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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 1 hour ago, Riamus said:

    They are already late at night and then wasting so much time in them just joking around and trying to figure out sound and whatever else is kind of a slap in their viewers' faces.


    I think the format you will probably always prefer is a down-to-business recap video produced by a professional streamer. People really do enjoy viewing the developers joking around and having fun while others are going to see such things as fluff and a waste of time. It's pretty much how they do every video and is unlikely to change in the future. Best advice is to avoid the original dev stream if such shenanigans and amateurish newscasting is off-putting and just wait until someone else recaps the highlights professionally.

  2. Make sure feral sense is switched to on either during the day or at all times per your preference. There are often zombies spawned in the area but they don't sense you so they just stand around and you may not notice them. But with feral sense they come towards you from further away and so it feels like there are a lot more zombies around.

  3. 46 minutes ago, viper546 said:

    The problem with computer power is not, but to play with 20 zombies (near the house) for 4 people is boring, I want to be 32 for each person, that is 128 zombies at once. If in the mod that you advised me to add more zombies than 100 on the map (there are more than 100 is not), it will really work?


    I don't know. You'll have to try the mod and see. I was talking about your question regarding whether the 64 zombies per person in the base game is fake or not. Its not fake per se but it is limited by how many people are playing because of the max zombie count value. For questions regarding specific mods you should ask in that mod's thread in the modding forum and the author will be able to talk about what they've done and how it works. Or you can download it and test it for yourself and see if it provides a true 32 zombies per person on your server.

  4. 6 hours ago, viper546 said:

    In this modlet, the maximum you can put in is 100 zombies. It turns out that in the original settings 64 zombies per person is fake? Because even with the mod for 2 people will not be after all 128 zombies or I do not understand something wrong?


    It's not fake so much as it is limited by the coded maximum alive value of 64. So if you play solo and set it to 64 zombies per person you will get 64 but if you play with a friend you both will get 32 when you are both on at the same time. If 8 people are playing then it will be 8 per person even though the setting is 64 per person. But if you remained on the server and your friends all signed off to go to bed then you would once again get 64 zombies at a time.


    If you can mod the max alive value to 712 then if you have it set to 64 zombies per person you should actually get that. Don't forget to pop some pocorn while you watch the slideshow....

  5. 1 hour ago, Malorydoto said:

    i just got accepted but idk what kind of video i need to make or where i publish the video....

    you don’t have to do a separate special video. During one of your normal episodes take a moment to announce that you have been accepted and will be playing 1.0 coming soon. Then send an email to Crater Creator with the time stamp where he can quickly confirm it.

  6. 2 hours ago, faatal said:

    Tasks are coming along, but multiple features are still in development and quite a few bugs to fix.


    Console date was defined as July when 1.0 was announced.


    So it did! Thanks for pointing that out! For whatever reason I was thinking it was all June. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Teteria said:

    Does this mean that beta branch will be out in June or will beta branch come very very soon and 1.0 in June?


    We don't have exact dates but there will be a short experimental beta released on PC soon. It will go live for us on one of the upcoming Mondays following Memorial Day so possibly: June 3, June 10, or June 17 as the most likely candidates if they want to launch 1.0 for console before the end of June. Whatever Monday it launches there will be a streamer weekend during the 2-3 days before the beta launch.


    So as long as they are still on schedule with their plans there will be a beta branch sometime during the first part of June and then 1.0 will release for both console and PC at the end of June. If they are behind schedule then the beta branch will hopefully release before the end of June with 1.0 for console and Steam launching in July. I don't think it would slip any later than that. The announcement wasn't an off-hand comment during an interview or wishful thinking by the owners. It was an intentional press release as part of their ongoing roadmap. So hopefully it is right on time with the caveat that sometimes stuff happens to delay slightly.


    EDIT: I just read the blurb with the Hops pic and it says June for Steam and July for Console so it sounds like things slipped a bit. That means you can probably add June 24 as a possible Monday for the experimental launch.

