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Posts posted by doughphunghus

  1. 2 hours ago, cereza1985 said:

    Well I did the test and I still get the red errors, below are are the images of the error, the forge and list of the mods I use.




    If you can't see the error message its, indexOutOfRangerException: Index was outside the bounds of the array

    AH HA! well, not so much, but I was able to load all your mods and replicate your indexOutOfRangerException after a bit of fighting with it, and saw something really weird that might explain the "negative amounts" but I could mot replicate the negative amounts.  But what I see is enough I think, to form a hypothesis...or a wild ass guess anyways... and thanks for providing screenshots!


    Short answer: I will remove/decom/deactivate the 1Million forge mod for a19, and no one should use it or attempt to make another :(. There are oddities beyond my understanding and I do not want to have a mod capable of causing issues like this on its own. Until someone can explain what is happening, its going to have to be put aside.


    If you're going to remove the mod from an existing game (probably a good idea, unless you can start the game over without the mod), I *highly suggest* doing these FIRST:

    1. Make a backup of your game files.

    2. Any forge that has (or had?) > 30,000 of resources in a slot, dump the forge resources to get it under 30,000

    3. Maybe even safer?  If the forge block is "bugged" (hard to say if its isolated to the forge block), it may be even safer to completely dump the contents of all resources in the forge, then *destroy* the forge. you could likely just craft a lot of forged iron, etc, then dump  whatever extra is in there.

    4. Exit the game, all the way to Steam.

    5. Then remove the MeanCloud__ForgesHold1M mod


    I have not tested trying to remove this mod, just this is what I would try personally!


    Longer answer/thoughts (should anyone want my thoughts):

    1. The mod is a 1 line mod, just changing the "stack size" of the base "unit_iron" from 30,000 to 1,000,000. all other forge unit materials extend from this. Its so simple, there's really nothing to "fix" in it even if I could.

    2. Because #1, the issue likely resides inside the game not liking a number higher than 30,000

    3. Delving deeper, for whatever reason, in vanilla TFP has 2 forge slots, and the stack size of the forge "units" is hardcoded to 30,000.

    30,000 is not a special number, but ....its awfully close (under it specifically) to the positive standard or "short" signed integer value of 32,767. 

    There are 2 slots... which turns into 60,000...and the unsigned integer value closest to that is of 65,535....

    so maybe TFP make the hardcoded value 30,000 because its a nice round value AND

    a. 2x of this (because of 2 forge slots) fits under (inside) an unsigned integer value of 65,535.

    b. Maybe not "a".  Maybe because each individual slot fits under 32,767.


    4. Its impossible to tell or imagine at this point... but anyways...

    a. You were able to get a negative value in your forge.

    b. I was testing and added > 32,767 of clay to my forge...and it works fine (Appears to work fine).  I logged out, shut down the game. Started game back up and ... my forge had some weird value less than what I put in (like 23,343....but it was not negative!).  But this does show that that game is capable of "removing" forge contents after a restart....maybe something was trying to store a larger number and some bits got cut off/rounded in the process...


    I then added > 65,535 clay to my forge ( like ~100k), and repeated the shutdown/restart process...I got the indexOutOfRangerException AND my forge had completely disappeared!


    So: My *complete and utter guess* is that inside the game somewhere, TFP has allocated an integer (signed or unsigned) to store a forge slot value or to do some math with it.  Normally its not an issue because they hardcoded the value to be allow no more than 30,000. Then, somewhere else, either a different data type is used that allows it to go "higher"... maybe.. or something is happening to cast the value back and forth between the internals of the game and the UI... or maybe its part of the "saving the player map" process that shrinks/corrupts the value.... I have literally no idea, but for whatever reason, you can put in "a lot" (like 1 million) in the forge, and something, somewhere does not expect this and it appears it doesn't show up until the game is saved + restarted (from my testing).  Maybe in multiplayer it causes other issues or behaves differently.


    The end result is: The max forge units for whatever reason, may cause "unstability" to go above a certain number, at least in a19. This mod was developed for a18 originally (maybe earlier?) so maybe things have changed inside the game since then and it is no longer suitable for a19+.  I have tested it before and didn't get these results, but then again, I wasn't doing testing this deeply nor had specific mods to mimic the system having issues.


