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Posts posted by Boidster

  1. The two biggest clues IMO:


    14 hours ago, 7 Days One Cup said:

    doesn't even load me in the game yet (except when I have it on low AND on DX10...


    Changing graphics settings affects how the game loads and at what point it crashes = clue that maybe something is up with drivers and/or GPU.


    14 hours ago, 7 Days One Cup said:

    When I launch the server other people can launch their games and play on the modded server which tells me there's nothing wrong with the server...


    Game runs fine in headless server mode. Another clue it's GPU/driver related. In spite of the absolute perfection of OP's computer.


  2. 19 hours ago, Biglittle said:

    pressing ESC and then ticking the boxes on the right which inc GOD MODE, Thats where my issues started as that GOD MODE seems to be differernt to the one if you press Q?


    That's probably my issue as well. I have always been using the ESC/DM controls pane to select God Mode (then using H to toggle flying on/off as needed). I didn't use Q very often and didn't pay attention when I did, apparently.


    Why are they different though? What purpose does God-Mode-but-not-really on the DM tools pane serve? (He asked into the void...)

  3. I noticed lately on my server that if I go into God mode I'm not auto-healing or losing status effects (broken bones etc.). I can fly, but also zombies can kill me. I didn't recall that being the case before, but I very rarely use God mode on the server so maybe it's always been this way. NBD, I just load up on medkits food and water. My ID has the max permission level in the server config (it's on a local machine, not hosted).

  4. You probably should read this thread and provide your client log (after trying to loot some things). If you can also get the server log and server configuration file, that might help. Put the log files into Pastebin (pastebin.com) as shown in the thread. Please don't just dump all the text into a forum post.


    With that info, I'm sure you can get some help.

  5. 14 hours ago, Michael Beitze said:

    Is there any way to use Compopack without using Nitro? That would be a great way to isolate the issue.


    Yes, Compopack has a modlet form, which you can download from the first post of the official thread. That is in fact what I did for the post you quoted.


    I have since noted, though, that I still get black marble and checkerboard marble blocks in POIs, trashpiles, etc. even in our Vanilla RWG + Compopack world. Restarting the client fixes it, and I rarely encounter it again in that play session.

  6. The error in general means that a DNS lookup failed. Barring a misconfiguration of your DNS, I'd say some sort of ad-blocker, anti-malware software, or DNS black hole (e.g. PiHole) is interfering. You might try following these instructions to enable DNS client logging and see what shows up. I would enable the logging only long enough to start your server, then shut it off again. You'll be able to see all the DNS lookups your Win 10 machine made, and possibly figure out which one is getting borked.


    Alternatively, someone here might know exactly which domain name is being used for getting the "country code" that 7D2D is looking for. Then you just gotta figure out why that domain lookup is failing.


    Also, you should read the HOW TO REPORT AN ISSUE thread at the top of the forum, and use Pastebin for large text files. It's free and does not require any logon or registration. These forums aren't great for holding huge text blocks.


    Your server config file would be helpful, as requested by @Liesel Weppen. Put it into Pastebin and copy the link here.

  7. 5 hours ago, meganoth said:

    What are the chances that he makes the effort to remove the bullet from the cartridge so he can give you just a bullet ?


    Well, I mean, we presume that he has a bullet-removal-and-delivery tool right there with him, no? Granted, the requested item may arrive more rapidly than desired...


    12 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

    Words don't have intrinsic meaning, they have uses.


    I swear if I hear the coroner say, over my dead body, "well the scars beg the question: was he in a fight?" I WILL ZOMBIE MY ASS OFF THE TABLE AND CHOKE HIM OUT. The phrases "different than" and "better then" will get at least a dead eye twitch which scares the f*** out of him.

  8. Update: I used vanilla RWG + Compopack 47 and this map does not show the same artifacts as the Nitrogen world, when played from a dedicated server (both maps worked fine in single-player mode). So I think the aging Nitrogen RWG engine might be the cause of my issues.


