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Everything posted by meilodasreh

  1. I think this is a cool idea. Imagine blinded Zeds going aggro at random environment after you hit them and they perform revenge at whatever they get in touch to...maybe a wall, a tree, or even a fellow Zed, which might lead into a "Zombie-hits-Zombie-aggro-brawl-bubble" if you do it right. ๐Ÿ‘
  2. I step aside here also. Still afraid of going out at night, but when I do it's "meh...what exactly was I afraid of...it's all the same as during days but only with dark background". Well not actually, because there's a lot more direwolves and serious animal stuff spawning around, but considering zombies...well they're just faster XP-points because they run into my sledge instead of walking towards it. I don't even know if I'm fair here because I have towards 700h ingame now (which does make me not being a total noob anymore around here in the forum), and I forgot how terribly frightening my first touch (nights) with the game felt. But does this really have a point? Should I increase difficulty? Maybe. Should I reconsider my mind trying to include/compare first-time players with the same knowledge I gained with my "hundreds of hours" of experience? Definitely. What does this lead to? Everything you're good at becomes somehow easy for you. I pull my hat to the devs that they try to consider every playstyle and every level of experience the player has, and try (doing good as far as I can see) to adapt for everyone. Khalagar and Adam have a point...the game seems to have become too easy over time. But is it the game getting "lame", or is it us becoming better at what we do? We know all the - also not-so-obvious - game mechanics, so we as experienced players have that advantage that "noobs" can't even see. Nights should be terrifying again, I would love...but what would it mean for beginners? I recently had a short discussion with Promethean Winchester here (which I now understand better than initially), he also has a point. So to conclude this: I have great confidence in what efforts were taken considering difficulty chosen by the devs. Make A20 great again. (A19.5 would be apprechiated too if being released by...let's say now ๐Ÿ˜)
  3. 1st post says it's not gonna be shipped in A20, so probably no further detailled infos before A21 dev diary thread (we could try opening a new thread called so, maybe they fall for it ๐Ÿ˜…)
  4. Wow I don't even know what did start you off to snap at me, sorry anyways. The college jacket will be gone that's pretty sure, but we might get an "armor set" that will increase running speed i guess.
  5. Sorry my dear Sir, but I don't get the point of your textwall. Are you complaining about the game being too hard in...well the hardest mode, not allowing you to use the same attack tactics over and over again against every single entity? Couldn't it be indented that it doesn't work that way? Or said otherwise: wouldn't it be the definition of easy/boring if it would work like that?
  6. I get your point there. What I like is the now existing upgrade path for doors, cause thats how it would be - more or less - really done: 1st make a wooden door...hmmm how can I reinforce it? Ok let's nail another plank across the surface...still not content? Ok nailing some scrap metal pieces to it...still not enough...well let's completely replace it with a metal door...that one's still too weak?...let's nail (weld?, rivet?) some additional metal rods to it... And as I understood, that will be more or less adapted to blocks? At least i hope so, because I never liked that wood magically turns into bricks. But I can see that it has to stay somewhat like that, because it yould be a pain in the a... when the wooden upgrade path stopped somewhere and you would have to completely replace blocks with other higher HP blocks with further going upgrade options That would kill structural integrity of most bases (well at least my own preferred pylon-based elevated pathway AI-cheesing type ๐Ÿ˜‡) edit: speaking of my base: I recently put a nice little plant as a substitute fellow for the still missing drone (I'm so lonely in the apocalypse...). I might have miscalculated the rotten meat proportion when i crafted the soil, so that thing went over-fertilized and got right through the roof (it popped the hole in the ceiling itself by the way). At first I was a bit scared but then I realized I got myself a wonderful shady roofgarden, which will be nicely decorated soon...with "stuff" of course
  7. I would say let's give it a chance. I mean everybody seems to think about it the overexaggerated way like: -There is only one thing/item left called "stuff" -you have three options: "build stuff", "upgrade stuff" and "consume stuff" -questing goes like: "left click to start quest", "right click to complete quest" -[implement funny but ridiculously wrong assumtion here] It isn't like that. I feel it will turn out as a healthy clean-up of the upgrade paths.
  8. we have a winner ๐Ÿ‘ phew its been decades since...
  9. I had another game in mind when i saw the result of my pixeled Joel: So now I guess I will find out that I am really really old...or does anyone else here recognize him?
  10. I suggest to nerf airdrop accuracy in A20. At least in A19.5 it's just too easy, they are making perfect secure drops right on Jen's roof ๐Ÿ˜†
  11. It will require a 3D-printer connected to your PC. Every time you open the shape menu, the printer will commence to produce a 1m x 1m x1m ABS block, a chisel and a hammer. (printing time is assumed to make the game more realistic considering building time). Once the block is finished, you can enter "creative mode" with hammer and chisel, and have absolute and total freedom shaping the block. Then you 3D-scan it (oh didn't I mention you will have to own such one too?) and it then can be placed inside the game.
