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Posts posted by doughphunghus

  1. I’m on Ubuntu and I’ve seen this. I have not done much troubleshooting, and I’m mostly saying I can get it to work today but I’m clueless as to why sometimes it just fails to connect: 


    - I use OBS to stream. It seems when I start the game, then start up OBS and start steaming the twitch integration seems to connect more often the first attempt. Probably just a fluke.

    - it usually takes me 1-2 attempts with the obs already running solution. 

    other information: 

    - the default browser I’m using (that the o auth pops up in) is Firefox.

    - since I’m streaming, I’m also already logged into twitch via the Firefox browser before I even launch steam. Yeah, it shouldn’t matter but that’s what I do.


    I had some more persistent “will not connect to twitch” issues awhile back and maybe restarting steam (so shutdown game, then steam) may help clear something out as that’s how I got to my “standard way to start my game.  Once again, For me it’s more of a ritual I just do vs knowing why it does/does not work. 

    edit: my “way” is

    - launch firefox.

    - login to twitch. Set to “online”

    - start steam

    - start game. 
    - once game loaded, hit “esc” to pause

    - start obs. start streaming game.

    - go back to game. Choose login twitch.

    - Firefox (already up) launches new tab for auth. Allow auth.

    - twitch integration likely to connect the first time. If it fails, just try to connect again. If fails maybe 3 times, shut down everything you started  and start entire process again.


  2. 26 minutes ago, khzmusik said:

    You know, I hate to be a downer, but I'm pretty sure nearly all of those movie posters are still under copyright, and owned by the film studios. By using them in your mod, you're doing the same thing (legally speaking) as if you had included someone else's model without permission. You're in danger of getting your GitHub repo DMCA'd.



    The paintings are almost certainly in the public domain though, since they were created before 1923, so those are safe.


    I'm not making any demands or anything, just saying you're putting yourself at risk.


    And, obviously, if the copyright holders have actually granted you permission to do this, then never mind.

    It might be ok, as it seems to fall under "fair use" clause, given the mod is not being used for profit (or being sold and/or reproduced for gain)?  Of course, github may not care and just yank the repo. , as it seems social/websites often tend to do with a heavy hand. Of course, its made on top of 'git' so you should have a local repo as a backup. Of course, these are not full size, HD original stock images so I'm not sure a generic scanner/checker/checksummer will find them. Then again, an AI "visual" scanner might do something weird and pick it up. Of course, I'm sure a lot of mods are taking images from the net and cropping them for icons.  Then again its going to be impossible? to identify a snipped pic of a hash brown or a bullet vs. a poster.  ugh. my brain

  3. 1 hour ago, bachgaman said:


    Thank you. In fact, the classic version of the icons is enough for me. It's just funny that i, like many, as a beginner, did not notice the difference between the icons of a read and an unread book

    Yeah, I was the same. I never noticed it until I read what the little icon was on these forums.  I used to just “read the the books , all of the time” as I was tired of checking the volume and “what books I’ve read in the series lists” before I found out about the teensy icon. I’ve seen a lot of complaints/requests to fix it.  I literally saw the mod come out the Saturday and was like “yay!”

  4. A Book icon color/change mod just came out a few days ago.


    @bachgaman - tagging just as an FYI 


    10 hours ago, rosspro15 said:

    On scrap-able items, in the info section, indicate forge count vs scrap count

    I’m going to guess this is going to be a no-go as a basic XML mod (read: not easy or possible to do via XML and have it be easy to maintain as the game changes). But maybe someone will find a creative way to do it.  Just saying not to hold your breath on this specific request.

  5. As much as I don’t like the “forever alpha” idea as a high level concept, I do feel that for games it’s probably a good idea. I think what hurts the most is seeing a game mechanic that I personally love (LBD and weapon/vehicle parts, player vomiting for me) get ripped out and replaced/removed and to also know it’s never coming back. I hope for this game that the “core”code/API  that made those things possible remains in the code so modders can put it back (even if it is a great effort) once the game stabilizes and goes gold. 

