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Posts posted by bdubyah

  1. 4 hours ago, khzmusik said:


    I completely did not notice the name of the POI come up. I was wondering why he posted a joke Twitter video about people making motorbike sounds with their mouths.

    It took me a second too. Haha.


    For that new meter it appears that they have the POIs localized, but that may not guarantee the quest offer window using it. Hopefully it will though.

  2. @faatal All that sounds awesome. The more zombies the better. The terrain tool improvements sound good if they will work how I think. I never saw much use for that tool as is due to it being too destructive either way. Giving it a smoothing ability would be pretty sweet if that is possible. Battlecraft 1942 had some good terrain abilities back in the day for BF42. Something like that would be perfect.


    Have you guys started the MF counter for A21 yet? Soon, maybe?

  3. 21 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    Either way, it's a frustrating situation for him. So I can understand his anger.


    I can understand it being frustrating for him. I can't understand why he would come here and attack the devs over it. Again, it's his problem.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Unless TFP desires to support the content creators who are spreading their update news to a wider audience. If that is something TFP values then it is a TFP problem to that extent.

    Well, yeah. I guess. But I meant it more in the sense of his channel supposedly laying in ruin due to TFP making their game, not his. That's not their concern and it shouldn't be. They have more than enough creators to spread A21 hype. 

  5. 1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

    This works for a normal player but for a content creator things are a bit more complicated. If he no longer delivers the content his community wants to see then they will simply leave and look for someone else. And it's questionable whether a different game can attract new viewers. His Valheim videos have nowhere near the views that the 7 Days videos have.



    That sounds like a him problem, not a TFP problem...

  6. Alrighty, decided to go ahead and release what I've got finished up so far since A21 seems a bit off still. So, here is 3.1!


    The Wasteland

    Updated to 3.1, for A20.6


    Built on:
    SCore v20.6.422.831
    NPCmod v20.6.02.0
    Full Auto Launcher v1.1.2
    Random Mainmenu Background v1.0.1

    Download at Git or Nexus



    !!!EAC MUST BE OFF!!!
    -Added: Reworked the starter quest. Now it locks you in place and blacks out your screen until you use up your SPIFSAL points. Once your SPIFSAL points have been used up, you are free to progress and will receive the normal 4 skill points.
    -Added: New vehicle system. No more vehicle crafting. Find them, salvage them, use the parts to fix another one. Each vehicle has a specific repair kit. All current vanilla and Wasteland vehicles can be found in the world. Most have several stages, from almost running to a basic wreck. The wrecks are more common, the rest are rare with even a tiny chance of a working vehicle spawning.
    -Added: Enabled fire spreading from SCore(should affect wood/grass/cloth/organic blocks only atm)
    -Added: Enabled crop management from SCore(crops can be trampled, need water nearby to plant/grow crops; there are metal pipes to carry water from a source or you can place water nearby; water blocks are consumed over time)
    -Added: Enabled VehicleNoTake from SCore. Vehicles can no longer be picked up
    -Added: Advanced Lockpicking from Xyth and sphereii(<3)
    -Added: Made the wrecked Ambulance a drivable vehicle
    -Added: New Atom Coupe vehicle (Thanks Ragsy for setting it up <3)
    -Added: Rad quests now have a green "Radiated" to show that those quests/POIs need rad protection(Thanks to Alter for the patch <3)
    -Added: Multiple radiated version of custom zeds(Fisherman, Drowned)
    -Added: Quadruple and Quintuple Storage Pocket mods, as well as two backpack mods to reduce encumbrance
    -Added: Plasma Caster energy weapon
    -Added: Several energy weapon bundles to quest tier rewards
    -Added: Survival and Luck boosting clothing items
    -Added: Mutant armor pieces looted from enemy mutants can be used to add armor to a hired AEM mutant
    -Changed: Reworked farming slightly. Got rid of the 50% bonus harvest chance from LotL. Now as you increase the perk level the chance of getting the seed back also increases. Seeds also cost less to craft at higher LotL levels
    -Changed: Reduced raw meat gatherd from animals, added a small variance to it
    -Changed: Reworked Radiated POIs so that they won't show for quests other than Clear Rad quests
    -Changed: Tweaked illnesses and critical injuries so that they no longer insta-cure. Things like concussions and pneumonia will cure in a random time after taking the necessary med item(These effects will kill you if untreated unless actively healing. Taking meds quick enough should cure it before it can kill you from full health). Heatstroke can be reduced by drinking certain beverages.
    -Changed: Added working stations back into the world(workbench, etc)
    -Changed: Made some tweaks to entitygroups(mostly adding the new rads into groups like specialinfected)
    -Changed: Made some perk name/desc changes to suit things better
    -Changed: Made Scrap Laser Pistol recipe unlocked, added Laser Shotgun to New Age Cowboy instead
    -Changed: Armor pocket mods limited to legs and chest
    -Changed: Tried to get energy weapons in line with normal weapon tiers in loot
    -Changed: Reworked my lever action rifle to use the vanilla holdtype, added a better scope for it
    -Changed: General loot balancing, still a WIP
    -Fixed: All Rad types(including vanilla ones) should now correctly have a chance to give you rad poisoning(or greatly increase its % if already sick)
    -Fixed: Game time was still visible on the Journal page
    -Fixed: Updated 10mm Pistol icon for the newer model
    -Fixed: Missing recipes for some armor mods
    -Fixed: Missing item loc, redid some to make more sense
    -Fixed: Nav Tek-incubator loot was wrong
    -Fixed: Rad hound and scorpion were missing radiated tag so Rad Remover mod didn't work on them
    -Fixed: Repair Kit recipe wasn't replacing vanilla properly


