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Posts posted by Darklegend222

  1. 10 minutes ago, ungkor said:

    I find that the biggest sense of "down time", is inventory management.   You do a mission, gather a bunch of stuff, return to base, and then need to sort and store all your loot.   Any "down time" in my opinion, takes away from fun. 


    I usually end up with something like a medical chest, food/water chest, parts chests, weapons/ammo chest, etc. 


    I just got done playing a bit of sky factory 3 (minecraft modded).   One of the great abilities in that game, is to transfer items between storage containers, and use item filters to decide which items end up in specific storage containers.  


    I would really like the ability to just dump everything you've looted on a mission into a single chest, and have that "flow" into other chests based on user-defined filters.     I dump some bandages, some food, some weapons, into a single chest.   That single chest exports those items to three other chests, like "medical", "food", and "weapons".

    Since your playing SF3, I'd recommend taking a look at the Refined Storage mod, and it's successor: Applied Energistics 2.


    They have a mod for terraria which does the same thing as AE2, however I am not mathematically intelligent enough to cover every byte of storage for a similar mod.

  2. I'm gonna hard disagree with you on that, but i won't dislike your post as I do THINK the game should have the zombie data stored on world exit so it's not constantly deleting and adding data to a storage device.


    You need to learn self control and to do better than you currently are. There's no shame in exiting the game if zombies show up or your dying, play how you wish. But if bandaging yourself and logging out to escape creatures is something you personally do, you have two options.


    Stop doing it, or learn how to not get yourself into these situations. Don't go to biomes with vultures if you don't think you can handle it, and learn your own limitations. If your finding its too hard, lower that difficulty setting!

  3. I used to play the same exact way, but then you get bored of linear gameplay. When you lower the difficulty and can go toward any playstyle you want, the game becomes infinitely more fun.


    I am currently waiting on Darkness falls to fully release for A20 so I can jump into that. Being able to play and survive on the hardest difficulty is a great challenge, but it's not for something all the time.


    I don't utilize the fully sandbox world enough, and I've been creating mods to change that (for myself and those who download them on Nexus.) I hope everyone can find and achieve the playstyle they prefer!

  4. 15 hours ago, Vampirenostra said:

    Yeah, but your love ends with "new fog" so you have more chances to crush a mountain or a building than to complete your journey to the place of interest.)))

    Have you tried flying higher? I've never once hit a mountain or a tree, even when I can see only 2ft in front of me. You have a compass, quick waypoints, and a ceiling in the world, use them for navigation!

  5. I like the idea, hip firing in games has always been bad. "I aim down sights, 100% accuracy" then you don't aim down sights and now you have bullets coming out 30° from the barrel? Makes no sense.


    Edit: the only game I've played that does hip firing correctly is Killing Floor 2. It is actually logical in that game. The longer you hold fire down, the less inaccurate you get and the more your gun shakes. If you time it out with a 50 millisecond to 1 second interval, you can get it somewhat back in control. Much like in real life.

  6. Brawler is a perk based on knuckles, you can pull an easy 4x damage just by drinking beer, then you get way better bonuses by reading the books for it, I'd suggest going for a brawler build sometime and testing it yourself.


    Infiltrator is very good for PvP, the penetrator is amazing for horde bases that utilize funnels and enemy grouping, 1 bullet can kill 4 enemies. That's not bad at all!


    The rest are good perks provided you have an actual use. When Cardio is paired with parkour and any fluid, you can regenerate stamina while running. That's perfect for POIs and times when you need a quick getaway. Not to mention you save food with iron gut. They're necessities on insane difficulty.


    The three actually worthless perks are charasmatic nature, physician, and the shadows stealth perk. No one wants to stand around while their friend is crafting, or be bound to another player 24/7 for a shouting buff. No one is gonna stand around at base waiting for 15+ minutes until their friend gets there to heal them which they can do manually. And the stealth is broken unless you kill outside of the box the zombies don't detect you in POIs, or unless you do it at night if it's a fetch/clear. You know, when you can't accept quests or turn them in.


  7. 14 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:


    I really want this, even though I only play SP.