    I feel TFP has always seemed to develop similar to “ok, we need a mechanic for things that can fly. Ok, let’s put in 1 vulture. Flying things...DONE) as they just want to get that 1 mechanic working well, and plan to either “flush out more models” at the final stages, or just let modders toke the wheel after gold to fill out the rest. 

    I feel that today the game feels pretty good “as is” even though I cry knowing what it could be, either removed mechanics and/or possibilities that seem just so close to reality (more zeds, guns, whatever)


    one area that worries me (for long term survival of the game) is modding.  I feel that the current and liklely suture state of modding will be sorta in forever shambles, specifically in terms of people being able to make and load mods and those mods working together seamlessly.  Sure, lots of games have this issue, especially with community made mods, but I feel something like Factorios mod launcher needs to exist to really polish it for users as it will tell you what dependencies of mods are needed, or what mods are not compatible with your game version. For 7D2D I’m not sure even steam workshop will help us (even though we have an unofficial mod launcher, I’m talking about “official” things that come with the game) with mod incompatibilities, but a few “pre game start checks” and better error messages could help a lot as well as some real standardizing of the modinfo.xml file for game versions, dependencies, etc. to keep bad mods from being loaded and messing up games.


    anyway, I second/third/fourth the sentiments of “hey, we’re still getting updates and support?! ” as a better alternative to being left with forever bugs and bad code.  I do believe every time the game gets an update people who have moved on fire it back up and keep enjoying it to see what’s changed. 

    This game still sits at the top of my most played games list, unlike a lot of other games where “it’s been played out”. I kinda hope alpha goes on forever, so as I sit in a retirement home I can fire up a755 b666 and go “yay”

  6. I just posted the tool here for people to comment/find/etc, it’s still “development” as an experiment...


    what lootable zombie mod are you referring to/using? I’ll have to see how they make them lootable to figure out if it’s compatible.  There’s several caveats to this, so without knowing I’ll list the major one for anyone here:

    The “prebuilt modlets” are literal extra entity copies of the xml in the game, so if a lootable mod changes them,  it *should* work.  But, mods are loaded alphabetically by mod folder name, so the lootable mod would probably have to be alphabetically after the prebuilt mod names to take effect, UNLESS/MAYBE it only changes the template entities.....  I’m not sure how the lootable tags/buffs/ or whatever it’s doing will propagate to extended zombie classes. Apparently some rage do not, by design.


    anyway, let me know what mods you’re wanting to make compatible and I’ll see what I can do.  No promises though :).if you can provide direct links to where you’re downloading them from that would be awesome 

  7. I’m interested in this and hope someone has a known way to do it...my guess of how i would try to do it is:


    In the “biomes.xml” file, there are some “particle effects” and other things that might be so-able to put back the smoke but I’m not sure about the yellow fog, unless it’s something still in the game just not referenced in the xml code.  Maybe going back to that game version and seeing if it’s referenced somewhere in the xml files, then try adding that to the new game. 

    maybe both are considered “fog”

    which can be set per biome but as far as I know you cannot use XML modding to set the fog color, and setting the fog and color via the console commands is possible but “worldwide” and not biome specific (I think) and would have to be done at the start of every time you play

  8. 2 hours ago, arramus said:

    Maybe it would be better to call the Mod, Doughs-More-Screamers

    I will consider that as I'm going to rename a few in the a20 update (if I don't decom it)! I'll put this suggestion in the github issues list.  Likely it will turn into "Doughs-Screamers-More" as I've been generally trying to name my mods in a certain way (MyName-MajorObject-Modification) that works with how the mods are loaded in game (alphabetical by mod folder name) even though it does look/read a little weird for some of them.

