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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Right now, I'd be happy if the forge worked properly. So far it seems to be an issue with the normal forge AND my modded forge. The first item in a stack is instantly melted, and the last item in a stack remains. Does it with iron, brass, lead, clay and the new titanium. However, that's with the bigger backpack mod installed, so I think I need to test it without that. EDIT: Aaaaaaand does it with the normal one too. Huh. I wonder what I broke. Another Edit: Works fine if you don't watch the forge. Alright then. Whatever game.
  2. Just thought I'd update this with my current plans. So I'm working on adding titanium to the game. The idea is I'll lower the requirements to learn steel (probably to around level 125) and make titanium what you can learn at high level. I might go 50/100/150 for iron/steel/titanium. It won't be used for armour, but it will be used for tools and weapons. The idea is it'll do about the same damage as steel (maybe slightly more), but use less stamina because it's lighter. So yeah. That's the plan.
  3. And localization added! Also tweaked the new quests to give 300, 350 and 400 coins on completion depending on which one you complete.
  4. Mod updated! NPC Guard Captain added to all traders. They have a unique "for sale" list consisting of 3 quests. Those 3 quests can be bought for 200 coins each, and grant coins as a reward and skill notes so players have another way to get them in order to craft skill books. Amount of coins rewarded will be tweaked, and the quests need localization right now. However I wanted to push this patch so any new traders you find will have the NPC's. Old ones you have already discovered likely will not have the NPC's. If you have any errors, you may need a new world. Skill points per level decreased to 4 since it's now easier to craft the generic skill point books.
  5. Started working on an NPC for players to buy quests from last night. Totally broke it, because coding while you are tired is not wise, but I've got a good base started. Once the code is done, I'm going to push the patch and then work on the localization aspect later. The reason for doing it like that is because I would need to edit the trader prefab, which can require a world reset. So I'd rather get THAT part released first, and the "prettyfying" bit later.
  6. Just a small update. Tweaked the XP required to level so it takes slightly longer. Skills should level at the same rate. Server version of the 45-slot backpack mod added to downloads (use the EAC-safe files for servers if you don't plan to use the backpack mod)
  7. Mod Updated! NPC's could drop their guns and ammo on death. Now they can't. NPC guns given their own "parts" so players cannot craft them. NPC's were not reloading guns due to too many ammo types. Now they do! NPC guards added to all trader prefabs! They shoot zombies and bandits as default... and you if you attack them.
  8. Small update. Added a custom icon for the Water Butt so it doesn't look like a normal oil drum (still wish I could tint the block!) and changed the localization for the tooltip that pops up when the game starts. It now tells you that you have the class book rather than needing to go to the trader to get it.
  9. Mod updated! Trader NRE issue is completely fixed. Trader protection has been REMOVED, meaning the POI is no longer safe from bandit or zombie attacks! The trader NPC is immortal though, so even if the POI is destroyed, the trader will remain. I strongly recommend server owners find as many traders as possible and slap down land claim blocks to prevent players claiming them as bases. Though it's fun to do in single player.
  10. Okay, so the "fix" means protection straight up won't work. However, trader NPC's are apparently immortal since I shot one with the Admin: Just Die gun and he didn't die. I'll be pushing this fix soon. It does mean the trader POI's are no longer safe and players will have to be a little pro-active in defending their local trader, but the NPC CANNOT die... so you're safe on that front.
  11. Yep. That's a problem. But I can increase the hit points of the trader NPC to help with that if I can't get the protection working.
  12. I kinda like it... it means players cant just run into the trader to hide from zombies Need to poke at it more though and see if I can get the protection back.
  13. Currently doing some testing, but I may have fixed the NRE issue with traders and NPC's. Only tested it with 1 trader right now, but had no issues. The downside is the trader also had no protection anymore.
  14. Okay, I had the backpack problem on stream as well. I'm not sure why clicking the "take all" button isn't working. I will have to look into that. However, the keyboard shortcut to "take all" (which is R by default) works absolutely fine. That's what I normally use while playing which is why I didnt notice.
