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Posts posted by Annihilatorza

  1. @faatal @madmole


    Are there any plans to fix the loads and loads of floating bases I am seeing posted all over net.


    I get that the idea is to play the game any which way you want but to me when the zombies can never ever hit you, what's the point of playing.


    You are exploiting the game and not using  clever mechanics to kill the zombies.


    I am loving A20 it's simply the best alpha to date, I can't wait to see what else to you guys bring.

  2. 7D2D Alpha 20 News


    In this video we cover the 2nd half of the dev stream of 7D2D Alpha 20 and wow is there a lot to cover here.



    Start 00:00 Part 1

    00:16 Shaders Outro 20:27



    Subscribe On Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/c/OneForAllGaming1985





    7D2D Alpha 20 News In this video we cover the 1st half of the dev stream of 7D2D Alpha 20 and wow is there a lot to cover here.


    Start 00:00

    Part 1 00:16 Ambulance

    Outro 14:27


    Subscribe On Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/c/OneForAllGaming1985




  3. So much information has come out for A20 and here is the start of my coverage of it.


    In this video we cover the new Zombies in A20



    In this video we cover the some of the new random world generation in A20.




    We Cover all the news In the First A20 Dev Stream, prepare for information overload.



  4. 4 hours ago, faatal said:

    Zack has made improvements and I think we have more tracks, but he would have to tell you the details.

    We already support Vulkan, but we have little control over it. That is between Unity, drivers and the OS. In any event, performance is not much different.

    I did a video on Dx11 vs Vulcan and its almost no difference performance wise and it was not all that stable

  5. 8 hours ago, faatal said:

    Doing some biome testing and tried RWG.


    Thanks for the screen shot , its looking great.


     I just have some questions if I may be so bold :)


    1. Can we go into those tunnels?
    2. New bridge and can we build it?
    3. New Under construction building?
    4. If we put down a bed in a large POI will we have to keep clearing it out?
    5. New POI's?
    6. Love the blending of the snow and dirt looks really good
    7. Can see the zoning at work seems to go from Heavy industrial, to home to business district


  6. Today we go through which is most likely the biggest change to come to 7D2D in a very long time possibly ever.


    A whole new way to generate city's and it gives them nearly endless possibilities.


    I go through the video and answer some of the questions we asked of the dev of 7D2D, there is quite a bit of technical speak in here and it is still early days but I am super excited about this.


    If I missed someone or messed something up let me know but this is how I understand this awesome new tech 


    Special Thanks to the following for asking the questions on the Forums and to anyone else I may have missed.
    Jost Amman 



  7. 13 hours ago, Kinyajuu said:

    1. You are correct.
    2. Yes, new districts can be defined in rwgmixer xml and you can also define what townships they go in.

    1. With this new tech is there a way to stop the same kind of shop populating the same tile, eg two different Shamway foods?

    2. Can we build a subway system that can interconnect across different tiles?

    3. In the world gen options can we set city size?

    4. Could we make a football stadium across 4 different tiles and have them line up in the world gen?

    5. Does the Distant POI work correctly with this new tech?


    Thanks again Knyajuu

  8. 37 minutes ago, gizmomelb said:

    are there still plans to update the game to the newer version of Unity?


    In the video they are using 2020.3.1f1 and on twitter they did say they might have a higher version they are working with.

  9. 7 hours ago, stallionsden said:

    So Tiles be town and city or just found in the city.

    From the sound of it, we will have city tiles to make unique city's and other tiles that will fit into the wilderness as POI, like a ranger cabin or the like.


    Also from Kinyajuu 


    1. Yes, wilderness. anything above 100 probably won't fit the largest and the hard rule is nothing bigger than the poi marker size. The code for smaller Prefabs to get centered when a smaller one is chosen is already in place, it's simply turned off while we get things finished up as we don't want non standards popping up in test generations.

  10. 3 minutes ago, zztong said:

    Related to the discussion of Tiles, I'm thinking of Mods like the CompoPack where there are lots of contributed POIs of many wild sizes...


    1. Is there still a place where very large, non-standard sized POIs can be placed? The wilderness, perhaps? The edge of cities and towns?
    2. Can we define additional "standard sizes" via XML/XSLT in mods that include custom Tiles? Or, is that just a matter of how big the dimensions are drawn onto a Tile for POI Spawn Markers? (And the, by convention, TFP have just always drawn those standard sizes.)

    Not to quibble, but I think he was asking about the colors being shown for the POI Spawn Markers, not the sizes. Or maybe I read it wrong.

    Pretty much, for instance if red square = housing and grey = industrial ect

  11. 8 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

    So based off of the city grid video it appears that Joe Bro's Builders is getting a fairly significant overhaul.