  8. On 5/19/2024 at 6:24 AM, DarkShiva said:

    I have question as I have never done one of these before. Do I have to live stream it or am I able to tape it 1st then release the video on the same weekend? Thank you for any answers I get 😊


    Unless the rules have changed on this, you can do a recorded video of your gameplay during the weekend instead of a stream but you won't get access to the build any sooner to make your video before the weekend. That means depending on how long it takes you to get it done and posted people wouldn't see your video until later in the weekend than if you just stream it.

  9. They don’t necessarily have to edit trader locations in Navezgane. What they should do,imo, is disable Navezgane until the story is ready. Keep it secret while they update it and add the story elements. In the meantime they should designate the 6k Pregen map as Beginner World so new players can have an easier world they can load up right away. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Laz Man said:


    Last Alpha, Perishton received a big update.  We have plans to update the map further on our way to the "Story" update mentioned on the roadmap.  Some of the new POIs will go into Navezgane for 1.0 but the bigger updates will come later.


    Any plans on moving the traders closer to larger settlements within their biomes in Navezgane? Presently their locations are on the remote side and it makes Navezgane the most difficult map to play which might be a zinger for brand new players.

  11. 22 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    From my perspective - almost 75-80% of game design for me needed to be changed through xml files.


    This is a clear indication that the game is just not what you like. I don't enjoy RTS games. Their design is about 75-80% distasteful to me and I never spend money on them. When a game is 75-80% unpleasant, that isn't a simple situation of fix a few things and you're good. 1.0 is dropping very soon and the devs aren't going to be changing 75-80% of the game into something different than it already is. Maybe an overhaul mod can save the game for you but most of them haven't been created to to speed up progression any faster than the vanilla game. They make the progression deeper and more complex but not really faster. I'd say most fans of this game enjoy a longer lasting progression than you do and that includes most of the fans who know how to mod and are creating mods.


    I get it. You like open world survival games with a heavy dose of sandbox gameplay and this game looked like it fit the bill but when you got into playing it you realized it had too much RPG-ness and random factors that remove control of the progression pacing from the player and you hate that. It wasn't something you were expecting. And to make matters worse, there weren't enough options in the top menu to configure the game more to the way you would enjoy it.  If I bought this game and it had a ton of RTS gameplay packed in I wouldn't really enjoy it either and if I wasn't expecting it I would be disappointed that I paid money for it.


    A lot of your QOL suggestions are good and have a good chance of being implemented. But most of your suggestions that run contrary to the design goals of the developers are just not going to happen. Maybe if you outline exactly what you want out of the game and post it in the modding discussion and requests subforum your vision will spark the interest of a modder looking for an idea for a new overhaul mod. That is more likely to happen than that 1.0 or 1.1 or 1.2 or 1.3 will change the game around by 75-80% to your liking from what it is now.

  12. 9 hours ago, POCKET951 said:

    So some people have already hinted at it in this thread but in the alpha 22 console demo there is a rare item you can find, and it is a crafting component for quality 6/legendary items.(it was in the items description what it was used for) so I don't know if quality 6 item/legendary items will be ready for 1.0(it would make sense though since I could see it all as part of the new armor system update)

    I am excited for quality 6/legendary item crafting to come to the game though, and I think alot of others will be too because I know people on the forums have always asked about Q6 crafting or the possibility of legendary items since they exist in mods like Undead Legacy


    They showed it to the public so I believe it's fair game. Yes, Tier 6 gear will once again be craftable as long as you have a legendary part to include in the recipe. These are quite rare. Tier 6 recipes have been added into the magazine ladders. More details on that will have to be revealed by devs. Nice catch!

  13. Currently, the game supports keeping saves from previous versions. They appear in red. So if you have a save from A20 it shows in your list as red and unplayable. If you revert your game to A20 then those old saves become playable and any A21 saves turn red. 

    I won’t say you’re wrong because you may be right but it could be that with an update loaded that includes a new biome it might make old saves incompatible while that update it loaded. If so, then it would be better as a dlc which could be manually included or removed rather than an auto update that makes customers have to go into the beta list to revert to an earlier version. Maybe it could be as simple as selecting/deselecting it from the top menu, I don’t know. 

    If you’re right and it wouldn’t in any way affect or deny access to current saves and they would just ignore the new content then I agree that it could be just an auto update for everyone. 