  15. Just pushed a really quick fix since it seems to be helping me on stream. Reduced amount of survivors and bandits, class book now granted on game START (not when you get to the trader). Both should be on GitHub. Hopefully that'll help. I'm still going to look at limiting where the traders spawn to help with the issue. As an aside, this isn't JUST a thing with my mod. It happens in WotW if the survivor NPC's get near traders or wandering traders too. It's a pain in the arse.
  16. That means there's an NPC nearby headbutting the wall or something. I just had it on stream too. Basically any mod using NPC's has it, so I'm looking at alternatives to fix it (like spawning the NPC's and traders in seperate biomes) It does that to me as well on both of my rigs. I run it, let it get to the menu, close the game and then reload it. Typically it's because it's generating the UMA textures, then it runs fine.
  17. GitHub link should work. Those are the files I was using to test multiplayer over LAN.
  18. I'll look into the backpack issue tonight. I was planning to stream the mod anyways so I can look for bugs, and that way I have video footage to look back on. Thank you very much! I shall go and update the OP tonight.
  19. Regarding the trader issue, I've had a bit of a poke around the XML. Basically, if the class is set to either EntitySurvivor or EntityBandit, then NRE's spawn when either survivors or bandits get near the trader. If I set that to EntityPlayer, the errors stop but the NPC's also don't move or spawn loot... and the chat box gets spammed with "player has died" messages. If I set it to EntityZombie, then the NPC's move and attack, but cause NRE's when you try to loot the corpse and they won't use weapons. It stops the trader issue though. Right now, there's 2 options. Either deal with the NRE's and I'll see about adding the anti-NRE console spam mod to the BBM version (can't add it to the EAC version because it uses SDX), or remove traders and spawn a vending machine in the POI that fulfills the same purpose. This would stop the errors AND allow folks to still buy stuff.
  20. Mod updated! Descriptions added for Fish, Fish Pie and Grilled Fish. Icons added for NPC weapons and ammo, so they properly show up in the creative menu (No new icons, just using existing ones so it's a pure XML edit) I'm going to look into the trader thing next. I think it's either the "Teleport" thing trying to trigger that's causing the problem, or the trader protection that's the issue. Either way, I'm going to play around with it locally and see if I can sort something out. I know it's an issue on WotW too.
  21. They are a bit aim-bot ish. Thankfully the gun ones are now rare and the only ones that are a major problem are the ones with AK-47. Right now, I believe they only spawn in the plains, burned biome and the wasteland_hub (so around 0,0) There's no female voices in the assets for the bandits, so I figured male was better than nothing because it gives the player an audio cue that it's an enemy. I never made icons for the NPC weapons because I figured it wouldn't matter. I'll poke the XML and call the currently existing ones later. I'm not doing anything larger than 45 slot bags, because part of the experience is properly managing your inventory, not just looting everything in sight. But a bigger bag was definitely needed! (If someone else wants to mod in a larger bag, feel free! This was more a personal choice on my part) Forge is 2 slot for a reason. That reason is the Advanced Forge is 3 slot. - - - Updated - - - If you mean the NRE spam, then unfortunately yes. That's next on my list to look into. I'm gonna poke the trader prefab XML's and see if I can fix it through that. Just checked. The fishing stuff all has icons for me (except for a food item that I haven't enabled yet). I'll double check the mods folder on github and ensure they're uploaded.
  22. Main posted updated with a 45-slot BBM version. Minibike also had it's storage increased to 45 slots, and I increased the size of the container for the dropped player backpack so you won't lose items. Minibike and backpack retain items if you log out and back in. I cannot guarantee a dropped backpack will, so get your stuff before you log out if you die!
  23. I had that after I did some testing today. Changing when it's rewarded seems to have flixed it, so thank you for telling me.
  24. Done! Thank you for the tip. I did originally plan to upload all of the textures, but I found out that increased the mod size to 1GB when I was transferring it between PC's here.
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