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Posts posted by Annihilatorza

  1. 20 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


    Looking absolutely fantastic! :) Would it be possible if you could share with us what districts each of the colours on this map represent?

    With the reintroduction of Burnt forest, how does the difficulty scaling now work per biome?


    Can we see some of the new highways?

  2. @faatal With the New AO system coming along with the other changes will this be similar to how other games do it by only rendering what is in your direct line of sight? 


    I have long thought that the biggest performance issue with 7D2D is that everything can be interacted with and destroyed and also seen at the same time, but if you don't need to render what is outside the player's camera view it would help gain some FPS but I don't know if that is even feasible due to how 7D2D works.


    If I am looting a building across the street with the Opague glass block me seeing into the building next door how fine is the separation?


    With the Opaque glass and the AO system, I am really excited to see how much is going to change the performance uplift. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:


    I'm sure a mod will be available to disable them. However they are rather critical to the story of the game, and you won't be able to do the main story questline without them.

    Ye without bandits the whole game falls apart for the end content or the game as whole.


    With that said I am extremely disappointed that we still won't be getting them this year, it's nearly March and we don't have A22 and it was promised to be a quick update but as usual massive scope creep again. 


    There is no way it will go gold this year if we don't even have:

    Bandits (I think 4 alphas now)



    Stability  SP/MP (tired of having my char reset to level 1 for no reason)

    Plus tons more at this point. 


    Like the decision to remove burnt forest and now a whole bunch of hours are been burnt to reintroduce it and get it up to scratch again.


    Just feels like we are waiting for something that will never come.




  4. Every dev I know has the same rules, stream, make mods all you want.


    However if you monetize it in anyway shape or form you will fall foul of the  EULA and this is not a new thing its been this way since 2016 for the TFP.


    They were warned and chose to ignore it nothing more to be said.

  5. I think I have found a small bug in the questing system, when doing T1 quests we keep getting (3 player server) getting Joe's USA as a clear location we have done it a total of 5 times now between the 3 of us.


    We do get other ones but this one keeps coming up.


    Anyone else getting something similar?

  6. 2 hours ago, Andy Red said:

    Using a decent host, with auto restart set to once or twice a day pretty much fixes this.
    Don't go for one of those cheap $11.99 / month game sever hosts to run a 10k map, they're just not sufficient.

    Thanks for the reply but this happens on the best hosts available, it's not an isolated issue and has been an issue for years now, but as I said game is in Alpha and network does need help.

  7. @faatal Are you guys to rework the network code at some point as it's quite bad currently, loads of people are having issues with it


    Floating zombies, items or objects.

    Performance gets worse the longer the server is up.



    It's fine for the most part with 1 or 2 people but it take to your supported max of 8 it's becomes unplayable after a while.


    I knows it's Alpha and all that but it's had these issues for a long time.


    Maybe in Beta as I know the current push is to get A22 done.

  8. 1 hour ago, Gronal said:

    I higly doubt the infested quests will be anything but a nuisance for anyone really experienced. Kite zombies for longer, that'll be it imo.

    edit: I'll be happy if I'm underestimating them

    They have said numerous times, they are not building a game for someone that has 1000 hours in 7D2D, I just like the added variation, and for new players it will be a challenge.

  9. @faatal Do you use Frustum culling?

    Frustum culling is a graphics optimization technique used in 3D rendering to improve performance by eliminating the need to draw objects that are not visible within the camera's field of view. The camera's field of view is defined by a frustum, which is a truncated pyramid-shaped volume that extends from the camera's position outward in the direction it's facing.

    Frustum culling works by checking whether an object (or a part of it) is inside the camera's view frustum or not. If an object is entirely outside the frustum, it's culled, meaning it won't be processed for rendering. This reduces the computational workload on the GPU, as it only needs to process and render the objects that are visible to the camera.

    To perform frustum culling, the view frustum is typically divided into six planes: top, bottom, left, right, near, and far. Each object (or its bounding volume, such as a bounding box or bounding sphere) is tested against these planes to determine if it's inside or outside the frustum. If it's inside or intersecting the frustum, the object is rendered; otherwise, it's culled.


    Frustum culling is particularly effective in scenes with a large number of objects or complex geometry, as it can significantly reduce the number of objects that need to be rendered, improving the overall performance of the game or application.

