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Posts posted by Darklegend222

  1. 7 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    If logout/login cycle respawns the zeds in an area, that's a bug, not a feature. Or am I missing some other way that a relog should increase the amount of zeds?


    Not doing any intentional resets myself, having feral sense on in a city seems to bring in some extras now and then. Wilderness seems pretty empty in comparison, had a 4 or 5 total jogging after me when getting an air drop.

    It seems they just stay around forever and only 64 zombies can be spawned in at a time unless using the entity menu. I've been restarting my game every single hour at 04:00 and it keeps all the spawns fresh.


    Had a bear, 2 wolves, 3 rabbits, some chickens and 2 wandering hordes. Almost every day consistently so far. I'm glad for the pipe weapons!


    Edit: I forgot to add that spawns get backed up and as you leave areas the chunks get unloaded and the enemies within them don't despawn. It'll cause the spawn counter to be all the way up and less will spawn over time until you restart, or kill the spawned ones.

  2. 11 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Are you telling me that it´s normal to do an hourly restart? What? No way.


    So far every game i played online worked fine with a 24hour restart including 7 days and SP the smae. Every hour is just riddiculous.

    It's normal for games in Early Access that have the issues of which this game suffers. So yes, I am.


    It's currently in experimental so you should take the proper steps for a bug report about zombie spawns getting backed up, and have you exited the game after you generated the world?


    There's a known bug of memory allocation when you don't exit the game after generating a new world. So generate a new world and exit the game after it's finished, then play on the new one. Which may fix the issue and save you the hassle of doing a bug report.

  3. 2 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Yes, in fact i did. Not on purpose tough.


    Also if this is needed, it sucks. How should that work on MP? Does everyone have to leave the server and i have to restart the server every hour? Meh.

    Hourly restarts have always been a thing in gaming, and depending on server specs it shouldn't take more than 4-5 minutes to start back up which is plenty of time for a break to get water and go to the bathroom in person.


    Have you tried verifying files because I've only had your issue when I don't restart the world after every hour.

  4. 2 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Still an empty world. 500 meters to my quest, not a single zombie seen. Yes, feral sense is on. They did come when i was in the quest POI, but only two of them, wich happened in a19 aswell most of the times.


    Dug up some clay, no one disturbed me.


    Feels nothing like what @Roland described in his topic.


    More zombies please. At least double them.


    On a sidenote: Is a feral zombie on a tier one quest intended? Also 6 chickens in one POI seems a bit OP for day 1? Both in the dead rooster.

    Have you restarted your game every in game day? And how often are you exploring, spawns do get backed up over time.


    I've been restarting at 04:00 every in game day, and I am constantly getting surrounded 24/7.

  5. On 9/26/2021 at 11:50 AM, Roland said:

    Just to clarify, you can clean all registry information like maps and saved games using the clean tool in the launcher and you do not have to uninstall the game and then reinstall it. So my question to you would be did you use the clean tool or just use the launcher to uninstall the game? If you just uninstalled the game from the launcher then you will still have data from older versions on your computer and if you generate a new save game with a new map and reuse the same name or seed that you used for a previous version it can cause some issues.


    Personally, I have never uninstalled the game. I simply clean all the data using the clean tool in the launcher and then verify my files and I have never had problems with previous version data gumming up my current game. 

    I open the launcher, then I press all 3 tabs that pull up the saves/install/registry in file explorer, then I use the tool to delete all maps and check mark everything to delete. When that is finished I close the launcher, and delete everything in the saves/install/registry files.


    Then I uninstall on steam and reinstall, I will have to try the file verification instead of uninstalling after everything is deleted. It'd be really nice if the launcher didn't default to using EAC because that really causes issues with the game.


    Doesn't matter what I do, the EAC version always breaks and I've noticed little to no issues in the non-eac version. I'm currently on a new save on day 9 with no problems. My previous save broke on day 3 with an "object not yet implemented" so that seems fixed now.

  6. On 9/17/2021 at 5:16 PM, bdubyah said:

    Would be faster than walking, save stam/food, have storage, and could cross water much easier than swimming. And as stated, it is basically done. So why not?

    I'm genuinely curious as to how this would be best utilized. Navezgane only has one lake that is worthy of raft-crossing and it's in such a remote position that getting to the either side yields tier 1 POIs. So.. not really good to utilize it in Nav.


