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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. Oh, I was only going to bring it into nav so I could rip it easier. Nav is faster to work with in Hals. :) Wasn't going to keep it there.


    BUT, the info you just gave me saves me some research, so much appreciated. :)


    I really like what you did on the north side of the river; that little hilly area. Ultimately I wanted to edit it to make it look more or less like:




    - - - Updated - - -


    This is San Antonio's River Walk (Texas), and basically you go beneath grade to get to it. The roof of the 2nd story is "ground" level in the city... so you would have a deep recess with a river in it, and buildings on the banks.

  2. Does anyone happen to have a GIANT prefab of the entire thing?


    ...yeh yeh I know it would be big, wouldn't spawn, etc... I know, but I'd like to insert it into an existing rwg map, and I don't mind doing the terraforming.

  3. You can write a batch file that you can rum from the scheduler, something like:


    start telnet.exe


    cscript SendKeys.vbs


    Then have sendkeys.vbs say:


    set OBJECT=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    WScript.sleep 50

    OBJECT.SendKeys "mylogin{ENTER}"

    WScript.sleep 50

    OBJECT.SendKeys "mypassword{ENTER}"

    WScript.sleep 50

    OBJECT.SendKeys " cd /folder/7dayserver{ENTER}"

    WScript.sleep 50

    OBJECT.SendKeys " shutdown command that 7 days uses"


    ...or something. I'm sure I'm missing something.


    Kind of making it up as I google, but I still suggest using a server manager that supports this feature.

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