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Everything posted by Cypherdiaz

  1. Nice, excited. We just wiped our server yesterday and wanted to include IH in the new version but i saw that a new version was coming soon, cant wait. Now should i tell them when i put in or...let it be a surprise... Just like when i added demolishers to regular POI spawns. Heh. SURPRISE BOOM is best boom. Taught them to be a little more careful about shooting everything they see.
  2. Also running dangerous cities. Would love to know if there's a mod incompatibility issue here before loading up thr newest version of improved hordes. (To me, the dangerous cities is a simplistic approach to the issue so I wouldn't mind loosing it in favor of improved hordes)
  3. Thanks for all the hard work. Looks like the POI issue uncovered a more serious issue from your post about it. As for others reports of the horde just doing their thing, one thing I noticed in version4 (we haven't added version 5 yet) was similar. Our base turrets would rip into them but never caused them to target thr base. Like they'd run by and as long as they didn't spot a player. They'd keep going (which I'm totally fine with) but if they ran near my base, it would light them up and they wouldn't react to suddenly multiple mp5 and shotgun turrets engaging them. Always found it weird.
  4. Fantastic. Will have to give it a test. My server has no 7day hordes (I find them arbitrary and annoying and predictable) so boosting thr scariness of random hordes keeps up the pressure. And by the way, I have to give credit where due. Instead of just addressing folks issues, the integration of user options is fantastic! Wish more mods would do things that way so you can tailor a mod to your desire. EDIT: One other piece of feedback from the previous alpha.4 version, though I fear its also in the alpha.5 version. Our base is a POI (Rural_Wedding_Lake or whatever). Next door is the new T5 Corrections. During the craziness I described prior, we noticed that A LOT of zombies were spawning in one of the Corrections Towers. See pic. Like they spawned up there and ended up trashing the railing to get out. Is there a way to prevent the hordes from spawning IN a POI? Could be problematic.
  5. And that fix will be And Im assuming that fix will be in the next experimental release? Just wanted to confirm.
  6. My pleasure. So the targeting of all these hordes were cause we were making heat? Ok that sounds fair. My question is then...how far are we drawing them from? We were in Desert Biome, edge of city (not the downtown area). It was just horde after horde after horde. If they all happen to be in the wider area and its our heat thats pulling them...from..how far? It felt like we pulled them from all over the city, based on what youre saying. I looked through your settings but didnt change anything, were would one dictate how many active hordes are present at any given time? Hoping that wasnt the 500 number i saw, cause that might explain it since while we are on a server, its only 8 people and we base and run missions together. The hordes we saw were all 5-25ish, not sure if thats useful info or not but they were not small. Based on another thing you said, the # of hordes per biome, where would one alter that? Im all for tuning.
  7. Alternate idea. T6 is only found/bought. (As currently is) Add in T7 that is craftable but requires a t6 version as a component. Then you can craft up to T5, giving crafter purpose, then you have to find a t6, giving looters purpose, and only then you can make t7, giving crafter purpose again. I'm thinking back to some MMOs where the end game gear is craftable but includes a rng drop as a component. Same concept. Brings value to all.
  8. Trying out the newest version; 4. CONCEPT: A+ INDIVIDUAL HORDES: A+ ENDLESS HORDES:???? So in short, love the mod, love the idea of the mod. The individual hordes are great. The frequency...is problematic. My group just got hit with what I call an ENDLESS Horde. In truth it was 8 hordes on the edge of a city, just at 23:00. 8 Hordes, back to back. Over 200 shells spent by our shotgunner, our M60 guy dropped about 3-4 belts. I went through 8 first aid bandages and 4 first aids (im group doc btw), and our archer dropped a bunch. We all gained 2-3 levels, and we are in the 60's range. Now mind you, right before this, we had just dealt with 4 back to back hordes. When we finally dealt with the 4, we had about 30seconds-1minute before the next horde was on us and then we could see 2more hordes heading our way before the first one was done; and then 3 more heading our way, etc. We ended up logging, stopping the server, and removed the mod temporarily. Again, I love it and its awesome, but horde after horde after horde. This was during day and night. At day, in our base emptied about 4 stacks of shotgun shells and about 5 stacks of 9mm. Requests: Add some reasonable delay Make it so that multiple hordes dont target in on you like someone just told the USA that you have oil in your back pocket.
  9. Thanks much for the clarity! Well then I will eagerly await its fixing. Personally, i hate Horde nights, its too predictable and..weird. I prefer to always play hard difficulty with your dangerous cities and massive random wandering hordes.
  10. I think the part that caused confusion is where he said "This is all the modlets that will work on A21. Basically it's all my A18/A19/A20 ones updated and adjusted as required." To me that reads as saying "if listed, then available and working". You're saying that it means "once link is live, modlet is live". Gotcha, simple enough difference in understanding.
  11. Your wandering horde frequency mod, there's no link in the list. I mean I see the mod listed there but nada for a link. Didn't know if this was cause it was still being worked on or just missed. Figured I'd alert ya either way
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