    There are advantages and disadvantages in LBD, like any advancement system.


    I been splitting my time between 7D2D and another zombie survival game that does use LBD.  While some of it is okay, other parts of it make me think WTH....like improving first aid skill by constantly digging in the ground to scratch up my hands to heal them over and over again, or purposely getting poked by broken glass...otherwise it is a very slow grind to even advance one level (my approach to survival games is not to get hurt, no matter what).


    Then there is the issue I see all the time with LBD where you spend all day crafting hundreds and hundreds of stone pickaxes, then magically you are able to craft a max quality steel pickaxe.....

    That is the massive downside to LBD and it's the reason I'm not fully die-hard for it. I'm still more in it's favor than the current system. Perhaps a LBD system would only be good for tools and weapons. Let the sex rex, physician, and the intellect tree be all perk reliant, that way we can use whatever weapon and not be too worried about quality.


    As for needing to craft a lot of them, that's specifically for nighttime when zombies are sprinting everywhere. Nighttime is downtime, and downtime means material gathering, or crafting

  8. 3 hours ago, Kyonshi said:

    Some people can't stand having their criticism of this game factually corrected by people who inform themselves properly. It's very strange. It's just the most normal thing to do to...just read. It's even easier when you're the official discussion board of the very developers of the game. But I observe that anything longer than the Twitter format of 140 characters is way too much for some people.


    I'm pretty active on the 7DTD PC group and I'm being called a "fanboy" more times that I can count, just because I adjust the inaccuracies that some morons spout about the game and the devs. It became a hobby to counter trolls with documented info and watch them lose their @%$# afterward 😄

    I will say this, when I first joined the forum it was a mess and a half to figure out. We had like 8 different tabs for bug reporting. Had to manually go through reported bugs, the bug pool, the incomplete reports, the reproduced issues, it was a nightmare so I just didn't check anymore. I didn't have the patience to scroll through 70+ pages just to see if the issue there (before the Known Issues was blatantly there).


    And the dev diary is absolutely filled with comments, anyone wanting a quick answer will definitely need to spend 5+ minutes just navigating the website to the right area, then another 10+ to find the relevant information. It's much easier to make a post, then let us flood into it. That's why I'm very active here in my free time, I want to be in the know and not go back through everything.

  9. 19 hours ago, Roland said:

     (I certainly hope nobody who praised LBD because of how much sense it made for gaining experience is in here pushing for shared xp from a long distance...heheh)

    What's funny about that Roland, back in A15 the more you crafted a tool, the better you got at it. There was 0 need for exp at all regarding weapons or tool quality. Nowadays? You need exp for everything involving weapons. You quite literally rely on exp to make a better pickaxe, didn't used to be that way in A15. Even A15 allowed you to combine tools in a workbench to get better ones up to level 600.


    As for your other statements, they are all sound. However, it comes back to exp being a necessity. If you igore exp, your now far behind than every single one of your friends, and now you have to deal with zombies at their level when you're not there yet. Which is exactly why people push for all the shared exp so hard. Is it not immersive and breaks the laws of physics? Yep, but does it make sure everyone is on the same playing field and no one is left behind in a PvE survival game about surviving hordes? Absolutely.



  10. 14 minutes ago, Whorhay said:

    I'd say the book store HQ is the worst thus far in my experience. Large areas with relatively fewer choke points with tons of zombies that seem to be in sleeper zones that wake them all up at once. Your game stage will have a lot to do with how bad that is, in my games they are usually full of radiated zombies.  Combined with the game running like a power point presentation in the cities it can be pretty sketchy. Book Store HQ has been my only death in A20 so far where I stood much of a chance and wasn't just shafted by RNGesus.

    The floors are all wide open but the path from floor to floor should be pretty visible.

    Scissor lift to 3rd floor, kill zombies > open stairs to 4th floor, kill zombies > stair well to roof, kill zombies > fire escape down, to a ladder in the elevator shaft, down to 2nd floor, kill zombies > open stairs down to 1st/ground floor, kill zombies > different stairs down to basement, kill zombies, loot room, open garage door to the outside.

