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Posts posted by Darklegend222

  1. 6 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    They are likely a placeholder until the game has a better decal system.  They look decent to me for the most part, is there a specific place where they look bad?


    I have heard people having issues with having to remove them before they can build on asphalt but nothing about them looking bad.

    It looks bad when you don't have AA enabled, however that's to be expected without the edge smoothing. The road decals specifically look like blobs of lines, but it's nothing to the point of looking like shi* as they called it.

  2. If I'm in solo play, I'll take a nearby house and bust out the walls connected to doors so I can implement a melee feature without zeds getting through. Then I'll work on a second floor perch for explosives and clear out the area up top for storage. Then it's traditional gameplay and clearing hordes.


    For multiplayer, I build a cube on stilts with a ramp leading to the door so zombies path to our area where we kill them. I'll then put pillars 2 blocks away on both sides of the ramp so that I can hook up fence posts, and maybe a blade trap. We use that as a base and starting horde base.


    Taking over a POI is always much more difficult than just building your own since you have to learn the POI and the paths zeds with take. With your own, you design it exactly how you want it to work. I've never had a failed design of pathing unless demolishers get invited to the party, or unless the AI decides to do it's random thing of hitting walls when I'm clearly standing BEHIND the zombie punching it.

  3. Feral sense is doing exactly what's intended. All it does is increase the zombies sight/hearing value to a much higher number. The developers intended it for those who want to see more zombies, at a more constant rate. The option doesn't seem like it fits you very well and there's nothing wrong with disabling it.


    Your either gonna have to move to a stealth build, avoid the wasteland, or disable the feature entirely.

  4. On 1/22/2022 at 6:14 AM, ungkor said:

    What are the rules/logic around getting experience based on automated defenses?


    I have a killing tunnel set up with electric fence posts.  I throw a molotov on them as they are trapped and stunned by the electricity, they all die, and I get zero experience. 


    I thought I read something about version 20/alpha 20 adding experience to kills based on traps and things like blade traps.   Is that no longer a thing?

    I just noticed that grenades kill zombies and give experience, but fire/electricity doesn't.   Weird.  You'd think that both should give xp.

    If your traps aren't giving exp, make sure you have 3 points in advanced engineering. As for the molotovs, I don't believe there are any bugs or issues with it. Could be that the traps kill them before the mollies do thus causing no exp.

  5. 1 hour ago, Crater Creator said:

    Hmm.  It seems no one else is motivated by the fact that more XP means tougher zombies.  I don’t do anything for the XP.  I do it to improve my situation, directly or indirectly, and the XP is a side effect.  Should I waste extra time and materials to upgrade blocks, if it gives the same result except for more XP?  That’s a no brainer for me: no.


    My first, week 1 horde base used cobblestone so as to not waste time with wood.  It was a new design, so afterwards I reinforced the parts that took the most damage with concrete.  After a few weeks I decided to try a new, larger design in a different location.  I used cobblestone as a foundation and concrete for any block that was important, either for support or to absorb damage.  The topmost layer is deliberately sacrificial, so it’s actually made of wooden frames.  It’s had some unforeseen weak spots, but I’ve been happy with my allocation of materials.  Once I can make my own steel, I’ll have to see if the concrete isn’t strong enough.


    Of course, it’s handy to lay down wooden frames to prototype a shape, but you don’t have to upgrade them.


    I guess my TL;DR is: use as strong a block as you need for each spot, and go for that material immediately if you’re able to.

    I disagree, if you get that much exp you can spec into intellect for traps.i never build anything except a regular base on stilts as my home, then horde bases afterwards.


    My traps allow me to kill zombies at higher gamestages, which means as long as I keep my traps properly managed, the exp can keep coming in. More loot, more exp, and more refined horde bases. I'm at level 117 and I'm managing perfectly fine with a GS at 176, along with 3 people around the same GS. We're at the point of building now specifically for perk points. 3 blade traps, 3 dart traps, and 3 electric fence posts are MORE than plenty.