    I've also been playing the current RWG and there's hardly any lakes, just small patches of water here and there.. so if the new a20 RWG actually has lakes that are plentiful and connect over vast distances like in a16.4, i would 100% use the raft


  7. 45 minutes ago, Canute said:

    Then you should manual delete the installation folder rather to use uninstall.

    Uninstall only remove the latest files they installed, but not any surplus files from older version or from mod's you installed not into Mods folder.


    I stated that I used the launcher tools to delete everything. It let's you purge everything, and seeing how it said 5.6gb on disk, i was asking if there is something i missed which there wasn't.


    I appreciate the feedback though

  8. 4 minutes ago, canadianbluebeer said:

    We have the strip club, the adult theater.  Still missing the brothel, massage parlor, and Adult Bookstore.  (moar books pls!)


    And bring back the real strippers pls. (and make'em  really aggressive ones too)

    With the jiggly physics in now, put pasties on the bits that seem to cause people to go spastic.  :D  (would kinda funny to see)

    Course the strippers should have the garter with a few dollar bills stuck in it. 


    Mind you, I do NOT suggest lap dances from these dancers.  nope nope nope!

    (nor any of the .. ahem, "extra services")


    Zombie Apocolypse, we're blowing up, dismembering etc, and someone(s) is worried about a Strip Club?




    (I know, don't feed the trolls. but I do like the idea of the jiggly pasties)   :canada:


    I believe they don't have the old strippers anymore due to Youtubes ToS, and Twitch doesn't allow nudity either.


    It just means anyone sponsoring or showing off 7 days to Die needs to censor their content or not stream it on twitch.. It doesn't work for the devs either since they do their streamer week before a new alpha and getting banned is the last thing they need.

  9. Only cars you can search with "E" have a CHANCE to give engines/batteries.


    If I'm correct, school buses and army trucks are guaranteed to drop an engine.


    For more info, there are 3 tiers of a car. The third tier just gives iron i believe, the second tier can give you everything a car can  drop, and the first tier just gives gas, short iron pipe, oil, springs, gas, and headlights.


    So look for the cars you can search if you want some engines and don't forget to check the school, and pass 'n gasses if you want to find engines on some tables you can wrench up if you happen to find em.

  10. Something similar to The Forest? I could get behind this.


    I would prefer if we didn't have an animation either and we could just place blocks. Having to wait on the arm animation, even in creative is just tedious.

  11. 23 hours ago, Jugginator said:

    Could you snag a quick video showing the glitches?

    I've actually had one, it's difficult with how long it takes to upload on YouTube.


    But I'll get the video to you within the day hopefully.


    Edit: i made a recording, it's not great but it's the best I could since a 55mb file takes 40 minutes to upload, a 1gb file straight from the recording software would take literally forever.



    I managed to get a recording of SCUM on my phone at the very least, but YouTube won't let me upload more than 1 video in a 24 hour-period.

  12. 3 hours ago, Sal said:


    I would hate this for several reasons. For one, I imagine something like this would be almost impossible for MP. For two, I would hate to spend countless hours gathering weapons/tools/resources/skill pts to build a base only to find out I completed the game before it's even finished. And instead of being able to kick back and admire hours of work I'm suddenly taken to a final cut-scene, and that's it....it's over. That would drive me nuts.


    Most importantly, there's already an "end game" (indestructible base, ton of resources, skill pts make you a super human fitted with the best weapons/tools/armor, etc). The difference between this and your suggestion is that it's up to the user to determine when the game is finally over, as opposed to being forced. I personally like having options and flexibility.

    Yes, the game becomes boring after you reach a certain point, but there are literally dozens of different ways to extend the gameplay by making it harder to reach the "end game" thru different options, mods, restricting yourself to a set of rules, a little of each, overhaul mods, etc. The options are virtually endless. And from what I understand, the vanilla settings are going to be even more flexible in A20.

    For example, in SP, the game is over me after about 30 days on default settings, but I can change this to make games last 90+ days. I'm currently playing SP vanilla with these settings and restrictions..... I'm on day 42 and still no where close to being finished. It took me 20ish days just to get a damn bicycle.

