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Posts posted by KhaineGB

  1. I do not, because I am lazy and haven't gotten around to it. ;)


    But at least I'm honest?


    It's something I plan to work on very soon, along with changing all of the localization to show where items are made/where tools are used. That's the sort of stuff I want to concentrate on for now, along with bug fixing rather than trying to add more features to the mod. :)

  2. Are the night terror sounds still in the game I been watching Grum play he is day 48 and haven't heard any yet ?


    He's probably playing the "streamer friendly" version that removes that audio to prevent DMCA issues.

  3. Small update. (V1.6.1)

    • Sulfur now takes 30 seconds to craft in the campfire, 15 seconds in the chemistry station.
    • Traders now restock every 2 days and have more basic materials for building.
    • Civilian mastery book REMOVED from loot and trader lists. It is now granted to the player upon completing their civilian class. Yes, this means the class is very front-loaded, but anyone could read the book otherwise.
    • Day has been added back under the compass. I felt that was important to know, plus it's unreasonable to assume the player isn't keeping track of days somehow. Time is still removed.

    I felt adding the Day back was a good compromise, and I've been playing with that locally and WAY prefer it to either full information or no information. You'll still need vending machines to find out the time (or listen to the audio cues), but at least now players will know how long until horde day.


    I also liked what Max had done regarding the basic construction materials on the trader, and I felt adding more would be of benefit to players. Amounts may need some tweaking, so let me know. :)


    I also want to let folks know I'm probably NOT adding any more features to the mod, for now. There's a lot I want to do which is just going to be so much easier when A17 drops, so I'm going to wait for that (like prefabs related to quests, etc). Right now, my priority is to knuckle down on fixing any missing icons, localization, balance issues, etc.

  4. I'm actually playing with just the day on stream right now, and I WAY prefer it so far.


    I think the constant "not knowing" when horde day will be is the main issue. It's not unreasonable to assume the player is mentally counting the days.


    So I think I'll play with this a little more and collect more feedback... but I might leave the days turned on.

  5. I went ahead and put it back. I just figure, dudes gotta have a watch or something, yeah?


    Well most people DON'T have watches these days. You ask someone what the time is and they'll pull their phone out.


    I think its not a big deal to not know of the exact day count either. If you ask me, I can even accept a random bloodmoon night, like between 5-15 days, a bloodmoon can happen.. That will be a tense experience.


    Random bloodmoons would be pretty cool, but probably not something I'd put into this mod (if I could even work out HOW to do it!)

  6. So I've been doing some thinking.


    I quite like not having the day and time... I think it enhances the survival experience. But I also kinda feel like you need to know the day... because it's called 7 days to die.


    This is my current idea to meet in the middle between the "no time/day" and "put it back."



  7. The rad vultures are a bit insane, because they regenerate health. I've tried to make them rarer though. :)


    Normal vultures should be the same as vanilla, but I can double check that.


    And I'll have a look at the probability of wrench spawning. I -think- I left that the same as vanilla, but if it needs a minor tweak, I can do that.


    Also, just so folks know, yes the time to make sulfur is VERY wrong. I'm currently tweaking that as well, plus giving the guards infinite ammo.


    Tip for the clock: If the trader has the vending machine for sale, buy it and put it in your base. You now have a clock. ;)

  8. They all have this.


    <property name="ItemsOnEnterGame.GameModeSurvivalSP" value="npcgunWinchesterRifle,npc44MagBulletHP"/>
    <property name="ItemsOnEnterGame.GameModeSurvivalMP" value="npcgunWinchesterRifle,npc44MagBulletHP"/>


    As far as I know from testing things out, that gives them infinite ammo. They used to drop full stacks on death.

  9. I'll take air kisses, or bro hugs. That's fine. ;)


    And glad you're enjoying it! I tried that out first before including it, got it all working and went "Yep. I like that. That needs to go in."


    And I have NO idea what's going on with the guards. They're mostly there for looks rather than function anyways. I never really intended folks to live in the trader, but I figured it would be reasonable for the trader to have guards.

  10. Ah that's probably it. There were two zeds locked in a small room with it and they went ape♥♥♥♥ when I started knocking down the door.


    Yep, if the safe gets damaged then you can't lockpick it because the lockpicks use the "upgrade" method to do it.


    It's an issue on Valmod and WotW as well. Haven't found a way around it, unfortunately.

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