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Everything posted by Lordicon

  1. When FRT Server manager was running smooth and updated everything worked great, However as we all know the stable version is and still a lot of features do not work great, The ability to send "say" to the server with FRT is still working and I use that along with the voting for server and /gimme. Anyway as I was reading your post I was sitting here thinking about it, besides these other features we really do not need the FRT and as long as Alloc is always updating his fixes everything will work great. Now a interesting thing to look at is you mention about spamming the lpe etc in the console or to the manager, No matter how you look at it the command right now has to be sent to the console to retrieve the information back for display. But in my opinion I think it would be a great idea to send this information to a xml file so it can be displayed web based if people would like to setup their own web site interface would be good if there was some sort of API to it so it can be displayed as json, xml or html kind of like the voting sites API for placing votes for a server at 7daystodie-servers.com. I for one would use this information in many ways on my site...
  2. I am running Rev. 190 and having no problems at all.
  3. Sweet...... See man you are the ♥♥♥♥ lol, Glad you are working on this and not someone else.
  4. Alloc, Requesting a change in the "tele" command. I am hoping this can be done and I don't see what it can not be done, however can you make another parameter for the command so you can do these things. Not only have the normal one like this but, Tele <playerid> <cords> Also have this one, as well an being able to reverse it. tele <playerid> <playerid> So in other words have the command check the playerid for the cords and tele to other player based on that players cords. Saves from having to type the cords in and look them up. But keep the other one in as well in case you need to teleport to somewhere no other player is at, just allow two different ways of doing it.
  5. Always use the same link to get the newest revisions, Alloc never makes us go on a easter egg hunt every new release is obtained from the same links.
  6. Yea I had an issue with ports once I was using port 36122 for the control panel and had port 36124 already in use by different software running so when I went to http://ip:36124 nothing would come up because the port was already in use, I since changed the ports around and now it works.
  7. Should only be for the ControlPanel one if I am not mistaken, I would check to see if the port 25579 is being used on the system for another program or something. Make sure its not your server connection port as well some people like to make all 3 of their ports on the server close to each other.
  8. It would be this /****/7daystodie/webserver
  9. I had the same issue I believe but I had Alloc come on the server with teamviewer and he showed me that I screwed up and was using the wrong server files, I was using the normal server files instead of the -dedicated but now it all works good once I changed up the server files.
  10. Ok I will PM you the teamviewer info.
  11. Is anyone else having same problem as me?
  12. Anyway you could do a Teamviewer or something with me Alloc to help me figure this out?
  13. I just don't understand why the server will load with the original Assembly-CSharp.dll but gives me a telnet error with the one you fixed.... Really bugging me
  14. I also get the telnet no connection error in the FRT Server manager but only when I use the Assembly-CSharp.dll from your site, Tested a few times.
  15. Hey Alloc I am getting a Putty Fatal Error only when I add your fixes to the server if I use the default it works the error reads Network Error: connection refused. Any thoughts?
  16. Alloc how long for updated files? EDIT: NVM bro just saw you updated, Thanks for all your hard work....
  17. Just wanted to make sure, Thought I would give a helping hand a try.
  18. Saw this in his output not sure if it is related, note his path "Администратор" 27.168 Exception in MapRenderBlockBuffer.saveTextureToFile(): System.IO.IOException: Sharing violation on path C:\Users\Администратор\Documents\7 Days To Die\Saves\Random Gen\[RUS]ManqueEnD\map\0\0\-3.png at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileStream:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int) at System.IO.File.Create (System.String path, Int32 bufferSize) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.IO.File.Create (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes (System.String path, System.Byte[] bytes) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at AllocsFixes.MapRendering.MapRenderBlockBuffer.saveTextureToFile (System.String _fileName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Also I do not see any of the commands spam that you normally see of lpe, and gt. But I guess that could be only if you run FRT?
  19. Try using another port other then 8080 which is normally a web server port, Use port 3654 in serverconfig.xml and make sure you open the port on your router and firewall, Then open http://ip:3656
  20. If you are talking about stopping time in game when no users are online then I do not think you can do that due to the servers time being on a ticket while loaded. The only way would be too have the server shutdown when no one is online.
  21. Normally Putty, Putty is one of the easiest and best imo
  22. Have 1 caps, 8 Lower case, and 1 number, Also happens when I had 1 caps, 5 lower case, and 1 number. No other characters but numbers and letters. Happens on both my PC and Server when trying to connect to telnet. So I know it has to be something with the server files or the fixes.
  23. Question: Been having this problem from after installing the map stuff. When I try to log into my server with telnet it always says the password is incorrect the first time and the second time it goes threw, I always type the password right every time I have been using the same password for the past 12 years or so. Please enter password: ******** Password incorrect, please enter password: ******** Logon successful. Not sure if its your fixes that caused it or if it is something else.
  24. Very nice this will make it a bit easier to see if anyone has a house in a region before you reset it for a custom prefab, near future I hope...
  25. I was wrong about what the problem was. I double checked everything and it was something in my save game files. Only one way to fix it and that was me wiping the server and starting fresh, Kinda sucks but hey this is Alpha
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