    I'll have to go back through and try it again. Me and my three friends have never been able to find the right way. Once we get to the roof we immediately go down to the ground level and just break out the spikes in the front door because we physically can't find the way to go.

  11. 4 hours ago, Boidster said:


    Even in the wasteland, loot is relative to lootstage. You get a boost, but your Level 9 will still get relatively crappy loot compared to your Level 100. 



    This is a 'feature' of all level-scaled co-op games, innit? I'm not sure how the game could even prevent it regardless of the XP award system, shared or not. A group of l33ts with a n00b is going to have to babysit the n00b. If they like her/him that is. :D 


    Actually, if the game shared proportionally more XP with the n00b than it did for the l33ts, that could be a way to rubber-band the n00b into higher levels more quickly. But the wailing and gnashing of teeth would be detected on seismographs worldwide.


    All of this is why I'm in favor of the XP-for-survival idea. Every 60 IRL minutes you survive you get a congratulatory package of XP. Every time you die, you take a hit to the 60-minute counter. Do what you want - mine, craft, farm, kill, loot, make a pass at Joel or Jen - doesn't matter. If you survive, you make progress. No more XP farming, the only goal is to survive another day. Roland passed on to me his 0XP mod from A18 and I'm sorta dipping my toe into the DLL modding side of things to see if I can put something like this together. I'm sure it's doable, I just have a lot to learn about the game's main DLL.

    Oh I'm well aware of the effects of bringing a level 9 in, however going out of our way to make sure that only one person is way ahead of everyone else is just a very stupid idea to me. Not only does it make everyone reliant on that one person, but they essentially have to babysit everyone. That's just not a fun experience for anyone.


    I wish you luck learning the DLL, i tried adding a second item to the deadEye perks tag under RecipeTagUnlock and no matter what I did it, it wouldn't set a value to the tag. Ended up scrapping my gating part of the mod and just said eff it, everyone can craft all these parts regardless of perks.


    Modding is fun, but damn does it take it out of you.

  12. I've been wanting this for so long. There's nothing more annoying than just talking to a friend and having them shut up for 20 minutes just so I can mine. Now we're both sitting there in complete silence while I'm just bored out of my mind holding left click listening to "TRR RR TRR RR TRRRRRRRR RRR", but yet i still need to know if enemies are nearby without taking damage.

  13. Vending machines have always restocked and it's great. If they didn't restock everyday then I personally would see them useless. They're a great middle-ground for candy, and also other cheap things.


    I don't mind if the ones outside the trader DON'T restock, but it would make perfect sense that the ones inside restock. They're not gonna give end game loot, they just give nice buffs or food if your in dire need, which is really helpful.

  14. Just now, theFlu said:

    Yeh, it's also a bit self defeating; farming can be removed from that list as it's not that big of an investment or XP source, but assuming one guy is mining and building, trying to have them also loot all the big stuff is going to be difficult.

    Which is exactly why I don't see it getting used. All it would do is make the game harder for everyone, and speed up the loot process for hordes. If you can build the best horde bases out of steel, just go to the wasteland for your hordes and build a horde base there. Then you're guaranteed the best loot, no need for someone to be much higher level.


    We brought a level 9 into our group recently, and they got decimated by radiated zombies in a tier 2 buried supplies. So now we've got to babysit someone until they level up enough to efficiently use their weapons and armor. It's no way to play the game.

  15. 6 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    Hmm... I wonder how many of those groups would change their approach the moment they realize they'll get bigger hordes and better loot by levelling one guy above the rest... :)

    Not very. Then you have multiple people not very skilled, not very able to do their own thing. Then it gets very hard for everyone and only one guy can truly take on the largest hordes with his traps, then everyone else loses out on even more exp, now they're fighting radiated zombies and relying on the loot the highest person gets.


    Which that highest person will have to loot, farm, build, upgrade, mine, and everything that gives the most exp on their own. That's not a fun way to play a game, and it should not be nearly that reliant on a singular person.

  16. 1 hour ago, Urban Blackbear said:


    Don't get me started on Prime Meat. That stuff spoils faster than milk shipped by Amazon.