    Original comment:

    I'm having the same issue on an 8K Nitrogen map using Compopack 47 on a dedicated server. I'm still doing some tests to narrow down the issue, but my experience so far is:


    1) The 'pois' command is not accepted by the console; something like "distant pois are not enabled" - maybe it's a ded server thing I dunno

    2) The Recalc Stability option had no effect

    3) Quitting and restarting 7D2D had very little effect. The initial chunks around me looked okay upon reentering, but as soon as I started traveling around, phantom blocks would start popping up.

    4) RAM usage is at 70% with both ded server and client running on same (32GB) machine. Ded server is using 900M (! - this seems like a huge improvement) and client is using 15GB (! - this seems higher than I remember from 19.2 and before, but I could be misremembering)


    Edit to add: this same map does not exhibit the problems in single-player mode. Only when run through the dedicated server. So I'm going to go poke around my serverconfig and logs.


    Things I see:


    Trash piles with blocks in them:



    Underwater plants with 'faces' on their blocks when viewed from the surface, but not visible when actually underwater:



    Whole areas of POIs stuffed full of ghost marble blocks:



    Since Nitro + Compopack is involved, this probably really isn't a general support issue, but I thought I'd share in this thread since it has some recent activity.

  9. On 1/4/2021 at 3:34 AM, 4sheetzngeegles said:



    I have a question regarding loot distribution and randomization. Actually it has to do with randomization in all aspects of the game.


    <comprehensive description of loot rubber-banding snipped>


    This has been brought up before and one problem is, what counts as "player hoard"? Every container in every location in the entire world? So you have 20 Meat Stew and 10 First Aid Kits at your base 7,500m away, but you ran into a spot of trouble and are now bleeding, infected, and hungry. Sorry, pal, you've got all that stuff on the other side of the map!


    Or remember that one Shamway you were looting and there was too much stuff, so you left a bunch of canned goods in a random container somewhere in the store, intending to "come back later"? Well, that's now part of your hoard and the game will restrict your loot because of it.


    Okay so maybe we just use the current player inventory. Well then everybody will dump their inventory into a chest before looting a POI, in an attempt to game the rubber-banded* RNG to produce better loot.


    I think completely random loot - modified by gamestage, type of POI, biome, type of container, and difficulty setting - is the only method that is workable in practice. And gamestage is a proxy for "what does my hoard look like". It's an imperfect proxy, but it works well enough.


    (*Dunno how common this phrasing is and I don't mean to confuse. 'Rubber banding' comes from racing games where, if you're losing, magically the cars ahead of you slow down or crash into each other. Or if you're winning suddenly they have double-turbo and impeccable cornering skills.)

  10. On 9/30/2020 at 11:00 AM, arramus said:

    That is a truly superb decrease in processing demand. 3 months ago on a 12K map I was crashing on load out with 12gb+ RAM demand and I had to increase paging followed by get a couple more sticks of RAM. The extra RAM peaked at 14.5gb on load out until it settled down. This will open things up to a lot more low-medium end players. A fine accomplishment.

    I'm just picking a random kudo to add my voice to. I came to this thread to ask about the 20GB (!) memory use of my 8x8 map and I'm super happy to see that the latest optimizations are bringing that under control. Great work! I'm off to regenerate a new world for my server...

  11. 3 hours ago, errornull said:

    or does everyone just jump into the map and run in circles until a wandering horde shows up?

    For what it's worth in my experience the wandering hordes spawn in only at certain times each day. Specifically, the time at which you are at maximum survival stress and the very last thing you need right now is a wandering horde to appear. 🙂 So waiting around for one might not work - better to go ride a bike in the wasteland until vultures peck you down to 20 health + broken leg + infection and you're out of medkits and low on ammo. BOOM, wandering horde will show up.


    But seriously, the (now unused?) spawning.xml had a "day" and "night" wandering horde spawner. With the wandering horde spawners now in gamestages.xml I really don't know how the game decides when to spawn a wandering horde. I thought it was still at certain times? I'm sure somebody knows. I should find that person and ask...

  12. 2 hours ago, Promethean Winchester said:

    Hey guys, fireman's almanac Vol 3 increases attack speed with axes by 5%. My question is, what constitutes an axe? Are Pickaxes included in this? What about Stone Axes? Steel and Iron Fireaxes?