    Special thanks to @cereza1985for bringing this to my attention, and providing more information to replicate!  There have been some earlier reports of issues with this mod and I was unable to replicate at that time on my system, and the game versions have changed as well (and mods, etc) so it appears the earlier reports may also have been valid for earlier a19 game versions.



  2. Here's a forge with ~1,000,00 clay (it smelts the fastest), below one with ~450,000 iron as well.

    - When I try to add more clay, it just blinks and doesnt go to 1million

    - I'm getting nor console errors, or other in game issues besides "when smelting with teh super bellows it hangs badly and I cannot do anything until its done"


    My guess: This might be something related to multiplayer, and the faster bellows, and everyone's PC power.  Maybe something isn't' syncing well.


    Another recommendation: start a new game (yeah, I know) and DO NOT load the 1M Forge mod.  See if you have issues smelting with the other mods. I'm almost betting its the faster bellows+everything else pushing something over the tipping point, or some other mod that's not obvious causing an issue. The game does appear to allow going up to ~1.000.000 smelted units, and does not crash/error when more is attempted to be added.


    I know this isn't probably what you were hoping, but I'm not easily able to reproduce your console error and  other issues (besides forge causing severe lag) so can't really figure out what it could be :(


    Another idea:

    go into your saved game files, into the specific save game, then into "ConfigsDump" folder. Look in the "items.xml" file and search for an XML node/block named this:

    <item name="unit_iron">

    and post that XML block here )a block is everything in between the <item name="unit_iron"> .... post everything here....</item>


    Then, do the same thing with "blocks.xml" except search for <block name="forge">


    Also: Looking in the XML, it appears there may be a "Buff" called "CraftingSmeltTime", which I'm taking to mean "any mod can add an item that will buff the Crafting Smelt Time, usually when you wear or hold the item, or eat something to add that buff". This might ramp up the effect of the bellows... so maybe its >1 mod you have loaded that's "super fast smelting time" doing something in addition to the bellows?



  3. Update: With the "bellows multiplier" turned up higher, I find some resources (like 6k iron stacks, loaded in all 3 slots) really make my system, freeze up for awhile.  Others, like clay, or forged iron (smaller stacks?) do not seem to be as bad. Anyway, removing the bellows from the forge solves the "game freeze" issue while teh forge is processing all those resources

    Update: FPS drops (down to 1 FPS, from ~50FPS before the forge was turned on) only occur if I'm watching the forge menus as it smelts

  4. Update: I changed the "faster bellows" to be "even faster" as I'm not going to wait forever to get to 1,000,000 iron.  The bellows mod makes the multiplier -.777, and I changed it to -.999


    When I did this, the forge gobbles up a full 6k stack in like 3 seconds, and during that time I cannot interact with the forge ( can't even add more iron ion another slot).  I turned the forge off, added 3, 6k stacks and turned it back on and the game froze a bit, but it DID keep working, just really janky and erratic, until it was all smelted


    So, maybe a mod made the multiplier "higher" (in some place) than the faster bellows allows OR the load on your PC is high and the current "extra smelt time" is too much for your system to handle? There is a way to check some of this.  Maybe in mulitplayer if this load happens it causes other issues?  Another thing to test would be to remove the bellows from the forge (removing the modded speed multiple effect), leaving all mods installed and alone.


    Anyway, still testing,.

  5. 1 minute ago, cereza1985 said:

    Most of the mods I use are server side mods, I don't use mods that require to be installed on both client/server side. When I had the forges hold 1 million mod I had 6k iron in each of the 3 slots and it came up with negative 18k but it was green. I'll test it again and if I get the error I'll take a screen shot of the error I get and post it here. :)

    I'll keep testing on my side and see what happens when i get around that, and go higher. -18k is weird... also: I updated my post I think as you were posting so there's some more info in there

  6. @cereza1985I added all 3 mods (and looked at the mods) and I'm not seeing an obvious conflict. Additionally, in a test game, with just these 3 mods in singleplayer, I can use the forge normally while its smelting clay and iron, and I get no red console errors either.


    Do you have any idea "about how much" clay/iron you had in the forge?  I do worry that TFP may have put some internal limit on how much can go in the forge, and 1 Million units goes past that limit.  I believe I've tested it to ~300k


    If there is an issue, it may only be in multiplayer only as well, especially if everyone doesn't have the exact same mods loaded on all their systems (if you are not running a server.  These appear all to be server side safe mods, but I'm not sure if you run the game on your desktop as a client, if everyone needs to have the mods loaded). If you can, I would first test removing the faster bellows mod as all it does if speed up smelt time it likely can be removed without issue (make a backup of your game first just in case!).


