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Posts posted by Alloc

  1. That's planned as the HTTP classes that I provided by .NET don't allow me to have both authorized and public access on a single port (at least not the way I want it ;) ). But for now there's not so much in it and even the player display is mostly for evaluating different things ;)

  2. Ist there any way to extend the give/li commands to include more items? I noticed that f.ex. concrete was missing.

    Sure there is but I did not find out yet how to spawn blocks (currently it's items only, that's why e.g. no keystones or concrete).


    And just out of curiosity, any idea when u plan on releasing the new release (with the newest server fixes)? :D

    Probably later tonight ;)



    Is there a way to list admins / mods?

    Not yet.


    With a console/telnet command? Where are they stored?

    admins.xml, but only on shutdown (and only read on startup).

  3. for a second you almost had me willing to switch, but unless it was displaying where those players are on the map in realtime its not really needed.

    Well, it's in the first stages of development ;)

    Of course interaction with the map will come too, like displaying stuff and maybe also controlling some from the map.


    it only reads the files ..what could possibly go wrong :D ..?

    For most time it should not do any harm. But there's a slight chance that the game wants to read one of the files while it's opened by Cumu's tool and that could make the game crash. And what a crashing game would cause can never be completely foreseen ;)

  4. I added a small page about how to use the map (and only the map) with an external web server like apache.


    Heh, nice :)


    how does the webmap compare to the other mapping tool?

    Well, Cumu's tool is for offline rendering (e.g. could be run like once a day, requires the game to be shut down to be sure to not kill anything) but is *really* fast at rendering the whole world.

    The mod aims at rendering live as players walk around so basically you get a map that is never older than 1 second. In return the full map render command is slow as hell but you should never need to run that if you have the live rendering starting from when you start a new save game.


    Got it now Alloc, seems like the Deobfuscator release pre0.2.0 didnt give out that type yet.

    I downloaded the source and then re-ran the deobfuscation, the type was recognized after that^^.

    Oh, yeah, think I forgot to add a release package when updating the ManualDeob-lib, sorry ;)

  5. Thanks for the update, yes that fixed that problem. The same error occurs in the function GetWorldExtent (minChunk, maxChunk, minPos, maxPos) and getBlockNumber(block, blockOffset). After fixing those too that error disapperead, maybe you could commit the same :D.

    You really should switch to a proper compiler ;)


    Regarding DamageSource, its an actual error so it wont compile. I ran the deobfuscator on the original Assembly-CSharp.dll which seemed successful :D and then added it to the project.

    Hm, then it should be there. I can compile it too ;)


    On another topic: Is anyone else experiencing server crashes directly while/after /saveworld ?

    There is no other log output indicating an error, just ends on something like "2014.08.31 16:44:19: Saving playerData for entity id: 304598".

    It couldnt be caused by me calling saveworld every 10 minutes or so automatically could it?

    Have never had this happen. The "savin playerdata" is when a connected player's inventory is stored for showinventory (so every 30 sec per player or on player disconnect).



    hmm "whitelist add <playerID> <permission level> "


    now I thought playerID would be the steam64id ... but it seems not?.. seems a bit silly if so...

    Well, yeah, this command accepts only either player name or entity id (this won't change on a single server running one save game but will change on a new save or server).

    There will be a more flexible way of managing players added by this mod later on.

  6. For example line 89 in MapRendering (rev 136, happened with the newest one too though, just not sure about the line there).

    You declare "curFullMapPos" and then access its x attribute two lines down.

    Another example would be line 184 in the getBlockNumber function, setting of block.x.

    Hm, just read the .NET doc on structs ... you don't have to explicitly initialize it with new or anything but it looks like it's preferred to do so (x and y are written first in all cases so it does not matter for execution but it seems your compiler does not like it anyway). Added default initializers. Please tell me if that fixed your errors.


    Also, the DamageSource Type seems to be missing?

    Does it not compile or is it just highlighting or something around these lines missing in the editor? E.g. MonoDevelop sometimes chokes on the types but the compiler still compiles fine as it actually is there ;)

    (Assuming you ran the deobfuscator on the input AC#.dll, but without almost nothing would work ;) )

  7. I've got a little problem there:

    I've installed the server fix onto my server but after that the server wont load at all. It starts the server but notthing more, can't connect to telnet and the webinterface is also not accesible.


    Also I'm quite new to 7dtd dedicated servers and can't find any log-files in any of my folders.

    On a plain installation without specifying where the log should go it should be in <gamefolder>/7DaysToDie_Data/output_log.txt .

    Did you make sure to install the dedicated server build?


    I think I figured out the problem, Server Manager added duplicate Bans to my Adminconfig so it was throwing errors because of this.

    Ugh, sometimes the error handling is really bad in 7dtd ;)

  8. WTF? ^^

    Have seen a lot of errors before it's the first time I ever saw an endless loop of NREs in GM.Update ...


    Sorry, only idea right now would be that you don't run have the dedicated server build but as you said you were running it before so that can't be the reason :(

    Hopefully I will come up with an idea tomorrow (it's 4am here so I gotta go to bed now ;) ).