    -- Kinggen RGW 6k map w/ only 2 traders + 3 mods (larger wandering hordes/increased zombie spawn/MD 500 heli)


    --16 hr + 90 min days + max 3 land claim blocks

    -- 64 Z's + Warrior (sprint day, nightmare for everything else)

    -- BM every 4 days w/ 2 day range + no warning

    -- 25% XP and loot, resources 50%, no air drops, no loot respawn

    -- No starting skill pts after the tutorial (xml edit)

    -- Have to max out one entire skill tree at a time before choosing another
    (ex. Everything under Strength has to be maxed out before unlocking anything under intelect or agility, and so forth)

    These minor changes alone prolong the game for me. The new POIs are going to make it even more interesting.


    A cutscene doesn't end your save mate. It would finish the quest and you can continue playing navezgane or whatever else you were doing.


    I'm not sure if you've been keeping up with the dev streans, but they are adding endgame quests, and they've said you can do previous tier quests, for example tier 2 quests if you've unlocked tier 4. 


    A lot of games allow you to continue after you do the final cutscene or final mission, i don't see why this would be any different.

  13. 5 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    Reminds me of the issues with the 5700-series when it released. Took AMD something like a year and a half to fix the driver package.

    I haven't stopped delving into the problem despite that I can't fix anything on my end (aside from a Nvidia card) and it is really going to come down to their drivers from what I can tell.


    An RX 580 has 0 graphical issues, my old 960 didn't have issues, the 5000 series "had" issues, and the 6000 series has massive issues. From what I've continuously gathered, it might be another 2-6 months before it gets resolved/worked on, and it might take a lot of the top-tier articles putting pressure on AMD to fix them much like the 5000 series.


    It's a shame, more vram and core clock than a 3070, AMD genuinely peaked my interest but it may be back to Nvidia when this card "fails".

  14. 14 hours ago, Roland said:

    Well....starting a quest and going straight to the loot room and looting it and then logging out and then back in again to disrupt the quest and repeating is a lot speedier and therefore a lot more exploitive if you are playing competitively on a PvP server. If you are not playing competitively then it is really just a pointless gamey thing to do that ruins immersion and the great progression pacing that the game has built into it so you are just hurting yourself. Opening the creative menu and just using it for everything would be simpler. If you hate the slow progression there are in game options you can choose to speed that up without resorting to using logging in and out of the game as your main tactic.


    So I can see a need to close this particular exploit to keep competitive play fair and square. I see someone spamming different quests as a legitimate way to try and outpace competition-- which your competition can do as well and it is all within the confines of expected gameplay and the more skillful player would come out ahead-- which the act of logging out and back in again to disrupt a quest is most decidedly not part of the game and tests no particular gameplay skill against another.

    I'd also like to add, it is not as exploitable early game as you're gonna keep getting spammed with items that you can loot, though the zombies would be an infinite level early game, which there are still plenty of. The only real use you would get is XP and foid/drinks.


    Still useful and I don't think anyone should use it, but it isn't all that in the end.

  15. I think it would be an amazing implementation for the endgame when the game goes gold.


    In the dev livestream they were talking about meeting the duke and what not, being able to leave the planet and go to a government safe zone on a different planet would be amazing.


    It would be rather interesting since the game Outriders was based on resources running out and they had to go to a completely different planet which had earth-like resources to rebuild.


    So it wouldn't be ENTIRELY impossible the devs have an endgame (or modders) that the player leaves the planet in a cutscene to live on another one. Just unlikely, but a genuinely good concept in endgame terms.

  16. 7 hours ago, meganoth said:

    Thanks for the update, but can you be more specific:  Are the confirmations only about different Unity games? Or are they about games with different graphics engines?


    At least Praey according to the internet seems to use Unity as well.




    I am believing it's more based on shaders. I see minimal flickering at noon within the game, but in the shade/night it gets atrocious.


    Praey has intense crashing issues on the latest drivers, i did more testing and an older driver fixes it.


    As for SCUM, I believe it uses Unity as well, and I've found turning the lighting effects to the lowest possible setting makes the lightning not cause my entire screen to go white, just all the trees and the sky. It also has terrain with a lot of black patches moving around the terrain, which a lot of games are having the issue.


    It seems to be a shader issue from what I've gathered. Yet I'm not sure whether drivers or game developers need fixes/patches, perhaps both?

    1 hour ago, Beelzybub said:

    Maybe the card manufacturer has a firmware/bios update that will help? Try underclocking?

    I've undervolted, and disabled XMP to test. There's a lot of forums and discords claiming the 6000 series is having problems in Unity and Early Access games.


