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Everything posted by chikorina

  1. You have mod named 'MeanCloud_RegeneratingBoulders'. Please remove all mods and try again.
  2. Thank you for reporting. I just checked and confirmed that it's already fixed in A21.
  3. Are there any vanilla tiles that you can reproduce this issue on? I broke some wood fences on several vanilla tiles, but was not able to repro.
  4. Are there any vanilla tiles that you can reproduce this issue on? I broke some wood fences on several vanilla tiles, but was not able to repro.
  5. Thank you for reporting. I'm sorry you encountered this bug. This is a known issue that has been fixed for A21.
  6. Thank you for reporting. I'm sorry you encountered this bug. This is a known issue that has been fixed for A21.
  7. Thank you for reporting. There was an internal ticket for this issue, and has been fixed for A21.
  8. Thank you for reporting. There was an internal ticket for this issue, and has been fixed for A21.
  9. Thank you for reporting. I was not able to reproduce this in A21. I believe this was fixed when a fix for a different issue concerning animations for consumables was fixed.
  10. Thank you for reporting. That poi has been updated with new art, and I've confirmed that the sleeper that spawns in the room mentioned can all path to the player without issue in A21.
  11. Thank you for reporting. No longer valid, because the part_trader_tile_filler_01 is no longer in game in A21.
  12. Thank you for reporting. No longer valid, because the part_trader_tile_filler_01 is no longer in game in A21.
  13. Thank you for reporting. The colliders on these haybales have been tightened up in A21. I've gone through a lot of the blocks to catch many of these collider issues. Playing with the bow should feel better in A21.
  14. Thank you for reporting. The colliders for these chairs have been tightened up in A21.
  15. Hello, and thank you for reporting. This is known, and should be fixed in A21. Please wait and try again after that update.
  16. Thank you for reporting. Not getting kill xp from buff kills is a known issue. It should be fixed in the next alpha.
  17. Thank you for reporting. This is known, and there is already an internal ticket for it. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
  18. Thank you for reporting. This is known, and there is already an internal ticket for it. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
  19. Thank you for reporting. This is known, and there is an internal ticket for the issue already. Hopefully there will be a solution soon.
  20. Thank you for reporting. This is known, and there is an internal ticket for the issue already. Hopefully there will be a solution soon.
  21. Thank you for reporting. This is known, and has been fixed for the next alpha.
  22. Thank you for reporting. This is known, and has been fixed for the next alpha.
  23. Thank you for reporting. This is known, and has already been fixed for the next alpha.
  24. With the next major update. There won't be a patch with just the fix, sorry.
  25. With the next major update. There won't be a patch with just the fix, sorry.
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