  9. Getting massive spam on my Telnet and server will not connect.


    What do you mean by "server will not connect"? You can not connect to the server with the game client? You can not connect with Telnet? The server does not connect to Steam for server listing?

  10. tbh i didn't check the logs.. cus everything is working fine.. its just odd I get it now. I get it in terminal console after doing 7dtd.sh start <instance>

    Hm, ok, if you don't even have any problems other than that we might as well just ignore this for now ;)



    I tried compiling the source for the server fixes, but ran into the following errors: "Use of unassigned out parameter". It seems like the Vector2i structs are being used before getting a value assigned.

    Could you give me the exact error output (i.e. including file/line number).

    I do not get that error so I don't know where and why that should happen.



    I think it could be quite handy, because my instance seems to be taking too long to shutdown correctly :D.

    Will be an option in the future. For now you could just edit the stop-script and put any value you like (though remember that when updating the changes will be overwritten).



    so i been adding custom commands using just .<command> entered in the chat.. works fine.. but anyway to get a players entered command from the console instead?

    Nope, currently not. It would require either to get the unknown commands to be printed ("harder" to intercept though) or one actual command that does just print the given parameters to the log so you could read them. Don't really think that's the best thing to do though.



    also remoteCommand doesn't seem to work, ie can't seem to get anything out of it.. I got chat, playerConnect, telnetCommand hooks working fine though so not sure why.

    Did you check if the commands show up in the current_commandExecution.log? If they do I suppose it's something wrong with your hooks. If they do not it might be either the server or the scripts, but at least with a quick test over here it worked fine ;)

  11. Thanks. I copied the files to the 7-Days folder and restarted the instance. But there is nothing listening on port control + 2. And neither status or settings show anything about a webserver port.

    Do you have control panel enabled? Do what does the log contain?


    yeh thats a nice tool I started using that.. the server fixes rendering the map live.. thats in the <instance>/Random Gen/<server>/map/

    folder? but is there anything to display all the tiles like the other mapping tool?

    Yup, that's what jimmyh and I are currently talking about too ;) (And a lot of refs before)

    I'll write a short documentation later on, don't want to repeat this over and over again ;)


    also I started getting this after starting an instance...

    shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory


    Hm, where do you get it? Console? Does the stuff work besides the error? I.e. server running, logs get filled, especially the logs/current_*.log?

  12. yup got it working now, well thats cool.. shame the query protocol is still broke as hell.. doesn't display playernames or id's but does display how long those unknown players have been online on the server.

    Could be for security reasons. Not sure if Valve would like it if a game just publicly announced the steamids as you could watch who's playing.


    btw alloc is there anyone who has come up with a way of converting the explored randomgen maps into image tile format so it can be used on a website to show where all players are on the map?

    Not sure what you're talking about exactly. There's the tool to render the map offline written by cumu: http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?14947-Export-discovered-map-to-png

    And the server fixes also render the map live while people visit the world.

  13. Where is the files for the webserver and how do I access the webpage where I can see the map? I can't find any information about ports, url etc.

    Wasn't yet meant to be a fully official feature of the mod so I didn't document it yet on the wiki ;)

    You can get the files on SVN one by one here: SVN

    Or download the folder as a tar.gz archive here: Download archive

    Just make sure that you end up with ...\<7dtd-folder>\webserver\index.html etc.

    Also you have to have the control panel enabled. You should then be able to access the map on http://<yourIpOrDomain>:<port of control panel + 2>/



    yeh but how to get the information that a telnet lpe command returns?

    You have to send the command to the Telnet port and wait for its output and then parse that output.

  14. There seems to be a interesting bug? with logs and filenames when the day changes.


    It's now 2014-08-30 00:40 and it still shows me

    current_chat.log -> /home/sdtd/instances/one/logs/2014-08-29_11-26-40_chat.log

    meaning chat logs are going nowhere readable and there is no file 2014-08-30...


    Well, the time in the logfile-name is the time you started the instance. So this won't change unless you restart the instance. The content should be just fine anyway.

  15. When I get back from work I'll try there is a lot of files as its our server backup up but I will try to contact you later maybe on Skype? To find the best way

    Yup, Skype would be fine.


    Have you already done this or going to soon? Just wondering because its a pain to see player inventory with all that spam.

    Done now. Sorry for the inconvenience :)

  16. "you could just remove the password."


    You can understand why not many would assume that right, because that does not make any logical sense, remove password means remote connections are blocked, who would have thought :D

    Well, if you use the instance editor it tells you about this ;)



    does the server need to be restarted for new hooks to be used, and if the file is changed on the fly its updated without restart?

    No need to restart, hooks are read when an event is occuring.


    also basedir as in /home/sdtd/hooks/playerConnect/ping.sh ? or can the basedir be from the instance? /home/sdtd/instances/<Name>/

    The former one. You get the instance name passed as parameter so if you want to have different actions you can check based on this param.

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