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Everything posted by unholyjoe

  1. *************************************** lets try this: 1. go to where steam installed 7 days to die 2. click into it -> click into Data -> click into Prefabs -> click into POIs ( you should have over 3,000 files inside it) 3. so delete the folder. 4. next go back out to Data folder and click into Worlds -> click into Navezgane 5. see a file called prefabs.xml -> delete it -> now go to steam interface and make steam verify the game files you will receive all new ones to replace the deleted ones. 6. all done, good, now fire game up create a NEW navezgane map with a NEW Different seed name. let us know what happens and provide logs and screen shots of game creation settings and after you get in the game. yes you can get the launcher to do all this but lets pretend it is more confusing or that you may not make the right choices so we do it this way to be sure. good luck and we will be waiting Thanks QA Tester-unholyjoe ***************************************
  2. *************************************** please read Hated's post on making a usable report. far more info and output logs are needed as well. click on the red or blue banner above or link below to see what is needed. QA Tester-unholyjoe ***************************************
  3. *************************************** please read Hated's post on making a usable report. far more info and output logs are needed as well. click on the red or blue banner above or link below to see what is needed. QA Tester-unholyjoe ***************************************
  4. or possibly a place holder for future changes yet to come such as maybe... armor sets / clothing
  5. as a side note, i think this is separate because of blocks able to join/blend with another block. as i said i dont know completely why, but this paint all side option is here for such reasons as well. some blocks are just down right stubborn to paint so i always use the paint all and then un check it so i can left click to clear a side i didnt want painted.
  6. try this if you havent yet. pull up the radial with paint brush "press and hold "R"" choose the paint all sides option and have fun.
  7. yeah i could be wrong but i sorta dont think the forum would break from all the complaints on that one. also @meganoth they are called feature requests or improvement tickets..
  8. dont forget a death (grim reaper) after level 6 will cause you to lose the last perk you pointed into until you gain the xp back. it seems i was thinking of ark that takes away a perk point on death. 7dtd just takes away some xp and before you can gain points to level, you have to gain back what was lost.
  9. the mono missing libs do not have anything to do with the prefabs issue. as much as i hate to see wrn and such.. those arent an issue unless the error is red, then there is an issue and needs reported/investigated. as i told someone else with the issue.. i have them in all of my output logs and my game runs good. which puzzles me because so many reports of crashes and i cant seem to get any..
  10. yep and actually digging was in for a long time... it just didnt work and if it did, it was seen as a bug because people didnt think it was possible way back then. i play (AND NO i am not telling anybody how to play) with feral sense on and they jog during the day... everything runs at night.. and i still can deal with them a whole lot easier then starting a new game in ark completely naked in the mouth of a couple raptors... that is game play i really dont like... but after a couple deaths i manage to quickly survive and come back for revenge...
  11. i mean seriously, people have seen the vids where joel will use some of these tactics like blade traps under the iron bars he is standing on up where zeds cant reach him... i do it as well and have since i been playing and testing 7dtd. biggest problem i think, is some people just want to complain if they see someone having fun. well i play sp and mp with my daughter, what we do and what others do is their own business and it doesnt affect my game nor does how my daughter and i affect any other game. i will point out tho.. i dont waste my time with designing and using blocks that thwart the zeds... and thats just me.. others... have fun if thats what is fun. just remember to stay off my grass and we be good..
  12. try this for those errors because you have a bunch of a19 prefabs that have not been converted. if any remain after doing this, you should contact the person that supplied the prefab packs. 1. Start game 2. At main menu, press F1 (opens the console) 3. type command: prefabupdater loadtable 4. Press enter. 5. It will spit some text. Then type: prefabupdater updateblocks 6. It will run for a few seconds. 7. Hit ESC to close console 8. Play game. good luck
  13. ?? what are you referring to. nvm i see what you are talking about. i stated you didnt offer an output log and it really should go into the general support section so the guys can help you. (because the discussion could be lengthy)
  14. okay... the fallback handler is not what causes your crash but you didnt offer up the output log so i dont know what did. i get those same fallback handler statements in every game of 7dtd and have yet to crash. the version number that shows shows that for me as well and is not causing any issues within game (i have requested it to be removed but world builder devs want it there for now) and this is in all of my a19, a20 and a21 games (i even get them now and again showing a16.4 and havent did an a16 test in ages.