  10. On 3/28/2023 at 3:41 PM, Laz Man said:

    There's at least a couple more things not noticed in those screenshots.  One big one that was mentioned but was incorrect....😁

    Hmm some hints please hehe, I am guessing was the prison that Roland mentioned.

  11. 12 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    Yes, its "one" of our new T5 POIs....😎There are a ton of teasers in those screenshots.  Happy hunting.

    So now I have a bit more time to look at the screen shots more closely and @Laz Man can maybe see If I am correct.

    Image 1

    1 Car

    2 Window

    3 Bus 

    4 Lamp Post

    5 Small Window

    6 Aircon and some kind of Frame

    7 Ladder and Satellite Dish

    8 Umbrella

    9 Skylights

    10 Text

    11 Window

    12 Rails

    13 Brick Walls

    14 New Military POI


    Image 2

    1 New Ice Cream POI Sign

    2 Curvy Brick Walls

    3 Thin Bridge Rails, possible new texture

    4 Gazebo

    5 Bin and Vent

    6 Table Tennis 

    7 Umbrella Folder 

    8 Umbrella Open

    9 Wheel Chair

    10 Bin

    11 New Windows Shutter, Vent, Windows, Lattice

    12 Exhaust Stack from Kitchen

    13 Glass Enclosed Swimming Pool


    Image 3

    1 Car

    2 Gazebo

    3 Glass Enclosed Swimming Pool

    4 Pergola

    5 Rounded Walls

    6 Exhaust Stack from Kitchen

    7 Ladder

    8 Chairs and Pergola

    9 Skylight

    10 Skylight


    Image 4

    1 Pergola Thin Wood

    2 Bush

    3 Lattice

    4 Camping Chairs and Umbrellas

    5 New POI


    Now some of these are complete WAGS and some I think are pretty close.






    This looks absolutely fantastic, wow the details are amazing, the new water looks fantastic and like water.


    The path way pergela pathway looks real and nothing like that with such thin wood slats on it in the game currently.


    The nursing home looks massive definitely a T5 to explore I would guess.


    The way it meshes into the landscape and the buildings around it is good as well.


    Seems like a new bus in front as well,


    If I am not mistake plenty of new thinner blocks as well.


    Curvy brick walls, I think those are new as well





  13. 7 hours ago, Cr0wst0rm said:

    Before I get slandered again, what is up with the lighting? Example:

    It seems like the lighting went few steps back? What about SSR, SSAO, SSGI? It might be too much for unity to handle, but i feel like the older alphas were beter color tuned to atleast give the feeling of light passing through many different objects... Either way assets are looking cool!

    It could just the settings who ever took the screen shot on but I see new rock piles in front and truck tyres as well lying in the grass. There is also something in middle of right of the camp that seems to be protected by both razer wire/electric fencing hard to tell pixels to much on my phone. Greyish white a few blocks tall.


    New concrete barriers, sandbags, backhoe, something in the doorway of the tent far right hand side, truck, barb wire, shaping up to be a great update

  14. 1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

    Why are you even asking? You know he signed an NDA.

    He can't show content unless TFP themselves authorize him.


    Why TF have you got an anvil?? :suspicious:

    Do you shoe horses? :confused2:


    How would I know who has signed what, sorry if I don't know exactly who has signed what documents and the exacting personal lives of every single person involved with the tfp. 🙄


    I thought he worked for tfp and as an employee.

  15. 8 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    Don't know exactly when but we are definitely getting closer to A21 experimental.  On the level design side, the majority of legacy POIs have had the major art pass with all of the latest new assets and shapes.  There will definitely be additional smaller passes but many of those shouldn't hold up the release in my opinion.  Hopefully there will be some type of announcement soon TM.


    I know the wait has been painful but rest assured that every passing day is another day the game gets even better.  For example, I know bandits are not dropping with A21, but the character art team has been making major progress on them.  The naked cowboy that was teased a while ago was just the tip of the iceberg.  It's exciting thinking about what new gameplay will be added once we get those.  Some of the updated POIs that are included in A21 will already have some bandit "considerations" in their updates.  Keep an eye out for them. 😎

    Thanks for the update @Laz Man, it is really appreciated.


