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Everything posted by RyanX

  1. Not sure WHAT you all are talking about, because when I place down a dew collector it uses dew to craft glass bottles with drinkable water already in them. Because in the world of 7 Days glass is made of dew.
  2. Well they won't make child zombies so it probably poses a problem for them.
  3. As long as a non-ally could not just simply stand on your claim and view them with the tool, it sounds reasonable.
  4. So I just noticed this myself and it's broken I think. At my Daring Adventurer around 2-3 I started seeing them around several traders, but I couldn't afford them at the time. I put some more points in and maxed out my trader skill and they disappeared. It's like they are set to show up within a range, and that range does not include max skills. Other items may be trumping them but I think it's something that needs fixed rather than being intentional. Otherwise why would they disappear as you leveled up your skill?
  5. I'm currently playing on a MP server that lists up to 30 players I believe, but right now it doesn't get over 8 and performance is terrible. The lag is horrendous at below their specified "8 player limit". This game doesn't support 8 either.
  6. Yeah that isn't enough. How do you stop players from using xrays, duping, etc? EAC doesn't catch that. The usual crew of cheaters will come and ruin your server without it.
  7. How do you handle cheaters? i.e. xrays, duping, esp etc.
  8. I have the same issue right now. I'm crafting up a storm and can't seem to get one to join me. I thought they might have been removed.
  9. At MINIMUM The Fun Pimps should allow modders to be able to fix PvP. The problem is that the game is so broken for multiplayer (meaning more than 8 players per server) that modding is impossible. The ability to cheat on this game is beyond easy, and it's a major issue in the multiplayer community. I say take out the toggle to kill other players entirely. Make it not even an option. OR make it PvP moddable. This isn't realistic, though because of so many back end problems. Many people try, and fail, because cheaters ruin the servers time and time again.
  10. It's very common in first person games in 2024 (and for quite a while before) to be able to look in a different direction than you are running. Often accomplished by holding the alt key for example. But not in 7D2D. That's a bit advanced for this crew.
  11. Agreed, at least the beginner wood and iron doors. I remember being on a car a few alphas ago and a snake attacking it and making it blow up. Do snakes still do this?
  12. I'm just gauging interest in something like this because I'm not happy with all the QoL features that the more popular servers (like Salty for example) add to their games like: Teleports (eww) Larger Backpacks Increased XP Increased Loot Donor perks like personal traders or city plots Special coins to buy overpowered items This is a zombie survival game after all, not "let's see how easy we can make this game". I get it though, some people want easy mode, but some people don't. That's where you and I come in. There were many of these servers around the A16 era and slowly fell away because multiplayer play continued to get punished by TFP. I want to try it again and see how it is now. Such a server would have: Vanilla settings, medium difficulty (or maybe just 1 past medium) 90 minute day/night cycle (60 minutes doesn't seem to work as well on multiplayer) Random gen map That's about it. I would only consider mods if it increases immersion. IMHO the game is much better when server communities organically form their own player cities, shop hubs, community horde bases, etc. If there seems to be a decent amount of interest I'll probably get one going. If not, will you point me to a server that has this? Peace
  13. Do you have any anti-cheats in place?
  14. The loud few? The whole reason I bought this game at alpha 15 in the first place was because it had 2 things: 1: Larger multiplayer servers 2: PvP servers (although I often play on larger PvE servers with my wife) I will never play a solo playthrough or be part of a server that only supports 8. It bores me and it isn't how I like to play the game. That being said I think it's fair to be disappointed with the rug pulled out from under me. Yeah, it's early access blah blah, no promises, blah blah. It's just sad to see something with so much potential in these areas ignored. It really wouldn't take much to optimize this game a little bit to make the larger servers more viable. It's 2024 for crying out loud, a 2 man dev team could probably whip it up in a few days. People would flock back to multiplayer, especially PvE if it was fixed and advertised.
  15. Fix #1: Turn off the ability for snakes to try and beat through your front door. Snakes don't do this. Immersion breaking.
  16. There is something undeniably great about the A16-ish era. There were faults with the game (minibikes clipping into the ground, spam crafting for example) , sure, but they had the atmosphere nailed. It felt like survival horror to me and my wife. The POI's were fairly bleak and lacking in loot, the world was much grayer. Now zombies look like Ronald McDonald and I'm at a birthday party. Now you can get to big stashes of loot with a few wooden frames. It's more like an amusement park now than a zombie apocalypse, like I'm going from ride to ride. Even the multiplayer servers have added to the problem with centralized "donor cities", loot crate drops, and teleports.