  7. On 2/19/2023 at 1:31 PM, Deathpie75 said:

    Is there a place I can find info on how to find stuff like the combat shotgun schematic or how rare it is and how many companions there are and how they work. Like the mutant one, can we give him weapons and can he perma die? I also just want to say again how great this mod is. I genuinely cannot play base game 7 days to die anymore. This mod and the insane amount of work is great. Also, I real quick want to go over some unrelated questions or ideas.


     is not being able to open up the airship normal. I can't look at the inventory or mod it at all. 


    Please give the vertibird or airship a horn, I really want it to be the entirety of the " we are the BOS" speech from FO4 Because it would be funny, and I love spamming horns at my friends. 


    A fast-moving alien ship unlocked by a unique drop that drops from dismantling them given through a recipe that is very rare could be pretty cool assuming the game can even handle it. 


    My final question is where the VA for the raiders come from? As my friends and I quote them constantly while playing. 


    Once again, Thank you for this mod. If you have a patreon or anything like that please let me know as I love what you make. I cannot express that enough. 

    There is no wiki or anything. Most loot is balanced against vanilla counterparts as much as possible. 


    The mutants can't change weapons as of now. Not sure if that will ever be possible. I am adding their armor parts to their loot that you can use on the hired ones to give them a bit more protection. And he can die. 


    The size of the airship is pushing the limits. Lol. Stand right up against it near the middle and you should be able to get into its storage. 


    I might add some horns for them at some point. 


    Fast moving vehicles aren't really a good idea. I had considered making the crashed UFO into a vehicle but haven't decided yet. 


    If you mean the hostile raider/soldier voices those are vanilla sounds they added back when they first worked on bandits.


    There is a donate ink kn the first post. Appreciated, but not required. 🙂


  8. 10 minutes ago, Deathpie75 said:

    Spoilers for the newest POi added. 


      Hide contents

    Found what I think is a bug. We got to the Mutant base where you make the FEV Virus and instead of giving us an orange and blue viral it gave us two blue ones so we couldn't make it. I'm not sure what caused it. Honestly probably the coolest POI I have ever seen. Hopefully in the future we can craft the mutant statues. As I really like them. 


    Yeah, I realized it watching Danny stream it earlier. I have it fixed on my end, but not sure when I'll push this update yet. Waiting on a few SCore fixes and then maybe I'll release it.


    Glad you enjoyed it though. I had a lot of fun making it. I'll consider maybe adding a way to get the tube blocks.

  9. 2 hours ago, Weazelsun said:

    So something I've noticed while playing on a dedicated server and p2p servers is that sometimes my hired npcs go AWOL. I mean it could just be my connection to the servers that cause this issue. Sometimes they come back other times they permanently are gone. 


    Here's my output log: 7 Days to Die - Output Log 2/172023 - Pastebin.com

    This is a known issue. Sphereii tried several things to help it, but for now it is what it is.

  10. 14 hours ago, Deathpie75 said:

    Just want to say that I love the mod. How do you get the airship? I see that it says I unlocked it at tier 5 of grease monkey, but I can't find it in my crafting interface. Also is there a way to decrease the tankyness of the ai and reduce their damage via the config? I looked but could not find anything. I grow tired of turning the corner only to be lasered by a raider with an auto shotty who absolutely demolishes my armor and takes 20-30 shotgun ammo and multiple deaths to be dealt with. 