    I wouldnt care much either way if it meant new biomes. 

  14. 16 minutes ago, TWORDY said:


    I don't honestly think that biomes themselves should become a separate package behind a paywall. I would rather see biomes available to all playerbase... but such an update might include some thematic outfits, skins, 1-3 weapons, and even a vehicle that might potentially come with a biome update... but, please do not divide the playerbase as a whole.   


    The inclusion of a new biome would most certainly require a restart and not work with current saves so it couldn't be something that was pushed out as an update. They almost certainly would have to make it a DLC giving gamers the choice to manually download it and have to start a new world. That doesn't mean that it has to be a paid DLC. They could do just as you said and make it a free download with some accompanying thematic outfits and skins that they charge for. However, I doubt something major like a new biome would simply be pushed out to everyone as an automatic update.

  15. 5 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    Or nonsense on the part of the roadmap, which I also don’t understand


    Let's say we already have update 1.0 ready. Release date so that developers have an audience on consoles. This is commendable, but the game is still at the alpha stage. And you can feel it.


    Feel what? A21? You are correct that it is still alpha stage. But the roadmap is dealing with updates that will be post 1.0 and forgive me but you have not "felt" 1.0 as of yet. I look forward to reading 1000 bullet points about how you feel about 1.0 but that won't be for a few weeks yet.


    5 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    Q4 2024: Probably the first priority will be the essentials, right?

    • Weather System & Biome Progression Overhaul. Wouldn't it be more logical to do this only with the final major updates? Does this really have first priority??
    • Wardrobe system could also be done with patches then focusing on the main problems of the game.
    • Crossplay/Random Gen for consoles. Shouldn't this come with an update on consoles? Okay, let’s say we don’t have a community on consoles. Let there be all the best for buyers.
    • Additional zombie stages, this could also be left in the background. Although there is still nothing to do in this game, it’s better than nothing.
    • Spawn near friend, spawn near the player of an invited friend or NPC? This was explained incorrectly. If it's about an invited friend, then it should come with the patch. And not as a new feature.
    • Twitch Drops, I have no idea why the hell this is the first priority. After all, before this there were a lot of mods where players created mods of a similar nature. But now in 7DTD this will be a full-fledged function for no one knows. Because the game is already more than 10 years old, no one will seriously hype a game in which the developers have long been rushing about what it will be like in the end. Even if we assume that it will be a good function and it will work. They will forget about it in a week. Is it worth the resources?
    • Outfit DLC if the developers' minds are clouded by money. I'm giving up the game. After all, this is the worst thing that can happen - paid dlc's. Even if it's cosmetic. This is a straight path to the garbage. A 10-year journey that led straight to the trash heap.

     Weather System and Biome Progression: Significant work has already been done and the only reason it won't be in next month's update is because it wasn't quite finished. Hence it will be in the next update. Logic dictates that when a feature is done and ready to be implemented it shall be implemented. The weather and biome progression is closely related to the outfit system which we are getting first in 1.0. The outfits will help us to survive in different biomes and weather conditions which will be coming soon after.


    Wardrobe System: Creating a system that allows players to quickly and conveniently switch outfits is more than a simple patch. It will involve a major UI menu of its own. You'd have to be more specific about what major problem of the game should be address before this feature. In all likelihood, however, it is likely to be a different team of programmers who are doing the wardrobe system than the team working on whatever major problem you are thinking of.


    Crossplay/Random Gen for Consoles: Why does it matter if this update comes to consoles at the same time the other updates come to both PC and consoles? These features will arrive when they are finished and working well without causing game crashes and corrupted saves. As with all features listed for Q4, siginificant progress has been made and they just need a bit more time to get them done-- hence their inclusion in the first major update.


    Additional Zombie Stages: I don't understand your response to this. Why should this not be done in this first update? What do you imagine it even means? I'm not exactly sure myself but what do you know?


    Spawn near friend: This probably means that we will be able to set allies and team mates before we spawn into the world so that when we do spawn in we will be able to spawn in together in close proximity. There has been a lot of community feedback asking for this and it sounds like TFP wants to fulfill that community request as soon as they can-- in the first major update.