  9. 3 hours ago, Psinax said:

    As i understood your mod Doughs-Screamers-Spawn-More doesn't make them call hordes, so what's the point of that? Enjoy the view of them? Also thanks for not even stating that fact in the description of it. It breaks all the point of seeing screamers as they are not even a minor threat. My only question is is it safe to remove it from mid-save without consequences to me and my friends?

    yeah, the original intent of the mod was to have screamers spawn "quite a lot" and then (if not killed quickly) they would scream and call in hordes.  It was inspired by a stream jawoodle did that had this mechanic.  it was a quick mod and seemed easy to do and was going to be part of the mods I load into my normal games I play.  However, I found out that screamers don't always spawn hordes when they scream, and the workaround to it was a bit more than I wanted to deal with at that time (I've taken a break from modding for a bit).  Apparently jawoodles mod/modder did more work and testing than I did to get it to work where "more screamers, and every scream calls in zeds" ;)  So yep, my mod ended up just spawning more screamers and not "horde on every scream".


    1 hour ago, arramus said:

    From my experience, and with editing the Mod to allow to allow higher Screamer spawn rates (which is exactly what the mod describes itself as and what it does), there are occasions where the Screamer calls in untold Zombies which in turn can lead to more Screamers appearing to create a Screamer loop supplemented with an abundance of Screamer minions.

    yeap, adding to text above this is what the mod turned out to be.  You get quite a lot of screamers, and you need to deal with them rather quickly or they will start calling way too many zeds.  its not "on every scream" though, and it is likely unbalanced in that it can call more screamers.  I didn't try to do all the work to make sure to avoid the "screamer loop"


    Since a19.5 just dropped this week, I might do some testing and tweaking of my mods to make sure they still work, or I might just do bugfixes until a20 drops.  I may decom some of my mods at that time (like this one) as I have a lot of them to maintain and some are not working exactly like I wanted them to (or the game breaks them beyond easy repair, or they are no longer viable for other reasons). I post everything on Guthub so if anyone wanted to grab a version of it (before or after decom) they still can, and they can make updates/changes to try to keep using them.


    3 hours ago, Psinax said:

    My only question is is it safe to remove it from mid-save without consequences to me and my friends?

    I believe you can remove midsave/game as all it does is add a the vanilla screamers to all spawning entity groups.  Its a very simple mod and its *not* making any modifications or additions to items/blocks/etc that would cause those changes to persist in the game when its removed. When removed, any screamers that have spawned will remain, but she just won't spawn from those extra groups any more.  I'm not sure how you are playing but whomever is running the "game server" should be the only one to need to remove it.  It would also be recommended for everyone to remove it if everyone is loading all the same mods, just so everyone is synced up properly (and maybe this is enforced now via the game itself.  I'm not sure what updates/changes TFP have made for server/client side mods being when in multiplayer so its just safer to have everyone remove it if the server/game host has has it removed)

    2 hours ago, arramus said:

    unrefined Raw Beast Milk

    :)  Hope you're enjoying that mod!  I've seen several servers/people playing it and am s little surprised no one's requested bug or balance fixes.

    Originally I was going to have each milk come from each animal ( raw dog milk, raw wolf milk) and do all sorts of things with each one but that became complicated so "beast" it turned out to be.  The whole point originally was I kinda felt there wasn't a good "cooking challenge" in the game and wanted to make a long (and hopefully fun/semi challenging/time consuming) path to make an egg souffle... which is ridiculous in a zombie apocalypse...  but also delicious... but also not OP food.

  10. 38 minutes ago, canadianbluebeer said:

    It's just plain fun to blow stuff up?


    Hold my beer....




    I agree! I actually like having all explosives do much more block damage than they do by default today.  I want to have to really determine if I want or need to use an explosive, and if I’m at my base I better not miss (or not have the resources to repair the damage done).  And it’s very satisfying to have “low damage” explosives still do block damage, like shooting exploding arrows and having all the windows/curtains blow out and wood get damaged. , and “high damage” explosives be in your tool belt and having to maneuver to a position/area where you can actually use them without destroying everything you want to keep.


    and, my personal favorite: shooting/throwing them into upper poi windows and tearing all sorts of things up, then go in and loot.