    Lol. Looks like I forgot the recipes for the airship's parts. I made some up real quick if you wanna paste them into Wasteland's recipes.xml. You can easily paste them in at the bottom of the file below vehicleR75motoplaceable. Just make sure to paste it above the </append> bit. Feel free to adjust the counts if needed, I just threw it together real quick. The next update will be removing these parts anyways.

    <recipe name="vehicleAirshipcarriage" count="1" craft_area="workbench" craft_time="300" tags="learnable,workbenchCrafting">
    	<ingredient name="resourceElectricParts" count="20"/>
    	<ingredient name="resourceForgedSteel" count="200"/>
    	<ingredient name="resourceMechanicalParts" count="50"/>
    	<ingredient name="resourceDuctTape" count="25"/>
    	<ingredient name="resourceMetalPipe" count="25"/>
    <recipe name="vehicleAirshipballoon" count="1" craft_area="workbench" craft_time="300" tags="learnable,workbenchCrafting">
    	<ingredient name="resourceForgedSteel" count="250"/>
    	<ingredient name="resourceMechanicalParts" count="15"/>
    	<ingredient name="resourceLeather" count="100"/>
    	<ingredient name="resourceDuctTape" count="25"/>
    	<ingredient name="resourceScrapPolymers" count="100"/>


    As far as making the NPCs easier, there's no quick solution. You would have to comb through entityclasses.xml and find things like HealthMax and PhysicalDamageResist for raiders, soldiers, and mutant. If you are familiar with mass replacing in something like NP++ it isn't that bad. And just know regular shotgun ammo is about the worst thing against armored types. Slugs will likely work much better. It's not different than the soldier zombie, just that the NPCs are even tougher with a bit more health.

  11. These mods shouldn't have any effect on RWG. So not sure what your issue is. If the host can't store a simple log file then I'd find another host. Every one I've ever used I could get the logs files myself without issue.

  12. 3 hours ago, CaptainCalzone said:


    Hmm unfortunately that's all I'm given from the server portal. And the log is the full text from the latest log file located below. Am I looking in the wrong place for the log you're asking for? As for running the server without any mods, yes that did work. So it's not the server, I think.



    I think that's the right place. Though I have had them in the 7DaysToDie_Date folder as well. Maybe post a pic of the server's root folder?

  13. 2 hours ago, CaptainCalzone said:


    Awesome, thanks!



    Local: https://pastebin.com/uA5acvjY


    Server: https://pastebin.com/15Z2BrHS


    I noticed a lot of "does not exist" lines. Is there a third mod that I'm missing? Or should the mods be located somewhere other than my common/7DTD/Mods folder? It works just fine when I boot up a single player game, it's just an issue when I try to play the server version (which also only has these 2 mods (0-SCore and 0XNPCCore) ).

    That server log isn't very helpful. Would need to see the beginning of it. Both logs have a lot of missing prefabs stuff. Not sure what that's about. Maybe try running the server without any mods and see if it still has issues, and see if you can join it.

  14. 1 hour ago, CaptainCalzone said:

    Hey y'all, I went through the comments trying to find an answer that I haven't already tried but I've come up short. I downloaded the mods and they all run fine on my computer, but cause my server to crash. I have anti-cheat turned off and I've done a clean restart of the server (including wiping the world and starting over). I've also made sure I don't have any other mods installed on my computer or the server. Any ideas?


    EDIT: I removed all mods except for 0-SCore and 0XNPCCore from the server and from my local Mods folder. Still crashes as soon as I see my character's hands. If that helps clear anything up.

    Find your log file. Server and local would help. They are installed correctly on both, right? And EAC is off for both the server and client?

  15. 21 hours ago, Ganeshakw said:

    Can anyone suggest any youtube channel who has done or is doing a complete series on "The Wasteland" mod ?

    I searched on youtube but I couldn't find any.


    Thanks in advance.

    She has started one recently. It isn't an overly popular mod so I haven't seen too many people making a series with it as of yet.

  16. 36 minutes ago, Roland said:


    What mod has a working Behemoth? The Behemoth files were never completed and while its coding was still present but commented out there were some modders who added it to the game but even in those mods it could not be damaged. In the next update they removed it from the code and I've never seen it in any mod since. I wouldn't mind downloading a mod that somehow still has it just for kicks and to see if it actually does have all of its pathing issues fixed. I am skeptical that it actually exists since the model has not been in the code to be utilized by modders for years now. But I would be happy to be wrong.

    Khaine has a mod for it. It works, but it isn't perfect by any means. But I don't see why they couldn't have polished it up over time, though the model itself just seems odd to me, even in this game. I like the demo and its mechanics more.

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