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Posts posted by Darklegend222

  1. I'm still not sure how I feel about the game entirely. It's certainly fun, but the hordes are just a nuisance, and turning them off makes the game feel dull. I still haven't found the proper balance for myself in it yet.


    If I enable them, then it's a quest and an endless gunpowder mining operation for the next horde until I can find the materials for a kill box. If I disable them, c then mining for nitrate and coal is pointless since I rarely need to use ammo and I already get so much. The world also becomes dull and boring if all you do is quest and smelt iron/stone for base building. My worlds for singleplayer never reached beyond 30 days in A19.6 while my A20 worlds have yet to go past day 8.


    It's not a bad or content lacking game, it just feels like something is missing. I just can't figure out what it is.

  2. 6 hours ago, Boidster said:


    Broadly speaking, yes! "Random" numbers in programming are almost always pseudo-random, based on a seed value. If you know the seed value, you can determine the sequence of "random" numbers that will result. In nearly all applications where randomness is required, this is sufficient. If you:

    1. Know the seed
    2. Know the exact algorithm used to produce 'random' numbers
    3. Know the probabilities for all potential loot items in all containers you want to search

    Then you could deterministically work your way through a game looting exactly the right containers at exactly the right time to get the "best" loot for each search.

    Ironically, I just decided to make a new world on a new seed, got steel tools schematics by specifically looting trash piles LOL. I know it's still random, but that's still very interesting nonetheless!


    Edit: I'm on day 1: 12:27

  3. 5 hours ago, Boidster said:


    Broadly speaking, yes! "Random" numbers in programming are almost always pseudo-random, based on a seed value. If you know the seed value, you can determine the sequence of "random" numbers that will result. In nearly all applications where randomness is required, this is sufficient. If you:

    1. Know the seed
    2. Know the exact algorithm used to produce 'random' numbers
    3. Know the probabilities for all potential loot items in all containers you want to search

    Then you could deterministically work your way through a game looting exactly the right containers at exactly the right time to get the "best" loot for each search.

    I wouldn't know how to make an algorithm, but I'm sure someone of your expertise could.


    It'd be rather interesting to see what seed values produce the best type of loot per trader, each restock. I know that it might require generating nearly 100 worlds to get anything useful, and even then it may not produce enough information.

  4. 3 hours ago, Boidster said:


    But...you shouldn't.


        <entitygroup name="ZombiesWastelandDowntown">
            ...a bunch of zombies which aren't Demolishers...
            <entity name="zombieDemolition" prob=".05"/>


    Note that because of all the other not-Demolisher zombies in the group, the actual probability of spawning a Demolisher in the Wasteland Downtown zone is .00136 (1.36 tenths of one percent). Very rare.


    Edit to add: oh, they're in non-Wasteland downtown also:


        <entitygroup name="ZombiesDowntown">
            ... boring muggles ...
            <entity name="zombieDemolition" prob=".02"/>


    Even more rare there: .0008 (8 hundredths of one percent). Dire Wolves are over twice as likely.

    So extremely rare. I appreciate you correcting me and pastimg some xml  data. I've gotta get better at delving in there.

  5. 14 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


    I had a 20 plot farm and 10 mushrooms, took me not even 2 mins every 2 hours and i had enough food for 3 people at least.

    We have a dedicated farmer in our world, never once complained about replanting. We have over 30 of every crop aside from mushrooms and a massive farm.


    People are way too whiny about farming for literally no reason. "Oh no, mah food that that i don't have to hunt for, and that i have to do manual labor for!"

  6. 35 minutes ago, ungkor said:

    Well, I discovered that I had xp turned to 200%, so my day 15 was way harder than it should have been.  Thank you for your comments everyone.


    So I restarted.   That said, just tonight I was doing a Tier 1 quest, in the day, and encountered a Demolisher.   On day 2....


    I fumbled some keys and died.   I probably could have lived, but I was trying to get a screenshot of a Demo on day 2 in a vanilla world for you all to see...


    I like challenges.  I love them.   But Alpha 20 is just way to sporadically difficult to enjoy right now.   Why would a Demo show up on Day 2?


    I know you've probably been recommended this and it's annoying, but have you cleared your files through the launcher? Press play on 7 days to die, click the launcher button, go to the tools tab, and delete everything in those folders. Once that is done, right click 7 days to die, properties, then local files, and verify integrity of files. That way it will redownload every file and it should clear up any problems.