  6. Seeing how the RWG towns have places for helpers for POIs or cars to spawn (if I'm correct), then the same could be done for towns for signs and such.


    The truly difficult part would be to not allow repeats, you don't want to see multiple towns named the same thing. I'd like to see this though, hopefully it can get implemented after gold.

  7. 7 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    I always progress based on what I think I need for the upcoming horde night.  I always start with wood first and upgrade the blocks I believe are going to be beaten on to cobblestone at the beginning.  Eventually I upgrade to concrete and then steel at the end.


    Anything I feel won't be attacked by zombies I will stop at concrete.


    However, if I got concrete or steel blocks available, I will use them as part of the construction process as long as I have a clear idea of what I want to do.  I am not fixated on going a specific route, I typically changed based on what I need to do and what I currently have.


    Got a ton of concrete but little to no cobblestone - wood frames to determine then switch them out with concrete blocks.  Have a ton of cobblestone (or materials to make cobblestone) and low on concrete, use the concrete for the trouble areas and upgrade everything else to cobblestone to strengthen it.

    Having rebar was so nice, I didn't even use it for the extra level of concrete. I only liked it because I could lay a foundation to upgrade. Now i need 4 materials on me taking all my inventory to build.


    Edit: after going through some XMLs and seeing the entire shape menu, I wouldn't be surprised if rebar was possibly abandoned for having all the air pockets. It would be a nightmare having to design the bars to be specific for all 1.3k shapes. I'm not sure if I'm skilled enough to bring it back at all, but if I do, it'll be textured as a different type of material.


  8. My idiot self clicked 2 things. Anyway, I already play on permadeath where I delete my entire save file if I die. I'd like an option for the game to automatically do that upon death, if I remember correctly, did previous alphas of the game have it? I could be mistaken.

  9. 14 minutes ago, BarryTGash said:


    From what I gather, they're general Unity settings (a lot of Valheim threads on performance mention them for example). The idea is the gpu takes over some of the work from the cpu which in theory could be a good thing - assuming that the cpu was a bottleneck in the first case and the gpu has cycles to spare

    I see, thank you for the information. Those fixes wouldn't help me then because I have the GPU workload under stress, my processor can handle whatever the hell I throw at it

  10. Blood moons are really just about not dying, there's nothing special about em. It's just the same zombies, except they all know where you are and come for you.


    If you want to keep the game interesting, you increase the frequency and decrease the loot gained to 75% so it's not too bad but not too easy.


    Other than that, I prefer to keep them on. I have no reason to disable them either, really depends on the mood I'm in for that day.


    As for the pathing, it's improved greatly and allows for more unique builds, some of which I've never thought about. Really comes down to what you decide!

  11. 25 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:


    For me, it is always about what I need.  Even though it is not guaranteed to get all the parts necessary to build a minibike or a motorcycle, I will take the kit if I

    • Don't have wheels and need them (guaranteed to get 2 from the bikes, 3 from the gyro, and 4 from the 4x4)
    • Have a chance to get what I need on the remaining two items

    I don't feel that we need to have a guarantee to get all the parts just because we took the bundle as a mission reward.   There are ways to get to the motorized vehicles besides getting a bundle that has all the parts we would need

    • Loot drops for the parts
    • Sold by traders
    • Loot drops for recipes
    • Unlock the recipes via the Grease Monkey perk line

    The nail gun is always a quality of life improvement for me, but I never felt the need to go get it right away if I already have or can make a hammer myself.


    One thing about the these bundles is that you can have multiple chances of getting it.  Since you now have to clear out lower tier quests for new (different) traders, you have another opportunity of selecting the minibike kit if it is offered to you after completing the T1 quests for that new trader.


    The only thing is that (from a quest standpoint) those are the only opportunities and you have to be lucky twice (once to have it offered and once to have the parts inside that you need).  One thing you could do is offer it as a chance in completing the higher tier mission rewards.  So for example, the minibike bundle could be offered as a T3 mission reward since it is one of the reward options once you completed 7 T2 quests for the trader.