  17. Absolutely untrue. Remember when you had to get lucky on a loot box just to get the tool and die set to even make ammo? Remember when there were no pipe guns? How about back when there were gun parts you had to put together to get one that worked? All that wasn't obtained early game. Now a couple quests at the OP trader and you're gold. Heck, this game is over now at like level 10, just put all your points into INT to build a motorcycle and you get everywhere quickly, don't need as much food, and you can snowball massive amounts of quests to buy whatever weapons you want early game. Everything is obtainable early game now and it definitely wasn't like this in the past. It's like a shopping mall apocalypse now. An asteroid of loot destroyed the population. And of course you can mod whatever, and change whatever but that's not the point of this post. The point is that you are absolutely wrong when you say vanilla didn't use to be harder. There is serious need of stretching out the early game. But maybe that's part of the issue...todays gamer population wants easy mode for everything by default and I'm just a relic now. So be it.
  18. What do you mean "at this point?" I think you mean to say "starting a few years ago". And I don't think there is anything else developmental or expansionary that's going to happen with this game. They are clearly done putting any serious thought into it and are keeping it running for the sales. I imagine whatever that game they said they are working on is their real priority. And good for them, I hope the next game is great.
  19. Don't you have phones? Best answer ever. You seem to think I expect them to tailor the game for me. I never said that and I don't expect it. But I'm glad you are around to decide what is acceptable for me and what is not. And I'm certainly free to state my opinions and say my piece on what I would like to see and my preferences. It's not really a thing that these forums promote.
  20. For real though. How long have the same 4 workstations been in game? I mean seriously how about something else? Idc if you change how the forge looks as much as we need more interesting things to do.
  21. And the game used to be that way. The beginning was hard, food/ammo/weapons were scarce, the world looked bleaker, you had to figure out where to put your rotten meat so the zeds couldn't sniff you out, try and evade them at the outset. And I think this is what made the game popular (and better imo) to begin with. Now as soon as I spawn in with a new character if I see a zed I run to kill it for the xp. It was the default setting, but now the default setting is as the OP stated. I don't think "there are mods" is an acceptable answer for extremely casual players. I play with my wife and we work a lot so I don't have as much time to deal with trying to download mods, or even searching to see what mods are available. We come home and just want to log on and play. We put tons of hours up through about A17 or 18 and we have basically stopped playing because the game is sooooooo easy now. We could adjust sliders (and have) and try to "fix" the game, but that's a far cry from when the game didn't need "fixed" beyond glitches. With our playstyle, the game mechanics were fine, it was the graphical glitches and other bugs that were the nuisance. But the devs decided that the mechanics and graphics were the focus rather than the bugs and glitches (which still remain). The downfall of this is that now the average player is used to "easy mode" and the multiplayer servers (which we exclusively play on) have followed by doing things like actually INCREASING loot percentage and xp. The pinnacle of this game for me was around A16 when multiplayer servers were running mostly vanilla. There was atmosphere, difficulty, feeling of accomplishment. When folks say things like "just mod it" I'm like....meh. We play so infrequently now, checking back in with each update to see if the devs have decided to trend back towards making things difficult in a meaningful way again, that we would have to reinstall mods every time we play. But alas, it's like everything else in this world. All good franchises get swallowed up eventually by someone who thought they had a "great idea" that causes it to become something different. So now what you have is "you play this game how you want if you have the time to deal with mods, or if you are casual just suck it up and play easy mode". Which is fine if that's what they want to do, but this isn't always how it has been.
  22. With as much soup as they sell, they are VERY slow to bring out any new soup. You'd think they would invest their money wisely and come out with new soup for people to eat but no, it's just the same soup except maybe a little more or less salt and they say it's different.
  23. It follows the trend since A16 to make multiplayer servers less viable and to reduce the number of players who want to play multiplayer. The devs think this is only meant to be a single player game, but they leave the ability to "play" multiplayer in since it is advertised as "multiplayer" on steam. Legal issues and such.
  24. A: Yes but the cops eat them to vomit back at you. Zombie poop is the new donut.
  25. I always thought harder to find loot was one of the strengths of the multiplayer experience. In the larger multiplayer servers, before trader quests, it could definitely be a problem but there are plenty of ways around that such as increasing loot respawn frequency, car respawner mods etc. Now with trader quests, looting has become nearly trivial and it feels like there is way too much loot now.
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