    Twitch Drops: Despite ten years old, the game is still very popular on Twitch and the twitch integration has become a major feature of the game. The twitch event management system is going to become the basis for the events management system in a later update. It makes sense that they finalize the twitch integration feature before they then use it to run the event manager for the game.


    Outfit DLC: They are happening. If that is the deal breaker then you might as well leave now. 


    6 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    Q2 2025: Let's say it will be something worthwhile, right?

    Bandits. Finally, at least some variety in the mercenary errand simulator? I hope it won't just be bandits? After all, if they want to implement new opponents. It would be logical to add allies, improve the AI so that it can have even more characters. Because right now the world is literally dead. And if there are only Bandits there, then what is the point of adding them? We kind of have... Zombies, animals, aaaand, zombies. We don’t consider traders as NPCs because they’re just a bunch of scripts that stand still.

    UI/Main Menu Overhaul. I will pray to everyone and everything that this update does not become what happened to modern FPS. Where there are 20 tabs, 50 buttons and 350 sliders on the entire screen. To fit everything into one mess so that the player gets lost and has no room to breathe. Now I’m happy with the UI, in general there are no problems in it, but I’m sure that TFP will somehow miraculously ruin it, judging by the reviews of other players.

    Event System, shouldn't that have been the first priority? Make, for example, a living world.... To make it feel more alive... MORE THAN 3 ZOMBIES ON THE LAND. Do players have to wait until the entire quarter of 2025 to get a worthwhile login update? I think this could be done together with Twitch Drops. After all, there is virtually nothing to do in the game other than being a mercenary.

    New Quest Type, this is also one of the necessities that should be developed after the release of 1.0. I have no idea why these things come before Twitch Drops. Your game does not have gameplay, you are going to add it later after the Twitch Drops update. What's the point of old players coming in other than to look at the new armor? This is ridiculous.


    Bandits: We don't have much information other than that TFP removed the bandits they originally implemented because they didn't want bandits to simply be zombies with guns which is what they were at the time. We will see what they bring to the game. I doubt they will ever be allies in the sense that they would team up with us and live in our base. But there is a reputation system coming so their attitude towards us will probably range from friendly to hostile. More than that we just have to wait. Not you though since you'll be out after the Q4 Outfit DLCs....


    UI/ Main Menu: You are happy with the current feature. That 100% puts you on the opposite side of everybody else on every issue...


    Event System: We don't have it now simply because it isn't finished. It will be a system based upon the twitch integration programming so it makes sense that they will finish their development of twitch integration first and then do the modding necessary to create the event system.


    New Quest Types: Additional quest types are exactly the type of expansionary content that comes after 1.0. 1.0 comes with a basic number of quest types. Later updates will expand that number. Sounds pretty much like any game with basic features that are then expanded by....wait for it....expansions.


    6 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    Q4 2025: These are the things that should go at the end after adding the main content, right?

    Trader Overhaul, why is this in last place and not in Q2 2025? Traders there are overpowered, and they were given space for development right at the end of next year? Well, okay, let’s say this really doesn’t affect the gameplay that much... After what the developers added to A21 and the total need to get magazines, and the lack of basic things like teleporting a trader to a trader, taking several quests from one trader. A banal rewrite of looting. Where everything won’t be shoved into slots because you always don’t have enough of them. The fact is that the trader from the variety has 3 quests in the entire game. They focused so much on the trader that they paid attention to him last. What are these priorities??

    Story Mode, Sandbox, RPG, Survival, World generation. And do you want to add Story Mode? Let's first finish the necessary things so that they work as intended and then we will add another element that will be created in the background only after everything has been fixed? I don’t think that 7 days to die really needs a story mode, considering what the game is currently lacking. If this is a story with 10 quests, then I will flush this game in the toilet. Because it should not appear in the roadmap as a separate element. In the end, the game may have an indirect connection with radio, newspapers, traders, etc. Story Mode will be a waste of resources and time.




    Steam Workshop... I'm honestly shocked that they only added support for it at the end of the roadmap. To modify the game you already have a mods folder. What is stopping you from creating a Steam Workshop after the release of 1.0. Why is this the last priority. This is just surreal, the most necessary thing to keep your game alive at the very last point is just disrespect for the community. For me this is a personal insult.