    A demolisher on day 2 seems like a major issue that only ap corrupt game will have.

  7. On 1/7/2022 at 6:41 PM, Boidster said:


    The universe knew you were going to type that.


    Anywho, I'm back from testing. It seems to work consistently with the idea of a single RNG seed for looting, which is tied to the game save. You can save-scum if you are so inclined.


    I created "Save 1a" and then saved off copies of it before starting. So 1b, 1c, and 1d would be "save-scumming" opportunities.


    Container Save 1a

    Save 1b

    Same Containers

    Same Order

    Save 1c

    Same Containers

    Different Order

    Save 1d

    Different Containers

    But Same Cont. Type

    Save 2

    New Game

    Same Map

    Bird Nest 6 feathers Same (5) 1 feather, 1 egg Same 8 feathers
    Trash Pile 32 sand Same (1) 1 pipe, 38 clay Same 39 clay

    1 can,

    1 yucca seed


    (4) 111 gas, bone,

    2 lockpick

    Same 2 weights
    Sedan 1 pipe Same (2) 1 rotten meat Same


    20 gunpowder

    Garbage 1 bone, 15 scrap Same (3) 1 jar Same 2 nails, jar


    This seems to back up my comment before that you can't really have a "bad RNG seed" like we might have bad or good RWG seeds. If you change the order of searching in the tiniest way, you get different loot. I mean, Save 1c is clearly better than Save 1a. Save-scum is successful!



    So essentially we should use algorithms to find what's going to come next if we can't find a crucible or a beaker by day 40. Since it's clearly predetermined

  8. 10 hours ago, meganoth said:


    This is not correct. A faulty stick could have just one single bit stuck. Or one single byte duplicated at another address.


    But you are seeing the same effect of the game crashing, no random errors. IF it were faulty memory it would have to be a bigger chunk and I would expect more randomness in the result. Memtest is an easy and fast way to eliminate a less likely explanation.


    Interesting, didn't know that. I must have my own definition of faulty then.


    Anyway, ran 13 of them at the same time with 2000mb each, none had faults or popped any errors at 120ish percent.

  9. 12 hours ago, Star69 said:

    There are no errors in the log. Many times issues during or just after map generation are due to memory. You might check Event Viewer and see if it recorded the crash and maybe it will give up some clues. If nothing else, you might run Memtest since you have plenty of ram so maybe a faulty stick.

    It's too late for event viewer, and memtest came back with full coverage. If it had been a faulty stick then my computer wouldn't be able to boot, and the chances are my BIOS light may indicate the processor is faulty when it isn't.


    I've had faulty sticks before on older rigs, not sure why memtest is needed in this case since the game is extremely buggy as it is.. no other developer or customer support group would even recommend memtest.



    Edit: I made a new world and everything worked after a 2nd time. It seems to freeze exactly when the world's done generating


  10. As someone else said, explosives. Make the zombies path and group up to a choke point, then hail Mary a pipe bomb down. Drinking a learning elixir beforehand.


    If the horde is seemingly soaking up that pipe bomb damage like it's nothing, it's time to start eating Atom Junky candy for 50% more explosion damage!

  11. 1 hour ago, Tmodloader said:

    I strongly disagree with this one. If it was good for tower defense, they would have a sense of attacking structural points.

    I want ai pathing to knock down buildings more often

    I am not sure how the current pathing is "tower defense" when I stand on top of a building they all attack the building next to it and leave my tower untouched.

    Have you tried not being on top of a city tower and actually being on top of your own built structure? They go towards doors mostly, so build defenses between them, and your door. If they happen to break the door, then you better have some explosives or defenses planned on the other side as well.


    There are PLENTIFUL guides online and some great tips here as to how you should go about it, you don't even need to copy any ideas to get a fully working defense. You just need some creativity and some know-how.

  12. 34 minutes ago, Boidster said:

    Well it's in our old 19.3 game on a dedicated server and it actually took less time to draw it than it would to fire that back up I think. The basic layout is below.


      Reveal hidden contents



    Zombies enter at lower left, climbing as they jump over stuff until they reach the platform where the sledge is. Some of them get to start over at that point!