    If you're still having issues, it might still be another mod causing collisions.  Troubleshooting past this gets difficult.  You can try posting your error logs (the last one modified named "output_log..." in the game folder/7DaysToDie_Data), but I cannot guarantee I can look at it and understand anything ;)


    Also: a page back, I was troubleshooting this same mod (it wasn't smelting past 30,000 units) and it turned out another mod was conflicting.  I suggested to make some changes to get this mod to load *after* that conflicting mod and the forge bugged out when smelting clay and like destroyed/corrupted the map/chunk.  I never got it figured out, but maybe 1 million units is just too high a number OR some mods, when colliding with something as base an "element" as the "unit_iron" in the game, can cause bad and unintended consequences.  There may be a reason TFP capped the limit on how much you can smelt! If I can figure out whats happening, I may have to decom this mod or lower the smelting limit.  I'd rather not have weird mods that cause issues with peoples games :)

  7. 11 hours ago, cereza1985 said:

    MeanCloud I seem to have a problem with one of your mods, the mod I am looking at is Forges Hold 1M. I can't seem to access my forges while they are still smelting my resources like iron. I can access them after they are done and once they are done  smelting say Iron I can then access my forges. Is that a bug in the mod or am I missing something? Thank you for taking the time to read/reply to my post I very much appreciate it. I just put clay into my forges and my console went mental with red error messages and I couldn't move or even cancel the console log, I had to Alt+F4 out of the game.

    I have a few questions;) 

    - What version of the game are you running?

    - Are you loading any other mods (if so, can you list them)?

    - How much resources are in your forge?


    FYI: I have had several people indicate there is an issue with this mod, and not just what you are reporting. I’ve been tracking the issues on GitHub and planned to attempt a fix for all of them in a20, but there are enough reports now that I might try to fix most/all of them for whatever game version most people are running. It seems that some recent updates to the game broke more than this mod, and I have a lot of mods and it’s not easy to test them all every time the game updates.


    EDIT: I just tested MeanCloud__ForgesHold1M mod on a19.4 b7 (as the only mod loaded) and was unable to reproduce this issue. Forge accessible while smelting iron/clay/etc, no console errors, etc.  I did not try to smelt 1,000,000 items with a secondary mod, just noting "basic mod" appears functional.  The last major issue with this mod was because another person loaded another forge mod and they did not play together.

  8. 1 hour ago, Guppycur said:

    Not enough to do.  And there used to be

    I do agree with this, as I really like having “too much to think about” when playing, meaning: so I go get water now, or craft xyz? I’m going to need xyz for something things, but I also need to mine abc for coal....  I like having a ton of stuff to have to manage and find and sell/hoard. Just like I like a lot of crafting stations in order to need to build more rooms/area for a base to handle them.  But that’s just my fun way, I know.


    I kinda wish there were a few more tiers of stuff above what we have today, that were not lootable, and could only be attained after clearing some hurdle/gate in the game. Not just “more powerful gun” but like special traps, or even blocks, recipes, etc. to craft special/niche items. 

    ive never really played sandbox mode in any game besides Factorio, as ... there was so much to try to figure out I actually needed to use it to plan stuff out!  Of course, some would argue “but that’s the fun of factorio! Time and resource management under threat of enemy hordes coming at your factory!  Don’t use sandbox mode to prebuild blueprints and just and import them”(this would be like making an awesome base in the prefab editor and placing it down on day 1.... which kinda ruins the beginning of the game, IMHO). yeah, there’s so much to do that keeps the fun going after the game has been “won” that I do go back and play factorio quite a bit.  I really hope 7d2d is like that when it goes gold: lots of stuff to do so you can play it many times over in different ways/goals and still enjoy it. I think it is/has/will but having “less” (blocks/items/etc) in vanilla than we have today seems hard to imagine right now.  I also personally want “more” unique vanilla stuff than we have today. Maybe the TFP goal is to have a lot of simple “mechanics” worked out, just enough content for a normal game, and then hope modders will fill in a lot of unique content.  If this is true, I really wish that things like icons/models would be sent to the clients, and several other things were done to beef up modding capabilities. I’ve heard steam workshop might fix these issues a bit.