    New quest type, wouldn't it be more logical to push this into one section, didn't you have another feature or is this just the final final option? To be honest, I felt kind of sad after analyzing the roadmap. Of course I see it negatively. But for the most part, these are things that the game at least needs, and if the implementation is not bad, then the game has a chance to be really good. But it won’t be very soon, and it’s not a fact that TFP will close by then, because their path is some kind of crazy roller coaster.


    Trader Overhaul: This is not the same thing as balancing traders. Traders have already been rebalanced for 1.0 to fix the issues of never needing to craft items that are given in quest rewards and quest loot. The trader overhaul has to do with reputation and their role in the story and possibly fast travel functionality although recently it sounds like they might be abandoning fast travel. As for your other complaints about inventory space and whatnot...that has nothing to do with traders.


    Story Mode: You hate RPG elements and story modes. Got it. You ARE going to have to flush this game down the toilet in Q4 2025 because of story mode after getting it out of the dumpster you threw it into in Q4 2024 thanks to the Outfit DLC...lol. Just face the fact that this game isn't your cup of tea.


    Steam Workshop: It's their call. The game has a robust modding community regardless of the lack of Steam Workshop support. Even in 2013 when they first kickstarted the game they put Steam Workshop support as the last thing they planned to implement. They've been advertising "Steam Workshop will be done last" for almost 11 years now and you're just now shocked?  The owners are modders themselves. They probably never viewed Steam Workshop as a necessity for modding or playing mods.


    New Quest Type: They want to trickle out the new quests one at a time. They probably realize that min/max locusts like yourself consume all new content in about four hours and then go right back to demanding moar. So they a spreading some of it out. There are other improvements and changes and new content that they plan to add and spread out across all the posted dates which is in the "and so much more" catchall.


    But, man, don't worry about anything after Q4 2024 when those outfits go on sale as DLCs listed on Steam right under the game. That's when you're throwing the game away. riiiiiiiiiight?



  16. 5 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    I played Raft...




    5 hours ago, Unamelable said:





    5 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    Project Zomboid...




    5 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    The Long Dark...




    5 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    Don't Strave...




    5 hours ago, Unamelable said:





    5 hours ago, Unamelable said:
    • I played The Forest...





    What is clear is that 7 Days to Die holds its own in comparison to these other games in terms of ongoing popularity and number of people playing them. Sorry, I couldn't get the original The Forest. All that would come up is its sequel. Your entire premise is that compared to these other games 7 Days to Die has a mix of features and lack of polish that makes it unplayable compared to these other works.  And yet.....there are more people playing 7 Days to Die than all of these other games. It can't be quite so unplayable as you make it out to be. Note that I am not arguing that 7 Days to Die is objectively better than these other games because of these comparison charts. I am simply saying that these comparison charts show that for tens of thousands of people 7 Days to Die is every bit as playable and fun as these other examples.


    The best news is that it isn't a zero-sum scenario. Gamers can play all of these games if they choose. If you don't care for 7 Days to Die then pick one you enjoy and play it. 

  17. Unfortunately for you, your priorities are different than the dev’s priorities—clearly. 

    It’s too bad you feel the need to mix in so many insults and unnecessary jabs with your suggestions and criticism. You say you want the people to whom this all is directed to listen to you but then do everything in your power to turn their attitude against you. So much effort immediately nullified by so much rudeness. I guess you aren’t really serious about actually wanting any of the changes you say you want based on the strategy you’ve chosen for delivery….

  18. On 5/5/2024 at 6:48 PM, Unamelable said:

    Thats 1920 magazines for full progression

    I hope I don't need to tell you how inflated that number is for basic progression


    There is a huge gap between "full progression" and "basic progression" but you seem to be saying they are the same. You can play effectively and survive well without reaching full progression. The game doesn't begin only after you've found every magazine. Most people play their entire playthrough with less than a full tank in most categories and still have plenty of fun. I just don't see the developers truncating or increasing the pace of progression. After all, most of the iterative changes they have made over the years has been to elongate and slow the pace of progression.

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