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Everything posted by faatal

  1. Doing some biome testing and tried RWG.
  2. Sure, that 2 ton backpack you are carrying does not fit. No changes. No weapons in A20. Not decided, so yes there could be more.
  3. Basically we have these threads: Main GPU Mesh building Mesh colliders (a20) Pathfinding (1 to x) Dynamic mesh? Misc? Yes, you could always improve stuff, but it comes down to time vs benefit. Do you have the time and is it worth using the time on that. Mesh colliders is a good example that was added to a20 to get PhysX collider processing off the main thread. It was not super hard or time consuming, but I've had to fix bugs in it twice now. I think it was worth the time.
  4. No changes. I would not play with streaming off. Not sure where we are at with that. I did some code/xml for it months ago and Ryan has made some prototypes, but think it was put on hold. He might be working on it again, but could end up in A21. It should not affect FPS. I give is a 50/50 we change it at some point.
  5. 1 A20 is not the last. Unknown beyond that. 2 Don't know 3 Definitely not the old ones 4 Don't know 5 Not planned for players Don't think that is decided. I reworked the AA settings today so it goes Off, Low, Medium, High, Temporal. AA Type is now AA Sharpening, which allows you to set temporal's sharpening from 0 to 100 percent for more control. Team feedback has been good, with little performance loss and only a few complaints of too sharp, hence the changes. After talking about some gfx settings changes and seeing that 55% of players use the medium preset, which is the default, I decided to add an auto detect today, which should get some of those people on better settings. "Added auto setting of graphics quality preset (6GB+ VRAM sets High. nVidia 2080, 3070, 3080, 3090 or AMD 6800, 6900 sets Ultra)."
  6. Well enough that I made it the default on High and Ultra presets. I am still performance testing, but it looks like a few FPS drop. The game looks much clearer with the sharpening, so worth the FPS to me, but TAA can be easily turned off. Currently we have FXAA for lower and SMAA for higher settings. These are still there if AA Type is set to Standard.
  7. Yes. It time travels and exterminates them!
  8. Today I decided to finish my temporal anti aliasing testing and get it in the game. Mostly done but going to finish testing on Monday before I commit.
  9. I do. No special ability changes and very little in terms of general AI changes other than feral sense and crouching. Blood moons should be the same. Biomes the same. Would like to do some changes with cities, but may not happen in A20.
  10. Raycasts are on the main thread, but all the code doing them are also on the main thread, so there is no issue with waiting. Other than a new bear run anim, it appears all the primary animation changes are for player weapons and tools usage (attack/aim/holding/reload/etc).
  11. Sure you can just say did it hit anything, but that sounds like of lame and I don't want to spend time on that. Poles and doors are blocks, so that is checking blocks. Raycasts are cheap. You should see the massive amount of raycasts the path grid uses.
  12. It could, but should what you hit block the sound? Say it is a pole or other small obstacle, it should not, which means block shapes would have to be flagged for it. We have a lot of shapes. Don't know. Robert could tell you.
  13. Have not heard about any new sounds.
  14. The inside detection is not that great and could use more research. You also end up with cases like you are inside, but zombies are too, so it should not be muffled for them except maybe their indoors is really adjacent to yours in another room/building, so it should be muffled.
  15. Not on the radar right now. It will add some performance overhead, so we would have to evaluate if worth it.
  16. A2020.3.14? So how many centuries are we supposed to work on this game???
  17. I've been using 2020.3.14 for weeks and appears fine. Once builds gets tested using it, if it works well, then that will probably be A20's version. Raytracing, DLSS, etc has to be supported by the render pipeline not just Unity in general. Those are HDRP features. We use the built in pipeline, which does not and may never support them. We have no plans to update 7dtd to HDRP, since it will take a lot of time. We hope to use HDRP on one of our next games.
  18. Don't know. I'm sure it could if we wanted to. Probably no, but if it is an issue, we will deal with it. No, but probably a few.
  19. A few weeks ago, Lathan added a block trigger system which will be used for the restore power quest. Multiple triggers, like switches, can be on a layer and blocks, like doors, can respond to them by doing something such as opening or closing.
  20. In A20, surprise, there are some switches that open doors where they drop and were then staying asleep. You could also remove a block they were standing on.
  21. Damage or now also falling in A20 causes them to wake.
  22. It is in 3d. They can see in the direction their head is and hear all around. Feral Sense just makes the falloff with distance lower, so they see and hear farther. Sleeper volumes don't even spawn zombies until you are near them, then those zombies are passive (can't see or hear) until you are at the edge of the volume, then feral sense matters. Crops have no changes I'm aware of.
  23. Well now it looks a bit better and is tied into draw distance to add more planes when set to the higher distances. Our artists definitely what to make better art for all plants, but that is more like A21. A big part of it was separating the collision mesh from the visual mesh as this change describes: "Optimized grass collider generation (Always 2 centered, fixed size and axis aligned planes)." More complicated grass meshes do not need a more complicated collision mesh and their collision meshes should not stray into adjacent blocks like they did. It does that too for the mesh. On the higher grass distances, you don't have 2 planes in a + pattern. It is 3 is an overlapping triangle. And this: "Increased grass mesh variations to 192 (image, scale, rotation, cross/ring)."
  24. No. We have a while to go yet, but lots of cool work is getting done. I started working on some grass mesh improvements last week, since I have the time and I noticed the code. Hard to unsee code I don't like.
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