  11. 1 hour ago, ozmods said:

    first of all this is my first post here at this forum,


    this is my mod list.



    every so often whether it's opening a container or using the R key to open the paint menu, the game will completely freeze for 20 secs or more, and the console shows the message unloading unused assets, and it's driving me to spare, any advice please on what could be causing it? thanks

    You have undead legacy and the wasteland.  I don’t know if they are compatible, but I know when I was playing a game with lots of mods, I kept running into issues with the “bigger mods” that just had a lot of stuff in them.  I dont specifically know what mod is causing your issues, but I also had some “delay” when opening things (campfires, loot containers) in my “lots of mods” games as I guess with some or a lot of mods the game just has a lot more “things to calculate” to determine the loot drop because of a lot of extra content added. Or maybe some mods add a lot of group nesting and that has an effect to the loot drop calculation/work.

    what I end up doing (to play a heavily modded game like this), was start a new game, and then perform the thing that breaks it, then start removing “likely candidates” until it goes away.  It’s kind of a pain, especially if you end up removing something like the wasteland that has a lot of great content. So you have to decide which mods you want to keep. Say removing the wasteland fixes it. Well, it’s because the wasteland and some other mod(s) are colliding. So you put the wasteland back and keep removing until you find removing some other mod(s) fixes it.  Then you have to decide what ones you’re going to remove. 

    I do this “removal” in tests of 5-10 mods at a time, which makes it faster to narrow down.  Once you figure it out, then you have to determine how to remove those mods in your current game without causing issues.  I had one where I had to throw away items 


    good luck !  Hopefully someone will post with some Better ideas as to which mod(s) it could be

  12. I’m on my phone so I can’t easily check or tes/validate t it, but this line Looks to me to be completely invalid: 

    3 hours ago, Parzival2020 said:

    <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer/item[@name='casinoCoin']" name="count">1,20</set>

    as far as I know, all “loot containers” have to be referenced by an ID or “something” like an asterisk * or a name match(at least), you cannot change/add items/append: etc any loot containers with this specific XML. 

    I don’t know what the loot container ids 70 and 72 are, but if it’s the little bag(s) that’s dropped when you kill a Zed, this would make sense. 

    my only other guess is that you’re using “set” and not “append” for the XML.  To me, “set” would only work if the entire path in the XML already exists, meaning

    3 hours ago, Parzival2020 said:

    <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='70']/item[@name='casinoCoin']" name="count">1,20</set>

    Would change the existing XML node Count of coins to be 1,20.  If this xml node did not already exist, you would have to add it (via append).


    Note:  not an expert at this, and I haven’t modded for months. And I’m on my phone so I could be wrong ;)

    edit: wait, it may be also how you’re trying to reference the final value to set. Maybe something like this?

    3 hours ago, Parzival2020 said:

    <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='70']/item[@name='casinoCoin']/count">1,20</set>

  13. 1 hour ago, Aldranon said:

    The game would HAVE to be non-voxel as the numbers of zombies would be insane for quite some time.

    I wonder..... what if the map were super tiny, like limited to 1/2 or 1/4 of a normal city today, and it was just 1 biome, nothing fancy. 

    few buildings.  Maybe even just a neighborhood setting (all small



    would you be able to crank up the zeds?


    of course, once “day 7 hits” you would have to have your character load into a new “large map”.  But then again, it might be super fun to fight the first horde on a small map before you end up naked and afraid with nothing on you. It might also enable you to have your “starting items” vary based on how you did on the first horde, NPcs you helped or did not help. Like, if you killed Rekt in the pre game, he wouldn’t be a trader in the post game. Maybe you would have some NPc special quests like “find your family” or something. Or if your pet dog survived then you have a pet on day 1.


    maybe your character stats could be “locked in” a little based on how you did, as if your class was chosen for you. 

    yeah, I know , all pie in the sky.... unless someone figures out how to take a character from 1 game and transfer it to another... then people could make mini games, custom maps/mods for stuff like this.

