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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Run your ass off and go do something else for a bit. They usually forget after a while, don't remember exactly how long off the top of my head.
  2. And to add to the above... Yes, DF has extra models with extra textures, and I enabled GPU Instancing on a lot of those textures to help with load times and to make gameplay smoother. That's why you're having issues.
  3. Restart the game, set your max zombies on the menu higher.
  4. You may need to reinstall then. Make sure you have a completely clean 19.2 to install the mod onto.
  5. Yep. Any lower and zombies wont spawn. You CAN get away with 75 if need be. It's a UI bug. Not enough space. Put it on your hotbar to get rid of "equip" and then it should work. ACTUALLY, in A16 it used to determine amount you got from harvesting the plant too...
  6. The bullet sponge thing has been removed from zombies. Personally I wouldn't go above Warrior difficulty for a first run. Leave max zombies as 100 MINIMUM. Higher is fine, but over 150 can get a bit laggy. I also wouldn't go higher than 90 min days (I actually find 75 min days works REALLY well, but that's just personal opinion, 60 is default), I wouldn't adjust loot amount any lower than 50%, wouldn't mess with bonus XP and stick to bloodmoon every 7 days. I think that's everything.
  7. Server build should come with a pre-done serverconfig.xml file for some recommended defaults.
  8. I wonder if that's related to the fetile_level in materials.xml. Your trader bob faction needs to be at least 30. You can check that in one of the character stat pages.
  9. Tell the lazy @%$#s to go murder some animals.
  10. I legit don't care on farms. I throw down water and plants and walk away and just let them do their thing. I'm more concerned about time optimization for looting/quests.
  11. And that's because the plants wont grow if there's no water, so it part-skips a check. This really doesn't have to be drilled down to a fine science you know 😛 EDIT: That's also why irrigation and smaller areas of water work more consistently.
  12. Caitlin or the wandering trader sell them in secret stash. Otherwise you have to grind specific trader rep and have 100k dukes in your inventory. They're getting a craftable recipe for V3.3. It won't be cheap. To add to your edit at the bottom. I set a specific time in blocks.xml. However, the ACTUAL time is semi-random. Why? I have no idea. But it does it in vanilla too. The grow stages are 63 minutes but it can be anywhere from like 60 to 75. Nope.
  13. Ok, so I have good news and bad news. APPARENTLY it's also happening on Ravenhearst and Undead Legacy, but ONLY on servers. I'm not sure if it still happens on vanilla, but it's not just a DF thing. It does suck. I honestly wish I could give multiple items back on recipe completion. I may have to look into that as a potential harmony patch. Beakers can be found in the lab boxes, medical piles, the medical cabinets and I think the supply crates. Yep, normal plants will work with the pipes. The underground ones need the growing light (they don't work with sun), but they also grow faster.
  14. Yes that's intended since I can only give you 1 item back from a recipe. So it'd be the bandage OR the bowl.
  15. There's a way to do it. I don't know exactly how, because i've never messed with it. But basically you need to position the POI's, then find the chunk (there's online tools for this IIRC), then you can just delete the chunk from your save and that SHOULD force the game to regenerate it when you next visit. Obviously back up saves beforehand.
  16. Heads up... currently dealing with the after effects of a migraine. So if something is worded wrong, or sounds annoyed, not intended. Just didn't wanna leave you folks without answers. You use the numpad to control the elevator. Not sure on this one but I remember someone else having the same issue... and then it just... worked. No idea how/why. I haven't messed with the power stuff AT ALL because the last time I tried I really broke something. ^ that. You have to "re arm" them. DF for 19.3 will have a journal entry explaining this when you first make one. 1) I think one of the classes may have given you points when it shouldn't have. 2) PREGEN01-03 are not edited for DF compatibility, so the POI's you need aren't there. You can't just add them unless you also regenerate the chunks they're in. Navezgane IS edited with the DF prefabs. Turn off EAC.
