linked to the settings in game.


    If you don't like the registry, then I'd recommend opening the game and changing your settings there. Both are perfectly fine options. You're not going to brick your computer by changing game  files. That's not how any of this works.

  17. 13 minutes ago, PoloPoPo said:

    Makes sense 🥱

    It makes sense when you realize a lot of that time was in A16.4 and A17. The game has DRASTICALLY changed and the devs make massive changes to it every update and change mechanics constantly, which is apart of the early access tag.


    I'm not going to recommend an early access game that my friends may hate in the gold version, I personally like it, but I can't speak for everyone. Early Access is still a risk to buyers when we don't know what the fully finished product will contain, or if it even happens as the warning states on Steam. It's easier to wait till it's out of early access, then tell people that way they get a full product and can make a decision.


    A18 was truly a real big @%$# bag. Remember when our hunger was linked directly to our stamina bar? The bicycle always used stamina regardless of speed, only getting stone tools regardless of the crate or POI in A19.6 if the gamestage was under 20.


    Compare those to A20, see the massive differences? It could get better or worse. The devs are on the right path. Currently farming is getting tons of hate (which i don't think it deserves), but it goes to show how the early access tag works. You aren't buying the final product and it may not be what you want.

  18. 14 minutes ago, v101 said:

    Yes u did by testing the crops out of seeds.
    As i said i did not had time to do that just to test some gathering from plants (as described to see even what an existing plant drops)
    I did not pretended that test to be complete as mentioned in my comment above where i even asked if there is a way to force the growth in creative mode / debug mode


    If u like the new system then it's a huge problem, the new farming system is just objectively bad. And i think my idea is way better even for how u said u'd like farming to be.  U have to PLAY correctly not WORK hard it's a game and u should have fun ... not been bothered by illogical and absolutely pointless gaming mechanics.
    P.S. Do you realize this is a game not a full time job?

    It's only a job if you make it a job. If your not willing to follow mechanics then you should stop playing games forever. Every single game has mechanics, and farming is highly optional. I'm on day 43 without any form of crops and I have countless amounts of canned goods in my chest I've been eating.


    Occasionally I make bacon and eggs if I happen upon a bird nest I have yet to destroy. Other than that, the horde comes every 7 days. That's SEVEN hours of gameplay on default settings, it is like a job if you play perfectly 24/7 and have to use every single mechanic, even the optional ones.


    I fail to see where the "working" hard part even comes in. It's called throw a seed in a crop plot, punch when ready to harvest, make 50% of the crops to seeds so you have to do very little math.. profit.


    Can I ask why you haven't grabbed or attempted to make a modlet to bring the old farming back? You could easily copy the old crop files from the A19.6 files, do some appending and then <remove "xpath= specify x"/> to the new A20 files and be done with it.


    I might do it myself just so y'all quit whining about it. The devs gave a 50% for an extra seed at LotL 2, and it's been proven that LotL 3 gives a better farm than A19.6 considering we also get so much more seeds from loot, not to mention the POIs with so much vegetables.


    I'm on a server at day 10-11 currently with 3 friends and we already have 30 bacon and eggs, 125 mushrooms, 10 chili dogs, 15ish cans of sham, 16 spaghetti, 7 vegetable stew, and some other odd ones. Not to mention the 87 potatoes, 200 corn, and 70ish blueberries. We're not struggling in the slightest with farming, there's just too much. We're bottlenecked by crop plots.

  19. The rain is nothing more than a graphical effect for the player, it affects nothing in the world aside from obscuring our vision.


    The devs have a water overhaul planned for A21 (subject to change), and I'm not sure what that all means. Does it mean different speeds of currents? Better textures? Rain to be improved and effect the world? Water to properly level if bucketed? It could mean anything regarding water.


    So perhaps what your wondering could be true in the future, but as of now it's not.

  20. 12 hours ago, v101 said:

    I agree, on that, but i understand the fact that u can also play the version u like.
    Automating such procedure could cause even a worst backlash, if they just notified that in the game main menu all users wouls have seen that information.

    Actually there is some fun still there, but the good things added in the new version are totally destroyed by the bad things.


    Sorry another fun fact.
    After wiping data and restarting i re-configured my keybindings (as is utterly stupid wheel up -> item down and vice-versa)

    Well after re-entering the game i've found all personal keybinds gone, i had to re configure everything from mouse sensitivity (way too high) to keys ....
    Are u facing this issue ?
    Not to mention the game crashes 15% of the times i try to load a savegame.

    I have the same issue with re-binding keys. They seem to only need re-binding 2-3 times at most for me. It's yet another issue the game has.

  21. 21 minutes ago, v101 said:

    Yea i understand, but tha hell this is again the "alpha shield".
    It's not hard to notify the user in the main screen to manually wipe data, and what data to wipe.
    It's just lazyness and disrespectful of customers.

    That is a building "imposter" or "Impostor" bug..... i was running ... just running no DM / CM on .... just playing .

    I should record my games, have no time for that.



    I confirm what i said above.



    Dang that is way too bad, still havent tested vehicles as in my actual run (level 20 no int) ... in 20 days i could not find a single "forge" or "bench" recipe....
    But i've found recipes for motion sensors, electrical stuff and other end-game devices (loot is way too RNG and broken)

    And by now i can confirm that there is something odd in the drops, it seems that the random generator have some issues as it keeps on spawning certain items and never other items.

    And pls dev, roll back farming to A19 .... or A16 version.



    I just deleted the savegames, now i'm cleaning up the installation by wiping data (that i a shame that after so many years we still have to do this)
    As i said at least, tell your customer with a text box in-game, that we should clean the installation and WHAT to clean.
    [EDIT]: thank to another user i just discovered that this game has a laucher (not accessible in steam u have to manually launch it)
    There i can wipe data with the automatic procedure.... i wish i knew that b4

    The devs are extremely out of touch with how these things are. I myself am 1048 hours in the game and I didn't know this since A16. Every other early access game I've ever played has never once forced the player to do this. It is purely their fault for giving no information to the player unless you hound the forums which is not how it should work.


    The game should detect if the player has an upgraded version and recommend that we delete every file within the launcher, or have a script that does it automatically. It's a shame how buggy and volatile the files are. Every time I personally clean and reinstall a completely new bug appears but the older one isn't there.


    I've even went out of my way to get a new drive to put the game on and I'm still always having the same generic issues. It's a real shame how buggy the game is and how poorly it can get handled.


    It's still a fun game nonetheless, but I won't recommend it until it's out of early access. I can't imagine telling my friends to pay $30 for the game and then deal with every single hassle along the way that the volatile code offers.

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