  14. I hope we can have a prequel game to this that explains things.  It will just be building and no need for shooting, initially, because if you shoot anyone the cops will arrest you, game over. No blood moons (until the cut scene occurs that explains them). Then you can live out the scenario that then leads to 7D2D. Of course, this will need to be a story driven mode, so we can get the full backstory and meet all the zeds before they were zeds. Traders will be just regular people who give you quests like “can you find my dog?” Or “help Rekt plant his flower bed”. But what to call it? “Quite a Few Days To Live?” “300 Days Until 7 Days to Die?”


    of course, /s to all of this, but it would be kinda neat to have some of it occur in game of the game has NPC’s , etc and they turn to zeds. Or instead of air drops we had some that were bombs that literally leave big holes in the ground, showing that where you are they are still trying to eradicate the zeds.  With the new newspaper stand blocks, they could add a lot of “old news” content

  15. Boat is better. 


    - can use less gas = less resources

    - can hold more items

    - can travel farther ( in theory you could cross continents)

    - for basic use, requires little to no training

    - crashes are likely not fatal

    - you can drop anchor and sleep/eat/cook/read/relax

    - can use oars/sails and be “silent”, especially if wanting to travel at night. Mostly probably to move without needing seen by people.

    - you can tie boats together and have floating islands. Multiple escape boats, etc

    - boats will likely be everywhere for the taking once a lot of people have died. You can likely get to an abandoned boat and pull it out into the water to loot/reclaim/siphon fuel/etc.

    - you can fish from a boat, generate food.

    - “anyone” can afford a boat, at least for “escape” purposes of “drive the boat from the house/city to the water”. But not for “long term living”


    of course, this is a rosy boat outlook.  If you’re “in the sea” vs “freshwater lake” you’ll have more challenges. But, the benefits from a chopper are:

    - can cover a lot of land/ground area, to scout for food/supplies.

    - less likely to be attacked by pirates (but you can be shot at from the ground).

    - can rescue people easier on land.


    Given the above, a chopper is great if you need to get to a nice big abandoned boat you can then live on. 


    Edit: I’ve been on small boats, never owned one. I’m not part of Big Boat trying to keep Big Chopper down or anything.


    secondary edit: 

    - boat is cheaper to store and maintain to prep for zed end times. Boat can be wintered and “ready” by someone with little boat knowledge.

    - repair/parts for boats are more likely to exist/be found/available. If parts cannot be found, you can possibly cobble something together or go without.

    - if you see other survivors, you can likely shout to them and communicate whilst on your boat.

    - if bandits are shooting at you from land, you’re likely to be able to repair your boat.


    tertiary edit:

    - if you have a family, and pets . you’re more likely to fit them all on a boat.

    - if you have family, and they need to go to the bathroom, they can just do this over the side of the boat, even while you are driving.

    - there are likely to be more opportunities to charge handheld devices while on a boat, so your family is more likely to shut up and stop complaining about boat life. Additionally, you might be able to get a PC on board and play 7D2D while on the boat (multiplayer co-op with family).



  16. I have some mods that change the weather, and have played with several others, all except the “seasons” mod, as it not running windows and can’t get DMT working.... anyway..


    yeah, I absolutely love having the visibility reduced in my games. Being able to hear but not see zeds/animals is a lot of fun, and seeing some fire/glow/outline of something in the distance really makes the game pop.  I really don’t like the “always daylight even during the night, and I can see all the way to the horizon so I’ll avoid that bear about 1/2 mile over there” settings that vanilla has. 

