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Posts posted by bdubyah

  1. I know the traders are getting a bit of a balance pass in A21, but I was wondering what the chances of quest rewards changing is? It seems odd that they don't really follow your gamestage, but just what tier the quest is. I kind of get it, but it can end up where your normal GS and your quest tier are really far apart.

  2. 4 hours ago, Riamus said:

    The final spawn showed as a yellow dot and I went to this floor.  Right about where that yellow dot was, the floor had been shot through with a shotgun, so I know I had been there and hadn't missed the room.

    I wonder if the sleeper block was placed on that missing floor block, and the game wouldn't allow it to spawn as it deemed it in the air?

  3. 3 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    I think at the moment modding is too complicated for the majority of players, even if tools like the modlauncher and tutorials try to remedy this.

    Sigh... Yeah, this is probably part of the issue. Copy/pasting a folder is definitely too much to ask of a lot of people. And that isn't sarcasm, just the simple truth. Lol.

  4. 6 hours ago, Laran Mithras said:

    Do the devs intend to make the game harder to mod when it finally goes "gold?" I mean, if the game is still just as moddable, then people endlessly griping should be able to play exactly the way they want.


    Can a mod or dev answer this simple question? Will the game still be moddable? 

    As Joe already answered, TFP has always been very supportive of modders. I don't see that changing as it just keeps their game alive even longer.

    To your point about complainers just modding the game to their liking, I've noticed a lot of people here seem to have about the same feeling running a mod as turning the creative menu on. Even if it's a simple xml mod to change the values of water, they'd rather cry to TFP to change it than install a small mod to do it for them. Some kind of...purist mentality or something. But there have been several that always just shrug off the suggestion of mods as if that taints their game or something. It's real odd to me. Why just use a mod and enjoy the game when you can waste your time crying to TFP about stuff that likely isn't going to go your way, amirite?

  5. 38 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

    in a21 the buckets are ONLY used to transport water to a spot that you designate such as you created a swim pool/spa/drinking hole or whatever.


    that bucket can not be put on a campfire or any fire to boil water. sorry  :)

    But if you did that and had a water purifier mod then would that mean you're set? That is under the assumption that drinking directly from a water block never depletes it, of course.

  6. 6 hours ago, GerPaladin said:

    First: Fantastic mod!!!


    I ran into some kind of bug. Im running the mod together with some other mods, the biggest being Darkness Falls (im attaching a screenshot of my mod folder). Everything worked fine until the AK started to do no dmg and it had no ammo counter in the bottom right corner any more. I cant reload the ak now and its not shooting anymore. So far only the ak has this bug and it didnt had the bug in the start. When i delete the mod now its working again. Using a fresh downloaded version of the mod doesnt help.

    Since it has worked at the start und its not fixed when i reinstall the mod im not entirely sure if the mod on its own is the problem here or if its a problem with files from the basegame or another mod.


    I'd be willing to bet it's DF changing some things that is the problem. DF is an overhaul, so adding other mods on top of it isn't really a good idea unless they are confirmed to work with it or have a patch to allow compatibility.

  7. 5 hours ago, YoSoyFreeman said:

    I think that finding a lv6 item is still a problem cause you wont need to craft more. Maybe LV6 items could be not repairable? This way you would need to choose when to use the best gear and still need to find replacements, which would be cooler in my opinion.

    This why I had hoped TFP would add item degradation back in. They are all-in on trying to make crafting more useful and important, and making items degrade seems like a no-brainer to assist that cause, but they don't seem to want to add it back. And that would allow for letting Q6 be craftable without it making crafting OP as the item would degrade anyway.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Vedui said:

    You used to be able to reach in through the gap, which was immensely useful for base building to wire your base up.

    True, but you could also argue that being able to do that was a bit silly. You can reach through that tiny slit with a repair tool and materials to fix a fence post? Or pull an M60 out of a loot bag into your inventory? Meh.


    17 minutes ago, Vedui said:

    I think TFP should keep the omniscient pathing in POI's (the zombies lived there, so it makes sense they'd know where to go), but use a different AI for blood moon hordes, make it cheap computationally, waves of zombies storming the base, and maybe we can have a horde defense game as opposed to small squads of zombie commandos.

    Now this I agree with completely. I also believe faatal has mentioned wanting to maybe do something like that, but I think it was mentioned as more of a "If I have time" type wishlist item. But simplifying the AI during BMs would both help with performance, while allowing for more zombies and make you defend your whole base as controlling their pathing would really be possible. If they spawn on the north side of your base, they should come straight towards you and break anything that stops them till they get to you. This would make BMs much more fun and intense.