    All axes, including stone. Not the picks/pickaxes though. Perk is tied to the tag "axe" which appears on these items:


    <item name="meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe">
        <property name="Tags" value="axe,melee,light,tool,longShaft,attStrength,perkMiner69r,perkMotherLode,perkTheHuntsman,canHaveCosmetic"/>


    <item name="meleeToolRepairT0TazasStoneAxe">
        <property name="Extends" value="meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe"/>


    <item name="meleeToolAxeT1IronFireaxe">
        <property name="Tags" value="axe,melee,grunting,medium,tool,longShaft,attStrength,perkMiner69r,perkMotherLode,canHaveCosmetic"/>


    <item name="meleeToolAxeT2SteelAxe">
        <property name="Extends" value="meleeToolAxeT1IronFireaxe"/>



    From progression.xml:

    <perk name="perkFiremansAlmanacSpeed" parent="skillFiremansAlmanac" max_level="1" base_skill_point_cost="0" desc_key="perkFiremansAlmanacSpeedDesc" long_desc_key="perkFiremansAlmanacSpeedLongDesc">
            <passive_effect name="AttacksPerMinute" operation="perc_add" level="1" value="0.05" tags="axe"/>


  13. 4 minutes ago, Vampirenostra said:

    ...Wait for Nvidia 3000x series to appear and get one of those! ...SATA for primary storage? Why?  PCI-E can be quite faster. Samsung 970 EVO would be a good choice. ...For monitor I strongly suggest ... the best possible ... just pick the best suiting for you in range from 27 to 34 inch

    Hmm...you may have missed this:


    On 9/9/2020 at 2:36 PM, BioFringe said:

    total budget is $1500

    The 3070 will eat 1/3 of that budget and the 3090...well, he could sit the pretty card on his desk and dream of the day he gets to attach it to something. 🙂 For someone on a budget it might be smarter to wait for the 3xxx to come out and then buy a 2xxx when prices drop. He would lose bragging rights, of course.

  14. OMG STAAAAAHP TALKING ABOUT THIS! You people are like a pop-up bar opening up outside of an AA meeting. I've been clean for over a year! Last night I was watching baseball (go Giants!) and I looked down in my lap and somehow my iPad was browsing for new gaming laptops. HOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN?!?


    Well, it's you people with your CPU talk and your GPU clock speeds and DRAMs and SSDs and...hey how did this credit card get into my hand?

    1 hour ago, canadianbluebeer said:

    I do tend to go overboard though. Finding a mobo than can take more than 64gb won't be easy.

    This spring I was thinking, "hmm...might want a WiFi extender in the basement." Ended up wiring the house up with PoE and a Unifi mesh. Server rack in the basment, RPi controller/pi-hole, Blue Iris IP cam system, the works. I literally went from "don't really know much about those products" in February to "crawling through the attic running Cat-6" in March. Overboard, indeed. But de network, she is sweeeeet.


    Bummer about my potato-ish PC and very potato laptop. BAD CREDIT CARD! BACK IN THE WALLET!

  15. I'm guessing old world in new version. Those errors appear to relate to AI path penalties. So jumping over that block there has penalty 4, walking around it for 3 blocks has penalty 1+1+1 = 3 so walk around it is.


    An AI in his map encountered a penalty of 4.2 billion for a particular path. Perhaps he modded a Minecraft Nether portal into his game? Or his base is surrounded by 1,000-block-thick walls?


    Also running a mod I think. It spawns in "zombieFatCopPodrido" which would be "zombieFatCopRotten", but this class name isn't in the vanilla entityclasses.xml and classnames aren't translated by localization.txt anyhow. None of the translations for the Fat Cop variants include the word Podrido in them. So I'm thinking a Spanish-language mod which adds some zombies?

  16. 1 hour ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    Exploits should be found, reported and never used again.