    If anyone cares:

    - the fog you get from mods (changing the worldglobal.xml) is nowhere near as dense as you can get from changing it using the debug console.  You can go 0 visibility using the console.

    - the fog you get from mods doesn’t allow you to change the color of the fog. You can change the color of the fog using the console. I really hope TFP allows fog color change per biome or “weather event” on the future via xml mods.

    - you can make it “very dark” at night. Like pitch black, without fog. It’s really cool and you can see the stars/sky really well, and the moonlight casts shadows really neat (zeds can hide in shadows as they are pitch black shadows). If you turn the fog up to where it’s “foggy” you lose these pretty effects/visuals. 
    - you can add “visual effects” to each biome, and they can simulate fog. Or blowing dirt, etc. it’s a nice middle ground.  I prefer to have these occurring just inside the visual range of the fog so it looks like the fog is moving, or something is always moving just out of sight. It’s a fun balance.
    -darkness “indoors” is seperate from darkness “outdoors”. I have a mod to make indoors darker.  You kinda want to do this if you go “super fog/dark” game.
    - you can make the game have 0 hours of daylight. I have played this and it’s intense, especially if you add the super fog/darkness.  It’s really fun to play a full game through, once, but because how the game uses daylight for some things (end blood moon, zed run settings, sunrises, sunsets,etc) I feel a good balance is to put in 2-6 hours of daylight per day in. It just seems to enhance things, and give you a daily breather if you’re trapped or in a hard spot. 
    - cranking up the fog means you can turn down a lot of the “see stuff far” setting like grass/trees/poi meshes So if done well I would imaging you could turn up other graphics settings and have pretty “near visuals” on machines that normally cannot render the game at high detail.



    I hear they are working on a weather overhaul and I really hope it has more controls like you stated as the current weather settings don’t really allow you to crank it up and make a world that’s really difficult to survive in, environment wise. I personally want to make it so you have a high chance of dying via weather if you go into any biome other than the green forest, so you have to prep to leave it.  I also feel that the desert is a bit unbalanced because you can’t make a base there (if heat were super hot and deadly) and “cool” it via air conditioning. In snow biome you can build fires to keep warm.


    anyway.... hell yes more weather control to make custom survival Hellscapes.. with some zeds I guess.

  17. On 4/29/2021 at 9:11 AM, Liesel Weppen said:

    There is wind in 7d2d?

    There's "weather" that dictates storms forming.  And "wind noise", so maybe not "physical wind pushing things around" but if the conditions/sounds that indicate wind occurs, bam, roll for chance to trigger door/hatch open event(s) within x radius of player.  then set a cooldown for a bit. or something like that

    1 hour ago, TWORDY said:

    Come to the place where I live in so You would have enough with such ideas when it comes to wind 😁. It would be great to have foggy mornings in certain biomes, something that actually looks actually like a proper thunderstorm. Some dynamic weather system with at least sounds of the wind that could actually impact the movement of the foliage, but the wind opening doors... 😳.

    There is sort of a way to get fog "rolling in" at night/day...well, it doesn't "roll" but it gets foggier.  An example mod: https://7daystodiemods.com/night-fog/


    The fog settings can be triggered on day/night. In the"per biome" it can be triggered differently and is kinda a different effect.

  18. 8 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

    would love to have some variety there, quick lunges, sideswings, blocking, slamming downside (if you played skyrim you know that I mean).

    Just "hit hard or hit normal" feels a bit meh when you imagine to rather being able to smash/ragdoll Zeds into a specific direction

    Yeah, I agree with this. This would be very satisfying and also kinda add another “certain type of player” to the game who wants to feel like chuck norris. I also feel TFP would not like it because it “complicates” the game and this would frustrate new/casual players BUT I could see a way to pull this off: make default combat with the mouse “as it is today” and if you wanted to do all the special attacks, you have to use special keyboard commmands. Meaning: the casual/new player will never know they can do these things. 