    We easily had 5 fridges full of cooked prime meat specifically for the baby dinos. When we wanted to get a carnivore and didn't have kibble (this was around v140 on an official server pre flier nerf) we would gather the prime meat while taming so it took longer to spoil. Eventually we got preserving salt from Scorched Earth to help with the spoilage, but even then it was just a grind fest.

  17. 4 hours ago, Ghostlight said:

    Losing that last zombie in a huge POI makes tier 5 Clears very very problematic. Always has. Unless you are prepared to use the console command to kill everything in the area, I would avoid such quests.

    In our rwg world, the only place for tier Vs is 5.5-6KM north, and the amount of times we've had to fall down dishong tower and waste time taking a pickaxe to the bulletproof glass is astounding. There's too many little rooms that have 2-3 zombies of which never trigger, and since it's so far away and takes forever, you don't remember anything about the layout.


    We've had to waste 2 in game days in order to get tier Vs finished and it's just not worth it to do them when we have over 10 tier IV POIs within 200m-1.2km. We get to run 3 of those a day and don't have the hassle of missing zombies.


    The worst part about it? The developers want you to follow a specified path, so why don't they create a specified path that has all the zombies unmissable? It's mind baffling. In the dev stream they said "we have plans for people who take the main stash" followed by "we're also designing POIs in a way that the player can go where they want". I cannot tell you the amount of times where I've found the main stash without even knowing it where it was.


    Thankfully they haven't implemented whatever feature they had planned for loot grabbers because i would've been effed by it over 30 times now, especially in the skyscrapers.

  18. On 1/21/2022 at 9:09 AM, Urban Blackbear said:

    Conan Exiles and Ark both have spoilage. They also have food in much more abundance and it's still annoying to empty all that rotten meat out.

    In ark, if your not using a superstack mod and holding 1000 cooked meat, your doing it very very wrong. Otherwise your gonna run to the fridge after a simple time of collecting rocks with a doedicuris, or simply flying around on a pteranodon. It's brutal.


    Food spoilage may work in this game if we had very primitive options for food. Tier 1 (raw meat, ingredients) last 1-2 hours, tier 2 (bacon and eggs and such from one perk) lasts 3-4 hours, then add 1-3 hours for each perk invested for the specific things it unlocks.


    The only issue is that food is meant to be scarce, and having plant spoilage would be an absolute nightmare. "I forgot to look at my crops after a day of traveling to a T5 quest and waiting all night to fully complete it, now all my crops are dead".


    It COULD have place in the game, if it had very complex mechanics that DO NOT mesh well together. I go both ways on it's addition or removal. (That is if it ever gets implemented.)

  19. 6 minutes ago, Hiroler225 said:

    @Darklegend222  thank you.. thats where I got the idea from.. was looking for a more thorough explanation.  i wasnt seeing the use in the  the one or two episodes i watched.. 


    I wasn't expecting to prevent damage to the door.. but the zombies wont swing at the hatch either


    That's interesting, it's a really great tactic in pois your going through, throw a hatch in the doorway, explore, run Back behind it and open it if your in danger then dispatch em easily


    Edit: episode 3 and 4 of that series get heavy use out of the hatch, it's very well done.

  20. 39 minutes ago, Hiroler225 said:

    I guess I'm not making myself.. the hatch doesnt go anywhere.. that hatch is placed in the square behind the doorway and the opened to create a "half door".  I am still trying to understand the strategic value..  I assume that since it is considered opened.. the will not try to destroy the  door..  

    If you open the hatch, they rarely get through. It makes it so you can melee them without too much worry of them hitting you or getting near you. It's not meant to prevent damage to the door, it's meant to prevent damage to you, and allow you to damage them. Glock 9s one shot one kill series will easily show you the value

  21. Since zombies can occasionally glitch through them, use the double sided poles and melee through those, that way they don't randomly glitch through the hole in the top, since plates are planning a rework for zombie pathing I changed up the hatch placement.


    Some call it too cheesy but that's what you do in an apocalypse, you barricade yourself and give yourself the upper hand.

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