  9. I wrote up a post on valheim vs 7d2d and chose not to post it, but the gist of it was to (as a 7d2d player who tried valheim) see what 7d2d could improve to make the game more fun/neat. 

    the short answer: not much.  

    Sure there’s a lot of little things that valheim does well (like making chopping down trees fun again) but trying to translate that to something 7d2d could actually (practically? From a non developer perspective) improve upon was not easy. For the tree chopping example, all I could come up with was “7d2d should probably take a branch or two off of the trees and use the triangles to put a bottom/roots on the trees , or leave stumps like valheim does, and make chopping down stumps kinda worthless (like valheim does) so the landscape looks not so flat when you’re done. 

    another example: valheim has “lush looking landscape”. The only possible 7d2d improvement I could come up with was maybe make the grass blocks “scaleable” via mods (so no new blocks) So all the grass isn’t the same  height. If you cannot scale it, then add a few taller grass blocks. Maybe add some trees that could spawn “in a fallen state”, at least in the deeper forest.


    lots of little Stuff, nothing big.


    I think the love for valheim (other than being new) is that it’s like 7d2d but the graphics are very nostalgic/fun, and it’s fun to build in.  Another item is that in valheim, time doesn’t matter. You can take as much time as you want to do whatever, or just hang out and build. In 7d2d, time matters, you can’t easily just do nothing all the time.  I think people who love valheim like the grind, or at least “I can pace myself and just enjoy doing my thing”. Of course, you can simply turn off zeds/blood moons in 7d, so it’s kinda a wash.  

    also: one is about Vikings and has really hypnotic music. The other is not about Vikings, and having a music track would be wrong. I personally like the “comes and goes” music in 7d, though I wish it didn’t tell me before I was aware that I was in danger, only triggered after I was being attacked. 

    also: valheims “water” is awesome, and using the boat(s) are their ways of handling grinding/atmosphere. It’s like they wanted you to have to sit on a boat for a long time to bask in peacefulness/danger. But even then, I see all sorts of posts for “why can’t we teleport ores! Sigh! It’s so annoying!” So it’s “good gaming mechanics to make it unique” are just like 7d2d as well , as some players just want to become gods immediately and win the game as fast as possible, choosing to not “become absorbed in the game” and just “get it over with”.   I hope both games do not cater to these people, at least in their vanilla version.

  10. @ztensity question about the paintings (on my phone, cannot look): are they (or can they) be put into the random vanilla painting helper group, so on a new RWG world they would appear in all the POi’s? I would assume this would work, or maybe something about “painting block rotation” would mess this up.


    curious if you knew the answer already. I can test this weekend for you if it’s not immediately known.  I’m not super big on crafting art for my (always ramshackle and crap) base but I dislike having the same 4-5 art pieces in every POi

  11. 26 minutes ago, Roland said:

    These days, people will refund the game within their two-hour window if they can’t handle the default difficulty rather than turn down the difficulty and play “baby” mode. 

    Actually... this got me thinking...

    I've seen younger (e.g under 18) kids try to play games I recommend to them and  I’ve seen them give up immediately when things turn out they are not OP immediately. Of course, these are family/relatives, and I’m trying to keep them from being bored, and I’m the older person, and these are not “gamer” kids.... but yeah, I think the basic phone games taught them that that’s all games are, and they never get immersed or spend time on anything that takes up any time. Games are for 5 min distractions, not days of playing the same game.  It is likely also because of the huge game variety these days, everyone just jumps around barely playing anything (“li have 1 hour to burn, let’s try 7d2d!... man, that was boring nothing happened. How about rocket league!”) and rarely “gets pulled in” to a game they personally love. Yeah, not everyone likes every game type, or has time, etc. ...


    anyway, this reminded me of Diablo 3? Where when you start out, you can see this “locked” massive progression tree of “this makes the game harder”. It’s not like 3 levels, it’s like 10+... and it keeps going!  Maybe, instead of having “nomad” and “adventurer” and the few obvious difficulty settings, the “default” is actually the easiest/lowest,  And then add more default difficulty settings.  Maybe 6-8 total?  

    this would make the “first time player” (more importantly, the “non or super casual gamer”) feel like they are not going to have to set it to “boring baby mode” to play/learn (and might just walk away without trying) as the default will actually be a super low difficulty bar, and everyone can see “there’s a lot of levels to ramp this up to”, so maybe experienced players will immediately sett it off of the low default, and pick “something in the middle, as I am already a master player”  but also won’t easily be able to jack it up to “insane” when they start playing because it will literally be insane, vs now it seems a lot of streamers can play this mode. I think “insane” should almost be unplayable unless you learn to run and hide a lot, fighting 1 zed at a time.