    I feel it would add a level of challenge to the veteran players, and would also probably branch  off new game styles (like PvP fight club/arena, fight opponents and then zeds are released. Last person standing, etc).


    As mentioned above, given the ragdoll physics already in play, being able to kick and or “shoulder” or elbow or uppercut... anything extra, would just be loads of fun, IMHO, especially when you just have “ a few zeds to fight” and don’t want to do the same ol same ol with the club

  19. When I first got the game on PS4, I joined a friends game and they were on day 5 or something. I knew almost nothing. I spawned in a nice area all covered in snow and it started raining. zeds quickly began attacking me. I died within minutes. Everyone laughed.


    it may have been the same game, but at some point I respawned in a place with all bricks. Yay , I thought, not that terrible snowy place. I died within a few minutes.


    recent modded game: I was in a house and looting a kitchen. Zeds were outside banging on the walls. No big deal, I’ve got time and I don’t hear them getting closer. Loot cabinet, take all, loot cabinet , take all. I turned and there taking up my entire view was just the face of Grace. I panicked and got off a shot with my shotgun, and ran (very slowly as I was encumbered) knowing I was done for but maybe I could use a nearby table for protection. Well, it wasn’t the real grace, because it died in 1 shot. apparently it was completely silent and did not attack immediately. 

    Back on ps4s playing with player damage off. We were having fun shooting each other and taking no damage. I pulled out a rocket launcher and immediately Killed my friend, as apparently explosive damage wasn’t protected or something. 

    ps4: back in the day if you dipped your mini bike in any water it just stopped working. I was in the desert. Mini bike slips a little into the water. My big brain says “I can put blocks under it, wall off the water, take the water out. and drive it out! I spend days in game trying to do this as my mini bike keeps dropping lower and lower. I was determined and basically was like “I’m damming off the entire river, and will prevail!”. Dammed off the river, slowly and handily drove the bike out. Proudly told my ps4 friend of my achievement. He said “so, why didn’t you just pick the bike up?”.  I did not know you could do this. 

    pa4, mini bike again: somehow I crashed the minibike and died. I was far from home. Ran, risking life and limb, back to get the bike because I didn’t really have any weapons or anything at the base. Made it to the bike! It had some smoke coming out of it, which was a cool effect. Got on bike. Instant death. Made another trip all the way back to get the bike/backpack.  Figured out that I guess a fully damaged bike has some sort of huge damage effect. Sigh.


    a few times: ate the glass

    I mentioned in another post about falling and  popping up at max height but not knowing it l, and  it was all white and pretty,  Then I realized I was falling and then I died. 

    probably a lot more if I think about it, but the early ones are most memorable. 



  20. I feel the LCB would be “more fun and less exploitable” if it had just 1 hp.  The goal being it would be easy to craft, but only literally useful as a land claim to  do what it does today, and of course to be able to “claim” workstations and pick them up.  It’s mentioned before but I also feel that if you want a long term claim, you should have to protect the claim block by surrounding it with other blocks/traps, and this would be “it’s hit points” to get to it to destroy it. 

    ive played in PvP and the claim block doesn’t do squiggly when I’m afk for hours and someone finds my base. High powered Players just mow my base and destroy everything, unless the server admin makes “land claims” indestructible, which they all seem to do now anyway.  Of course, if they’re going to set/mod that, they can also set/mod the hit points to be “whatever” so that’s likely why it’s a moot point, but I do  feel the vanilla settings would play better if the LCB were cut from a stone, fast to craft, but fragile as glass.


    actually, it would be kinda neat if the LCB could be powered, and the more power you applied (to a limit) the more “block protection” you get.  This would require a constant expenditure of electric, and at night there’s no solar so you lose power unless you go on generator.... which makes noise. Might make PvP more fun at night, and zeds too if they were drawn to the generator noise. Unless it’s serious PvP where I don’t think anyone uses LCB unless it offers complete land claim immunity.

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