    Clunky Oil as well.

    Seems like most buildings are getting an overhaul, I can see a lot of use of this new tech and now I am super curious of what else they have got :)

  12. On 12/4/2020 at 1:06 PM, FranticDan said:

    I decided to reenable the Charging Bull perk, because I enjoyed using it in A17. Noticed 2 things, it doesn't correctly function anymore, and the new description is essentially Pain Train from Fallout 4.

    My question is, will Charging Bull be making a return in A20?

    I dont think any new perks will be added now, they are pushing hard for beta and then gold.

  13. 2 hours ago, Drucipurr said:

    Let me ask this very serious question, I'm very fond of the momentum that this game is moving at; believe me it's great. 


    That being said, why don't we have a usable hearse? I as well as a few other players that I know think this would be a perfect addition to the game. Also, preacher zombies to go with the church POI's would be pretty sweet. 

    My guess would be that its too limited you can only really use that zombie in one POI, its the same reason why cheerleaders, footballer and strippers have all been removed or replaced.


    They are too unique and would only make sense in one location, far better to have some generic zombies that can be used anywhere, than one or two you can only really use in one POI.

  14. 11 hours ago, Promethean Winchester said:

    You guys should add a warning growl for wolf and direwolf attacks. The direwolf at least, its attacks are too powerful to warrant complete and utter silence until it's upon you. Dogs growl when they start running at you, and they're micky mouse to kill, barely a threat. It was day 4, early morning, still night time technically, and I had armor on 4 different slots, I was harvesting cobblestone and cement blocks at a construction site, while crouched, so my noise was super quiet. I still couldn't hear the direwolf who attacked me while I was digging the blocks. I got out my level 1 AK immediately, turned toward it and shot it 4 times in the head, but by then it had attacked me the 3 times required to kill me... Which is kind of absurd when you're wearing 4 pieces of armor. But keep that, hell, double the direwolf's damage, as long as you add a growl so I can kill it or reach a safe spot before it has a chance to harm me at all. I'm a death is death player and for the most part the game's pretty balanced, look out for landmines, hope for the landmine immunity book, if you step on one and die, it's because of your own lack of focus. But that's where the direwolf seems like it needs the change of an audio queue, you simply cannot prepare for it until it's already attacking you, unless you saw it first, which is hard to do at night even with the glowing eyes, when you're busy doing stuff and interacting with blocks. A precious whole single second after it growls to at least do something would turn an impossible situation into a possible one. If I heard it growl I would have jumped over the nearby obstacles to gain some distance and switched to my AK, and I could have handled it. When I died, my bullets didn't even stop it from attacking me. I was auto-firing it in the face but it still bit me two more times in rapid succession. The direwolf should be OP, I get it, but at least give it a growl. Dogs have always had warning growls because they're damn dogs, and damn dangerous, at least they were before bleed wounds became less common. You always knew the players deserved that warning growl to even the score because in the history of 7 days dogs were a prominent threat. I've never seen a more equal candidate for such a warning growl than the direwolf, because it's the new alpha predator in the game. Give it a growl please =( If you tell me there already is a warning growl for the direwolf, then you guys definitely need to double the volume of it because like I said, shoveling cobblestone while crouched. Nothing should have been louder than the incoming direwolf.

    Please use some spacing, no one is going to read that wall of text. 

    2nd you were doing something, it does not matter if your were crouched or not you will still make some noise.

    Direwolfs are not new they have been around for years, 


    I dont see TFP changing an section of the game due you dying once to a wolf, it happens to all of us dying is a part of the game you will die and you will die a lot.

    They are pushing to get the game done and I highly doubt that this will be changed.


    I have been killed more times by that damn boar than any other animal in the game including dogs lol :) 

  15. 1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

    And that's the end of the Elder Scrolls series... :Cry:

    You the corpse of the creation engine 3.0, maybe now they will move off of the game byro engine which they have been using since Oblivion which came out in 2006.


    Its a utter nightmare to work in and use, crashes all the time and unstable as anything.

  16. 4 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    Really? Hit up a few nightclubs in most densely populated cities in the US and I bet you'll see some.  Here in California thats nothing special...lol

    I was in London the other day and ye I had to keep winding my eyes back in my head.


    Women wearing no shirt only a leather jacket and a bra and plenty of jiggle, or runners again in London that dont wear any supporting garments same thing happens.


    I dont see this as issue at all, I mean have you seen dead or alive volley ball, Skyrim, Fallout 4 mods, SoulCalibre or my favorite Conan Exiles where you could have huge breasts or a foot long shlong with both of them having jiggle physics.


    I cant wait to see the gasser and all his loose fat jiggle and move and he walks to you.


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