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Deverezieaux last won the day on July 6 2022

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  1. Thanks. I started updating a couple. Not sure I'll continue beyond the A21 fixes. Need to focus on more important things, but we'll see.
  2. Hi everyone. I know a lot of you have been waiting for an Alpha 21 update of my work. Unfortunately my busy summer has turned into a rather difficult September. I’m having some hard personal times, and I appreciate your patience. I’m hoping when I come back I’ll do some cool stuff.
  3. Unfortunately not yet. I haven't even had a chance to play Alpha 21 yet. 😕 This Summer has been ridiculously busy for me. I was just telling a couple of folks I'd try and get it updated starting September. I hope you can hold on a little while!
  4. Just to jump in real quick; I try to make tiles that have some aspects of a regular POI so they're not just flat land with roads and a few decorations. I was always happily surprised in A20 when I would come across a tile feature that after hours of play I hadn't noticed before, particularly a hidden sewer access. I made a couple of bases in these locations as they're fun and look cool. Because of that I made sure to add features like that to my tiles wherever possible. For example I added a sewer line that goes completely across my government skyscraper tile with anterooms and offshoots. I also try to use parts in my tiles, which can act as mini-POIs. If you need a hand with anything as you learn, I'm sure many of us would be happy to help.
  5. The "Spooky Spring" Mini-Update is here! See the first post for promo video and download link. *I'm also reposting the "Duplex Update" video link below just for posterity.
  6. Sneak peak at the upcoming "spooky themed" modlet mini-release. Two new POIs based on movies, and one from one of my favorite games. Can you guess what any of these are?!
  7. Hi @Evil_Geoff, it'd be difficult to give you options without being able to try them out first. Often when I'm building POIs I'll have to page through blocks repeatedly, plug variations in and out, and sometimes tear whole sections down and rebuild with different blocks to see what fits. It might be easier to help figure out suggestions if you could share the unfinished version with the prefabbers here. The only thing I might suggest without being able to try it myself is using sheets, plates, tips or filler blocks somehow to make the space look solid. It doesn't necessary have to be solid if it looks solid. The problem with tips or fillers may be the rotations. For example, the half wedge tip might make the 1/3 blocks look like a corner but they don't rotate to the correct 45 degree angle.
  8. Thanks for sharing the link @kydyr. I installed and opened this in the editor and it has many missing blocks. I am using alpha 20.6, and if you are as well this will not spawn in game. It is most likely the alpha 19 version of this POI and needs to be updated. I can do this, but I believe @weaponspec is still around so I'd recommend asking if there's an updated version or if he plans on updating it. If not, I can update the blocks, but I try not to touch anyone else's POIs unless they specifically give me permission. I almost forgot to mention. You could update it yourself if you want. Here's a great tutorial from NAGG about updating to alpha 20:
  9. Hi there @kydyr can you give a bit more information? This will help the prefabbers help you more effectively. For example, could you link to the POI you're talking about? If it's posted here in the prefabs forum, the original designer may even be able to help you. Speaking of the original designer, if the original POI was posted here on the forums, you may consider trying to directly message the original creator, or commenting on the original thread where it was posted to get a quicker reply. There are a lot of custom prefabs, quite a few of which are underground military bases or bunkers, so it helps to know exactly which one. Let us know a bit more info and we'll be happy to help.
  10. The Duplex Update is here! See the first post for promo video and download!
  11. To start I will probably make a non-teragon specific gateway tile to work with Michael's tile system. At 150 x 150 I should have enough room to make a convincing elevated location with a water source (think a mountain with a water-filled crater) and a broken dam POI. It may look out of place depending on how it spawns in random gen, but think of it more as a proof of concept. I'd want it to be as usable as possible, and given it would already be dependent on using Michael's water based tiles used in the way Z suggested back in October, it already has a bit of complexity.
  12. Nah. You just need the save and the generated world. I haven't installed any POI and it works just fine, here's a picture of it in my game. It's not even saved as a POI which is why I recommended the conversion video for the original author. If it helps the coordinates are roughly 260W by 300N, not exactly center map. It may be an issue of your directory structure, but beyond that it's hard to diagnose an issue from afar. Unfortunately that's about all I can offer to help.
  13. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.... Interesting. Once added to the local saves the "Eyoe Mountains" save should appear in your continue menu as pictured here: Ignore the game name I used, it doesn't matter once you have the save. Not sure if this is helpful as I don't know your level of tech savviness, but both the "Saves" and "Generated Worlds" folders should be located in the "C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie" folder. "YOURUSERNAME" being the name of your Windows account, assuming you use Windows and your user files are on the C drive.
  14. Correct. I was able to get it to show up by continuing that save, though it took a minute to find as you have to be fairly close for it to load in and see it. You may need to slowly fly around the area low to the ground for it to load in. I warped by it several times before I located it.
  15. In order to make this work you have to drop the map "Eyoe Mountains" from the shared "Generated Worlds" folder into your Generated Worlds folder. Then you also need to drop the savegame "Eyoe Mountains" from the shared "Saves" folder in your Saves folder. Otherwise when starting the map it will be started as a fresh generation and any player changes such as building on, or destruction of the map will not exist. This could also be made into a standalone POI with the standard export methods, though the way it's integrated into the terrain of this map may make that a bit odd. Here's one of several good demos:
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