    The ones who get past the sledge start down the corridor where they get 2 acupuncture treatments and 3 haircuts (the floor is half-blocks, and the corridor is 3 blocks high, so blades really are designed to hit Demolisher heads only). If they survive that they turn the corner for more acupuncture. Very few zombies made it past the first set of dart traps after the corner. But we could see (from the firing position, looking down on the ramp) if any were getting close to the iron bars and we'd step over there and mow them down. If it got really hairy, we'd throw the Oh S**t switch and flush the zombies down into a pit to start over (or just bash on stuff down there).


    Dart traps (2 high) are red blocks. They are all fronted by arrow slits with iron bars attached to the face. Tripwires are the green 'Y' symbols (some were outside the base on the exterior wall, but base is high up so they're not in any danger). Fenceposts are the blue star symbols. It took a while to sort out the layout and the wiring, but the base was pretty solid. We always had 2 or three support pillars broken out by the end of the night, but besides one time when cop spit took out a poorly-placed switch & relay, we never really were near being overrun. We'd spend horde night concentrating fire on the big guys - Demolishers, cops, wights. The peons would be killed by the darts.

    That's very interesting, I assume the yellow X's are where you have pressure plates? They've changed the traps and weapons a lot. Blade traps used to set off demolishers, dark traps used to set them off, and SMG turrets and shotgun turrets were useless once demolishers got brought in. I made a line of 10 SMG turrets and 10 Auto turrets all filled with ammo against 15 demolishers at once, not a single one got set off.


    That is very useful information, turrets will be making a comeback and I'll have to start getting into using dart traps. I've never once used a tripwire post, I forgot they're even in the game!


    Edit: turns out, tripwire posts.. don't trip. They send out a signal which is how I'm assuming that you specify the dart traps to shoot so that they don't waste all their ammo

  13. 5 minutes ago, Boidster said:

    Okay, I tested same seed, Random 0 (left) vs Random 10 (right):


    There are minor differences in biome borders, and all of the water, mountains, and towns/roads are different. But "more random"? >shrug< I dunno. Maybe the difference is down at the POI level somehow.



    Interesting, I've always assumed it had a chance to change the customizable values one higher or lower per level of random. For example, towns could go from many to few, or few to default.

  14. 4 hours ago, Boidster said:


    We use trip wires and electric fences which run through each pair of opposing dart traps. So the trap only fires when there's a Z in front of it, and the fence will lock them into their acupuncture session for a few moments. Definitely tied to a switch or two for safety. A switch that is not susceptible to the &#$@ cop spit. Ask me how I learned that.

    I may need a screenshot of how you have that setup, I thought I was good at creating paths for zombies. It seems that you have it properly covered.


    I found the easiest solution is to create a box of 8 blade traps, with 4 electric fence posts. It can handle any form of horde on any difficulty, but it needs a ton of steel. I'm sure it's the best horde base out there since you don't need to do anything except repair, however I always like new designs that offer manual labor!

    4 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    I believe the auto and shotgun turret now don't set off demolishers.  The portable ones still do, but not the ones that require electricity.  I have seen some test videos on Alpha 20 where it didn't seem like they were getting set off (and the good ones had more than one demolisher as a test).

    I'll do some personal tests, I'm not sure if I'll be able to upload a video since I don't have any editing software and the last time I tried, youtube wouldn't allow the file type. (because @%$# me for trying to upload a video to a site which gets tons of uploads)

  15. 12 minutes ago, Boidster said:


    Boy do I have good news for you! Dart traps do not set off Demolishers. I personally use head-height ceiling mounted blade traps + dart traps in the kill corridor walls to make short work of them (if they get past the jumping-puzzle part of the path, which is under constant fire from us up in the base).


    Just to be sure they didn't change things in A20, I tested a Demolisher abuse prison. Killed many of them, not a single one got activated.



    Hmm, i may create a wall of dart traps in that case. I personally prefer the blade trap with a fence through it. I'll have to setup a motion sensor that's connected via switch so I can manually set the darts to go off when demolishers show up. That way I can also repair the blade trap and fence post when they're dead and not worry about my traps killing me.

  16. 14 minutes ago, PoloPoPo said:

    "Fear of unknown", as meganoth called it, is a pretty good definition of horror I think. The more you play the more you know the less is unknown and therefore the horror gets less and less as well. No music, weather effects or whatever can compensate that.