    I've not noticed anything in Killing Floor, Ark, Minecraft, Deep Rock Galactic, Doom, or Skyrim.


    It's purely in select games which is rather odd, I don't know a lot of people with a 6000 series card to do their own testing. But there are plenty of forums of people having issues, so I think it's safe to say my card isn't faulty as not every game has problems and out of my 200 game library, this is what I found.. So far.

  17. If anyone is still possibly reading this, the issue is within the AMD Radeon RX 6000 Series cards.


    I've had confirmations within multiple discussions on multiple forums and discords.


    It's still a gray area whether it's on AMDs end, or the game developers end. People are saying it's possibly game developers not optimizing for Radeon, or card manufacturers doing bad with software.


    All I've managed to figure out with the help of the community: Radeon 6000 series is buggy and we're still on 100% is causing it. Flickering is a problem for everyone, and crashes on other games like Praey for the Gods are occurring as well.


    Do with that information what you will, I'm not equipped enough to dive deep into the possible fixes for it, but it's a good idea to bring it to the attention of everyone otherwise a fix will never be on the radar or in sight.

  18. 5 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

    What about trying glcore instead of directx from the launcher?

    I've used that too, the game looks a lot more pixelated with lines on certain blocks of different colors, and the flickering is 4x worse, especially if the sky is on the screen anywhere.

  19. 34 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

    To narrow it down, I'd start by turning off every graphic option both in the game and in AMD's software. (or lowest if off is not available) Then see if it still does it.

    If not, then turn them up one by one until you can repro the issue.


    Is power possibly an issue? 6 and 8 pin connected? Maybe check them. Power supply? Your cpu and gpu are both pretty power hungry.

    I can play ark on 1440p on epic settings without a single graphical issue, same with Horizon Zero Dawn. The Gpu hits 80c and the cpu hits 60% so i can vouch for power being fine.


    I should've added that i disabled every single radeon setting available to off/application controlled. It makes the flickering less noticeable (still there) on 7 days to die.. while making the entire game look like a giant blob.


    Edit: I'll also add, i had to downgrade the AMD driver to 21.3.2 in order to even play Horizon Zero Dawn as it is the only one that doesn't crash the game.

  20. 26 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

    Is the gpu running hot maybe?

    Not at all, 60c.


    I don't know anyone else with the 6700XT to confirm the issues so it really puts a damper on confirming what works/doesn't work.

  21. specs:

    CPU: i9-10850k

    GPU: Radeon RX 6700XT

    Drive: 2tb Samsung Evo SSD

    Ram: 32GB DDR4 3200Mhz

    Monitors: MSI OPTIX Mag27cq, and an old Element TV.


    Issue: Upon getting the 6700xt, i've noticed flickering and darkening textures when I walk.


    More info: The flickering and darkening occurs when I do ANTYING, walking/attacking/looking around on everything. I haven't noticed any flickering on enemies but that could be since I'm not looking hard enough. I tested the game on my old GTX 960 2GB (yea I'm that guy) and it had no problems on either monitor. I've noticed the game SCUM has issues with flickering as well where the ENTIRE screen flickers white every 4-8 seconds rendering it unplayable (I'm well aware its a different game, its to shed more light on whats going on). For some reason I can't catch the issue when I do a recording or an instant-replay, I can do a recording on my phone if you make it so.


    Attempted solutions: Testing each monitor individually, used the old/new HDMI, DP, DVI cables, upgrading the AMD drivers to the latest 21.6.1, and downgrading to the least (I'm using not the least but currently using 21.3.2), lowering all settings to low and high within the game, changed the MSI monitor's refresh rate to off/extreme, disabling and enabling "Freesync", moving the game to a different drive, using DDU to completely wipe all the Nvidia and AMD data, disabled every Radeon feature, OpenGL launch option, and used different ports on the GPU.


    Edit: it's a 6000 series issue. Unsure if it's a game developer, or a Radeon driver issue.

  22. 4 hours ago, rakoona said:

    Good old normal!

    3 day air drop,  death settings doesn't matter, because I don't show if I die :D I just work it in.
    1 days is 1 hour real time. Day lengh is set to 18. Zombies run at night, and in Navezgane.

    Also, I've released episode 5, so feel free to check it out! :D

    I noticed in episode 2 you took fatal damage or entered god mode since your 33 minute broken arm got fixed hehe


    You do a fantastic job working it in, gonna watch it now!

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