  9. You maybe could just copy whichever door you wanna use in blocks.xml, and use the ModelOffset property to center it in its block space. It might be a bit wonky when trying to interact with the part of the door that would then extend outside its space when opened, but I'd think it wouldn't be too bad. Something like

    <property name="ModelOffset" value="0,0,-0.5"/>

    might be what you want. Not tested though, so the value needed will likely be different. But that should get you on your way.

  10. 18 minutes ago, daterxies said:

    So is the learn by reading system going to be what was in here awhile ago, find a book read it and its learned?  Seems like we just went in a complete circle if thats the case.

    It's similar, but definitely not the same. It isn't one and done with each book now, you have to keep finding more of them to improve craft quality of weapons, and to unlock the higher tier weapons from what I've seen.

  11. 2 hours ago, Chris Lenga said:

    Water physics should have been fixed years ago. In fact, all of this should have honestly. 

    They've had some turnover on the team, and it seems programmer-wise they are still a smallish group. Could it have been fixed sooner? Sure. But it's going to be fixed now, so maybe just appreciate that instead of making an account just to whine?


    I reeeaallly hope at some point they do some kind of documentary about the development of the game. I'd love to hear all the history/hurdles the game has been through.

  12. 22 minutes ago, Zombiepoptard said:

    Why change something that didn't need to be changed into some convoluted throw away idea. 

    Because it needed to be changed. TFP obviously felt the same.


    23 minutes ago, Zombiepoptard said:

    There is nothing substantial to be excited for alpha 21 and I even think this update will have a net negative.

    I mean, water physics finally not being a pile of poop is enough for me. And not sure how stuff being fixed, systems being tweaked, and some other new things(like tons of new assets) can be a negative. You guys are just doom and gloom or nothing.

  13. 19 minutes ago, mstdv inc said:

    We had 5 biomes and 5 traders.One per biome.One biome was taken away from us and we had 5 traders for 4 biomes.It would be strange to add more traders.🤨

    Pretty sure he meant new voice over lines for the current traders. Not entirely new traders. 

  14. 17 minutes ago, Anime Jesus said:

    Update: I found the thread on here and downloaded what it said to. There are definitely more files for each than there were for the others I had downloaded, but I'm still getting the same error. Aside from creating a mods folder in the 7D2D folder, is there any other bits of prep work I need to do?

    No, that's it. If you can post a pastebin link to your output log that would help narrow it down. Also make sure that you don't have any extra folder layers when installing the mods. Git and other places like to add a root folder that you don't need. Make sure if you go into your Mods folder and open any of the folders there you immediately see a modinfo.xml. If you just have another folder you need to fix that.

  15. You don't need DMT to use those mods in a20. 


    To run NPCmod you also need the latest version of SCore as well. If you find the NPCmod thread here it will have all the links needed. 


    They are just drag and drop into your Mods folder. If playing with friends make sure everyone downloads the mods as well. 

  16. Yeah, that is likely the issue. I tried fixing it last night but I was either missing something or I had other issues as just fixing the space didn't fix the NRE spam. But it was a bit of a dirty test with the other mods I had going. Lol. 


    Spaces in item names are usually a bad idea. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Needing a space is what the localization file is for. 

  17. It's because there is an error eith the UnlockedBy or something with those weapons. I grabbed the mod to see and when you click on several weapons you get NRE spam that breaks the UI. 


    Or at least that's what was happening for me. I didn't have a chance to test on a vanilla game with just this mod, so it could've been a conflict on my end. I'll try a vanilla test tonight if I have time. 

  18. 4 hours ago, Callum123456789 said:

    Also this is NOT a release date this is my own guess but in saying alpha 21 will likely drop into experimental around may/June and that's by taking into account for the dev time for alpha 18 19 and 20.

    Nah, I'd say March at the latest for stable. Maybe early/mid Feb for EXP. Though I don't see it happening, Rick did say in that interview that A22 would be a shorter cycle and hoped for it to release in spring '23. Again, I am not holding my breath on that happening, but A21 is already 13 months in so I'd think it will be here sooner rather than later, especially since there was some hope for it to release for the Steam winter sale.

  19. He could have copied a normal sound by mistake and didn't notice, or maybe it was intentional that he wanted silenced weapons to just be quiet but not basically silent. As BFT said, maybe ask him in his thread and see. Either it was intentional and he won't wanna change it, or it was an oversight(trust me, this is easy to do. lol) and he'll be glad for the corrections. :)

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