  12. 12 hours ago, Roland said:

    The blunderbuss and its ammo are coming to an end with A19



    oh well. I will say “finding a blunderbuss” is extremely unlikely in real life, and finding two... three?! Of... the exact same blunderbuss!!! is even more unlikely ..  but the ability to craft a “junk gun that shoots junk like a blunderbuss” would be nice to keep around though so I hope it makes a comeback, hopefully with some higher tier ammo just to make it fun. Having to find or craft shells for a junk gun is good... just miss that “feels like something I would actually try to make... if I didn’t have any real ammo”. Sure, the junk turret does this, but “automated aim rapid fire junk turret” is not something I would likely attempt to make in the end days (because It would likely one day just accidentally shoot me and my cat) even though I do love the junk turret.

  13. Since there’s a lot of talk about the junk turret:

    I think it would be interesting if the junk turret ammo could be crafted out of all sorts of “junk”, meaning: broken glass, rocks, wood, scrap plastics, cobblestone, etc. stuff you would just happen to have on hand. This would mean there would be much more variety of ammo choosable for the junk turret.  For argument, say add 5 more ammo types. 


    the “power” of the shots would be driven by the weight/danger of the scrapped item. None of this ammo needs to be OP against scrap iron or regular ammo. This stuff would be “oh crap Im out of ammo” Ammo.


    - the junk turret could be used if you run out of ammo and are trapped. Just start tearing down everything around you and odds are something is going to be able to be made into ammo. Possibly really poor ammo, but something.


    - broken glass might give bleeding, and at least give some use for broken glass in the game vs just a smelting and snacking resource.


    - it’s a junk turret. It looks like it’s riven bu compressed air. You should be able to just put junk into it. Sure, not literally “every game item can become junk turret ammo” but having a larger variety of ammo would feel right for it’s name and function. And would give more reasons to carry one with you early game, but not good base defense when you’re protected anyway


    - maybe all this low power emergency ammo would need some paper to craft (to make a ball out of the junk) thus also making a use for paper, which seems like it’s good for only a few things in game and piles up if you collect it.

    - edit: and using cheap, but not powerful ammo, the turret can be used like a security/detector so things cannot sneak up on you while digging, etc. you still actually have to fight the zeds this way.


    ... and maybe treat the blunderbuss ammo the same ;).just throwing that out there.


    (yeah I know there’s also recent talk of simplification of things...)


  14. On 3/12/2021 at 6:57 PM, batboyboy said:

    black screen On new vesion a19 b7

    Could you be a little more specific on what mod(s) of mine you're loading?


    From reading the forums, is seems some very recent changes in the base game have broken some mods (from issues I've been seeing with others mods, I figured some of mine likely broke soemwhere). I haven't done any updates as I was waiting for a20 to come out, and I have a lot of mods to maintain so trying to test/troubleshoot them all is a pain for every game patch/update.  If you can give me a specific or small list of my mods I can do some troubleshooting

  15. 5 hours ago, VerteNinja said:

    MeanCloud_IncreasedAnimals both use spawning.xml in their Config and IncreasedAnimals seems to eliminate the group "FriendlyAnimalsForest" and makes their own "FriendlyAnimalsAll".

    Just saw this post....I’m maintaining meanclouds mods and I’ll going to submit this as an issue on my GitHub fork to remind me to look into if this setup can be changed for a20. I’m not doing a lot of mod fixing/enhancing beyond bug fixes until a20 drops, but I do want to try to have all the mods I’m  looking after be as compatible as possible with others.


    I believe @ShoudenKalferas is maintaining separate  copies of all these mods to make local changes, so just FYI on the possible future changes I may make, hopefully making this collection easier to maintain/build for a20

  16. What weather mod(s) did you load?  Mine don’t contain any pop ups (nor reference seasons) so are you’re referring to khzmusiks DMT mod for seasons?

