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Posts posted by Alloc

  1. I ended up installing the game manually to /home/sdtd/engine instead of using your scripts because of this reason, could that be a problem?

    Erm, yeah, this would explain it ... you probably didn't use the dedicated server build then but the normal client build. That won't work ;)

    But downloading the dedi build somewhere else and then upload it to engine will work.


    Yeah I already noticed that, and switched those.

    Still if I use a blank save (meaning none) it always creates a wasteland world.


    Can't connect to my saved game, always tells me that I'm not logged in. :/

    Still sounds weird ... logs?

  2. I attempt to update the scripts but they are already up to date. Am I just at a loss? lol

    That's really weird ... The only things I can think of right now is doing forced updates on both engine and scripts:

    7dtd.sh updatescripts --force
    7dtd.sh updateengine --force

    But I don't think that will help. Will try to come up with better ideas though ;)



    I might be missing a configuration (http://pastebin.com/4KetRnxV).

    But its set to Random Gen which should include all bioms ain't it?

    Uhm, how did you create that config? "Random Gen" is the GameWorld, GameName can be anything. You put it just the other way round ;)

  3. Here is the log for the server: http://pastebin.com/WBhVLapa


    Ugh, this looks weird ... looks like it can't find the classes of the server fixes. Could you run "7dtd.sh updatescripts" and check if that helps?




    But I already got a message while installing which was saying that the engine is newer than the management script.

    I think that's ok, the bootstrapper just isn't aware of that new part ... Gotta rework that one anyway ;)


    Now my questions is, is there anything I can do on my end, or do I just have to wait for a new script.

    Just to make sure everything is up to date please run both "7dtd.sh updatescripts" and "7dtd.sh updateengine".


    Also paste the log (by default this should be in /home/sdtd/instance/mainworld/log/current_output.log) to pastebin.com and post the link here. You might want to blank the passwords in the log where the server prints all the GamePrefs (just search the log for "password").

  4. 1.) Admin gets disconnected a lot after executing the si command in game a few times, Maybe its just me no idea.

    By "admin" you mean a game client that has admin permissions?

    Wouldn't know of any reason one should get disconnected for using commands. Also I have used SI quite a lot without getting disconnected (in 8.8 though the code does not seem to have changed in that aspect).


    2.) Server telnet is spamming "Telnet executed "lpe" from: MY IP/PORT" and also "Telnet executed "gt" from: MY IP/PORT".

    EDIT: Shut down FrontRunnerTek Server Manager, and spamming stopped.

    Yup, FRTs manager uses LPE and GT (afair in a 5 second interval). And I'm printing executed commands for logging purposes. Can't see a good way around this for now :(


    Now are the commands only for Telnet or in game as well?

    Console commands are always the same for every type of connection, i.e. Control panel, Telnet and in-game.


    if there was someway of getting access to more items to drop that would be good

    Yep, that's what I meant ... might be feasible to add a more generic command to drop any item. Didn't look into this subject though and don't know when I'll find the time to do so. It's on my todo list though.

  5. Just download the two DLLs, strip the ".patched" part from the Assembly-CSharp.patched.dll and put both in the 7dtd/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed folder (overwriting the AC#.dll with the new one).


    @Koolio: By drop in front of the player I meant one might be able to achieve that by code. That should at least be easier as adding something directly to a players inventory.

  6. Might be an idea for the future, right now it's not there ;)

    Also I'm not sure if that's currently easily possible at all as the inventory is managed by the client and not the server. Would probably have to read the inventory from client, modify it and send it back, if the client code allows that at all.


    Could be easier to drop the given item in front of the player though.

  7. I've been battling for the passed few days to get my servers running. Everything is up to date, instance is created, but when i go to connect to the server, It tells me to enter the password and then just hangs at "Connection to server ......"

    Log from client and server?



    Any possibility to get PHP support for Hooks?

    Well, even though the files currently require to have .sh extension you can use them for PHP by just placing the php-shebang in the first line as you said. PHP doesn't care for the extension. Having a fixed extension was to make sure that no backups are executed (e.g. joe creates <origName>~ backups). (See http://php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.usage.php, Example #1)


    As you said you could not easily use the telnetCommand function (or any other provided by the scripts) but well, as long as I don't write everything in PHP (which obviously won't happen as that language isn't made for the given tasks ;) ) there's no way around that if you want to use the functions. But you should be able to relatively easily set up a connection to the Telnet port with the PHP sockets stuff.

  8. Argh, of course it does not happen now ... even after starting about 10 times :(

    Could you check if any of the system logs (syslog, messages, ...) contains any notice about that crash?




    Ok, next try after posting this it did crash ;)

    Nothing relevant in the sys logs though, so it really is just the information in that output. And that is quite scarce :(

  9. Ok, in the latest release the "removelandprotection" command also removes the actual claim blocks. This also means you instnatly get the effect of the removed block on all clients without relogging. And you can also remove all blocks of a given player (should make things easer when cleaning up after a hacker ;) )


    BIG THANKS to HAL, who pointed me to the code for actually changing blocks :encouragement:

  10. Did you relogin after using RLP? That's one of the limitations so far ... the updated LP block list is only sent to clients when they connect, so you have to log out and back in after using RLP to get the change work for yourself.


    I hope to have that fixed by tomorrow ;)

  11. @LordofWar:

    You really got the stacktrace and the other log output in the same single output_log.txt? That's weird.

    And the output ends after "0.040 Game mode: GameModeSurvivalMP"? You did not cut it off there?


    I had the stacktrace sometimes when running on my local test machine (never on my real server). But when it happened it did not output any other stuff at all as it crashed instantly.

    Also trying to start a second or at most a third time always solved this, you might do so to as a first try.



    How to update my server? My game says server version 8.8. Do I have to run the bootstrapper again after an "updateengine"? What engine is updated with this command?

    Yesterday I ran the updateengine command and something was updating, but still the 8.8 message.


    OS: Debian 7

    This is what "updateengine" will have shown you when you ran it:

    WARNING!!! The currently installed version of the scripts do not support the newer dedicated server build!

    If you continue you might not be able to start the server.

    Please wait for an updated release of the scripts or continue at your own risk.

    And at the end of the update:

    Also update the scripts as soon as there is a new release for this dedicated server build.


    So you probably did not update the scripts afterwards (updatescripts) ;)

  12. somehow this adds everybody to use dm

    Well, that was true in the previous release. That's why I posted this:

    Just uploaded a new release. Everyone PLEASE UPDATE ASAP as in the previous versions I made a mistake when checking what commands a player is allowed to execute.


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