    However, none of this would be acceptable if one wants a guarantee to get all the parts.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm okay with the random chances remaining as they are. Though they should better specify it as a chance drop, to avoid threads and confusion like these.

  12. 2 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

    So the future of gaming in 2025 is basically every AAA studio being owned by either M$ or Tenecent, it's boring AF. I mean at the rate these guys are buying studios lately...

    Can we be honest that Microsoft butchers so many games? Grounded is pretty bad and linear despite being "open world", Prey was halfway decent, and Doom Eternal was hot garbage. Now we've got a multiplayer pvp game called Halo: Infinite. They're just really bad publishers.


    If Microsoft publishes you, you're hot garbage.

  13. 1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

    It's random


    You will always get tires


    And the rest of the parts there will be two but evenly randomized

    <item name="questRewardMinibikePartsBundle">
        <property name="Extends" value="noteTestersDelightAdmin"/>
        <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>
        <property name="CustomIcon" value="bundleVehicleMiniBike"/>
        <property name="CustomIconTint" value="FFFFFF"/>
        <property name="ItemTypeIcon" value="bundle"/>
        <property name="DescriptionKey" value="questRewardVechileBundleDesc"/>
        <property class="Action0">
            <property name="Create_item" value="vehicleWheels"/>
            <property name="Create_item_count" value="2"/>
            <property name="Random_item" value="smallEngine,carBattery,vehicleMinibikeChassis,vehicleMinibikeHandlebars"/>
            <property name="Random_item_count" value="1,1,1,1,1"/>
            <property name="Random_count" value="2"/>
            <property name="Unique_random_only" value="true"/>
    <item name="questRewardMotorcyclePartsBundle">
        <property name="Extends" value="noteTestersDelightAdmin"/>
        <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>
        <property name="CustomIcon" value="bundleVehicleMotorCycle"/>
        <property name="CustomIconTint" value="FFFFFF"/>
        <property name="ItemTypeIcon" value="bundle"/>
        <property name="DescriptionKey" value="questRewardVechileBundleDesc"/>
        <property class="Action0">
            <property name="Create_item" value="vehicleWheels"/>
            <property name="Create_item_count" value="2"/>
            <property name="Random_item" value="smallEngine,carBattery,vehicleMotorcycleChassis,vehicleMotorcycleHandlebars"/>
            <property name="Random_item_count" value="1,1,1,1,1"/>
            <property name="Random_count" value="2"/>
            <property name="Unique_random_only" value="true"/>


    Unfortunately that's why I stopped taking them. Nothing like taking a minibike over the nailgun and not getting any of the parts for the minibike. So not only do I waste a nailgun, but I don't even have a minibike to my name.


    I got very lucky the first time and received a full minibike so I thought it was supposed to work that way. They should really provide values in-game about % chances, or what's in the current bundle.

  14. 1 minute ago, PoppaTot said:

    Our server farmer doesn't like the nerf, but she's still been able to make all the good foods and keep 2 vending machines stocked full with food and drinks, not to mention the tons of back up she has to keep stocking them.  Mostly making meat stew, meat and potatoes, chowder.  I buy her out every time she has spaghetti and some fish recipe. (can't remember the name lol)

    Which is exactly why there was a nerf in the first place. I think the devs need to go further with it if they plan on it having a meaningful impact.

  15. To whomever actually believes that you can't start a massive farm on 60 minute days within meaningful time, these were taken just now, right before our farmer got back to base, and right after I cooked all our food. The only bottleneck is mushrooms since we're slacking, we have so much food so do we REALLY need that spaghetti??

    7 Days to Die Farm 2.png

    7 Days to Die farm.png

    7 Days to Die Farm 3.png

  16. 17 minutes ago, PoppaSmirk said:

    I certainly thank you,  and while I do use MODS,  Our small group agreed to only use those that can add a missing feature or effects that enhance the current gameplay.  Even in A19,  Our hosted Game World only ran with a total of 8 Mods.    Right now My A20 game world is using just 2 Mods.  Of course if I can't get a crucible,  or a chem station running to produce gasoline,  its going to make using Bdubs Vehicle Mod a lot LESS attainable,  since I need lots of steel, plus our group would need to have more gas supply  ( can't make gas without a chem station)   Normally if there is a lack of something needed to build a chem station,  you could at least find one that worked "SOMEWHERE",  but in A20 with all of the workstations having been disabled,  if a player can't create one of the workstations, then they are simply S.O.L. which is another reason I am bristling about the increased rarity of acid.