    I remember my first playthrough as well. First ingame days, everyday at 22:00, when I sat without any shelter outside under a bush, not a single blink, listening to the Zs nearby in complete darkness (when nighttime was actually dark). Now that was horror! Resulting from me being a noob and everything being new and frightening.

    I'll piggyback off ya! Back when I first played a15, i dug a hole inside of a house and sealed the top. I did not dare leave my hole.


    Then in A19.6 I decided walking zombies was enough and it was time to face my fears directly. Ended up crouching everywhere at night literally horrified of zombies.


    Now? I just run around at night fighting sprinting zombies head on. Is that a bear? Do i have ammo? Let's take it! I have nothing to worry about anymore. Insane difficulty on default settings with some to make it harder, is a walk in the park. Provided that park doesn't have murders.. or coyotes.. or, well anything bad.

  17. 28 minutes ago, Marinxar said:


    That would make it easier to backtrack and find the ones that was not on the path you chose. It does not, however, make for a smooth clean run where you clear all zombies as you go. it still require you to search for X minutes, then hunt down one zombie, then wait around for x minutes, then hunt down one, etc etc, until you found them all. Which does not sound like a nice flow of gameplay.

    I've attempted to make a mod that changes all the values of each POI to show all sleeper locations once you start a quest. However you can't edit prefab files with mods from my understanding. I did manually configure Dishong Tower to show all the sleeper areas upon startup.. and well, there was about 60 yellow dots in my face, It was hard to tell where to go.


    There needs to be some form of limitation so you don't get a screen spam and without the hassle of waiting. I've been thinking more on it, perhaps they should add a trigger to the loot rooms that upon entering, every sleeper volume is displayed for the quest.

  18. I know very little of the armor system that will arrive. Yes we've had pictures and "concept art", but that doesn't mean anything. Currently I wear cloth armor until I get a vehicle of any kind, then I move back to heavy armor. I mostly play higher difficulties and fast movement is a necessity early game.


    I'm not gonna try and think of what the sets entail as some have said "this set gives 10% wood" or some random things like that. As long as my heavy armor is still in the game, and I can actually be protected then I don't care.


    My only real concern is how you acquire them. If armor crafting gets removed then I'll be creating mods to craft the sets.

  19. I'll add that nearly every single POI has this of some kind. If nearly every area or room didn't have sleepers behind walls, curtains, objects, or even ceilings then it wouldn't be too much of a problem. It seems that EVERY POI has this and not just a few.


    It's not 1-2 closets or objects they're behind either, every POI has 90% filled with hidden sleepers or auto triggers.


    I'd say that if there was only 1-3 missable sleeper volumes by walking past unknowingly as you said, when you get to the end, there will only be yellow dots on 1-3 of the sleeper volumes you missed.


    That way every POI isn't littered with missable places, and they don't occur nearly as often so the annoyance gets toned down on a massive scale. It still keeps the hidden sleepers there, and doesn't make every room a smash and kill.


    As for the auto-triggers, that's a different beast entirely. Assuming that there are only 1-3 places hidden zombies can be, then that leaves auto-triggers for things like hitting a button to open a garage door triggers a volume on the other side.


    Perhaps more areas like the hotel has where you fall down a trap floor and there's 8 zombies that wake up ambushing you. Not every POI though should have the floor though, as that just brings more issues.

  20. You should never face a bear face to face, hop on a roof top, go back into the building your quest is and avoid it, perhaps you can even kite it through your quest poi and create places it can't get to you.


    It all adds to the challenge. As for the 15+ zombies, close doors their faces to reload, then open the door and let a zombie or 2 in, close the door and kill the ones in the room with you. Don't be afraid to run away if you absolutely have to. Zombies gave god awful vision at night. You can get about 15-20 blocks away and they might even lose you.


    I'd recommend having multiple pipe weapons on your hotbar that way you have something else to resort to. Even if it's 3 pipe shotguns it's useful. As the other person said it adds to the challenge. You know now that zombies will come for you while your doing the generator. Use that information to build yourself an escape route should things fall out of order.


    Your not incorrect in the fact that new players will struggle, it's a fun game and if dying in a game is enough to turn a player off, they probably shouldn't play games. It happens all the time and that's okay. Take the time to dust yourself off, think about what could have been done to prevent it, and find ways around the problem.


    Sometimes you can absolutely get @%$#ed, and while it sucks a lot, it's still an enjoyable game. Don't let some sour experiences ruin the fun!

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