  12. I second that. Was hoping workstations would become upgradable to adapt to the โ€žagesโ€œ progression system. For example the current model of the forge represents stoneage and when you have all three tools (bellows, crucible, anvil ) then you can buy an upgrade kit at the traders for a good amount of money. With that you upgrade the forge to ironage. same thing but new model (maybe twice big, looking like a blacksmithโ€˜s fire, with actual anvil next to it, and fume hood above. And faster production of course. that one would have another set of tools to add, and then next upgrade to modern age. Again new bigger model maybe with hydraulic hammer or so. and of course very fast at smelting and producing. Same thing for workbench. Wooden table is stoneage, ironage could be a metal desk with some gears, clamps and stuff, modern age with drill press, anglegrinder,... would require reintroduction of the workbench tools (e.g. tap and die, calipers) from former alphas (I liked that system a lot)
  13. Its of course meant "X=horizontal" and "Z=vertical". You can approach a volume either from any side which is always horizontal ("X"), and you can make your way through roofs/floors, which would be a vertical approach ("Z") No reason to distinguish "X" and "Y" in this context. If you want a volume to be triggered "earlier" when approached from a certain direction (might be useful/necessary for some building/indoor layout to get a certain effect), then you can just do it by making the volume itself broader/longer.
  14. Since the introduction of the new loot progress "stone tools bad quality to good quality, then iron tools bad to good, then steel...-") I have experienced that I always keep my fully modded stone axe (you rather quickly get a purple one, so 4 modslots) until i get an at least mid quality steel axe, and totally skip iron ones. The iron pickaxe does just a little more damage, but drains a lot more stamina, and at first you get bad ones with less mod slots (intended, i know) So after all it seems even slower...at least there is no "yeah finally" moment when you find them, but "meh...instant scrap". And it's not only axes. Almost every weapon/tool you find of the higher tier is of bad quality, and due to the lesser modding slots its useless compared to the ones I have. Tools is more the problem because of stamina drain, as already said, but same i feel for weapons. I know the new system has advantages, but I really miss the former moments of for example: "YES finally the first pickaxe" Now you know when you will start to find them, and that they will be definitely garbage at first. Does anybody else feel the same? Is that on the "still tweaked" list? Could be adjusted by: -making mods more efficient in higher tier stuff. For example an "iron breaker" mod in a stone axe gives 15% more damage to iron, while in a steel axe it gives 50% more. -lower/adjust stamina drain for higher tier tools, so that its significantly faster to use them overall, even when you have to take some pauses to regain stamina. -stamina drain not only connected to perks like "TRex" but to strength/endurance in general (well that is more or less already the case (1 Point more per character level)
  15. I strongly disagree here. The player should definitely have total freedom to choose whereever and whenever he wants to get settled. It's a sandbox game. If you don't like to make your base in the middle of a city to have short ways...then just don't do it. Another thought on that: I could get along with "the players choices are limited/influenced by environment" (which is already the case considering biomes...wasteland harder than forest/green... no one would initially go there and make a base. So considering that, how about bandits would preferably have their outposts/encampments within towns/cities...so if you want to live in a city you would first have to get rid of them...and maybe then takeover/use their former base/structures. I could go with that...it even sounds somewhat "realistic"...although i hate to use that word in a game like 7D...
  16. Skill, dude...it's all about skill. You may want to try shaping your question quite a bit more precisely. I mean you don't ask the NASA "how were you able to build a rocket to bring man to the moon? I have tried, but it didn't fly as high as yours..." It's because there are highly skilled people working there...so where exactly was your problem??? ๐Ÿค”
  17. I agree. A bit more variety in swings, but without getting it to a too much "scientific" level, that's what I would like to see. But fear not, as madmole is such a big fan of Skyrim, it's easy to imagine the 7d2d combat system might go a similar way. Swings from one side to the other, quick little lunge, big brutal downswing, maybe also some rudimental blocking system...nothing extravagant, just being able to ragdoll the Zs in a certain direction (or just slamming them into the ground) would be cool. It was once discussed if it should be possible to nail Zs against the wall with bolts...just to throw that into the ring again ๐Ÿ™‚ Or is this already possible? Have to agree I haven't used a crossbow since A17... ๐Ÿ˜„
  18. MM replied: No, lockpicking is shippable as is. Sure a minigame might be better but we're a small team and we can do more quest types or redo features that are shippable already. SphereII and I coded and released a lockpicking minigame mod which your welcome to use as a starting point. Its tied into the perk and inventory system, and resembles the one in Skyrim. I'd love to see it added to the base game.
  19. Yeah, I would really love to see the nurse make a super fast attack when she gets close, having a syringe and injecting you a random dose of whatever she was about to use when she turned into a Z. So you could get a random debuff/buff from that...blurry vision, diarreah, weakness, infection, steroids,...everything already in the game. Seems easy to do. Add an attack animation like spider jump, followed by the random buff/debuff if hit. And BAM...there you have your super power female Z...and some fun and thrill added to the game.
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