  17. For the errors,  going to take a guess at it...


    a boar spawned in, and may have spawned over/in or tried to walk into water. The first error for the boar seems to be related to swimming (like it’s missing a config or something so it’s in the water and cannot handle a request to “swim”). EAISwim likely stands for “Entity AI Swim” (my guess).


    then, for the second error, something kept track of the boar and its trying to render/move/manipulate it, and the boar doesn’t exist or has bugged out. Like maybe it didn’t despawn properly, or the  EAISwim method is causing more issues.


    I would think that using the “kill all” command (this kills you?) or similar command to remove all entities in that chunk would clean it up. There are likely console commands to find that specific boar entity (or all of them in that chunk) and manually remove them that way. 

    Additionally, on the client side you can go into your save game and see a “merged” copy of all the configs (if using mods it will be the “final modded configuration”. If not using mods it’s just the “final configuration”.  You should be able to go to “entities.xml” (or similar) and look for the boar class and see in the XML if it has an Swim setting/config.  If modded and if a mod changed to boar you should see a comment next to it.  Of course, you’ll also have to check the entities/classes the boar inherits/extends from, but if it’s just the boar then maybe it will be easy to track down. Maybe it’s as simple as the boar has a flag that says swim=false, or something.


    it might be easy to test if it’s not a modding issue: use debug mode to spawn a boar over the water?  I would test but I’m not near my system for awhile. :(

  18. 51 minutes ago, Cadamier said:

    Opps!  I can not download any single modlet.  Specifically I wanted to look at the foods one, but it sends me to a link that includes all of them.  Download that and I get a bunch of modlets all within one modlet; IE: #15 to 22 or so.  I just wanted #17 but can't get it... Oh well.

    For #17...

    Sorry :(  I recently "consolidated" all my a19 mods into 1 single Github repository as that seems to be "the thing to do and they way people do it here" with mods for this game, for Mod Launcher compatibility, etc.

    If you download the entire mod package from Github, all you have to do it extract it (it will extract all mods, 1 folder per mod), then copy the single folder you want into your "Mods" folder in the game.

  19. 14 hours ago, khzmusik said:


    Thanks for the mention!


    Also - I was just thinking that I needed to remove the day and time from the HUD, and lo and behold, you already have a modlet that does that. I'm going to try it out when I'm done with my own stuff, and ready to actually start playing the game again.

    You're welcome!  I think what you've made is a really cool mod, and I've seen a lot of people ask about such a feature. I'm not on Windows so I can't get DMT mods working (yet?) so I'll have to wait until I can figure it out, or I spin up a Windows system on a more powerful PC as my backup Windows laptop is just for work...but I do want to try it out.


    for Compass mod: Glad to have helped out ;)

    I will say this: I ran across some mods on Nexusmods that remove just the time, or the day.  The mods are simple enough like mine is, however, I had a hard time getting the "entire" day and time part removed, so I put in a "carat" pointing upwards at the center of the compass as it seemed to want a string value in there, and it fit well with the compass.  I've seen some overhaul mods (not sure which ones) that see to have figured out how to fully remove it.  So there's some room for improvement if you wanted to take a shot at it.


    Additionally: I wanted to completely remove all places that tell you what day it is. I have found there are some "other" areas in the game that hint at the day. There's a few places in the UI that mention "trader restock day", which lets you know you're 1 day below that, minus a blood moon, so you can get a 1-6 day guess at the day.  I want to remove that in my mod when I do updates for a20. There's also some parts on the user map that mention the day, which I think my mod removes (makes transparent).  I'm not looking at the code at this moment to validate.


    I've heard that some overhaul mod has watches so you can tell the time.  I was really hoping someone could come up with a set of watches/clocks/etc that you had to find/craft that would them let you know the time/day.  I mentioned this to Guppycur and he indicated he might do it? or was thinking of it (he did put out that working clock mod).  I have an idea for watches, etc that's not super mod heavy (pure XML) that I might get to someday, but I'm on the fence about carrying around an item just to tell the time occasionally.  I envisioned this stuff to be worn (which likely cannot happen once a20 drops with the new UMA) but if not maybe I can rig something to the vanilla clock so you can craft it and then some way to "craft one that keeps correct time". I really want something that only works for like a week and then stops working. Same with flashlights: I wish there was a simple "battery" mechanic/mod built into blocks/items so things required batteries and/or power.  I've tried looking at the battery bank (reskin, change things) but I don't know how to do it yet as I'm a Unity noob ;).  I guess the whole point is that I wanted being able to know the time/day to be an actual struggle, vs "once I craft/loot this item that task is done", but i also wanted it to be an early/mid game possibility to have for awhile (find batteries, etc)

  20. 7 minutes ago, khzmusik said:

    Each biome has its own local temperature....The min and max temperatures for the biomes are set in biomes.xml.