    100% agree. Except I define 'exploit' as 'using knowledge or skills that the character does not or could not actually have within the rules of the sandbox universe'. So the terrain-clipping X-ray thing is absolutely an exploit. Dupe glitches are exploits. The old bug where you could 'sprint' on a bicycle at 0 stamina was an exploit. I could have a reasonable argument with Roland that nerdpoling is an exploit (tho I do love me a good nerdpole).


    Placing a ladder up the side of a building (as an example) to check out what's in a top-floor room is not an exploit. The universe gives us the ability to make ladders which stick to blocks and which we can climb. It gives us axes and picks which can bust through wood/concrete. If that is how a player chooses to use those capabilities, great! Why would we care? No need to report, no need to fix. Especially since 'fixing' would mean moving away from a fully-destructible, fully-buildable voxel world. You can't create such a world and then tell players, 'don't use the tools we've given you in this way because it's The Wrong Way To Play'. Just let people confront, or avoid, challenges as they see fit - this is not a linear game where everybody eventually must do The Correct Things In The Correct Order to win. "The flow of the game" is entirely up to the player, though TFP have given us plenty of hooks and incentives to try out some of the stuff they've built.

  17. If you consider trying to sprint from home base back to horde base with naught but 8x 9mm, 15x 7.62, and a single arrow 'fun'. If you consider trying to bash your way through the temporary wood-bar railing with your fists because your tools are in your dropped backpack and your friend can't really stop shooting the radiated taking over the base 'fun'. If you consider a mad dash with a wire tool to direct-connect at least half of the dart traps and the fences to the generator so at least you'd have some type of active defense, even though the dart traps would just fire at all times because your idiot friend killed the motion sensor 'fun'. If you consider emptying one set of dart traps just to scrounge enough darts to try to make the other set partially effective 'fun'. If you consider dying for the 3rd and final time when the 3rd demolisher blows up right in the party's face 'fun'.


    Okay, yeah, it was fun.

  18. 11 minutes ago, Bubbahotetp said:

    If not, prove me otherwise!

    Prove what exactly? Plenty of people use non-tower-with-railing bases. People have success with underground bunkers. People make AFK horde bases, people play run-and-gun, people do slapdash POI retrofits for BMH and then move on. People play without traders, with extra zombies, with no zombies, 100% wasteland or desert. Modlets, overhauls, community POI packs. If you have exhausted all of those options and none of them are any fun any more, isn't it time to move on? The game gave you 4500 (!) hours of something approximating fun. Lots of us are still on that journey, exploring different ways to keep having fun. Maybe your journey is over. Don't need to be mad, just divert your energy elsewhere.

  19. 1 hour ago, Nahab said:

    447.841 WRN Could not load prefab 'settlement_trader_04'. Skipping it
    447.841 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab '' does not exist!

    For what it is worth, "settlement_trader_04" is an A18 prefab which does not exist in A19. You are trying to load up an A18 world somehow.

  20. 3 hours ago, FileMachete said:

    That's an interesting idea @Grolbu , I haven't used the motion sensors much. Wonder if their 'view' can be restricted by a tunnel of blocks? If so then maybe I could rig something where only a couple dart traps would fire, instead of all 14 in the corridor.. hmm...

    Not in 18.4, no. Our motion sensor's visibility extended through concrete blocks down to the outside of our base. So zombies ambling along the ground near the base wall would trigger the dart traps to fire even though the zombies were 6 blocks below, still needing to climb the stairs.


    Extra bizarre is that a couple of months ago I specifically tested motion sensors and found that if a zombie's head was not visible, the motion sensor would not trigger even if the shuffling feet were clearly visible. I cannot reconcile my results from that testing with our experience last night.


    Also regarding using motion sensors, be sure to put it somewhere safe from friendly fire. The last calm thing either of us said during blood moon last night was "uhhh, I think I shot the motion sensor". All traps disabled, much screaming and dying ensued. Demolishers blew out 30% of the base. It was ugly.

  21. Every way to play the game is the right way. If I were playing solo (and maybe we might even try this in our co-op game) I could see turning of BMH and still having quite a bit of fun. But I would absolutely mod zombie spawns to at least 4x and every 12 hours. Exchange a once-a-week (-ish) onslaught for a continuous PITA with zombies all over the place.

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