    Would you be able to do all of us a small favour and give a comparison screenshot of before and after of the update of POI's.


    I know it's asking a lot but maybe like the Salon/booby trap/ a small shotgun messiah.


    If not I understand 😉, thanks for all your and the teams hard work. 👍👍

  16. 1 hour ago, beerfly said:

    Would we be able to build underwater, lets say 5x5x5, the part where the water is inside, can we remove we it with solid blocks and then remove them, or use buckets for example ? Like in MC sort of. 

    We simply don't know yet, we have been told water does not flow like a river, no game does it's simply to expensive to do. (Performance cost)

  17. 19 hours ago, Riamus said:

    Personally not a fan of these.  They would be fine as part of higher difficulties perhaps, but not as the normal way things are.


    Food decay becomes problematic on a server that is always running.  If you aren't playing every day, your food will always spoil.  This isn't even realistic because in real life, you are always "playing" so spoilage makes sense.  In the game, even if you say it takes a month to spoil, at 60 minute days, that's only a little over one real day, so if you aren't playing very regularly your food will never last until you are able to build whatever is necessary to stop it.  That wouldn't be enjoyable to most players.


    Cold and heat having more effect on you is okay, depending on what it is.  Keep in mind some players want to start in the desert or wasteland or snow biomes and you aren't going to be able to do so if you don't have appropriate clothing with those effects added.  It isn't like real life where you are likely to have clothing already.  In the game, you start with none and can't make much or find/buy much for at least a little while depending on how much scavenging you do.  And some players hate scavenging and having to do so just so they can be in another biome while mining or building would upset them.


    Wasteland radiation is problematic to require a suit because you need armor.  And with the new changes to clothing/armor, you wouldn't even be able to essentially wear a suit over armor.  You could have some kind of armor mod for radiation resistance, but that doesn't really make sense.


    Making bears stronger is fine, though doesn't really matter all that much. By the time you are likely dealing with bears, you will probably be shooting them and never getting hit in the first place.  Especially if you know they can one shot you.


    For farming, is there some reason boxes make zero sense?  Even though most farms are in the ground, personal farming is often done in boxes as it is easier to maintain good soil, especially in certain parts of the world.  And making farming a sim is not really necessary.  If you think it needs to be harder, that can be done without the need to make it a sim.  Farming sims are for people who want to farm in a more realistic way.

    Food decay is one aspect and you could turn it in on and off in MP, but you could also say In a freezer it will keep for 3 in game months without spoiling, same with the salt, salt cured meat biltong/jerky lasts a long time.


    If you want to start in those biomes, which not the way game is currently designed to be played more power to you but as it's stands cold and hot are mild annoyance and thats all they do, they don't do much else.


    We will have to wait and see what they do with new armour and clothing system but I agree armour would do very little to block ionising radiation,  magic pills ala fallout or a Geiger counter or a rad suit but you can only wear that or the new system lets you wear different layers. 


    For me what's easier in the apocalypse, hoeing the ground and planting seeds or building a special box with nails and precious straight cut lumber and then filling it with soil and fertilizer.


    I go with option a much easier to just plant it, not trying to make a sim on farming just certain things in games bug me, like spending all the time to make a box to plant a single ear or corn or doing planting a field full.


    Like fallouts 4 glowing sea bugs the living snot out of me since it's not even close to how a nuke and liquefaction works, still love the game though.

  18.  It would great to have some actual survival changes made


    Food decay and food preservation, salt and refrigeration, also gives cold water


    Getting wet and cold in the snow makes you lose health due to hypothermia, your hands become more unsteady the colder you get

    Need warm drinks, cold drinks will make it worse


    Wearing to much in the desert leads to hyperthermia, loss of vision, health loss, need yucca juice and cold water and correct clothing


    Wasteland constant health loss due to radiation and or bio toxins in the air need suit


    Killing a bear gives a decent amount of food, I mean it's bear ffs but as the same time a bear will kill you in one shot unless in heavy armour head to toe


    Return farming to the land it makes 0 sense to have it boxes but it needs water and fertilizer to work and you have to have hoe the land as well,  zombie and animals can destroy the crops by walking through them so they have to be defended 

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