    I have some mods that mess with the weather in biomes.xml.  It was always kinda a crapshoot/guesswork on what to set things to (to get what I wanted) as I never knew the limits/extremes of the global weather, or how far I could go with a setting ( e.g. set the burnt forest Temp = 10000000? I mean, will it actually work if I did...hmmm..  Apparently the answer is "no", and some of my early testing also said "yeah, you don't insta-death when you walk into this biome, something's up... maybe it just takes a loong time?".,,etc).  I've also had people tell me my weather mod(s) are broken (they may be in some situations!) but I never knew what global weather was supposed to act like to begin with. Maybe their issue was RNG?  etc...


    Anyway, Thanks for the info!  It helps make more sense of things.

  21. On 1/23/2021 at 3:40 PM, khzmusik said:

    Seasonal weather: adds seasons which affect the global temperature...

    I see on the Github repo that you have this note:

    "The seasonal year does not start until after a "weather grace period." The grace period is hard-coded in the game"


    Do you know how long this "Grace Period" is/lasts?  I've been trying to find out more about the weather system ( that's getting some sort of an overhaul in a20 I hear) and I haven't heard of this info to date.  I just though the global weather updated slowly, like every few hours in game.


    Also, this note: "The global temperature cannot go over 101 degrees, or below 70 degrees (Fahrenheit)...."

    Do you know what the vanilla global temperature "average" is supposed to be? I thought it was 70 F (based on observation, not facts).  It would seem that it *should* be something like 85F given those numbers (like in the green forest). I'm looking to figure out what the "default" or "average" global temp is, or how much is swings/updates/etc.  Since you made a seasonal weather mod, I kinda was wondering if the vanilla global temp was "random" or followed some algorithm, like the phases of the moon, and your season mod was just extending this in game cycle, or overriding the randomness, etc.



  22. On 7/23/2020 at 6:33 AM, user2010 said:

    Let's do it! Where I live, minus 50 in the shade, and there is no sun for six months! Realism, I really want to cry!
    Why is this nonsense? Now, when flying on a gyroplane, and nothing is visible because of the rain, fog!
    It would be better to make a separate mod, changing the seasons, as in (in one major fashion, I forgot which one), only with a sharp change in temperature! A couple of dry winter, spring, summer!

    Google translator

    @user2010 FYI: This post has a DMT seasons mod: ("Seasonal weather: adds seasons which affect the global temperature")




  23. New Modlet: Doughs-Mech-Lucy


    Using/Extending from the mechRobot model and all base work/credits go to The Community Creature Packs

    REQUIRED MOD: 0-CreaturePackMechs ( or greater)


    As of today, Lucy is still in "alpha" as I may change up the voice/behaviors/etc. once I play around more with it. Right now its a little rough/hard to hear, which I thought would be fun/realistic but in game it's harder to hear than I thought.


    I want to make a few more "fun/personable" mechs/people, etc. in a similar spirit to my "You've Got Mail" mod, except these cannot be server side safe due to the models so I'm making them separate mods.  I plan to add more content for each mech/person (books, something?) once I feel the entity is "done enough".


    Currently Lucy is the "Yellow humanoid robot/mech with the light saber weapon" except she's not as powerful as the vanilla mechRobot shes based on. Lucy stands for "Lifelike Uber Companion - (model: Yellow)"...or something like that. Lucy's previous occupations were: Late night phone bot, rock and mineral sorter, artist (artist subject to change).



    Updated Modlet: Doughs-Buff-Sounds-Common

    Added 44 more "remixed" vanilla sounds.  I'm not super happy with some of the chest ones, and the zombie sounds are possibly too quiet or something (I'm not hearing them easily or at all?), but I plan to try to add more zombie sounds and maybe fix (amplify) some of these new ones.


    Entity                Sounds               Count

    chest (player) Opening+Closing 12  
    zombiefemale alert+sense 10  
    zombiefemale2 alert+sense 9  
    zombiemale alert 9  
    zombiemale2 alert 4  
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