    Also, isn't it infuriating being able to craft things cheaper with the workstation of which you don't have!? It's a real subtle way of the game saying "eff you" to me. Though I'm normally able to buy one from a trader, but it's still gut punching.

  17. 1 hour ago, Kasad said:


    Astronomically? Are you sure you're playing A20 and not a previous version? :D

    Yes. Everyone cleaned their files and I'm hosting a dedicated server. Our first world we had to delete because of poor world generation, made it to day 9 and we had a decent farm, 70ish of EVERY crop, and now we're on day 18 of which I put the results up ^^


    For our second world, I refreshed windows since i finally managed to get a large USB drive, and redownloaded the server. We're pretty much doing the exact same thing as last time and we're much further along. The only reason we don't have a lot more plants is because I'm consuming them for all our meals. We've got 8 blueberry pies, 7 sham chowder, 15 chilli dogs, 18 meat stew, and a few bits and odds of food here and there.


    We're on 1 hour days. With 200% loot abundance, but we don't harvest seeds from loot NEARLY as much as we rip farms apart for potatoes, corn, and blueberries. We buy every crop we can from the trader for planting and it has never failed us.


    Not sure what all the hate for farming is, we're never gonna run out of food. I'm not the dedicated farmer, but he says it's a much better system and that we've never done better. So I can vouch for him liking it. I'd even go as far as to post the world file on Google Drive along with coords for the base if it's requested.


    Edit: by refresh windows 10, I mean I threw the media creation tool H2H1 I believe on the USB, then entered the setup and completely formatted the drive windows was on and deleted all its partitions then reinstalled it to the same drive.

  18. 12 hours ago, PoloPoPo said:

    If you are playing with said settings you are definitely amongst the most experienced 7D2D players. If finding food and drinks beyond the first few days would still be challenging even for you what do you think would happen to any player that has bought the game and started his first playthrough? Right, he would constantly struggle to find food, having stamina debuffs all the time and eventually die several times. Not cool. Therefore the game is balanced in a way that it is quite a challenge for newer players to find food and drinks but in a way that is kind of manageable if you put in some effort and thoughts. For very experienced players that know how the game works certainly food and drinks isn't one of the main problems they have to face. If it is too easy for you then create your own scenarios to increase difficulty and say you don't eat canned food / only eat vegetarian food / don't buy any food stuff from traders / only eat what you have cooked yourself / whatever.


    Also for other survival games out there, even with food spoilage, you eventually reach a level where food becomes available at any time without much effort. And that is a good thing! I don't want to have the same struggles at day 20 like I had at day 1, that would be annoying.

    It would really turn into new players coming here talking about how difficult it is for the food, then all of us try hard players would tell them to go run quests for a trader and use their tokens to buy stuff from a vending machine. And to put a perk into Master chef and rush a cooking pot for boiled meat and bacon/eggs if food got more complex.


    I will say, if it was a toggleable feature or a mod to have a food spoiler system then I'd be all for it. I can't justify just putting it in the base game though and calling it good. Since new players would struggle like you said, and it would be way too much of a new system to be forced to learn and may take away from future content.


    Edit: I also like to add that I remember a moderator, I don't remember who, but they created a mod that required a electric oven to cook certain foods. A food spoilage system might be better implemented if we had a refrigerator we could power to preserve it longer. Or even a cooler that uses bottled water or snow for early game food     preservation.


  19. I am perfectly fine with farming, we are safely at well over 200 of every plant on day 10, aside from mushrooms because we haven't had a lot of use for them just yet.