  15. my showing the xml is not about arguing about the percentages... as i noted.. it is to show they are still in game and we were fortunate enough to get one early in game.
  16. just for those who want to see: my daughter and i are on day 11 and she just got one from an air drop (RNG favored her i guess) oh i guess i forgot to mentioned that it just dropped across the border of our forest biome into the wasteland biome.. so she may have been blessed with the biome bonus as well.
  17. *************************************** @SylenThunder didnt you or meganoth have info on EOS and needing to install the current new distributable... i am seeing tons of EOS issue on server log and this may be up your ally. Thanks QA Tester-unholyjoe ***************************************
  18. *************************************** 1. reason i asked is i have seen and had people say they were using a20b238 experimental and when we went stable, they had issues... the a20b238 exp and a20b238 stable are identical with one exception - we just change the name to not be experimental. no game code was changed. 2. de-syncing between clients and dedis located (usually rented) machines is a pia and an ongoing effort to try to improve. 3. there IS NOT an option but there is a file in the base game directory where it can be disabled.. advice is not to because we need all tests to be with it on if we are to catch the issues and fix them. 4. its too bad to do that but at least he is able to play again... i dont know but seems the rented dedi servers should have backup option for just that type of issue. 5. someone sorta tested that already and claimed/indicated that HDD are more susceptible to corruption and de-sync because of read/write speeds compared to SSD and NVME M.2 Thanks QA Tester-unholyjoe ***************************************
  19. outstanding, good to see you can now go kill some zombies. i will move this report to "cant repro".
  20. outstanding, good to see you can now go kill some zombies. i will move this report to "cant repro".
  21. *************************************** ok from what i see so far. thanks for using proper reporting format this time. 1. you said you uninstalled and reinstalled. (does not always catch everything, the launcher gives you option to wipe everything out) 2. in the output log there is a lot of errors for unknown blocks and not loading prefabs because of this) (this sounds like old pre a20 stuff that didnt get converted as there were lots of name changes with blocks/shapes) 3. so here is my simple attempt to fix the error in the prefabs. a. go to the game folder where steam installed it. b. as per my screen shot, in the Data folder is the "prefabs" folder and subs within. c. Delete it. d. dont cry, you'll get the folder back. e. now right click on 7dtd in the steam interface and re verify the files again. f. this time you will see it found issues and tells you they will be downloaded. g. let it do what it needs to. h. when its done go back to the folder and look inside the prefabs folder and look inside the poi folder, you should now have all current files. i. looks good, then start game (DO NOT make any adjustments to anything - until all is running as it should be) and create a new navezgane map with entirely different seed name. 4. let us know what happens. hope all goes well Thanks QA Tester-unholyjoe ***************************************
  22. *************************************** ok from what i see so far. thanks for using proper reporting format this time. 1. you said you uninstalled and reinstalled. (does not always catch everything, the launcher gives you option to wipe everything out) 2. in the output log there is a lot of errors for unknown blocks and not loading prefabs because of this) (this sounds like old pre a20 stuff that didnt get converted as there were lots of name changes with blocks/shapes) 3. so here is my simple attempt to fix the error in the prefabs. a. go to the game folder where steam installed it. b. as per my screen shot, in the Data folder is the "prefabs" folder and subs within. c. Delete it. d. dont cry, you'll get the folder back. e. now right click on 7dtd in the steam interface and re verify the files again. f. this time you will see it found issues and tells you they will be downloaded. g. let it do what it needs to. h. when its done go back to the folder and look inside the prefabs folder and look inside the poi folder, you should now have all current files. i. looks good, then start game (DO NOT make any adjustments to anything - until all is running as it should be) and create a new navezgane map with entirely different seed name. 4. let us know what happens. hope all goes well Thanks QA Tester-unholyjoe ***************************************
  23. *************************************** please read Hated's post on making a usable report. far more info and output logs are needed as well. click on the red or blue banner above or link below to see what is needed. QA Tester-unholyjoe ***************************************
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