  17. You go to a trader, use a vending machine or find/make a watch. No time is intended. As for big picture, no idea. I don't use it. No idea what's going on there. I did have a patch for air drops, but it was buggy so I removed it.
  18. Yeah, I find the 5x5 works the best. I do it like this. X X X X X X X X X X X X W X X X X X X X X X X X X X is either hoe'd ground or farm plot. W is where I have the rain catcher. With a raised area, I find the rain catcher in that spot spawns enough water to fill ALL space underneath the farm plots/dirt on a regular basis so plants grow more consistently.
  19. I checked and I was slightly wrong. It's 2 hours PER STAGE. So 2 hours from Seed to young plant, 2 more from young plant to harvestable plant. I don't, off the top of my head, remember how often the update tick is but it checks for water every tick. And yes, the best way to do it is to either build a raised area, or dig about 2 blocks down and create some deep channels with a rain catcher somewhere near the middle so it can spawn on top and then flow along all sides. And I know people keep saying "Oh, you can do a 9x9 or a 7x7." and I keep telling them "Don't do that, do a 5x5 with the rain catcher in the middle." Because that's what I test with and use when I play, and it works great. I am absolutely, 100%, not going DLL diving to find out exact specifics on when update ticks fire to get any kind of estimate on how long it takes plants to grow. They're supposed to take a while. Folks in the discord have it working great. That's good enough for me.
  20. There might be a couple of classes where I forgot to refund the points, but most do it. Especially laborer since they get locked out of the most perks. I think you get something daft like... 15-20 points if all the perks you had were removed.
  21. You can read more than one class book. Some classes reset perks that they would not normally be able to buy, like Forge Ahead and Steel Crafting if you take Laborer. You get those points back so you can spend them into the appropriate perks. This is for 2 reasons. 1) When I didn't lock off those perks, people bought them, and then complained about loss of skill points. 2) When I DID lock off those perks, but did not refund skill ponts, people complained about loss of skill points. Check your skills. If it says "No X Class" that means you will lose access to that perk when you take that class, because the class has access to it's recipes already built into one of it's classes. You will also often get a refund of the skill points for that perk. EDIT: To clarify, Forged Steel does NOT say "NO LABORER CLASS NEEDED". It says "No Laborer Class." I.E: You can only purchase this perk IF YOU ARE NOT a Laborer.
  22. As I said, water is typically consumed on the plants update tick, which is approximately 3 hours. Now, how much? That's harder. It's SUPPOSED to be just 1 block per plant but it's often more than that. That's why people use the rain catcher because it spawns water more often. I'm not gonna go break down the exact math on when/where/how much each plant needs. Just make a damn rain catcher and go "Ok, i'm good." 😛 And fruit trees, Seed stage - 3 hours. Small stage - 4 hours. Total time to go from seed to fully grown with fruit - 7 hours. And remember, that's an ESTIMATE. I put 180 in the file for how long I want it to take, the game adds some randomness to that, so it can be slightly earlier, or slightly later... PER STAGE. And that ONLY applies to fruit trees. Normal trees were not changed. If you read the laborer class book and take the laborer class, then yes, that will happen. That is INTENDED. If, for some reason, you decided to read the laborer book despite already having the class... 1) I probably can't do much about that. 2) WHY?
  23. Plants consume water. That's why a lot of folks use the rain catcher since it constantly spawns water. If there's no water nearby on their update check, then they skip growing and you have to wait again. Grow time is 3-ish RL hours. Changing server speed does NOT alter this. The farmer mastery hydroponic plants grow a lot faster. Trees should just grow wherever but they also take quite a while. SMG levels pistol and automatic weapons actions skills, AND benefits from both. However it ONLY benefits from pistol PERKS. So like... Better Lead Than Dead (Auto weapon perk) doesn't work, but The Outlaw (pistol perk) DOES work. You need The Completionist perk.
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