    All you do is take the time to get the materials for a farm plot while buffing up your living off the land park. Simply play the game and you'll get the perks in no time, for best results start crafting farm plots the moment you can and shoving your seeds into them without harvesting until you hit level 3.


    Overtime your surplus will start to grow to astronomical levels. You'll reach a point where you don't have to plant that much crops anymore and you can actually take a break for a while. Spend the nights replanting instead of precious time during the day for quests or whatever else you don't want to do when zombies sprint.


    I'd argue me and my group are doing way better for farming than we ever have in alpha 19. We're sitting pretty on over five of every food in the game aside from tuna fish gravy. We're doing very well for food. There is so much more seeds and POIs with crops that we can start eating directly from those before even thinking about planting.

  20. 19 minutes ago, DiegoLBC1 said:

    I've seen forum posts a lot, and most of the "complaints" look the same because of this. I even mentioned this in another thread.

    I feel the biggest thing issue about the game getting new ideas, content, and a very large player base is that the game is extremely open. You can nearly play however you want and then you get a bunch of people on a thread who are all playing drastically differently and have many conflicting opinions with each other.


    It's hard for the devs to directly say "well we're adding content, we don't care about you right now", I don't believe the devs are AVOIDING suggestions that a majority of the playerbase want. They're on a schedule and that schedule doesn't have every minor thing that each individual wants. Look at farming or cooking, people are split down the middle.


    It's gotten to a point where the moderators have simply taken to nearly copy-pasting the same paragraph because there's nothing they can do about it, and the devs are not very interested in taking another year or 2 so they can cater to every single individual on this forum or to resolve every dispute.


    It'd be nice if the developers were more open with what they're currently working on so we have some idea, but we never hear about how many tests, scrapped ideas, or implementations just failed. It would give them a bad image in my opinion, so I think they're doing what they can.


    Modding isn't entirely a solution for players to get what they want, however the majority of games can't be modded in a traditional manner like this one to add or change small things. This game is very customisable with mods, so it's the next best thing for players to get what the devs won't do.


    The devs are in a position of making the game THEY want, and the people who dislike it are more than free to make/download mods to cater to the way THEY want to play as well.  It's not something a lot of customers like to hear in an Early Access game being developed, so the moderators have to be in a position to slap a band-aid on it and hope the issue goes away with their copy-pastes.

  21. I like sledgehammers since they've got a very nice starting percentage to remove heads. Though they take a lot more precision and timing early game to prevent wasting stamina. Like standing around while a zombie is standing up so I can conserve that much more stamina even if they have one more hit left.


    I've never used clubs but I know that with all the mods installed they can become godlike for knocking down enemies without using too much stamina. They're also a really nice balance between knuckles and sledgehammers.


    I absolutely love knuckles despite them not being perfect for later difficulties unless you have a nice farm for hops and a constant in-flux of brawling/melee buffs around. They're perfect in my opinion for Middle difficulties like nomad or warrior. I've used them extensively on survivalist but it never felt right.


    I've heard nothing but good things about knives they just don't fit my playstyle the same with stun batons. The trade-off with stun batons is that your also supposed to be throwing down junk turrets for extra crowd control.

  22. 5 hours ago, gecko2015 said:


    Right. That's my main issues with the higher-quality dishes.  So what the spaghetti replenishes 122 hunger? My character will need to eat again within 30 mins anyways. It make the higher-quality dishes not even worth while to invest in.


    I know there's a skill tree to lower the hunger gains of your character, but when compared to all the other more important skill trees, it's a waste of points to spec into.

    I don't know about you, I wouldn't be able to eat a plate of spaghetti and be able to stay full all day. I'd have to eat another bowl 5-6 hours later. Of course, 30 minutes as you say is literally half of an entire day (12hours) in-game.


    If it's that detrimental to you, I'd suggest drinking only red tea (gives 15% food loss) same with pure mineral water. I've learned to love red tea, and if that isn't enough.. use Iron Gut perk. Then you'll lose even less food and water.


    I believe they overhauled it to be double the food loss because with all those buffs, the only time to eat in A19 was if you lost health. Hunger was in no way an issue.

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